Critical Journal Review: Name: Asido Ompusunggu NPM: 17120191

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Name : Asido Ompusunggu

NPM : 17120191


I. Introduction

1. Tittle : Five Characteristics of a Good Language Test

2. Author : Mr. Hussein Ahmed Abdo Rajhy
3.Year/Page : Oct-Dec 2014 P. 61-66
4. Publication : National Journal of Extensive Education and. Interdisciplinary Research
5. Page :9

II. The Summary or Main Point from the Journal

A good test should have a positive effect on learning, and teaching should result in
improved learning habits. The major five features of a good test namely: Reliability, Validity,
Practicality, Discrimination and Authenticity. Reliability mean that they should be consistent
(remain stable, should not produce different results when it is used in different days). There are
three aspects of reliability, namely: equivalence, stability and internal consistency
(homogeneity). Validity refers to "the extent to which the test measures what it says it measures.
Types of validity include face validity, content validity, Criterion- referenced validity and
construct validity. Practicality is the relationship between the resources that will be required in
design, development, and use of the test and the resources that will be available for these
activities. Based on this definition, practicality can be measured by the availability of the resources
required to develop and conduct the test. Discrimination mean that capacity to discriminate among
the performance of different students or the same student in different points in time. The extent of the
need to discriminate will vary according to the purpose of the test. And the last Authenticity defines
as the appropriateness of a language user’s response to language as communication. The test items
should be related to the target language's use.


 The author that explain the characteristics of a good language test should can be helping
teacher , educators , and researcher.
 The important knowledge from this journal is as teacher we must have some
characteristic to make a good test that is reliability, Validility, Practicality,
Discrimination and Authenticity.
 The benefits and usefull things from jurnal the reader who want to be a teacher can be
understand to make good language test
 This journal only tell the characteristics of a good language test but nothing give example.
 This journal just explain a little definition so the reader cann’t a large knowledge about the


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