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Control of Documented Revision Level : Ø
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The purpose of this procedure is to establish and maintain an effective and systematic control of all
internal and external documented information that concerns and affects the implementation of Quality
Management System of the GENERAL SANTOS CITY WATER DISTRICT to demonstrate compliance with
documented QMS and ISO 9001:2015 requirements.

This procedure is applicable to all Quality Management System documents, data and records generated
in the process of implementation of ISO 9001:2015 requirements of GENERAL SANTOS CITY WATER


3.1 Documented Information – are documents related to the implementation of quality procedures.
3.2 Systems Documents – refers to systems documents which are related to the implementation of
quality procedures and records which are special kind of document stating results achieved or
providing evidence of activities performed.
3.3 Controlled Documents – these are documents distributed and automatically updated with
amendments and reissues. Any unauthorized reproduction is not permitted. There are two
types of controlled documents.
3.3.1 Internal Documents – these are documents generated internally (within the organization)
such as the QMS manuals, quality procedures, work instructions, and other documents
that affect the Quality Management System as required by ISO 9001:2015 standards.
3.3.2 External Documents – these are documents from outside the confines of the organization
such as but not limited to legal laws, letters or communications from external interested
parties, National/International Standards, and other documents that are required by ISO
9001:2015 Standards.
3.4 Uncontrolled Documents – these are documents distributed for information only and will not be
kept updated.
3.5 Obsolete Documents – these are old revision documents.
3.6 Complete Revision - document that has majority of its pages affected by the revision. This
document is required to be completely re-checked and re-issued.
3.7 Partial Revision – document that only certain page/s is/are affected by the revision (less than 50%
of total pages). In this case, affected pages must be properly identified in the revision history
index. This document is required to be completely re-checked and re-issued.
3.8 Record – special kind of document stating results achieved or providing evidence of activities
3.9 Objective Evidence – data that supports the existence of the verity of something.
3.10 Indexing and Filing – proper arranging and listing of the evidence of quality records.
3.11 Maintenance – proper safekeeping of quality records by all relevant departments for reference.
3.12 Preservation – proper safekeeping and protection of quality records by the DCC from
environmental hazards, damage and loss after their maintenance period.
3.13 Disposal – proper method of removing all evidence of quality records after their preservation
3.14 Internal Records – records prepared and maintained by the organization.

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Document No. : GSCWD-QP-DCC-001
Control of Documented Revision Level : Ø
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3.15 External Records – records received from external parties such as customers and suppliers, and
are being maintained by the organization.
3.16 DCC – it is the acronym of Document Control Custodian.
3.17 Organization – shall refer to the GENERAL SANTOS CITY WATER DISTRICT.


4.1 ISO 9001:2015 Standard
4.2 Internal Audit Procedure


5.1 The specific responsibilities are described in Tables 1, 2 & 3 for preparation/revision, review,
authorization, registration, distribution, and disposal of documents.

5.2 All Division / Section Heads shall be responsible for:

5.2.1 Identifying new procedures or procedures for amendments.
5.2.2 Reviewing the amendments of procedures prior approval.
5.2.3 Request the registration of the approved documents originating from his department.
5.2.4 Ensure proper storage and protection of the Controlled Copies of documents under their
5.2.5 Maintain and update Master List of Records of their respective department and shall
furnish an updated copy to the DCC.
5.2.6 Identifying the maintenance and preservation period of their records.
5.2.7 Preventing any unauthorized reproduction and use of records.
5.3 The General Manager shall make the final approval of QMS procedures and Quality Manual.
5.4 The ISO Facilitator shall be responsible for verifying the adequacy of documents if it complies
with the ISO 9001:2015 requirements.
5.5 The DCC shall be responsible for the
5.5.1 Administration, control and classification of use of all documents registered.
5.5.2 Audit of all the documents currently used by the organization on a regular basis or at
least twice a year.
5.5.3 Disposal of all obsolete documents.


6.1 Establishing New Document
Process Flow In-charge Process Description Records


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Shall prepare their respective procedure.

Document Note:
Preparation The concerned department shall be the
Concerned originator of the procedure.
Department /
Division In case the person who initially prepared the
procedure is no longer connected to the
organization, the Department Head shall
appoint another originator from the
Shall review the document. In the review the
DCC shall attach a DRRF then the concerned
Document Review department shall route to all interfacing

Shall approve the review process of the

document, submits to the Assistant General
Manager for another review.
Note: Document
1. After the review of the concerned Review Request
Divisions /
departments, the originator shall collate the and Registration
inputs and incorporate to the proposed Form
procedure if necessary.
2. If the contents of the procedure have
conflicts to the procedures, the originator
will forward the document to the AGM for
3. The originator request the document
number including the revision number to
DCC then finalize the procedure.

Shall submit the accomplished and approved
Review Request
Originator Document Review Request and Registration
Submission and Registration
Form attached with the final document to DCC.

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Shall conduct the final review of the

procedures. DRRF & Newly
Final Review Division Head established
Note: Department Heads shall be responsible document
for the final review of the Work Instructions.

Approval of DRRF & Newly

Registration established
General Shall approve the registration of documents.
document for

Shall do the final approval of the documents

Approval of and sign the cover page of the document.
Registration Manager
Note: The approval of the Work Instruction shall
be the responsible for the Division Heads.

Shall photocopy the master document and

stamp “Controlled Copy”.
Refer to Figure 3 “Kinds of DCC Stamps” and
Figure 4 “Classification of Use of DCC Stamps”.

Shall distribute copies to all concerned Document

departments based on the identified copy Distribution,
holders of that specific procedure. Retrieval and
Disposal Form
All copy holders of the document shall sign on
the distribution/retrieval and disposal form
upon acceptance of the document.

Refer to Figure 5 “Document Distribution List”.


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6.2 Revision Process

Process Flow In-charge Process Description Records


Shall request uncontrolled copy to DCC using

Requisition of the duplicate copy request form.
Uncontrolled Duplicate Copy
Copy Note: Request Form
The DCRF shall be approved prior to the
issuance of the Uncontrolled Copy.

Drafting of Concerned Upon request of uncontrolled copy, the Document

Proposed Revision Department / originator shall draft the revision and route the Review Request
Sections / procedure following the step of establishing & Registration
Divisions new document. Form

Assistant Shall verify the final document based on the

General result of document review and sign on the
Final Review Review Request
Manager review in the document cover page.
& Registration
Division Heads Shall conduct the final review of the documents.

Shall approved the final document & sign on the

cover page of the procedure.
Final Approval General
Note: The approval of Work Instructions shall be
the responsible of the Division Head.


6.3 Document Retrieval and Disposal

Process Flow In-charge Process Description Records


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Shall retrieve the obsolete controlled copy upon
Retrieved issuance of the revised document.
Document Concerned Retrieval and
Shall surrender to DCC the obsolete controlled
Department / Disposal Form
Shall dispose the retrieved controlled copy by
shredding or crossing-out the printed side if it
will be re-used as scrap paper. DCC shall cross
out the document per page prior using as scrap
DCC paper.
Controlled Copy
Shall confirm disposal of document by crossing-
out the distribution in the Document
Distribution, Retrieval and Disposal Form.
Shall stamp “Obsolete Copy” on the obsolete
Stamp Original original copy.
Obsolete Obsolete
Document Note: Refer to Figure 3 “Kinds of DCC Stamps” Original Copy
and Figure 4 “Classification of Use of DCC

File Obsolete Shall file the obsolete original document and

Original DCC keep it according to control of records
Document procedure.

Dispose the
Obsolete Original Shall dispose the original document by
Document shredding.

Shall update the Master List of Registered Master List of

Update Master
DCC Documents by crossing-out the applicable Registered
List of Documents
revision of obsolete original documents. Documents


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6.4 Control of Records

Process Flow In-charge Process Description Records


Preparation of Shall be responsible for the proper preparation

Records and accomplishment of records according to the List of Records
documented procedures.

Approval of List of Department / Shall approve the Master List of Records prior to Master List of
Records Division Heads registration to the DCC. Records

Registration of Shall register List of their records using the

Concerned Master List of
List of Records Master List of Records for both Internal and
Department Records
External Records.

Shall compile the master list of records

submitted by the Department / Division.
Check Status of Master List of
Records Records
Note: Master List of Records covers both the
internal and external records.

Shall regularly check the list of their record

against the actual records on file.
Transfer of Concerned Records Transfer
Records Departments Note: Transfer the records to the DCC after the Register
specified maintenance period expire using the
Records Transfer Registry form.

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Shall properly identify and preserve the records

in a facility that prevents deterioration, damage
Preservation of or loss of records.
Note: Records shall be preserved for a specified
period of time in such a way that they are
readily retrievable for future reference. The
integrity and legibility of the data input shall be
protected by not using pencil in the data
recording. Erasures shall be done by striking
out the word then the responsible person shall
affix his signature. Liquid eraser shall not be
used to ensure traceability of the origin of the

DCC / Shall be responsible for the preservation of all

Department records forwarded to his section until the
Head preservation period expires.

Shall properly dispose all records after its

preservation period expires. However, prior
Disposal of actual disposal, the Records Transfer Slip shall
Records after be approved by the ISO Facilitator first.
Preservation Note:
Period 1. The disposal of records shall be strictly
implemented after their preservation
2. Before the disposal, the DCC shall
prepare a memo for disposal to be
approved by the concerned
departments and the ISO Facilitator.
3. Proper disposal shall be done by
shredding or recycling while the
document data shall be disposed by
crossing them out. Records/
documents than contain technical data
of the product shall also be shredded.
4. All documents pertaining to the disposal
of record shall be maintained and
safeguarded from unintended
reproduction and use.

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6.4 Handling of External Documents

Process Flow In-charge Process Description Records


Forwarding of Concerned
External Shall forward the external documents to the
Department /
Documents Document Controller for registration.

Shall register the external documents by

marking for “Master Copy Stamp” and shall
Registration assign the document number.
Note: Type of documents shall in accordance
with Scope and Method of Document Control.
Shall record all registered external document in
the Master List of Registered Documents.
Recording and
Safekeeping Note:
Master List of
 DCC shall provide a Master List of
DCC Registered
Registered Documents to the concerned
department / division.
 Concerned Department / Division shall
be responsible for the safekeeping of
the external documents.


6.5 Labeling
6.5.1 The Concerned Department / Division / Section shall label the records file according to
the following format:
(1) Record Title (3) (4) Maintenance Preservation
Period period
(2) (5) (6)
1) Logo of the organization
2) Title of Record
3) Year record was created
4) Records Owner (refer to 6.7.1 DCC document identification control)
5) Maintenance period as determined in the Master List of Records
6) Preservation period as determined in the Master List of Records

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6.6 Requirements of Document Control

6.6.1 DCC document identification control
1. Calibri size 11 shall be the official font used for the text of the internal documents
such as Manual, Procedures, Work Instruction, etc.
2. Assignment of Document Number. DCC shall assign document number as follows:

GSCWD - - -

Series No.

Dept. Code

Discernment mark of document

(See Scope & Method of Document Control – Figure 2)


1) Four (4) digits can be assigned for document number if it exceeds from three
(3) digits.

GSCWD– QP – ADM – 001

1) Four (4) digits can be assigned for document number if it exceeds from three
(3) digits.
2) Assignment of Form Number (forms that emanated / created by any of the

Revision No.

Series No.

Department Code

(1) DCC – 001 – Ø

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Departments/Office/Functions Code

Office of the General Manager OGM

ISO Facilitator ISO

Document Controller Custodian DCC

Human Resources Department HRD

General Services, Property and Materials Management Department GPM

Commercial Services Department CSD

Accounting and Financial Management Department AFD

Production and Environment Department PED

Pipeline and Appurtenances Maintenance Department PAM

Engineering and Construction Department ENG

6.5 Reports
Reports Frequency Responsible
Master List of Registered Every revision of
Documents documents


7.1 The DCC shall ensure on-time registration, distribution of documents and retrieval of obsolete
copies of revised documents.


8.1 Figure 1 (Elements of Document Control in Assigning Revision Number)
8.2 Figure 2 (Scope and Method of Document Control)
8.3 Figure 3 (Kinds of DCC Stamps)
8.4 Figure 4 (Classification of Use of DCC Stamps)
8.5 Figure 5 (Document Distribution List)
8.6 Form 1 - Document Review Request and Registration Form
8.7 Form 2 - Master List of Registered Documents
8.8 Form 3 - Document Distribution, Retrieval and Disposal Form
8.9 Form 4 - Duplicate Copy Request Form
8.10 Form 5 – Master List of Records
8.11 Form 6 - Records Transfer Register

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