Resistor Network

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Resistor Network

Let us calculate the equivalent resistance for a complex resistor circuit.

The below circuit consists of ten resistors R1 to R10 connected in a combination of

series and parallel connections.

The values of the resistances mentioned in the circuit are in Ohms (Ω) and the supply
voltage is in Volts (V).

Here the resistors R9 and R10 are in series combination. Let RA is the equivalent
resistance of this combination.

Therefore RA = R9 + R10 = 3 + 3 = 6 Ω.

The circuit after replacing R9 and R10 with RA is

In this circuit, the resistors R8 and RA are in parallel combination. Then the equivalent
resistance of R8 and RA is

RB = (R8 × RA) / (R8 + RA) = (6 × 6) / (6 + 6) = 3 Ω.

Now replacing R8 and RA with RB, we get the following circuit.

In this circuit, the resistors R7 and RB are in series combination.

RC = R7 + RB = 9 + 3 = 12 Ω.
The equivalent circuit after replacing R7 and RB with RC is

It is clear that the resistors R6 and Rc are in parallel combination. If RD is the equivalent
resistance of this combination, then

RD = (R6 × Rc) / (R6 + Rc) = (12 × 12) / (12 + 12) = 6 Ω.

The circuit with R¬D replacing R6 and Rc is

Now the resistors R4 and RD are in series combination. If RE is the equivalent

resistance of R4 and RD then
RE = R4 + RD = 6 + 6 = 12 Ω.

The resulting reduced circuit after replacing R4 and RD with RE is

In this circuit, the resistors R5 and RE are in parallel combination.

Let RF be the equivalent resistance of R5 and RE in parallel.


RF = (R5 × RE) / (R5 + RE) = (12 × 12) / (12 + 12) = 6 Ω.

The simplified circuit is as shown below.

Here the resistors R2 and R3 are in series. If RG is the equivalent of this combination,

RG = R2 + R3 = 4 + 2 = 6 Ω.

After replacing R2 and R3 with RG, the circuit will be transformed to

The resistors RF and RG are in parallel.

Let RT be the equivalent of this combination.

Then RT = (RF × RG) / (RF + RG) = (6 × 6) / (6 + 6) = 3 Ω.

Now the resistors R1 and RT are in series. If REQis the total circuit equivalent
resistance, then REQ = R1 + RT = 3 + 3 = 6 Ω.

Finally the above complex circuit can be redrawn as follows

The total current in the circuit can be calculated using Ohm’s law

I = V1 / REQ = 6 / 6 = 1 A

Hence any complex resistive circuit consisting of number of resistors connected in

combination of both series and parallel combinations can be reduced by first identifying
the simple parallel resistor branches and series resistor branches. The equivalent
resistance of these simple branches is calculated and the branches are replaced with
the equivalent resistor. This process reduces the complexity of the circuit. By continuing
this process we can replace a complex resistive circuit with a single resistor.

There are some complex resistive circuits which cannot be reduced to simple circuits by
simply applying the rules of series resistive combinations and parallel resistive
combinations.Circuits like T-Pad Attenuators and some complex resistive bridge
networks are examples of such complex resistive circuits. In order to simplify these
complex resistive circuits, a different approach is to be followed.

Some complex resistive circuits can be reduced by using Kirchhoff’s Current Law and
Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law.

To find the currents and voltages in a complex resistive circuit just by using Ohm’s law
might not possible. For such type of circuits Kirchhoff’s Circuit Laws will be helpful.
Kirchhoff’s Circuits laws are based on the concept of conservation of current and energy
in a circuit. There are two Kirchhoff’s Circuit laws. First is Kirchhoff’s Current Law which
deals with current at node and the second is Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law which deals with
voltage in a closed circuit.

Kirchhoff’s Current Law states that “The current entering a node is equal to the current
leaving the node because it has no other place to go and no current is lost in the node.”

In simple words, the Kirchhoff’s Current Law states that the sum of currents entering a
node is equal to sum of currents leaving the circuit.

Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law states that “the total voltage in a closed loop is equal to sum of
all voltage drops in that loop.”

In simple words, the Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law states that the directed algebraic sum of
voltages in a closed loop is equal to zero.

With the help of these two laws the values of currents and voltages in any complex
circuit can be calculated

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