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Chapter 4

Major factors in design strategy

1.Cost 2.Quality 3.Time-to-market 4.Customer satisfaction 5.Competitive Advantage
Service Design Activities
Translate customer wants and needs into product and servise requirements.
Refine & Develop Existing products and services. (TRFFCD)
Formulate quality goals
Formulate cost targets
Construct and test protoypes
Document Specifications
Reasons for Service Design (ESPCT)
1.Economic 2.Social and demographic 3.Political 4.Competitive 5.Technological
Objective of Service Design. (CFCQAEE)
Customer Satisfaction, Function of service, Cost/profit, Quality, Apperance, Ease
of production, & Ease of Maintenance.
Regulations and Legal Considerations.
1.)Product Liability- Manufacturer is liable for any damages caused by a faulty
2.)Uniform Commercial Code- Products carry an implication of merchantability and
Design must adhere to the Guidelines
Must be consistant with the goals of the company, give customers the value they
expect, make sure that health and safety a primary concern, & consider potential
harm to the environment.
Life cycle of Products(IGMSD)
Standardization- Extent to which there is an absence of variety in a product,
service or process.
Products that are immediately available to cutomers.
Advantages and disadvantages of Standardization
Adv(FDRO) Disadv (DHD)
1.Fewer parts to deal with in inventory & manufacturing. 1.Designs may be frozen
with too many imperfections remaining.
2.Design costs are generally lower. 2.High cost of design
changes increases resistance to improvements
3.Reduced training costs and time 3.Decreased variety
results in less consumer appeal.
4.Opportunities for long production runs and automation.
Mass customization: A strategy of producing standardized goods or services, but
incorporating some degree of customization.
Delated differentiation: A postponement of tactic.
Modular design: Form of standardization in which component parts are subdivided
into modules that are easily replaced.
Reliability: The ability of product to perform its intended function under a
prescribed set of conditions.
Failure: A prduct which did not perform as intended.
Normal operating conditions: Standard to which an item is specified.
Robust Design: Design that results in products or services that can function over a
broad range of conditions.
Phases in Product Development Process
1.Idea Generation 4.Protoype Development 8.Product introduction
2.Feasibility analysis 5.Design Review 9.Follow-up evaluation
3.Product & Process specifications 6.Market test
Reverse engineering: dismantling and inspecting of a competitor's product to
discover product improvements.
Research and Development: Organized efforts to increase scientific knowledge or
product innovation.
Manufacturability- the ease of fabrication and which is important for: Cost,
productivity, & quality.
Concurrent engineering- bringing together of engineering design and manufacturing
personnel early in the design phase.
CAD- product design using computer graphics.
Recycling- cost savings, environment concerns, & environment regulations.

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