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KUET | SESSIONAL REPORT | CourseNo.__Ch S106 xperiment No,.__04 s ume of the Experiment Determination of Total Hardness in the Supplied) [Remarks www Many industrial and domestic aboul the hardness of their water, Water sample do nol Peatily prodjuee tather with noap Of Hard water Tequires ‘more Soap and 4 for home laundry and wongs ) Haw ne we! ORF R Ie Compounds sf git aad my : and by a vanes : «gad J other metal . water in am excellent solvent and ve ~~! -~ , dispolves mineraln st seme im contact with Ay water fue irate) rock “tind el, ik dimolves veny vai imately and helds them in Solution amoun 15 of 4 : eS aWiN Peat fe Ca(Heo,), — > CaCO, (s) + H,0 6, Me the6., Yo MaCon), (9 4 fermonen} hardness is due to the prese lealeiuyn or ma qresium sul Fateggiin 4o temporary hardnen , permanent br bailing. The 3um “ee ? hardnen iy the total es es of water. terdnen of watenfeuntl Direrine complenometrie. Kt at fi 8-10, Gg * in ured ah @ complenin fig vy fey with Gt. gad my" lon of Ca and My sons in deter: } by ion with €DTA reagent - The titration ss m the principle ‘hat Ca and Mma ions few ‘ e ved colored complex . When €DT |] this complex, ik breaks and forms a mare ve metal EDTA compler. The qe ia th weleosed and solution turns itt from wine red to blak of the of the peaction. Apparatus | Proceduye: O5 ml of the sample war taken in a 250 mi cons flask. Or tere Hiker solution wah denen and nantes conical flask. a ]Oten £0TA sotati ; solution war added into the conical flak while a the flask taking cart not 1 spill the contents: OWhen the colors slarie) becoming violet | EDTA solati. war added drop by drop. Adding war topped when "a colour of the contents of te flask gut became blue: @ the experrment was sepeated (two times) , The data were debulated jn a suitable table. @ the similar experiment wor done with standond Co Solution. From if, J ml EDTA Solution equivalen) ty haul Boy ae of % war found. ©) then the hardness of water ay CaCOa, in malt “a caleulated until wing the relationship pins if ati the previow step. Rott: 42 Group. 8,2 Name cf the exerimert: Determination of Total Hardness mi Supphed water Sample , (Sarnple 8) Toble-1: Determination of the strength of EDTA solution No. of — | Volume Observation} of Catd, 50lution Gn) Nolume of EDTA solul@ Te ee Pe Caleulation Table | Neve volume of edtA = 15 mb Volume of CaCO, = 5°06 mL hive: : M, 1000 amt Aolulion dinolves = 1g CaCO, “Sam polution dtmalves= 0°0°9 CaCO NOs one ml EDTAZ 0°005 9 Catds Med ml EDTA = (0:005x 113) a Cala = 000565 9 Catt, ae, 5 at normal water = OFF mL EDTA 1000 mL wormal water = wees al EDTA = 154 mt EDTA 1 ant EDTA = 0°00565 g Catd, ~ yok mb EDTA Z (000565 X154) g MC, 4 6B1S® Of z 087 Q Cal0 4 Result : Estimated hardness of water: 0°87 glicacos “7 Rrsset Kcbip VOU C Te a VIQCUSSION ; : q —a { es 5 In this experiment _ the total hardlaes 5 tn i water Sample had been detepmined CuSOy me ‘ Ce dy which were ured a dample {6 determine the handnen sf water Nay $404, KoCr907 eH Coon ete. reagents vere ned to tind out the hardnen of water, Thu, EDTA lution in a huwtie fo “A eonieal flasle mited with the plied Sample ah a teyerloss thet hardnen of woter cbord 10 mL _couldinhave been Tound easily , Nolume of cato, G@md ho had been wed to determine the hatdness of water uhich ia mixed up viith some minecal I sush ab Cocos, Natl, CaS0, ete. Finally the pesull of the total hardness of watey in Cat, end ure HO with the help of EDTA had been doter ming No Department of Mechanical Engineering Reins Conclusion - The determination of dimolved water with other ree substance cam eanily be found out by tepeating Pespechive procedure . pifference between dimolvek uete og ey pure Hd in eary to find ow . So, the ‘ndinpens ability of ‘daterwminetion of total \aeiamme ™ the dupplieel water sample ia datermined, Risa Kabir ME 2K12

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