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Road Materials and Pavement Design

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Increasing the visibility of roads using

phosphorous paint

Ekinhan Eriskin, Sebnem Karahancer, Serdal Terzi, Mehmet Saltan, Buket

Capali, Ismail Serkan Uncu & Safinur Coskunsu

To cite this article: Ekinhan Eriskin, Sebnem Karahancer, Serdal Terzi, Mehmet Saltan, Buket
Capali, Ismail Serkan Uncu & Safinur Coskunsu (2017): Increasing the visibility of roads using
phosphorous paint, Road Materials and Pavement Design, DOI: 10.1080/14680629.2017.1374999

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Road Materials and Pavement Design, 2017

Increasing the visibility of roads using phosphorous paint

Ekinhan Eriskin a∗ , Sebnem Karahancer a
, Serdal Terzia , Mehmet Saltana , Buket Capalia ,
Ismail Serkan Uncub and Safinur Coskunsuc
a Civil Engineering Department, Suleyman Demirel University, Isparta, Turkey b Electrical and Electron-
ically Engineering Department, Suleyman Demirel University, Isparta, Turkey c Computer Engineering
Department, Suleyman Demirel University, Isparta, Turkey
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(Received 30 April 2017; accepted 25 August 2017 )

Lighting the roads and so increasing the visibility is very important to avoid accidents. In
this study, an acrylic and UV-react phosphorous paint (PP) is added to the hot mix asphalt
for improving the visibility of the pavement. PP has been added to the mixture while blend-
ing binder with the mineral aggregates, based on six different ratios (15%, 20%, 25%, 30%,
35% and 40% by weight of binder). Specimens are compacted with the Superpave Gyratory
Compactor according to the volumetric mix design. Compacted specimens are photographed
in a dark box under UV light and the change in visibility ratio is analysed with a software.
Compacted specimens are analysed with an image analysing software to obtain the change
in the visibility. PP-added specimens are tested in accordance with AASHTO T283 to obtain
the indirect tensile strength and tensile strength ratio values to determine whether the mini-
mum specification limits are ensured. As a result, by adding the PP, the visibility ratio of the
specimens is increased. Best visibility rate is achieved by 35–40% PP additive.
Keywords: visibility; phosphorous paint; modified Lottman; tensile strength ratio; indirect
tensile strength

Road visibility is important for both public lighting and automobile lighting engineers (Bré-
mond, Choukour, & Guillard, 2007). The visibility depends on the photometrical properties of
the object, photometric properties of the light source and the retro-reflection properties of the
background and also the road pavement. Lighting of the roads and so increasing the visibility
is very important to avoid accidents. There are many studies, some of them about roads (Corn-
well & Mackay, 1972; Mäkelä & Kärki, 2004; Sabey & Johnson, 1973) some about pedestrians
(Huang, Rodgman, Stutts, Zeeger, & Zhou, 1993; Jensen, 1998; Zegeer & Zegeer, 1988) and
some about junctions (Green, Agent, Barret, & Pigman, 2003; Isebrands et al., 2004), which
investigates the effect of public lighting on accidents (Wanvik, 2009). Elvik and Vaa (2004)
summarised a decrease in accidents numbers (64% of fatal accidents, 28% of injury accidents
and 17% of damage only accidents) based on a before and after study on the unlit roads. Also,
lighting the unlit roads reduces the accidents occurrence rate. In most cases, there is not any
public lighting on rural roads which makes harder to see the road or the obstacle at night. In such
a case, an object or the geometric properties of the road is only visible if it is illuminated by the

*Corresponding author. Email:

© 2017 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

2 E. Eriskin et al.

car headlights. However, insufficient retro-reflection makes it harder to see the road while there
is an oncoming headlight (Maycock, 1997; Theeuwes, Alferdinck, & Perel, 2002).
Setting up public lights on rural roads requires extra labour and material. In addition, the lights
need for a power source increases the construction costs. Therefore, an innovative solution such
as adding some additive materials to the pavement mixture for increasing the retro-reflection
would eliminate the need for a public lighting system. Ylinen, Pellinen, Valtonen, Puolakka,
and Halonen (2011) put forth that road luminance could be increased by using light pavement
materials, which results in lighting energy savings. Phosphorous could be used as an additive
material because of its glowing effect. The company Materia (2015) has been mixing phosphorus
particles in the cement mixture. By this mixture, the company had created a special effect. Once
phosphorous particles in the concrete absorb enough light in the day, they emit light in the night.
Filippis, Giavarini, and Scarsella (1995), added 1% by weight of phosphorus compounds and
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studied physical and chemical characteristics of the bitumen. As a result of the mix, minor effects
on penetration and low-temperature properties, but a great increase in the resistance to ageing,
are obtained. In addition, according to the results, the original bitumen specifications are not
changed exaggerated. So, phosphorous is used in the concrete for its glowing effect and mixed
into the bitumen for supplying resistance to ageing. But, they do not add phosphorous to the
asphalt mixture for adding the glow effect to the pavement which is the main target of this study.
In this study, an acrylic and UV-react phosphorous paint (PP) is added to the hot mix asphalt
(HMA) for improving the visibility of the pavement. For adding PP to the mixture, a two-step
protocol is carried out. Initially, hot binder (160°C) has been added onto the mineral aggregates
and was blended together. Latter, PP has been added to the mixture, while blending of the binder
with the mineral aggregates was based on six different ratios (15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 35% and
40% by weight of binder). After the PP adding protocol is completed and the materials are well
blended, mixtures are compacted with the Superpave Gyratory Compactor (SGC) in a 100 mm
diameter mould. The specimens are compacted based on the optimum binder rate and aggregate
gradation, obtained from the volumetric mix design procedure. Compacted specimens are pho-
tographed in a dark box under UV light and the change in visibility ratio is analysed with an
image analysing software. Because of improving the visibility ratio of the pavement, the mixture
is designed for the top layer of the pavement which is the wearing course. So, PP-added HMA
mixture should provide the specification limit as 80%, minimum TSR value, for wearing course
(General Directorate of Highways [GDH], 2013). Therefore, compacted specimens are tested in
accordance with the AASHTO T 283 (2011) test procedure.
The introduction is followed by the Materials section where PP, aggregate and bitumen used
in this study are explained. After the Materials section, the image analysing method used for
obtaining the change in the visibility ratio between the PP-added and non-added specimens and
indirect tensile (IDT) strength test method are explained under the Methods section. Detailed
findings obtained from test results are given in the Results and Discussion section. The paper
ends with the Summary and Conclusion section where a summary is made for the whole study.

HMA mixtures are prepared according to the wearing course design procedure (GDH, 2013). PP
is used to improve the visibility of the HMA pavement. Aggregate and the bitumen used in the
HMA mixture, and the PP for improving the visibility are explained in this section.

Phosphorous paint
PP used in this study is an acrylic UV-react painting material which is invisible. The paint is anal-
ysed by Inductively Coupled Plasma Spectroscopy (ICP-OES) and Fourier Transform Infrared
Road Materials and Pavement Design 3
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Figure 1. FTIR spectra of PP.

Spectroscopy (FTIR). ICP-OES is carried out with Perkin Elmer OPTIMA 5300 DV ICP-OES
tester according to EPA 6010. From the ICP-OES test result, the PP includes 90.65 ± 0.76 mg/g
Ca, 1406.33 ± 2.98 mg/g Si and < 0.01 mg/g P. The FTIR spectrum is taken in order to clarify
the PP specimen. As a result, the morphological characterisation of the specimen is shown in
Figure 1.
The presence of FTIR absorption peaks at different frequencies like 413.1, 1556.1, 1642 and
3457 cm−1 is identified for the mineral in the samples. Wavelength ranges and the assignments
are explained in Table 1 (Chowdhury, Bhowal, & Datta, 2012). The peak at 1107.1 cm−1 belongs
to the PO3−
4 stretching.

The nominal maximum aggregate size used in this study is 12.5 mm, and the wearing course
design method is used for the mixtures. Limestone (CaCO3 ) aggregate properties are given

Table 1. Wavelength ranges and assignments.

Wavelength range (cm−1 ) PP peaks (cm−1 ) Assignment (Chowdhury et al., 2012)

3500–3000 3457 Bonded –OH groups

1670–1640 1642 Carboxylic groups
1600–1500 1556.1; 1538.1 Carboxylic groups and N–H bending
1450–1300 1415.1; 1393.1 C–O stretch
1280–1240 1254.1 −SO2− 3 stretching
1150–950 1107.1 −PO3− 4 stretching
4 E. Eriskin et al.

Table 2. Properties of limestone (CaCO3 ) aggregate.

Sieve diameter (mm) Properties Standard Value

4.75–0.075 Specific gravity (g/cm3) ASTM C 127-88 2.700

Saturated specific Gravity 2.652
Water absorption (%) 0.130
25–4.75 Specific gravity (g/cm3) ASTM C 128 88 2.680
Saturated specific gravity 2.428
Water absorption (%) 2.800
Abrasion loss (%) (Los Angeles) ASTM C 131 20.38
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Figure 2. Gradation of the aggregates.

Table 3. Bitumen characteristics.

Test Average values Standard

Penetration (25°C) 60 ASTM D5

Flash point 180°C ASTM D92
Combustion point 230°C ASTM D92
Softening point 45.5°C ASTM D36
Ductility (5 cm/minute) > 100 cm ASTM D113
Specific gravity 1.030 ASTM D70

in Table 2. The aggregate grading curve for asphalt mixtures is selected in accordance with
aggregate gradation control points (Figure 2) (AASHTO, 2001).

Standard tests are examined in order to determine properties of bitumen used as a binder material.
Test results are summarised in Table 3.
Optimum binder content is determined by preparing HMA samples with four different binder
contents (4.5%, 5%, 5.5% and 6% by weight of aggregate). Each sample is compacted using SGC
Road Materials and Pavement Design 5
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Figure 3. Volumetric properties of the specimens with different bitumen rates.

with 125 gyrations (AASHTO, 2001) for obtaining the air voids, voids in mineral aggregate
(VMA), voids filled with asphalt (VFA) and specific gravity values. The results are shown in
Figure 3.
As seen in Figure 3, 4% air void is provided with 5.125% binder content. At the same time,
5.125% binder content ensures that minimum VMA value is 14% for the wearing course, and
limit value of VFA is 65–75% interval for 20 years’ traffic loading (AASHTO, 2001). The
specific gravity value based on 5.125% binder content is seen in Figure 3. According to the
results seen in Figure 3 the optimum binder content is determined as 5.125% by weight of

Compacted specimens are analysed with an image analysing software to obtain the change in
the visibility. PP-added specimens are tested in accordance with the AASHTO T 283 (2011)
(Modified Lottman Test) test procedure to obtain the IDT strength and tensile strength ratio
(TSR) values to determine whether the PP-added specimens ensure the minimum specification
6 E. Eriskin et al.

limits. The image analysing software and Modified Lottman Test procedure are explained in this

Image analysing
Image analysing technology is being used in many areas with rapid development. The working
idea behind the system used in this study is that specimens are photographed using a camera
with a low aperture lens. Therefore, compacted specimens are placed into a UV light box and
photographed with high resolution. A UV light box is used for taking the photos of the specimens
to obtain the visible surface ratio of the whole surface under 12 V source UV light. All the taken
photos are analysed with a software for obtaining the visibility rate of the specimens.
The images taken in the UV light box are analysed with image analysing algorithms. To anal-
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yse the images, a software calculating the visible surface ratio is developed. Firstly, the analysed
image is picked up. Then, a square area from the specimen’s photo is selected. Finally, the devel-
oped software determines the visible surface ratio of the whole surface. Software transforms the
coloured picture to a black and white photo. The visible surface ratio of the whole surface is
calculated from black and white photos using Equations (1)–(3).
Image analysis combines techniques that compute statistics and measurements based on the
grey-level intensities of the image pixels (National Instruments, 2015). An image is an array, or
a matrix, of square pixels (picture elements) arranged in columns and rows. In a greyscale (8-bit)
image each picture element has an assigned intensity that ranges from 0 to 255. A grey scale
image is what people normally call a black and white image, but the name emphasises that such
an image will also include many shades of grey. The possible range of the pixel values depends
on the colour depth of the image, in the study 8 bit = 256 tones or greyscales (Image Processing,
The visibility ratio determining process began with the digitisation of the selected area of the
photo. The RGB colour model relates very closely to the way we perceive colour with the R, G
and B receptors in our retinas. Therefore, every single pixel of the photo is converted to RGB
(red, green, blue) values. The converted photo is reduced to grey level using Equation (1). Photos
are resolved from coloured to grey for basic analysis

Grey = . (1)

When the images are converted to grey, the pixels get a value between 0 and 255. The illu-
minating pixels among the grey values are filtered (Equation (2)). Filtered pixels are shown as
black (0) and the rest are white (255). Also, the ratio of visible pixels of the whole selected area
is calculated using Equation (3). The output of the software is the visibility ratio
⎧ ⎫

TB ⎨ x = 0, Pgrey < Fmin ⎬
x= x = 1, Fmin < Pgrey < Fmax , (2)
⎩ ⎭
n=1 x = 0, Fmax < Pgrey

where TB is the total size of the selected area and Pgrey is grey pixel value (0–255).
n=1 x
FO = TB , (3)
n=1 n

where FO is the visibility ratio of the selected area.

Road Materials and Pavement Design 7

IDT strength
The AASHTO T 283 (2011) test procedure is used to obtain the IDT strength. Firstly, six mix-
tures for every different PP contents are mixed and compacted up to 5% air voids. Then the
specimens are placed in an oven at 40°C. Specimens are cured in that oven for 72 h. Then the
specimens are taken out from the oven and until they cool down to 25°C. Afterwards, half of the
specimens are loaded at the rate of 50.8 mm/minute till failure. The maximum load values are
recorded as IDTU (unconditioned) strengths. The remaining specimens are placed in a water bath
at 25°C for 24 h. After 24 h, the specimens are removed from the water bath and vacuum satu-
rated till the specimens’ saturation level is between 60% and 80% (Gordon & Young-Kyu, 2002;
Scherocman, Mesch, & Proctor, 1986). The saturation level is calculated using Equation (4)
(mSurf.Dry − ma )
SL = ∗10, 000,
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(Va ∗Vs )

(Gmax − Gbulk )
Va = , (5)
Vs = mSurf.Dry − mw , (6)
Gbulk = , (7)
where SL is the saturation level (%), mSurf.Dry is the saturated surface dry weight (g), ma is the
weight in air (g), Va is the air voids (%),Vs is the volume of the specimen, Gmax is the theoretical
gravity, Gbulk is the bulk specific gravity and mw is the weight of the specimen in water.
When the specimens reached the saturation level, they are put into a freeze cabin at − 18°C
for 16 h. After 16 h they are put into a water bath at 60°C for 24 h. Finally, they are put
into a 25°C water bath for 2 h (Lottman, 1982). After 2 h they are loaded at a load speed as
50.8 mm/minute. The failure load values are recorded as IDTC (conditioned) strengths. The ratio
of the wet specimen strength to dry specimen strength is TSR. TSR is used to determine the
moisture susceptibility (Choubane, Page, & Musselman, 2000). A minimum TSR value of 80%
is recommended (GDH, 2013; Sarsam & Alwan, 2014).

Results and discussion

Specimens prepared based on the optimum bitumen content and gradations are analysed with the
image analyser software. As a result, the digitised values obtained from the photos of specimens
are given in Figure 4. Three photos of each sample prepared with different PP contents are taken
for digitising the values and visibility ratios of each photo are calculated one by one. Then the
average value of each photo from samples is determined. As seen from Figure 4, with the increase
in the PP content, the visible surface ratio increases.
As seen from Figure 4, just the 6.83% of the specimen without PP is visible. By adding 15%
PP into the mixture increases the visibility ratio to 2% (visibility: 6.965%). The visibility ratio
has been increased to 9.6%, 16.8%, 33%, 106.1% and 108.2% by adding 20%, 25%, 30%, 35%
and 40% PP into the mixture, respectively. The visibility ratio increases slightly up to 30% PP-
added specimens. By adding 35% PP into the mixture, the visibility ratio increases significantly.
The reason could be explained as the threshold value is between 30% and 35% PP additives. So,
when the amount of the PP reaches 35% by weight of the binder, the visibility ratio is doubled as
that of the reference specimen and there is almost no change in the visibility ratio between 35%
and 40% PP-added specimens.
8 E. Eriskin et al.
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Figure 4. Visibility ratios obtained from the image analyser software.

Figure 5. Specimens seen for human eyes (a) under UV light and (b) under day light.

Figure 5 shows the PP-added (left side) and not added (right side) appearance bituminous
mixture for the human eye under UV light and daylight. As seen from Figure 5(b), there is no
difference between the two specimens while in Figure 5(a), 35% PP-added specimen on the left
side glows more than the reference specimen under UV light on the right side. So adding PP
allows seeing the pavement more easily in a lighter colour at night under UV light.
In addition to image analysing, the Modified Lottman Test is applied to the specimens. PP-
added specimens are prepared according to the wearing course design specification because it
Road Materials and Pavement Design 9

is the top layer of the pavement. So, the specimens should provide minimum strength and TSR
specification limits. Test results are given in Figures 6 and 7.
By preparing the specimens, densely graded aggregate gradation is adopted which means that
the spaces among the aggregates are fulfilled with bitumen and PP. For this reason, the bonds
between the CaCO3 (aggregate) and P (Phosphorous) are strong. As a result of mixing the paint
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Figure 6. IDT strength values for specimens with different rates of PP.

Figure 7. TSR results of specimens with different rates of PP.

10 E. Eriskin et al.

with aggregate and hot bitumen, chemical reaction occurs and CaCO3 and P are shifted to the
CaPO− 3
4 . So, the stability increased relative to the reference specimen up to 20% PP additive.
Maximum strength values are obtained from 20% PP-added conditioned specimens as well as
unconditioned specimens. The reason for the decrease after 20% PP additive could be explained
by the decreasing bitumen rate of the whole mixture by adding PP into the mixture. Therefore,
the strength values start to decrease with 25% PP additive.
TSR values of all specimens are shown in Figure 7. As seen from Figure 7, all speci-
mens, except the 40% PP-added specimen, ensure the 80% TSR value, which is the minimum
specification limit value. So, the 40% PP-added specimen is moisture susceptible.
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Summary and conclusion

PP has been added into the HMA mixtures in different rates (15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 35% and
40% by weight of binder) to obtain more visible pavement. To determine the effect of PP additive
on the visibility and strength, specimens with different PP rates are compared with each other and
reference specimens. Based on the results of this study, the following conclusions can be drawn;

• By adding the PP, the visibility ratio of the specimens is increased. Best visibility rate is
achieved by 35% PP additive, which is a higher rate than the threshold limit between 30%
and 35%. There is almost no change in the visibility ratio between the 35% and 40% PP
additive specimens.
• Ca and P ingredients of PP react with limestone (CaCO3 ) by the hot mix protocol and the
CaCO3 and P are shifted to the CaPO−3 4 polymer chain.
• IDT strengths are increasing up to 20% PP additive giving the maximum IDT strength
values for both conditioned and unconditioned specimens. The reason for increasing IDT
strength up to 20% could be explained by the CaPO−3 4 polymer chain formed by the mix-
ing protocol of the PP with aggregate and binder at high temperature. Then, the strength
value starts to decrease after 20% PP additive because the binder rate of the whole mix-
ture decreased by adding PP into the mixture. Therefore, the strengths are decreased
as well.
• 25% paint rate is the one closest to the 45° ∼ line of equality, which means that the spec-
imen with the 25% paint has the most resistance to moisture. The TSR value is decreases
after 25% PP-added specimen, while 40% PP-added specimen is below the specification
limit. The reason is again, the binder rate of the mixture decreased by adding PP into the
mixture. Therefore, specimens became more moisture susceptible by increasing the PP
additive rate.
• Because the moon reflects the sunlight to the earth, moonlight and sunlight are similar
in spectral content. Also, the moonlight has UV wavelengths (Stair & Johnston, 1953).
Therefore, the visibility of the pavement under moonlight is also increased. However, the
real-time visibility test should be conducted for a precise interpretation.

As a result of the summary of conclusions, PP usage in the HMA increases the visibility ratio
of the road pavement. So the roads are able to be seen more easily by drivers even when unlit.
Therefore, PP-added roads can help to increase traffic safety. Besides PP does not cause any
significant change in the HMA strength. Since only the surface can phosphorescence, there are a
lot of the pigments that can get lost in the HMA. So, it can be thought that any not on the surface
is wasted. On the contrary, abrasion occurring on the pavement because of the traffic loads helps
to regain the lost pigments on the surface. So, it is aimed to use whole pigments in time.
Road Materials and Pavement Design 11

This study can be a basis for introducing UV wavelengths into the public lightings to increase
the visibility of the pavement. The cost/benefit analysis of public lighting with UV wavelength
could be done as future research.

Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.

Ekinhan Eriskin
Sebnem Karahancer
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