Step by Step Handbook 2019-2020

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Step by Step

Infant Toddler Learning Center

Impacting Two Generations

Parent Handbook
709 E. Riverview Avenue
Fort Morgan CO 80701
Phone: (970) 370-6643
Fax: (970) 867-3347

Welcome/Introductory Letter.......................................................................................................4
Mission Statements......................................................................................................................5
Asbestos Notification...................................................................................................................7
Bad Weather Consideration.........................................................................................................7
Breakfast/Lunch Program............................................................................................................7
Child Abuse Law.........................................................................................................................7
Class and Lab...............................................................................................................................7
Clothing and Supplies..................................................................................................................7
Commitments to Excellence........................................................................................................8
Communication between Home and School................................................................................8
Contract Renewal.........................................................................................................................9
Daily Schedule.............................................................................................................................9
Dropping Off/Picking up Students.............................................................................................11
Emergencies and Drills..............................................................................................................11
English Language Learners.......................................................................................................12
Family Background...................................................................................................................12
Filing a Complaint.....................................................................................................................12
Head Lice...................................................................................................................................12
Health and Cleanliness..............................................................................................................14
Health Forms.............................................................................................................................14
Illness and Injury.......................................................................................................................14
Immunization of Students..........................................................................................................15
Inclement Weather.....................................................................................................................15
Lunch/Breakfast Program..........................................................................................................15
Meals and Snacks......................................................................................................................16
Medication Policy......................................................................................................................16
Parents Right to Know...............................................................................................................17
Parent Teacher Conferences.......................................................................................................17
Parent Portal Instructions...........................................................................................................17
Playground Time........................................................................................................................17
Retention Policy.........................................................................................................................17
Referral for Family Services or Support....................................................................................17

Page 2
Primary Caregiving/Continuity of Care Practices.....................................................................17
School/Parent Policy Compact (Title 1)....................................................................................19
Screenings & Assessments & Referrals.....................................................................................19
Shoe-Free Environment for Infant Room..................................................................................19
Steering Committee...................................................................................................................19
Strategic Plan and Goals & Quality Improvement Plan (QIP)..................................................19
Students with Food Allergies.....................................................................................................20
Storing Personal Belongings......................................................................................................20
Substance Policy........................................................................................................................20
Suspension/Expulsion from School...........................................................................................21
Tardy Policy...............................................................................................................................21
Termination from the Program..................................................................................................21
Toilet Training............................................................................................................................21
USDA Food Program.................................................................................................................22
Weapons in School.....................................................................................................................23
Web Site.....................................................................................................................................23
Withdrawal from the Program...................................................................................................23
Parent Signature Page................................................................................................................24

Page 3
Welcome/Introductory Letter

Welcome to the Step-by-Step Infant Toddler Learning Center. We understand that

learning is a never-ending process. At Step by Step we provide a stimulating
environment for your child to learn through play. Our teachers promote your
child in areas of social, emotional & physical development. Parents' thoughts,
ideas and suggestions are greatly appreciated. We encourage interaction
between and your child at anytime. An enlightening, enriching and rewarding
experience awaits both you and your child at Step by Step.


Sherri Amen

Page 4
Mission Statements

The mission of Morgan County School District Re-3 is to
inspire creative thinking, high achievement, and lifelong learning.

Teen Parent Program Mission Statement

The program is designed to assist teen parents in obtaining their High School diploma, and to
pursue future training or education. The program will provide quality, licensed childcare to the
program participants’ children. We will teach and promote good health practices, positive
parenting skills, personal growth, decision-making skills, healthy relationships, and economic
self-sufficiency. The program will help both generations it serves to be happy, healthy, socially
responsible, contributing members of society.

The childcare center will provide a safe and nurturing environment for the children while their
parents pursue a diploma. The center practices inclusion for any special needs child. The staff
and volunteers will model positive parenting skills. The children will be offered a variety of
recreational and enriching activities that will enhance their physical, emotional, cognitive, and
social development. Early intervention will be offered for any developmental delays to help
ensure school success.

Please notify the center by 8:00 if you and/or your child will not be attending. Call 370-6643.
You will also need to call your school if you will not be there. If you are not attending school,
your child cannot come to child care You will need to call if you are going to be tardy. If your
child is not in the day care, students must attend class and work in the lab.

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The Step-by-Step Infant Toddler Center offers quality care and development for children ages
six weeks through 3 years of age. The student parent must be enrolled in high school at one of
the high schools in Morgan County, a district staff member, or a high school graduate enrolled in
Morgan County community college. We accept all children regardless of race, color, sex, national
origin, or religious beliefs. We meet all ADA regulations and are an inclusive early learning
center. Enrollment requirements must be met before your child can attend our center.

All forms need to be filled out prior to the first day of attendance, or your child cannot attend.
At the time of enrollment we suggest that parents familiarize themselves with policies and
procedures of the center set in this handbook. We encourage that prior to your child’s first day
that you visit and observe the daily routines of your child’s classroom.

These are papers required by the state that need to be kept on file.

After orientation, please feel free to look over the handbook at your leisure. I understand that
there is a lot of information listed and that it can be overwhelming. Please contact the director
with any questions, and once you feel you understand the information listed in the handbook,
please sign and return the signature form at the back of the book.

This needs to be signed by the doctor and returned before the child starts day care. This form
needs to be renewed according the physician once the child is enrolled.

Please bring your immunization card to the director to copy the dates from before your child
starts day care. If your child needs any immunizations, you will be asked to get them before
your child attends.


This form needs to be filled out for the USDA before your child is enrolled.

Fees are to be paid in advance.

This form needs to be filled out to ensure confidentiality within the center.

Asbestos Notification
Please see District Policy information in the back of the book.

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Bad Weather Consideration
Please see District Policy information in the back of the book.

Breakfast/Lunch Program
Please see District Policy information in the back of the book.

Child Abuse Law

Please see District Policy information in the back of the book. Phone numbers for reporting child
abuse are hung in each classroom in the facility.

Class and Lab

The center is not only a day care for your child while you attend school and earn a diploma; it is
also a class and lab.

Most of your payment for childcare is done through in kind working. This means that you are
working in the center to pay for your day care. When you are scheduled to be in the lab, it is
your responsibility to do what needs to be done to care for the children and promote their
education. In the infant room, there are chores sheets that you need to sign and date as duties
are done. You also need to help staff with situations as they arise. It is understandable that you
may want to sit and visit with other student parents while in the lab, but his is a time to work.
Please save your discussions for classes and your visiting for after school hours. Reading is
crucial at this young age, so please read to children as often as possible to promote literacy and
language skills as well as to bond with the children. You need to document the time that you
work in the center on a time sheet. There will not be any gossip allowed in the center. Please
sign the confidentiality form and follow it very closely. This program is designed to support teen
parents and the unique issues they face. In doing so, some private matters may arise which are
not to be discussed outside the center.

Your class time is like any other class. You are required to be on time, have regular attendance
and do the work that is required.

Clothing and Supplies

Children must arrive clean, dressed in comfortable clothes and ready to begin their day of play.
A complete change of clothes including socks and a jacket must be provided for each child.
Parents are also responsible for providing the following items if they are required for your child:

These Items will be kept in your child’s cubby. Please check your child’s cubby regularly to be
sure there is sufficient supplies. The staff will also list these items as needed on your daily
sheets. We prefer that your child does not bring anything extra from home. We are not
responsible for lost or damaged articles. Children are encouraged to bring a favorite blanket or
special naptime item. Children’s belongings should be labeled with your child’s name clearly
printed on it. We do not allow toy weapons. Please send your child with shoes because we do
play outdoors and shoes are required. Please dress your child in clothes for active play. Since

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children learn best through active play, it is important that the children are dressed in clothing
that make it easy for them to play in, as well as clothes that can be washed easily.

The center works to provide outside resources for parents, these resources include but are not
limited to Nurse Family Partnership, Colorado Plans Medical Center, SARA House, and the Caring
Pregnancy Center.



Commitments to Excellence
Please see District Policy information in the back of the book.

Communication between Home and School

Each classroom has a parent board in the front of the room. The teacher updates information,
and communicates special memos on this board. In addition, each teacher fills out a “Daily
Communication Sheet,” to inform you on your child’s daily activities. Please fill out the child’s
home information upon arrival. It includes how the child slept, ate, or how they played and
concepts learned as well as diapering information. Please feel free to communicate any
questions or concerns to your child’s teacher and/or the director at any time. An informative
monthly newsletter will be sent home with age. Information will be available through Teaching
Strategies Gold on your child by accepting the invite that your child’s teacher emails you. Family
Conferences will be help twice a year, the Spring and Fall to discuss your child’s development
and goals for your child. Please note that if you deem it necessary, you may request a
conference with the teacher at any time.

Contract Renewal
Contracts will be renewed annually in August. Any changes that take place in your family should
be reported and changes made on the child care forms immediately.

Page 8
Daily Schedule
Adequate child care is defined as a safe and wholesome environment. This environment should
be a natural learning environment that is nurturing and comforting. It should enable the child to
be happy, healthy and well adjusted and help develop a positive self-esteem.
The child is involved in many different activities during the course of the day suitable for their
developmental age on a group and individual basis. The activities may include arts and crafts,
music and movement, structured and free play and field trips.

The times are approximate and organized activities will sometimes be foregone if the children
are deeply engrossed in a creative type of group play.

7:30-8:30 Free Play

8:30-9:00 Rotate Center Play
9:00-9:10 Hand Washing/Bathroom
9:10 9:30 Snack (see menu)
9:30-10:00 Music/Physical Play
10:00-10:30 Outside Recess
10:30-11:00 Circle Time
11:00-11:30 Lunch
11:30-12:00 Story Time/Music
12:30-2:30 Nap/Quiet Time
2:30-3:00 Snack/Free Play
3:00-3:30 Clean up

Infant Daily Schedule

Babies sleep on demand

Babies play on demand

Babies are feed on demand

Babies are given one on one


Diapers are checked hourly

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Social interaction encouraged

All activities done with the infants are done on demand. Most of the child’s play is individual
and not done as a group since most infants play parallel with each other and not together as
much as they do when they become toddlers.

When diapering you must follow the diapering rules posted by the changing centers. Before
changing diapers you must be trained by a staff member. There are many diseases and germs
that can be transferred during diaper changes so you have to use universal precautions when
doing so.

Child discipline is training to develop self-control and social competence. Through a joint effort
between parents, child, and teachers we develop and implement a plan to redirect a child’s
disruptive behavior. Good behavior is praised. Prevention, setting clear limits, redirection,
distracting, modeling and discussing techniques are used to encourage self-discipline. No harsh
discipline (pinching, spanking, rough handling, hair pulling, hitting, kicking, biting, etc.), corporal
punishment or other humiliating methods are used. Discipline is never associated with food,
toileting or sleep. Verbal abuse and derogatory remarks about the child are not permitted.
After teachers have exhausted all avenues, parents are called in for a conference with
management to problem solve and find alternatives to resolve the situation. Management,
teachers and parents are encouraged to try every method and work toward a mutually
satisfactory solution. You are not allowed to call children “brats” as well as any other derogative
names. If you would like to ask a child to quite down, you may say “hush” or “quite please” NOT
“shut up”.

Here are some examples of appropriate ways of disciplining:

 Providing Choices-Would you like to help clean up the blocks or the paint table?
 Redirecting Behavior-Let's go find something to do while you’re waiting for your turn on the
 Natural or Logical Consequences-We need to paint on the paper. Please help clean up the
 Direct Statements-Blocks are for building not hitting people.
 Awareness of Feelings-Tell Billy it makes you angry when he knocks down your blocks. How
do you think Donna feels when you do that?
 Problem Solving-Let's see, we only have one truck and you both want to play with it. I
wonder what we could do?
 Encouraging Pro-Social behavior-When everyone helps, it doesn't take very long to clean up
the room.
 Setting Limits-It is not okay to throw sand. Sand stays in the sandbox.

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 Removal from Situation-This is not okay. You and I need to find something else to do
If you are having a discipline problem at home, please let your child's teacher or the director
offer some choices on how to handle the situation. We know parenting is a tough job and we
want the best for you and your child.

Dropping Off/Picking up Students

As teachers we have found that some children have a harder time saying good-bye then others.
So we ask that if your child has a hard time transitioning from you to their teachers that it will
be easier on the child if the process is not prolonged. That it will be easier on the teachers to be
able to comfort and reassure the child if you keep your good- byes brief.


Parents must remember to sign their child in and out daily. Teachers are also required to enter
the time your child arrived on an attendance sheet located in each room. Please note that a
teacher cannot release a child to anyone who is not authorized to pick him or her up. If
someone other than an authorized person arrives to pick up your child, they cannot be released
to him or her. Remember to add on the authorized pick up sheet anyone who may at anytime,
pick up your child. Children are not released to anyone who seems to be under the influence of
alcohol or drugs. In the event such a situation should arise an emergency contact is called to
pick the child up or local authorities. The Step by Step Center closes at 3:30 so please be on
time to pick up your child. Emergency authorized contacts are called after thirty minutes of
closing. If no one can be reached or the child has been left at the center one hour after closing,
then management must call the proper authorities (social services and the local police). State
Regulations state that we cannot stop a legal parent or guardian from picking up your child
without a legal document. However we may contact you if a situation should arise.

Emergencies and Drills

Although it is our practice to prevent accidents and injuries accidents do happen. In the case of
an emergency staff will call the local hospital if immediate treatment is necessary or the child’s
doctor or dentist. All parents must sign a form giving the staff of the Step-by-Step Center
permission to get their child the adequate medical treatment when or if needed. The staff will
make every attempt to contact the parents or emergency contacts before any action is taken.
The parents agree to assume all financial responsibilities for the ambulance and any medical
treatment given to their child.

Our center conducts monthly drills for fires and tornadoes. In the event of an actual emergency,
children are evacuated from the building. Emergency plans are posted in each room. Parents
are notified if staff and children cannot reenter the building. Teachers take attendance once
children are out of the building and a safe distance from any harm. Emergency bags are
provided for each class containing food, water, first aid kit, and emergency numbers, and a roll
call sheet. We ask parents of infants to bring in one extra bottle, pacifier if needed, two extra
diapers, one pack of handy wipes and ready to serve formula (breastfed babies we ask you bring

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in an alternative if a bottle of breast milk is not accessible at the time of evacuation). We can
provide bottled water and blankets. Natural disasters can occur in Colorado. This center has
become familiar with practices suggested by FEMA and the Red Cross.

English Language Learners

If a second language is dominant in a classroom, every attempt will be made to provide a
caregiver in that classroom who speaks the language of the children as part of the teaching
staff. Newsletters and other information sent home will be translated into the home language
for each family. Conferences and other communication will be conducted in the home language
or try to have translation available.

Family Background
Please fill out the Family Background Form so the staff can get to know your child and your

You are an active part of the staff in the program. You are to do what needs to be and also take
the initiative to come up with activities for the children.

You are not allowed to say who holds your baby and who doesn’t. We all need to act
professional and keep the child’s interests in mind.

Regular child care fees are $200.00 per week. Students enrolled in the Step by Step Teen
Parenting Program are obligated to apply for CCAP (Child Care Assistance Program) through The
Colorado Department of Human Services, participate in fund raisers to generate money for
supplies for the center, do in-kind work in the center, and pay a parental fee as determined by
Human Services.

Filing a Complaint
Phone numbers for filing a complaint are posted in both rooms in the facility.

Any time a change is necessary in the Handbook parent(s) will receive two weeks notice of the
change and a new Agreement Page will be signed by parents and provider indicating the

Head Lice
Head lice are tiny insects that live primarily on the head and the scalp. They are found only on
humans. Head lice suck blood and may cause a rash & itchy skin. The eggs or nits are tiny white
or dark ovals and noticeable on the back of the neck & around the ears.


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Head lice are primarily spread through direct head to head contact, although sharing personal
items such as hats, brushes, combs, and linens may play a role in their spread between children.
The best treatment is combing out all the eggs (nits).

The director has the option of sending home any child with live lice for initial treatment
(Because of the close personal contact in the daycare). Children with nits only may remain in
the daycare as long as parents are actively combing out the nits.

There are two options for treatment:

1. Chemical Method: Initial use of lice shampoo which kills the live lice and 2/3 of the
eggs (not recommended for children under 2 y/o). Then daily combing of the hair
with a special lice comb to comb all the eggs out. Lice shampoo may be used a
second time 7 – 10 days later to make sure all the eggs are killed. (If combed out
adequately, this is not necessary).
2. Non-chemical method: By using regular shampoo & a special lice comb and combing
out eggs every day, lice and eggs may be eliminated without any chemicals
(preferred treatment for under 2 y/o). This should be done at home so any live lice
will not be transmitted in the day care center.

Education of parents & staff is important in appropriate treatment of head lice. Focus is on
combing out lice & eggs with a special lice comb. Parents should follow through with checking
& treating family members or contacts, wash clothing & bedding, & vacuuming.
Letters to parents will be mailed at the director’s discretion.
Education may be done in groups or individually.


 When there is a case of confirmed lice, all students and staff in the facility will be
examined for lice. Close contacts of a case will be examined every two weeks - (until no
nits x 2 weeks).
 Separate cribs & bedding for each child. Teach staff & children not to share personal
 Launder clothing & bedding in hot water / dryer for a minimum of 20 minutes.
 Daily vacuuming of carpet. Furniture vacuumed after a case of live lice.
 Combs & brushes should be soaked in a disinfectant solution (1/4 cup bleach to a gallon
of water),or lice-killing solution for 10 minutes, or boiled for 10 minutes.

 Each live louse may lay 200-300 eggs in a month. Combing out all the eggs is the best
way to get rid of lice.
 Eggs hatch in 6 – 9 days, capable of laying eggs 10 days after hatching.
 Lice are killed by heat 130-160 degrees. Washing clothes and placing in a dryer will kill
the eggs.

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 Lice cannot survive off the head more than a week in humid conditions or 2 days in dry
conditions. Placing stuffed animals in a plastic bag for two weeks will make sure there is
no spread.

Health and Cleanliness

We do everything in its power to keep the diseases and illnesses at bay. One of the ways we
accomplish this is by disinfecting. Every night the teachers spray down the classroom with a
disinfecting solution. Once a week, each teacher disinfects toys; the stuffed animals are washed
in the washing machine; infants and toddlers bedding is washed weekly or more often if
needed. If a child soils their clothing, the clothes are sent home in a plastic bag. The children’s
cots are washed down daily with a disinfecting solution after nap time. The walls, sinks, tables,
bathrooms, cribs, highchairs, cubbies and other furniture are constantly maintained and

Health Forms
The Health Status Form, Immunization Form, and Over the counter
Medication Form must be updated as directed by your physician. The
Immunization Record must be updated according to the age
requirements of your child as stipulated by the Health Department.

The center is open on all Fort Morgan School days from 7:30 –3:30. When
the Morgan Schools are closed the Step By Step Infant Toddler Center is closed. You are
required to bring your child to day care directly before school and pick your children up directly
after school.

Illness and Injury

Caregivers are trained to watch our children for unusual signs that may indicate illness. We are
aware that sometimes your child may be well enough to attend, but if you are unsure call your
pediatrician. If an occasion arises that your child is sent home we ask that you pick your child up
within one hour of us contacting you. Listed below are some symptoms or illnesses that your
child may be sent home for if his/her caregiver observes them.

 Fever over 100 degrees

 Unexplained rashes or outbreaks on skin
 Pink eye
 Severe coughing
 Difficult or rapid breathing
 Green runny nose
 Two incidents of diarrhea or vomiting within an hour
 Head lice, knits
 Measles, mumps, rubella, or chicken pox

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 If your child is sent home, THEY MUST BE SYMPTOM FREE FOR 24 HOURS, ON

The average child gets sick between five and twelve times annually. Care for mildly ill children
is one thing, but when children are too sick to participate to the extent that it interrupts the care
or endanger the health of other children, it will be necessary for you to make other arrangements
for your child.

You are also required to notify the staff if the child has been ill over during the last 24 hours, Or
if their child has been exposed to a contagious disease. Exposure of a disease
does not mean the child will be excluded from child care, but we will be aware
and can watch for symptoms.

Should an accident occur and your child is injured at school, the teachers apply first aid
immediately, and depending on the severity of the accident the following steps are taken:
1. Parents are notified (always give caregivers any new contact numbers where you
can be reached)
2. If parents cannot be reached, emergency contacts are called.
3. If the child’s injury is very severe, then 911 are called. If it is necessary for a child
to be taken to the emergency room by ambulance a member of management
accompanies the child until parents arrive.
4. Should the injury be minor, caregivers fill out an accident report and notify
parents by phone about what occurred.

If a child becomes ill at child care, a staff member will sit with the child in the office and try to
comfort him or her until a family member can pick up the child. When a child becomes ill in the
program, the parent is notified immediately.

Immunization of Students
Please see District Policy information in the back of the book.

Inclement Weather
In Colorado, we experience so many wonderful changes in the weather snow, rain, and heat. We
do allow children the opportunity to play outdoors daily. Parents are encouraged to dress

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children appropriately for the weather outdoors. For instance, if you can send snow boots,
gloves, hats, coats when there is snow. Hats and sunscreen should be brought in if it is sunny
out. The program will be closed if school is canceled.

Lunch/Breakfast Program
Please see District Policy information in the back of the book.

Meals and Snacks

Step-by-Step is a participant in the Child Care Food Program a
child nutrition program. Please see the attached letter for
details. We will provide the following meals and snacks for the

Breakfast 8:15-8:30 AM
Lunch 11:00-11:30 AM
PM Snack 2:00-2:30 PM

We focus on your child’s nutritional needs by providing well-balanced, nutritional meals &
snacks. We encourage children to use their self-help skills by providing self-service family style
meals and snacks. Although we offer meals children are not forced to eat. If you arrive late and
the child does not arrive in time for a meal, feeding the child then becomes the parent’s
responsibilities. Please do not bring food with your child.

PLEASE DO NOT ALLOW your child to bring gum, candy, or food. Special arrangements may be
made for goodies to be brought if permission is given prior to item being brought and if enough
is brought for all. Arrangements will be made to meet special needs your child may have if
adequate notice is given. Parent(s) may feel free to bring necessary special foods or liquids.


Sweets are limited and parents should obtain permission before sending such items to the child
care center. This policy keeps your child from being upset if the item sent is inappropriate for
the children in care. Gum is never allowed.

Please do not bring any food other than cafeteria food into the infant and toddler rooms. We
are promoting healthy eating opportunities for the children by setting a good example by
healthy foods around them.

Infants eat upon demand. Parents, who have children under the age of one, are asked to
provide any food their child may consume throughout the day, formula, cereal, jar food and any

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kind of snacks. The center can only provide water to mix with the formula or cereal. Infants are
to be held while bottle-feed.

Medication Policy
Please see District Policy information in the back of the book. All medication must be approved
by a physician, and labeled with child’s name. This includes over the counter prescriptions. All
medications must be stored out of the reach of children in a locked cabinet. If refrigerated must
be in a lock box.

Parents Right to Know

Please see District Policy information in the back of the book.

Parent Teacher Conferences

Each semester there will be a parent conference with each teen parent about his/her child.
During this conference the parent, the classroom teacher and the director will meet to discuss
the development of the child.

Parent Portal Instructions

Please see District Policy information in the back of the book.

Playground Time
Children will go outdoors daily. If they cannot play outside for a reasonably amount of time,
gross motor exercises are provided inside. Indoor equipment must meet safety standards.

Retention Policy
Please see District Policy information in the back of the book.

Referral for Family Services or Support

If a family member expresses that they may be in need of additional support services (mental
health, health, developmental, education or any other support services) to a staff person will
forward this information to the Director. The Director will provide contact information to the
family, meet with the family or call the service provider directly, depending on the nature of the
support needed.

Pamphlets and other information can be found in the brochure distribution area. Family
members, and staff, are encouraged to contact the Director if they have any questions or would
like more information about any support needed.

Primary Caregiving/Continuity of Care Practices

Children enrolled in Step by Step will be assigned to a specific classroom and teaching staff for
the duration of the child’s enrollment. These staff members will be the child’s continuous care
providers in support of the formation of a strong emotional bond between child and adult.
While substitute staff and relief staff (which allow classroom staff to take lunch, breaks, etc.)
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may be found in the classroom on occasion, the majority of the child’s day will be spent with the
same caretaking adults.

Our first concern is for the safety of each and every individual at Step By Step. Therefore the
following must be upheld at all times
 You must sign your child in and out every day.
 Staff will check the sign in sheet upon leaving to ensure that all children are gone and signed
 Only you or a person you have designated on the enrollment forms can remove your child
from the center.
 We will require a photo ID of anyone other than the parent or legal guardian who picks up a
child. That person must be authorized to do so in writing by the parent or guardian.
 If someone else must pick up your child you must call the center and let the staff know the
exact name of the person picking up your child.
 The staff must check the sign in sheet and do a head count four times a day to ensure that
all the children are accounted for.
 When the children leave their room for any reason a note will be posted on the classroom
door telling of their whereabouts.
 The parent or guardian will be notified immediately of an illness or serious injury to the
child. All accidents serious or not will be documented and signed by both the center director
and the parent.
 If a medical emergency arises while a child is at the center a parent and paramedics will be
notified immediately. If needed, the child will be transported by ambulance to the Colorado
Plains medical center.
 If the above should occur an RE-3 accident report will be filed with the School District and
The Division of child care.
 If the parent can’t be reached then the emergency contact given by the parent or guardian
will be notified.
 A fire drill will be given monthly and a Tornado drill will be held twice a year. Emergency
evacuation information will be clearly posted in each room.
 While the children are away from the classroom on a walk or outside the staff will be vigilant
in keeping all the children together and supervised. If a child becomes separated from the
group a staff member will immediately attempt to find the child. If the child is not located in
5 minutes the parent and authorities will be notified.
 It is imperative that you pick your child up by after school each and everyday. If an
emergency arises and an alternate can’t be found to pick up your child, call the center
 If no authorized individual has picked up the child and a parent or guardian has not notified
the center by 3:30 PM than the police will be notified.
 For the safety of everyone, visitors must sign in at the office in Sherman School as well as
with the director of Step by Step, and receive a visitor’s badge. Visitors will not be left alone
with any child at anytime.

Page 18
 Children can bring toys, blankets, or pillows from home. Be sure that they pose no hazard to
the other children in the center and are marked with your child’s name.
 If an item brought from home poses a hazard to anyone then the staff will confiscate it
 The staff needs to be able to reach parents at all times.

School/Parent Policy Compact (Title 1)

Please see District Policy information in the back of the book.

Screenings & Assessments & Referrals

Staff will conduct various screenings & assessments of children while enrolled in the Little
Lambs Program. Possible (but not limited to) assessments may include: Dental Screenings
Ages & Stages Questionnaire (Given to families) Vision Screening
Informal Classroom Assessments Hearing Screening
Teaching Strategies Gold Assessments (Cognitive/Physical/Social Emotional/Language Literacy)

These assessments are considered confidential information and will be treated with the same
due diligence as any other student record of Trinity Lutheran School.

Based on the screening results, referrals for appropriate services will be made and/or given to
the family. If screening results show that a child could benefit from an Individual Education Plan
(IEP) Morgan School District RE-3 Child Find Coordinator will be contacted to start the formal
process. Services would be provided by the school district, with every attempt being made for
services to be provided within the preschool classroom during the child’s scheduled attendance.

Shoe-Free Environment for Infant Room

With infants commonly on the floor we want to provide a clean, safe, and healthy environment
in the Infant Room. We practice a "shoe-free" policy in this room. We ask that parents and staff
entering the carpeted area of the infant room please slip a pair of shoe covers over their shoes.
We take this action to prevent outside contaminants from being brought into the room and
spread onto the carpet; particularly during the cold weather with the snow and salt. The infants
spend much of their time exploring on the floor, so it is best that these areas be kept as clean as

Steering Committee
The Steering Committee meets at least six (6) times each year to review policies, licensing
requirements, determine if the preschool/child care program is meeting the community needs
and consider family or community concerns and/or suggestions. The Steering Committee are
comprised of the following: At least two (2) parents of children in the program, a health
representative, a social services representative, a representative from the School District, the
Step by Step Director, a representative from a home visitation program, and the FACT (Families
and Comminutes) coordinator.

Page 19
Strategic Plan and Goals & Quality Improvement Plan (QIP)
The Steering Committee determines the strategic plan and goals for the Step by Step Program.
This Committee meets, at least, six (6) times per year. Family members are encouraged to
participate in this Committee. These meetings are held the third Thursday of every other
month. If you would like to be a member of this Steering Committee, or attend any meetings to
inform the Committee of your concerns or comments, please contact the Director.

Timelines for the Strategic Plan and Goals will be developed at the first meeting with changes
made as program factors or unknown issues become apparent. The entire strategic plan will be
reviewed annually, any additional changes will be made. A copy of the strategic plan will be
kept on file and can be requested my families. Families are encouraged to suggestions on how
to increase the quality of the Step by Step Program.

At each meeting, the Steering Committee will monitor the following items:

review program policies and actions to determine if Little Lambs, Trinity ELC continues to
meet/exceed all licensing requirements by the State of Colorado.

determine which quality rating tools the program will use, review those results and determine
what changes and/or supports are needed to maintain or improve those quality ratings.

review family and community needs concerning child care and determine if needs are being
met or if changes/revisions should occur.

review the budget policies and procedures of the program to determine adequate financial
solvency of the program.

be informed and review hiring practices and placement of program staff.

will consider any family or community complaints, concerns or comments.

Students with Food Allergies

Please see District Policy information in the back of the book.

Storing Personal Belongings

All personal belongings and money must be stored out of the reach of children. Staff are
required to use lockers provided in locked room in facility.

Substance Policy
Please see District Policy information in the back of the book. Facility is not allowed to keep
children from parents, but if they feel there is an issue they have the right to stall and call 911 if
parent insist on leaving with their child.

Page 20
Children will have sunscreen applied as directed on sunscreen bottle. Children under six
months of age will be kept out of direct sunlight and be covered with a hat. Families are
responsible for suppling the sunscreen and signing a permission slip for the staff to apply the

Suspension/Expulsion from School

Please see District Policy information in the back of the book.

Tardy Policy
Please see District Policy information in the back of the book. Children who show up late are
cared for the same as children who arrived on time. Children do not leave facility.

The child will not be allowed to watch television. This is a crucial time for development and we
prefer to stimulate the children’s learning through active play, and art and sensory activities .

Termination from the Program

If a student fails to comply with the rules in this contract the student will be terminated form
the program.

Toilet Training
Toilet training begins as an agreement between parents and teachers. We provide unique child-
size toilet areas to help alleviate fears and insecurities. The child must be at least 20 months
and be able to pull his or her own pants on and off and able to communicate verbally the need
to use the bathroom. Teachers should be given an oral or written plan of how parents work with
the child at home to remain consistent at school. There is no force involved. Each child is given
the opportunity to go to the toilet. Ultimately it is the child’s decision to go or not. If your child
is toilet training we ask that you bring in lots of extra clothes and pull-ups or underwear.
If you chose to use cloth diapers, the diaper must have an absorbent lining
completely contained within an outer covering made of waterproof material
that prevents the escape of feces and urine. Staff will change both the diaper
and the outer covering as one unit and bag for parent to wash.

Step by Step is intentional to ensure that all families experience a smooth transition into the
program. When the student is ready for preschool the staff is able to provide a positive
transition for children and families because we maintain a strong Early Childhood Team with
established relationships within our community.

Home/Other Program to Step by Step

 Meet family and child at enrollment

Page 21
o Families and children are encouraged to observe in classrooms

o Ages & Stages completed

o Opportunities for questions for teachers

Infant Room to Toddler Room

 Family will meet with Director and both lead teachers to determine the need to
transition a child from the infant classroom to the toddler classroom to ensure it is in the
best interest of the child.

 Child’s portfolio will be transferred to new classroom in GOLD to allow new teacher to
read observations

 Assessments will be shared with new teacher and file will transfer to new classroom

Step by Step to Preschool

o Visit Preschool classroom

o Meet the teacher

o Experience the classroom routines

Parents/Guardians are welcome to attend the classroom at any time. If you have questions or
concerns about your child’s transition to Step by Step or preschool, please feel free to contact
the teacher or Director at any time

Teachers will send a note every day to keep families informed of your child’s daily activities. The
teacher will inform you of any transitional needs or supports, as well as, other pertinent

There is no transportation provided by the facility.

USDA Food Program

Congratulation, the child care center you have chosen participates in the Child Care Food
Program (CCFP), a federal program administered by the Colorado Department of Health. The
primary goal of the CCFP is to improve the diets of children from birth until their 13th birthday,

Nutrition is as important part of good health and a good child care program. Children need
well-balanced meals to meet their daily energy needs and help build strong bodies and minds.
Through the CCFP, you can be assured that your child is getting balanced nutritious meals. All of
the meals claimed must follow patterns set by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. As
Page 22
participants in the CCFP, your child care home can claim a maximum of one meal and two
snacks or two meals and one snack daily per child. Your child care home receives a
reimbursement for claiming these meals as well as information on nutritious meals for children.
Below are the minimum Child Care Food Program meal requirements for children 1 through 12
years old.

1) Fluid Milk
2) Fruit, Vegetable or Juice
3) Bread / Bread Alternate

1) Fluid Milk
2) Meat / Meat Alternate
3) Fruit or Vegetable or Juice
4) Bread / Bread Alternate

1) Fluid Milk
2) Meat / Meat Alternate
3) Fruit, Vegetable or Juice
4) Bread / Bread Alternate 5.A.02.c

If you have questions or comments about this program talk with your child’s teacher, or the
director, or contact the: Colorado Department of Health, Child Care Food Program, 4210 East
11th Avenue, Denver, Colorado 80220, Telephone: (303) 331-8351.

USDA policy forbids discrimination because of race, color, national origin, age sex, or handicap.
Any person who believes he or she has been discriminated against in any USDA related activity
should write immediately to the Secretary of Agriculture, Washington, DC 20250.

If someone is visiting for any reason, they must sign in and wash their hands. If the visitor is
going on the infant side he or she must ware booties and a smock and wash their hands
between infants.

Weapons in School
Please see District Policy information in the back of the book.

Web Site
The Morgan County School District RE-3 website can be found at You
may find helpful information out about what is for lunch to what sporting events are going on.

Page 23
Withdrawal from the Program
A written letter must be given to the Director two weeks in advance, if you and your child will be
leaving the program.

Page 24
Parent Signature Page

By signing below I agree I have read and I understand the contents of this parent handbook and
I agree to follow the rules and policies set forth in this handbook. I also agree that if at any time
I no longer agree with the policies and procedures I shall be given a chance to have my thoughts
and concerns heard by both the staff and the director.

Please sign below and return this page to the preschool staff when you have read the Parents

I, ______________________________ have read and understand the policies in this handbook.

(Parent’s Signature)

Child’s Name

Date ______________________________

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