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MonaJi, as AmbujJi’’s horoscope shows

right now he is running thru Mahadasa of Jupiter which will
last up to 2026. Under that, Antardasa (Minor) of Mercury is
running now. Going in detail Pratyantardasas (Sub-minor) of
Venus is running right now. Thereafter that of Sun, Moon,
Mars, Rahu, and Jupiter will last for almost one year from
now. In Gochara (Not by birth but in the current movement
of planets in the sky) Saturn is creating Dhayya in retrograde
motion in Fourth house from Natal Moon. Jupiter is passing
thru your rasi (i.e. Simha) itself. Rahu and Ketu are creating 1st
– 7th house axis. So Gochara is bad now but the prevailing
force which happens to be Dasa is somewhat good. It is so
because Antardasa Lord i.e. Mercury is the Lord of the House
of Fortune and is in a debilitation-cancellation position
creating Neechbhanga rajyoga. Though it is slightly blemished
due to the ownership of the house of diseases, debts and
rivals also along with being caught in the axis of Rahu-Ketu.
Between Feb.2016 to Half June
2016 there are strong chances of elevation in the status,
profession or new opportunity on career front. Cultural
activities or interest in them may be rising. There after some
unearned wealth or benefit may come in life. Things
pertaining to inheritance may draw attention in a positive
manner. Interest towards occultism and philosophy may
increase. Expenses related with charity or holy activities may
take place. Between last of July and first of October health of
both life partners is to be watched. Long distance travels are
also possible in that period and financially or career wise may
be helpful.
After that some expenses related
with house, landed property or vehicles may rise or some
investment in that regard may be done. Ailments related with
acidity, bile, blood circulation, cuts, thumps and injuries are
to be watched over. Rash driving should be avoided and
conflicts or clashes should be totally avoided. Rivals may also
try to impose false allegations but with God’s grace and moral
strength you will finally be able to subdue all of them. Staying
away from home will be another feature.
On the other hand there may be
chances of gain through conflict, partners or even through
competitors especially about Oct. – Nov. 2016. Long distance
contacts will also be helpful. Arunji in the latter half of the
year ahead from now, by your sheer will power and
perseverance you will be able to achieve tasks awaited for
long. Again situations will arise which will make you to be on
continuous move. There shall be opportunity to visit holy
places. Your talents will come on fore and I won’t be
surprised if you are honored even publicly. You will be warlike
in not leaving any task incomplete.
Capacity to work amazingly hard or to show
bravery and asceticism will increase and will be recognized.
You will also try your level best to bring reform, change and
welfare in the lives of the people and public associated with
you. But unnecessary critical attitude towards others may
turn many in opponents. Pleasure and pain both will be
caused by the near ones and relatives in this latter half. A
strong urge to express highly independent and even opposite
to general opinion will be there.
Conclusively this year will prove to be
overall a good year and elevations in life are strongly
indicated, though health front should not be overlooked or
should be kept in a watch.

1. Keep following all the advices provided universally
and generally in the Original and last year‘s
horoscope analysis.
2. Repeat again recommendation no. (6) as usual this
year also.
3. Continue doing recommendation no.(4) .
4. Keep worshiping Goddess Laxmi and Lord Vishnu as
much as possible.

With Iswara’s Grace

Your Own Self
Mukul kashyap.
Varanasi, U.P., India.
Ph.- +91 7388772127

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