Kris Jon Sanchez Grade 7 - Spa

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 On the bank of a tranquil river, Alice (Kathryn Beaumont) grows bored listening to her older sister read
aloud from a history book about William I of England. Alice's sister scolds her, gently but firmly, for her
lack of attention. At that moment, Alice dreams of living in a world of nonsense ("A World of My Own",
as she explains and sings to her little kitten Dinah). Just then, Alice sees a White Rabbit (Bill Thompson)
wearing a waistcoat and carrying a large pocket watch. She and Dinah follow him into a rabbit hole,
where Alice suddenly falls down into a deep well, leaving Dinah behind.

At the bottom, she follows the Rabbit into a large chamber-like hall, but he escapes through a tiny door.
The Doorknob (Joseph Kearns) suggests Alice drink from a bottle marked "Drink me." The contents
shrink her to a tiny fraction of her original size. The door is locked, and the key appears on the table,
which she can not reach. The Doorknob directs her to a cookie marked "Eat me." The cookie makes
her grow so large that her head hits the ceiling. She begins to cry; her massive tears flood the room.
The Doorknob points out that the "Drink me" bottle still has some fluid left inside, so she finishes the
last drop. She becomes so small that she drops inside the bottle. Both she and the bottle drift through
the doorknob's keyhole mouth and out to a sea made from Alice's tears.

On shore, a Dodo bird (Thompson) leads a group of animals in a futile caucus-race to get dry. Alice
meets Tweedledum and Tweedledee (J. Pat O'Malley), two fat twin brothers who recite "The Walrus
and the Carpenter", in a sequence that first appeared in Through the Looking-Glass. After sneaking
away to the White Rabbit's house, Alice is at first mistaken by him for his maidservant; and then grows
to such a large size that she gets stuck inside the house. The Dodo tries to help by first sending Bill the
Lizard Chimney Sweep down the chimney, and then setting the house on fire; but Alice eats a carrot
from the garden and shrinks down to three inches.

Alice sings "All in the Golden Afternoon" with a garden of talking flowers, who originally appeared in
Chapter 3 of Through the Looking-GlassAlice chases after the Rabbit again, and in another example
of a vignette borrowed from Through the Looking-Glass, she finds herself in a garden of talking flowers
and strange insects. The flowers at first befriend Alice, but then mistake her for a weed and angrily
drive her out of the flowerbed before she can "take root." She engages a hookah-smoking caterpillar
who turns into a butterfly, though not before giving her cryptic advice about the mushroom she is sitting
on. Alice breaks off two pieces and nibbles them alternately (first growing very large and unintentionally
aggravating a Nesting Mother Bird (Queenie Leonard), who accuses Alice of being a "serpent", then
shrinking very small). Finally Alice manages to restore herself to her normal size and stores the pieces
in her apron pockets.

Alice receives mysterious directions from the Cheshire Cat (Sterling Holloway), an eerily grinning feline
that can disappear and reappear at will, which lead her to the garden of the March Hare (Jerry Colonna),
who is celebrating his "unbirthday" with the Mad Hatter (Ed Wynn) and the Dormouse. Alice, growing
tired of their rudeness and wackiness, decides to go home, abandoning her pursuit of the White Rabbit.
She is lost and despondent among the strange creatures (See Below) of the Tulgey Wood, until the
Cheshire Cat reappears and shows her a short-cut out of the forest and into the garden of the Queen
(and King) of Hearts.

In the hedge maze garden, Alice meets some playing cards painting white roses red. The White Rabbit
heralds the arrival of the bellicose Queen of Hearts (Verna Felton), the diminutive King (Dink Trout),
and a card army. She invites Alice to a strange game of croquet using flamingos as mallets, hedgehogs
as balls, and card soldiers as wickets. The Cheshire Cat plays a prank on the Queen, who blames Alice
and orders her execution. The King suggests that Alice is to be put on trial instead. At the trial, Alice's
nonsensical acquaintances (the Mad Hatter, the March Hare, and the Dormouse) are of no help to her.
The Cheshire Cat appears and causes enough distraction to allow Alice to eat the remaining portions
of mushroom, causing her to grow to gigantic proportions. At this size, Alice scolds the terrified Queen
for her rash behavior, but then starts shrinking back to her normal size all too soon. At the Queen's
command of "Off with her head!" all the crazy inhabitants of Wonderland give chase.

Coming back to the Doorknob, Alice is told by him that he is still locked, but that she is already on the
other side. Looking through the keyhole, Alice sees herself asleep in the park. As the mob draws nearer,
she calls, "Alice, wake up!" to her sleeping self until she gradually awakens from the dream to the sound
of her sister's voice. The two of them return home for teatime; while Alice muses on her adventures in
Wonderland and realizes that perhaps logic and reason exist for a purpose, her sister realizes
affectionately that Alice is still young, but will grow-up in time.
 On the bank of a tranquil river, Alice (Kathryn Beaumont) grows bored listening to her older sister
read aloud from a history book about William I of England. Alice's sister scolds her, gently but
firmly, for her lack of attention. At that moment, Alice dreams of living in a world of nonsense ("A
World of My Own", as she explains and sings to her little kitten Dinah). Just then, Alice sees a
White Rabbit (Bill Thompson) wearing a waistcoat and carrying a large pocket watch. She and
Dinah follow him into a rabbit hole, where Alice suddenly falls down into a deep well, leaving
Dinah behind.

At the bottom, she follows the Rabbit into a large chamber-like hall, but he escapes through a
tiny door. The Doorknob (Joseph Kearns) suggests Alice drink from a bottle marked "Drink me."
The contents shrink her to a tiny fraction of her original size. The door is locked, and the key
appears on the table, which she can not reach. The Doorknob directs her to a cookie marked
"Eat me." The cookie makes her grow so large that her head hits the ceiling. She begins to cry;
her massive tears flood the room. The Doorknob points out that the "Drink me" bottle still has
some fluid left inside, so she finishes the last drop. She becomes so small that she drops inside
the bottle. Both she and the bottle drift through the doorknob's keyhole mouth and out to a sea
made from Alice's tears.

On shore, a Dodo bird (Thompson) leads a group of animals in a futile caucus-race to get dry.
Alice meets Tweedledum and Tweedledee (J. Pat O'Malley), two fat twin brothers who recite
"The Walrus and the Carpenter", in a sequence that first appeared in Through the Looking-
Glass. After sneaking away to the White Rabbit's house, Alice is at first mistaken by him for his
maidservant; and then grows to such a large size that she gets stuck inside the house. The Dodo
tries to help by first sending Bill the Lizard Chimney Sweep down the chimney, and then setting
the house on fire; but Alice eats a carrot from the garden and shrinks down to three inches.

Alice sings "All in the Golden Afternoon" with a garden of talking flowers, who originally appeared
in Chapter 3 of Through the Looking-GlassAlice chases after the Rabbit again, and in another
example of a vignette borrowed from Through the Looking-Glass, she finds herself in a garden
of talking flowers and strange insects. The flowers at first befriend Alice, but then mistake her
for a weed and angrily drive her out of the flowerbed before she can "take root." She engages a
hookah-smoking caterpillar who turns into a butterfly, though not before giving her cryptic advice
about the mushroom she is sitting on. Alice breaks off two pieces and nibbles them alternately
(first growing very large and unintentionally aggravating a Nesting Mother Bird (Queenie
Leonard), who accuses Alice of being a "serpent", then shrinking very small). Finally Alice
manages to restore herself to her normal size and stores the pieces in her apron pockets.

Alice receives mysterious directions from the Cheshire Cat (Sterling Holloway), an eerily grinning
feline that can disappear and reappear at will, which lead her to the garden of the March Hare
(Jerry Colonna), who is celebrating his "unbirthday" with the Mad Hatter (Ed Wynn) and the
Dormouse. Alice, growing tired of their rudeness and wackiness, decides to go home,
abandoning her pursuit of the White Rabbit. She is lost and despondent among the strange
creatures (See Below) of the Tulgey Wood, until the Cheshire Cat reappears and shows her a
short-cut out of the forest and into the garden of the Queen (and King) of Hearts.

In the hedge maze garden, Alice meets some playing cards painting white roses red. The White
Rabbit heralds the arrival of the bellicose Queen of Hearts (Verna Felton), the diminutive King
(Dink Trout), and a card army. She invites Alice to a strange game of croquet using flamingos
as mallets, hedgehogs as balls, and card soldiers as wickets. The Cheshire Cat plays a prank
on the Queen, who blames Alice and orders her execution. The King suggests that Alice is to be
put on trial instead. At the trial, Alice's nonsensical acquaintances (the Mad Hatter, the March
Hare, and the Dormouse) are of no help to her. The Cheshire Cat appears and causes enough
distraction to allow Alice to eat the remaining portions of mushroom, causing her to grow to
gigantic proportions. At this size, Alice scolds the terrified Queen for her rash behavior, but then
starts shrinking back to her normal size all too soon. At the Queen's command of "Off with her
head!" all the crazy inhabitants of Wonderland give chase.

Coming back to the Doorknob, Alice is told by him that he is still locked, but that she is already
on the other side. Looking through the keyhole, Alice sees herself asleep in the park. As the mob
draws nearer, she calls, "Alice, wake up!" to her sleeping self until she gradually awakens from
the dream to the sound of her sister's voice. The two of them return home for teatime; while Alice
muses on her adventures in Wonderland and realizes that perhaps logic and reason exist for a
purpose, her sister realizes affectionately that Alice is still young, but will grow-up in time.

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