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Whole : seluruh, sepanjang

Lucky : beruntung
Engineer : insinyur
Major : jurusan
Wonder : diragukan
Actually : sebenarnya


- Read the following text about professions. Study every sentence in the text. Use the words in
vocabulary list to help you understand any difficult word.

Paradise Institute | Hacking English Academy | Speak English in 120 Days 1

- Listen to the audio conversations about professions!

- Read them the text out loud with many repetitions!

- Study the underline expressions that we might use during talking about professions!

Dialogue 1: Become a Teacher

A: Do your students ever talk about their jobs?

B: Yes, and they ask me what jobs are the best.
A: I tell my students to become a teacher.
B: Teaching is a great job.
A: It's the best job I've ever had.
B: What makes it so good?
A: For me, it's the students.
B: What do you mean?
A: I mean I have wonderful students.
B: That must be nice.
A: Teaching is the best part of my whole day.
B: You're a lucky man to have a job you love.

Dialogue 2: An Engineer

Josh : Hi Rachel!
Rachel : Hi Josh! It's been a long time. Where are you working now?
Josh : I work at a software company downtown. I'm an engineer.
Rachel : That's interesting. What kind of software do you write?
Josh : It's a database for small businesses.
Rachel : Does your company have a website?
Josh : Yes.
Rachel : What's the website address?

Paradise Institute | Hacking English Academy | Speak English in 120 Days 2

Dialogue 3: AStudent

Rachel : Craig, what do you do for work?

Craig : I'm still a student.
Rachel : What school do you go to?
Craig : Boston University.
Rachel : That's a good school. What do you study?
Craig : I'm studying English, math, and history. My major is English.
Rachel : How long have you been studying English?
Craig : More than six years.
Rachel : That's a long time.
Craig : Yeah, I started to learn English when I was in high school.
Rachel : No wonder your English is so good.
Craig : Actually, it's not that good. I can read but I can't speak very well. I haven't had a lot of
chance to practice.
Rachel : I see. Talking with other people is very important.
Craig : Yes, but I still don't have many friends here yet.
Rachel : I'm having a party tonight at my apartment. You should come.
Craig : Oh thanks for inviting me. I'd love to come.


Study the following expression that we might use when talking about professions!
- Do you ever talk about you jobs with friends?
- Do you like your job?
- What does a programmer exactly do?
- What do you do for life?
- I work as doctor.
- A programmer creates programs.
- Yes, and they ask me what jobs are the best.
- I tell my students to become a teacher.
- Teaching is a great job.
Paradise Institute | Hacking English Academy | Speak English in 120 Days 3
- It’s the best job I’ve ever had.
- Where are you working now?
- I work at a software company downtown.
- I'm an engineer.
- That's interesting
- What do you do for work?
- I'm still a student.
- What do you study?
- I'm studying English, math, and history. My major is English.

Speaking Practice
What do you want to do the most in your life? Describe it in detail!

Paradise Institute | Hacking English Academy | Speak English in 120 Days 4

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