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A rubbery little "octobot" is the first robot many of the obstacles that impair hard robots.
made completely from soft parts, according [The 6 Strangest Robots Ever Create]
to a new study. The tiny, squishy guy also
doesn't need batteries or wires of any kind, However, soft robots were previously limited
and runs on a liquid fuel. by rigid batteries or wires needed to power
the bots. Now, "we are very excited to present
a completely soft, untethered robot," said
study co-lead author Michael Wehner, a
research associate in materials science and
mechanical engineering at Harvard
University. "As the field of soft robotics
continues to rapidly expand, we feel that our
work will allow the field to rapidly move
forward in a whole new direction."

The octobot has eight arms (hence the name)

This "octobot" is made entirely out of soft
that are pneumatically driven by steady
materials. A pneumatic network (red) is
embedded within the octobot’s body and streams of oxygen gas. This gas is given off
hyperelastic actuator arms (blue). by liquid hydrogen peroxide fuel after it
chemically reacts with platinum catalysts.
The octopus-like robot is made of silicone
rubber, and measures about 2.5 inches (6.5
centimeters) wide and long. The researchers
say soft robots can adapt more easily to some
environments than rigid machines, and this
research could lead to autonomous robots
that can sense their surroundings and interact
with people.

Conventional robots are typically made from

rigid parts, which makes them vulnerable to
harm from bumps, scrapes, twists and falls. The 0.2-ounce (6 grams) robot is controlled
using tiny 3D-printed networks of plumbing.
These hard parts can also hinder them from
being able to squirm past obstacles. Whereas conventional microelectronic
Increasingly, scientists are building robots circuits shuffle electrons around wires,
made of soft, elastic plastic and rubber, scientists in recent years have begun
developing microfluidic circuitry that can
designs inspired by octopuses, starfish and
worms. These soft robots are generally more shuffle fluids around pipes. These devices
resistant to damage, and can wriggle past can theoretically perform any operation a
regular electronic microchip can, previous In addition, "a separate but very interesting
research suggested. potential application for this type of robot is
in high-risk, dangerous areas such as search
The octobot's microfluidic controller is filled and rescue," Wehner said. "The total
with the liquid hydrogen peroxide fuel. As material cost for the octobot is just over $2,
the fuel gives off oxygen, pressure from the and fuel costs approximately 5 cents per fill.
gas builds up in the controller and eventually One could envision a scenario in which 100
causes some valves to open and others to bots are deployed to investigate a scene,
close, inflating chambers in half the robot's anticipating that 80 would be destroyed."
arms and forcing them to move. Pressurized
gas then builds up once more, triggering
valve openings and closures that make the
other robot's arms move.

So far, the octobot can only wave its arms.

The scientists are now working on
developing completely soft machines that are
more complex and can propel themselves,
and perhaps swim, Wehner said. "Integrated
sensors would also allow reaction to the bot's
environment," Wehner told Live Science.

There is no on-off switch for this current

version of the octobot — it activates once it
gets filled with fuel, Wehner said. Future bots
with more complex controllers and sensors
could be envisioned with on-off switches, he

The octobot can currently run for about 4 to

8 minutes. The researchers said they can
probably improve the bot's run-time using
more sophisticated designs that better control
how the fuel is used.

"We foresee soft robots expanding the role of

robots in human-populated environments —
human-robot interaction," Wehner said.

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