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Calculus Final Exam - 2017, Canada

Part 1

1. Calculate the limits, showing all your work. Numerical answers without ex-

planations/proofs earn minimal marks.

2x2 x2 − 4 1
a. lim 3
b. lim (x − 1) x−2
x→∞ 3x x→2+

|x2 − 9| 7x4 − 5x + 11
c. lim d. lim
x→3 x − 3 x→∞ 2x
sin 4x
e. lim
x→0 3x2
2. Calculate the derivative of
x2 sin x 2
f (x) = g(x) = (2x + 3)x h(x) = sin4 (3x − 2)
3. Using the definition of the derivative, find the equation of the tangent line

to the curve y = 2x + 1 when x = 4.

4. Find y 0 if sin (x)y 2 − ln (3y) = e4y .

5. What does the Intermediate Value Theorem (Darboux’ Theorem) say? Give

a concrete example of how this theorem could be used.

cos x
6. Find the second derivative for the given function: ln √ .
2x + 1
7. Findthe constant k if the function

 2x − 3, for x 6 2

f (x) = is continuous for x ∈ R
 2ekx , for x > 2

Part 2

For the word problems, you need to do all the non-star questions, and only 1 of

the stared questions, at your leisure/coice.

1. A particle is moving along the x-axis. Its distance from the origin is given

by x(t) = 4t3 − 24t2 + 21t, where t is the time. If 0 6 t 6 3, what is the largest

distance between the particle and the origin, and when is the point moving the

Z 3  
2 1
2. Calculate x + dx.
1 2x − 3
3. ** Two carts A and B are connected with a rope 15 m long, which passes over

a pulley P, placed at 3 meters of the ground. Cart A moves away from point Q

at a velocity of 0.5 m/sec. (Q is right underneath P). What is the velocity of

the cart B when it is exactly 4 meters away from Q?

4. ** In a rugby game, a try was scored 15 meters to the right of the center

of the goal, which is 6 meters wide. How far from the goal line should a kicker

put the ball down for his try, in order to maximize his chance to score 2 extra


5. Consider a cube of variable size. Assume that the volume of the cube is

increasing at the rate of 10 cubic cm per minute. How fast is the surface area

increasing when the edge of the cube is exactly 8 cm long?

6. ** A cup of liquid at 90◦ C is placed in a room with constant temperature of

20◦ C. In 5 minutes, the liquid reached a temperature of 65◦ C. How long before

the liquid will be at a temperature of 30◦ C?

7. A ladder 5 meters long is put against a wall and it starts sliding away at a

rate of 0.3 m/sec. How fast is the height reached by the ladder decreasing when

the foot of the ladder is exactly 2 meters away from the wall? What comment

can you make regarding the ”event”?

8. Find the area between the curve y = x2 − 1, the x-axis, and the vertical lines

x = 0 and x = 3.

9. The acceleration of a solid moving along the x-axis is modelled by

a(t) = 2t − 5. Find the position of the solid at the time t = 10sec if at time

t = 0 the point is at the origin, and its initial velocity is 3cm/sec.

10. What is the maximum area of a triangle with two of its sides being 10 cm

and 14 cm long?

11. On a certain beach a low tide of 4 meters is recorded at 3 a.m. The next

high tide of 15 meters takes place 9 a.m. At what point in time during the day is

the tide rising the fastest, and what is that particular value? Bonus: Complete

this question with more info and change it to make it more challenging, without

changing the given data. Explain why is the ”new” question more challenging?

No Calculator Section

1. Point A(m, n) is on the intersection of the unit circle and the terminal arm

of θ. What is the value of cotθ?

1 n m
a. b. c. d. m
m m n
2. What is the exact value of ?
6 √ √
1 2 3 2 3
a. − 2 b. − c. − d.
2 3 3
3. What is the period of the function y = tan2x?
a. b. 4π c. 2π d. π
4. What is the phase shift of the function f (x) = − cos 2x − + 2?
π π π π
a. b. − c. d. −
2 2 4 4
5. Which expression is equivalent to cos2 x − sin2 x tan2 x?

a. − cos2 x b. − sin2 x c. cos2 x tan2 x d. 1 − tan2 x

6. What is the radius of the circle for which an arc of length 20 cm is subtended

by an angle of ?
2 120 40
a. 40π b. c. d.
9 π π
7. Solve
π π
6, 5π 3, 2π
6, 7π π π 3, 4π
6, 11π π 2π 3, 2π π 5π 6, 5π 3, 5π
a. b. − , − , c. − , − , d.
6 3 3 3 6 6 6 3
8. Solve logx 27 = 3

a. ± 3 b. 3 c. no solution d. 1

9. Solve 9x−1 = 27x+2

a. −8 b. 8 c. ±8 d. it cannot be done without a calculator


10. If m = −2 ln , n = ln 625, which one is true?
a. m = n b. n < m c. m > n d. m = −n

11. The graph of y = log x is labelled as VI. Which is the graph of y = log (x − 3)

a. I b. III c. IV d. V

12. Solve for n: n P2 = 56

a. 8, −7 b. 8 c. − 8, 7 d. 7

13. If the function y = −x2 + 4x becomes y = −x2 − 4x, the reflection that

took place is a reflection over which line?

a. y = 0 b. x = 0 c. y = x d. y = −x

14. Calculate f (g(x)) if f (x) = x2 + 3 and g(x) = 3x − 1.

a. x2 +3x+2 b. 3x2 −x2 +9x−3 c. 3x2 −3 d. 9x2 −6x+4

15. How many different paths are there that reach from the top to exit 5?

a. 15 b. 19 c. 20 d. 32

Calculator Section

16. What is the equation of y = f (x) after a vertical expansion of factor 2?

1 1
a. y = 2f (x) b. y = f (x) c. y = f x d. y =
2 2
f (2x)
17. The point (12,-4) is on the graph of the function y = f (−3x) + 1.
What point must be on the graph of y = f (x)?

a. (−4, −1) b. (−36, −1) c. (−4, −7) d. (−2, −2)

18. What is the inverse of g(x) = x − 1 + 3?

a. g −1 (x) = − x − 1 − 3 b. g −1 (x) = (x − 3)2 + 1

c. g −1 (x) = (x + 1)2 − 3 d. g −1 (x) = (x + 1)2 − 3

19. Which of the following has the same y-int as y = f (x)?

a. y = −f (x) b. y = f (−x) c. x = f (y) d. y =
f (x)
20. How many different roots does the equation

(a sin x − b)(b cos x + a)(b sin x + cos x), 0 < a < b have in the interval [0, 2π)?

a. none b. 6 c. 4 d. 2

21. Solve 3 sin2 x = x + 3

a. 0.967 b. − 3, −0.967 c. no solution d. − 0.967

22. Which is the equivalent to cos 4θ sin 4θ?

1 1
a. sin 2θ b. sin 8θ c. sin 2θ d. sin 8θ
2 2
23. The vertical movement of a certain particle is described by the equation
4 sin π
h(t) = (t − 3) + 6.2. After how many seconds is the particle for the first
time higher that 7 cm (the height is measured in cm)?

a. 12.36 b. 3.64 c. 3.67 d. 3.62

24. Calculate log8 24.

a. 1.52 b. 0.47 c. 0.48 d. 1.53

25. An Earthquake in Math 101 measures 5.2 on the Richter scale. What would

an Earthquake in Math 102 measure on the Richter scale if it is 3 times stronger

than the one on Math 101?

a. 5.7 b. 8.2 c. 5.6 d. 4.7

26. If log x = 25, what is log ?
a. 23 b. 27 c. -23 d. log 4

27. A football team recorded 8 wins, 6 losses and 4 ties. In how many different

ways could the team have recorded these stats?

a. 6.4 × 1015 b. 9189180 c. 41064 d. 192

28. A water polo team is made of 5 field players, one being the captain of the

team. In how many different ways can the players line up if the captain is always

in the middle?

a. 12 b. 24 c. 16 d. 120

29. In how many ways can you deal exactly 3 kings when dealing a 7 cards hand

from a standard card deck?

a. 778320 b. 194584 c. 583740 d. 878830

30. A team has 5 men and 6 women on it. Only 6 players can play at the time,

and there have to be at least 2 players of each gender. In how many different

ways can the team be made?

a. 150 b. 225 c. 350 d. 425


31. What is the coefficient of the middle term for the expansion of (3x − y)6 ?

a. -20 b. -540 c. 540 d. 20

32. What is the reminder of 3x3 − 2x2 + 4x + 9 when divided by (x + 1)?

a. 14 b. -9 c. no reminder d. 9

33. Which of the following would be a factor of 6x3 + 25x2 + 3x − 4?

a. x + 4 b. 6x − 1 c. 2x − 1 d. 3x + 1
x − 36
34. Solve the following equation: =0
a. x = ±6 b. x = −6 c. x = 6 d. no solution
35. What are the asymptotes of the rational function f (x) = + 2?
a. x = −3, y = 2 b. x = 3, y = −2 c. x 6= 3, y 6= 2 d. x =

3, y = 2

36. In the following graph, what transformations must be applied to the blue

curve to obtain the red curve? (blue is the longer curve)

a. a reflection in the x-axis, a vertical translation 5 units up, and a horizontal

translation 3 units to the right

b. a reflection in the x-axis, a vertical translation 5 units down, and a horizontal

translation 3 units to the right


c. a reflection in the x-axis, a vertical translation 3 units up, and a horizontal

translation 5 units to the left

d. a reflection in the x-axis, a vertical translation 3 units up, and a horizontal

translation 5 units to the right

37. Given the function f (x) = − x − 4, which of the following is a restriction

on the inverse function, f −1 (x)?

a. x > 8 b. x > 4 c. x 6 −4 d. x > −4

38. For a polynomial P (x), if P (6) = 0, then which of the following must be a

factor of P (x)?

a. x2 − 6 b. x + 6 c. x2 + 6 d. x − 6
39. What is the value of k in the function f (x) = if its graph passes
  5x +k
through the point 3, − ?
a. − b. 4 c. − 10 d. no such k exists
40. Which function has a y-intercept of − ?
−8 8
a. f (x) = 2 b. f (x) =
x − 12x − 27 (−8x + 3)(x + 9)
c. f (x) = 2 d. all of the above
x + 12x + 27

Free Response
1. Graph y = f x − 1 + 3 if y = f (x) is given.
2. Solve algebraically, giving your answer in simplest radical form:

log3 (x − 3) + log3 (x − 1) = 2

3. Solve the equation 3 tan2 x + tan x − 2 = 0 for 0 6 x 6 2π. For full marks,

show all your work on paper.

4. A radioactive element loses 30% of its mass over a period of 40 years. What

is the half-life of the element? Solve the problem using logarithms, round your

answer to the nearest year.

1 + csc x 2 csc 2x
5. Prove the following identity: =
cot x + cos x csc x
6. Calculate the inverse function for f (x) = 3ex−1 + 4. Check your solution.

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