Career Trade Research Project CLC 16

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Answer the following for EACH of the three careers.

Name: Tremel SJ

Career Name: Kinesiology – Athletic Therapy

1.) Education required and or recommendations:

 British Columbia Secondary School Graduation Diploma

 English 12 or English 12 First Peoples
 Senior-level math
 Biology 12 or Chemistry 12 or Physics 12
 And one additional Grade 12 Academic subjects
 To gain admission to this program, your academic average should be in the high 70s to
mid-80s. also University

2.) Suggested Post-Secondary Institutions: York university, Queens university,

SFU,UBC, Western University

3.) Cost of training in Canadian $ (full program cost for all years): could range between

4.) Salary range: average salary is about $36.44 per/hr

5.) Job description: Physiotherapists are responsible for providing physical therapy for
patients on behalf of their organization. They conduct different therapies such as
exercise programs and joint manipulation to help heal bodily symptoms and improve
patients' quality of life. Physiotherapists interact with patients to learn about their issues
and concerns, develop a treatment plan and conduct follow-up to see how the treatment
plan is working. Some of their main responsibilities include setting up exercises that
address coordination, posture and strength issues, as well as using their hands and
tools to alleviate physical problems.
6.) Number or people employed in this occupation (indicate whether the number refers to
BC or Canada) 20k BC or Canada (circle one)

7.) Employment prospects: Pretty good has good ratings

8.) Related Jobs (list at least 3):

 Athletic Trainers
 Athletic Team Physician
 Director Sports Medicine

9.) Skills or characteristics required: Problem-solving skills, Physical stamina, Patience,

Leadership skills, compassion,

10.) Disadvantages of occupation: Cost of education, long time in school,

renewal of license, difficulty in dealing with patients

11.) Describe how your values, skills and interests relate to this career option:
I’m interested in the body like bones, muscle and how to prevent injury. Plus I
think can connect with patients a little because I have a sport background

12.) What courses and grades are needed to enter this occupation? Biology12 or
chemistry12 , English 12, math 11 an need at least 80% or higher.

13.) Working conditions: indoor or outdoor,

Career Life Connections - Career Research Project
14.) Typical hours of work: 37.5Hours per week. 7.5 day

15.) Describe what has influenced your choice of this occupation: just the fact I
can work athletes and teams

16.) What are the future trends of this occupation: it is going to continue
to grow a lot

17.) Go to Work BC Website ( and Education Planner

( list 2 points of information you felt were important
and were not covered.

1. Application planning

2. Scholarships

Name: Tremel SJ

Career Name: Broadcast Announcer

18.) Education required and or recommendations: University, English 12,

Socials 12

19.) Suggested Post-Secondary Institutions: UBC, SFU, UFC

Career Life Connections - Career Research Project
20.) Cost of training in Canadian $ (full program cost for all years): 28,270.48

21.) Salary range: the average pay is about 48k a year. 110k is the highest
and 28k is the lowest

22.) Job description: Broadcast announcers present music or the news and
comment on important current events. They are expected to be up to date with current
events or a specific field, such as politics or sports, so that they can comment on these
issues during their programs. They may research and prepare information on current
topics before appearing on air. In addition, announcers schedule guests on their shows
and work with producers to develop other creative content.

23.) Number or people employed in this occupation (indicate whether the number
refers to BC or Canada) 88000 BC or Canada (circle one)

24.) Employment prospects: it looks good by 2026 there will be an increase from
88000 to 95600 people

25.) Related Jobs (list at least 3):

 Newspapers editor
 Radio Announce
 Program Director

26.) Skills or characteristics required: speaking skills, writing skills, research skills,
computer skills

Career Life Connections - Career Research Project
27.) Disadvantages of occupation: Risks. Journalists cover life-threatening
events such forest fires, wars and hurricanes, Technological Changes, Fewer
Employment Opportunities. Economic recessions reduce companies' spending, and this
negatively affects their spending on advertising, which is the major earner for media
28.) Describe how your values, skills and interests relate to this career option:
I like interviewing people and researching stuff

29.) What courses and grades are needed to enter this occupation? Mid 80s

30.) Working conditions: could be indoor or outdoor

31.) _ Typical hours of work: 39 hours a wee

32.) Describe what has influenced your choice of this occupation: just seeing
guys on tsn or nfl network

33.) What are the future trends of this occupation: it’s going to keeping a lot

34.) Go to Work BC Website ( or Education Planner

( and list 2 points of information you felt were
important and were not covered.
1. do you need any specific training after university

Career Life Connections - Career Research Project
2. with this training can you do any reporting like for example

Name: Tremel States-Jones

Career Name: Plummer

35.) Education required and or recommendations: apprenticeship

36.) Suggested Post-Secondary Institutions: camosun

37.) Cost of training in Canadian $ (full program cost for all years): 12,448

38.) Salary range: average pay is 54k highest is 75k and lowest is 33k

39.) Job description: Plumbers install and repair water, drainage, and gas pipes
in homes, businesses, and factories. They install and repair large water lines, such as
those which supply water to buildings, and smaller ones, including lines that supply
water to refrigerators. Plumbers also install plumbing fixtures—bathtubs, showers, sinks,
and toilets—and appliances such as dishwashers, garbage disposals, and water
heaters. They also fix plumbing problems

40.) Number or people employed in this occupation (indicate whether the number
refers to BC or Canada) 55600 BC or Canada (circle one)

Career Life Connections - Career Research Project
41.) Employment prospects: the job seem stable with a good salary you should
be successful

42.) Related Jobs (list at least 3):

 pipelayer
 plasterer
 Sprinkler system installer

43.) Skills or characteristics required: business skills, physical strength,

troubleshooting skills

44.) Disadvantages of occupation: Plumbing work can be physically

demanding, Plumbers often work under pressure, Plumbers usually work in shifts and

45.) Describe how your values, skills and interests relate to this career option:
I have physical strength and troubleshooting skills

46.) What courses and grades are needed to enter this occupation? Low 80s

47.) Working conditions: indoor and not really out door

48.) Typical hours of work: 40 hours a week

Career Life Connections - Career Research Project
49.) What are the future trends of this occupation: it will always be going

50.) Go to ITA or the Discover Skills BC Website and list 2 points of information you felt were important and
were not covered.

1. do you need to buy your own equipment

2. do you need a start with a company

Career Life Connections - Career Research Project

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