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While doing a digital marketing campaign we have to first understand which medium to use
and objectives for the company
Facebook acts a Brand building tool whereas google acts as a direct Marketing tool and we
can directly select the medium on which we have to target.
While doing online business margins on the items sold is not important who is buying and
how is he buying is important.
Consumers data is most important in the current businesses so that targeting can be done
using this data which would be helpful for the businesses.

Demand Media
Social Media is gaining more importance than search and relying on google is questionable
Content consumption is moving to apps from desktop so we have to be careful in selecting
the platform.
The content quality is more important and customers will also check that who is writing and
who is publishing.
Content is less time sensitive and value of the content is predetermined.

While creating a business it is important to identify the need gap and have to cater to market.
While launching a app or website it is to be designed according to the customer comfort and
familiarity with the category.
It is important to involve customers so that they will feel an obligation to give back to a site
which has contributed to their decision making.
Hotels is a high involvement category significant influence on the overall experience.

It is important for companies to care for the customers User engagements is the way that
shows every customer that the brand cares for the customers and encourage them to start the
conversations on social media platforms and it can be used as a campaign.
Website integration should be important parameter every companies need to follow and
necessary for brands to be in all platforms for the target audience.
Fan pages serves best to answer any kind of queries to the customers. Also through these fan
pages a customer can connect to the higher official of the company.
Fan pages must be handled carefully as they offer both positive and negative results.

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