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Air Quality in California Cities Damian Martinez Block 2

Los Angeles has had the worst air quality in California for nearly two decades. With smog pollution on the rise in cities all around California, something must
be done. Smog, or ground level ozone, increases your chance to develop asthma and other lung diseases. Coughing, wheezing, and chest irritation are all
common symptoms of people living in cities with poor air quality. Pollution tends to settle in basins since there is no escape for air to flow through. This is the
reason why LA struggles to deal with their air pollution. With these people living in such poor air conditions, a change must be made. The air quality in these
cities must put in place stricter laws for cars and power plants in the city. Most of the smog in these cities are coming from the amount of vehicles coming in
and out of the city and the lack of rainfall in the cities such as LA, Fresno, and Bakersfield which are top three in California for most smog build up. The smog
build up in these cities will get worse with climate change. As the Earth begins to heat up, there will be more sunny days which will speed up the reaction for
smog to be created. People need to put pressure on the government to help put in place big changes to help themselves or their city will continue to worsen.
Rice, Doyle. “Bad Air Days on the Rise: The Nation's Most Polluted City Is ...” USA Today. Gannett Satellite Information Network, April 24,

“How Does Pollution Affect Humans?” The World Counts. Accessed September 13, 2019.

Team, The Healthline Editorial. “The Dangers of Smog: What You Need to Know About Air Pollution.” Healthline. Healthline Media, September
1, 2017.

“California Cities Top List of Most Polluted Areas in American Lung Association Report.” California Cities Top List of Most Polluted Areas in
American Lung Association Report | California Pan-Ethnic Health Network. Accessed September 13, 2019.

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