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Denver Developmental Screening Test Interpretation

On July 31, 2019 I was given an opportunity to perform the Denver

Developmental Screening Test to various children ages 0-6 years old when my
team and I were exposed to the community of Mandumol. The child that I tested
was a 1 year and 7 months old and his name is Israel Jan F. Imbodo, born on
January 1, 2018. Jan was very hard to handle since he likes to play around which
distracts him most of the time.
As soon as I arrived at his home, Jan greeted me with a full energy and a
huge smile. On the Personal - Social section of the testing, he was able to pass all
the task. When I tried to look and smile at him without even touching him, he
smiled back at me. His mother stated that Jan is really good at imitating the
activities done by the family members. He is already able to eat with no support of
his mother. When we play with the ball, he was able to do all the things that I
asked him to do and attentively follows me. In fact, Jan was a very playful kid and
does random things. When the DDST was done I waved bye at him, he responded
with a big smile and still with big amount of energy to play around. Overall, Jan
was able to pass the test on the Personal - Social Section.
On the section of Fine Motor, during the test on following to Midline, Past
Midline and 180 degrees, he was able to pass it all. Jan has a good grip when I
gave him the ball. In fact, I observed that he likes to touch any things he gets to
see and plays with it. When I started to utilize the ball and play with him, I asked
him to place the ball into random places and he was able to accomplish it with
ease. Overall, Jan easily passed all the test on the Fine Motor Section.
Moving on to Language Section, Jan had a hard time with this. He only has a
few vocabularies according to his mother. He passed the test on saying mama
and dada. He wasn’t able to name the animals on the pictures, but when I
mentioned the dog, he states “aw aw aw” and acts a biting gesture.. As a playful
kid, he always laugh around and do random sounds. When I started mentioning
his name he completely looks at me and looks away as soon as his mother calls
him back. He clearly understands the word that I speak but cannot talk back to me.
Overall, Jan failed in some aspects but also failed in some.
On the last section which is the Gross Motor section, the moment I saw him
running around the house, I know that he will be able to pass all this test with ease.
He is able to do the basic movements with ease and full strength. When Jan was
put into prone by his mother, he was able to perform the chest up-arm support
with ease and complete muscle arm strength. During his playing session, he was
also able to perform roll over. He can sit and stand without any support of his
mother. When he was placed supine by her mother and pulled back to sitting
position, head-lag wasn’t observed instead he assisted in pulling his body up
which made him pass the test. He can already walk well and especially running
since I saw him running around the house. Overall, Jan is very outstanding on this
The results of this DDST shows that Jan is within the normal and appropriate
developmental growth of his age on some aspects except the language section.
Mother was advised to assist him on developing on his language since this period
of time is crucial to the development of the child. The Left side of the DDST is what
Jan should be able to achieve and the right side should be what the mother should
expect him to develop over the next months or years. Mother should focus more
on his language skills for him to catch up. Still, Jan was able to pass the other
tests with ease.

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