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Language Test Module 1A 2 Language Test Module 1B 4 Language Test Module 2A 6 Language Test Module 2B 8 Skills Test Modules 1 & 2A 10 Skills Test Modules 1 & 2 B 2 Language Test Module 3 A 4 Language Test Module 3 B 16 Language Test Module 4 A 18 Language Test Module 4 B 20 Skills Test Modules 3 & 4 A 2 Skills Test Modules 3 & 4 B 24 Language Test Module 5 A 26 Language Test Module 5 B 28 Language Test Module 6 A 30 Language Test Module 6 B 32 Skills Test Modules 5 & 6 A 34 Skills Test Modules 5 & 6 B 36 Language Test Module 7 A 38 Language Test Module 7 B 40 Language Test Module 8 A a2 Language Test Module 8 B 44 Skills Test Modules 7 & 8 A 46 Skills Test Modules 7 & 8 B 48 Language Test Module 9 A 50 Language Test Module 9B 52 Language Test Module 10 A 54 Language Test Module 10 B 56 Skills Test Modules 9 & 10 A 58 Skills Test Modules 9 & 10 B 60 Answer Key 62 Listening skills Tapescript 64 1s 2 Complete the ‘communication’ words with the letters AEIOU. Isend CARDS. We use the _NT_RN_T. Nyse my HM PH_N_ My sister sends _-M__LS. My brother sends T_XT M_SS_6_S. We don't writet_TT_RS. wena 15 3. Sort the letters in brackets to make adjectives. Chris lives in a_fantastic_ (TAS FAN TC. house in the country. i's gota 1 (TEAUBULF) garden and two 2 (AT REG) swimming. pools. Chris is very popular. He’s 3 (LEYRIN DF) and he's 4 INUNYP. We always have a good laugh. He never gets angry. He's always very 5 (TENATIP). 4 complete the sentences with the correct preposi I get _up_at7.30. 1. Are you interested sport? 2 I get Sue and her sister really well. We're good friends. 3 He goes the cinema every week. 4 Maria looks. my cat in the holidays. 5 I'm not very good maths. 1s ‘5. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the Present Simple. Tim doesn't play chess. (not play) \ photography. (like) Where 2 (Sam J work) How many languages 2 (you J speak) sue in London. (not live) to work by bus? (they / go) \ my room on Saturdays. (tidy) We stories. (not write) we ‘our mobiles every day. (use) the guitar? (your sister / play) postcards. (collect) eevoaueuna 10 They /10 6 Order the words to make sentences. the on 1 chat Net never never chat on the Net. 1 my use mobile often | 2 Saturdays tennis usually they don’t on play 3. abroad my works sometimes father 4 you watch do TV. the in always evening? 5 phones never he me 1s T Look at the words in brackets. Write sentences with like .. alot (/) or don’t lke .. very much (x). (Sue / skateboarding / X) Sue. dacsn't lke skateboarding very much. (U/classical music | 7) (ity parents / rap) (ohn / ireland / ¥) 4 (Mysister and | football / x) (My friends / dancing / ) @ Complete the conversation with these words. There is one extra word. at don't hate ike love really stand ‘A: Do you_like_ making things? B: Yes,1do.14 making models but 'm not very ‘good 2 it. And you? A: Vean't3 making models but | 4 mind designing and making clothes. 'm 5 into fashion. 1s 9 Match the questions (1-5) with the answers (a-e). What are your hobbies? (f1. (a) No, she’s American. 1. Do you get on well with {) Yes, Hove it Pete? 2 How often do you play (0 Yes, we're good chess? friends. 3. What's the London underground (d) Neve. railway called? 4 Isyourfriend English? ___—_(e) The Tube. 5 Are you interested in (f) Sport and science? photography i ToTAL__/50 E 2. Complete the ‘communication’ words with the letters AELOU. Isend CARDS. tuseaM_B_L_. Wesend _NST_NT M_SS_G_S. don’t use CH_TR__MS. My father uses a P_YPH_N_. Mysister sends _-GR__T_NGS. 15 Sort the letters in brackets to make adjectives. Chris ives in a_famtastic_(T A'S FAN T1C house in the country. He's got three horses. He's an 1 (GAZINAM) rider. Chris and tare ‘good friends but we're very different. I'm shy and a bit lazy but he's 2 (TOOUGGIN)and 3 (DHARINORWKG). I talk to him when F've got a problem and he's very 4 (PULLHEF). He's always 5: ____(TOEHN Sand says what he thinks 15 4 complete the sentences with the correct prepositions. | get _up_at 7:30, 1 What's the population your town? 5 2 My brother goes my bestfriend, —— sue. 3. | don't like dancing. 'm really bad it. 4° Just a minute! Wait me! 5. We're not very interested basketball. 15 15 5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the Present Simple. Tim doesn’t play chess. (not play) 1 My mother three languages. (speak) 2. My father e-mails not send) 3 How often swimming? (you / go) 4 They. their friends at weekends. (meet) 5 My brother and | using the Internet, ike) 6 Where 2 (your cousin / live) 7 Lucy's sister clothes. design) 81 Japanese. (not understand) 9 10 school? (you / walk) 10 Mr and Mrs Connor ____from ireland. (come) 110 6 order the words to make sentences. the on 1 chat Net -Laever chat on the Net. never 1 disco we at often the to weekends go 2 cycle you do to always school? 3. brother the uses my sometimes Internet 4 ever they write hardly letters 5 buy don't | a usually newspaper 1s T Look at the words in brackets. Write sentences with like .. @ lot (/) oF don’t like. very much x). (Sue / skateboarding /x) Sue doesn't ike skateboarding very much. 1. (We / history /x) 2. (Ann and John / reading / /) 3 (My sister / making things / X) 4 (I science / ¥) 5 (They/ London / /) Communication 8 Complete the conversation with these words. There is ‘one extra word. bad can't don't favourite hate like love A: Do you like art? B: Yes, it’s my 4 subject. 12 drawing and painting. And you? rE ‘mind painting but 14 drawing. Vm very 5 atit. 15 9 Match the questions (1-5) with the answers (ae). What are your hobbies? ({) (a) Madrid in Spain. Where's your cousin from? ___(b) At half past seven. Do you like singing? (¢ Hardly ever. 3. What's the river in (d) The Thames. London called? 4 How often do you tidy (€1Y¥es, Hove it. your room? 5 What time do you usually (f) Sport and getup? __ photography en's ToTAL__/50 2 Complete the sentences with these words. ‘breakfast dinner lunch rides shower swim usually have_breakfast_at 7.30 am. wis 1. We usually have some very exciting at the ‘amusement park. Do you always have a before breakfast? We have at 12 o'clock at our school. Let's go to the river and have a They often have at an Italian restaurant on Friday evenings. 15 3 Find five more food and drink words in the word square. inet hits Mb) zscini__(ND 9 U SSH4MBRRN Peete, Oecd eee t «kK ,€ & £m es Ge ngd eee men Ss BU OR _s@dbt Rann 15 4 Complete the sentences with these words. and because but so so too ‘Ann didn't have any breakfast so she’s hungry now. 1. John likes cheese his sister hates it 2. She'sa great singer a good dancer 3. Im studying hard {have my exams this week. 4 'm into computer games. My friends like computer games, 5 The children are on holiday this week they're very happy. 1s 1s 5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the Present Continuous. Tony: Hi, Mark. It's Tony. What _are you doing at the ‘moment? (you /-do) Mark: Hi, Tony. 14 (do) my homework. a (you / study), too? Tony: No, I'm in the kitchen. My sister and | 3 (prepare) a meal for this evening. We 4 (make) vegetable curry. It's mum's birthday so she 5 (not cook) today! 15 6 Read the sentences. Circle the correct verb forms. Ae you king (Go you Th piza? 11 Look! My brother is riding / rides his bike in the garden, 2. They are usually drinking | usually drink milk 3. What is your mother doing / does your mother do? She's teacher. 4 I'm not busy. | am listening / listen to my CDs, 5 Are you using { Do you use your computer at the moment? 15 T Complete the sentences with a, an, the or nothing (-). My aunt isn’t well. She's in _(4)_ hospital My cousins live in 1 ‘old house in 2 interesting village in ireland. 3 house has got 4 big garden. They've got 5 very friendly dog. 6 ___dog is called Blackie. My cousins go t07 school by 8 bus 9 bbus driver i their uncle jim. Uncle Jim is10 good bus driver. s0 8 Write the sentences in the correct order. Café assistant: Hello. Can |help you? 1Yes, sure. Is that all? 2 Large or small chips? Customer: 3 Yes, thank you. 4 Small, please. And can | have a cola, please? 511d like chicken nuggets and chips, please. se Café assistant: Hello. Can |help you? custome: Café assistant: customer: =O) Café assistant: custome: fa 9 Match the sentences (1-5) with the responses (ae). 1d lke an orange juice, (@) By train, please. (6) 11 Where is your grandfather (b) 01202 683479, originally from? __ 2 Sorry about that. (@ Poland, 3. What'syour phone number _(d) Fifteen. please? 4 How do you goto (€) That's allright. school? __ 5 Howold areyou?_——_(f) And the same for ime, please. 15 TOTAL__/50 2. Complete the sentences with these words. RTC Vocab ee ‘breakfast lunch party ride shower swim usually have _breakfast_at 7.30 am. 1 Look at the pictures. Write the names of the jobs. 1. John isin the bathroom, He's having a 2. After their exams, the students have a big, Hove having a in the sea when I'm on holiday. 4 Canthavea ‘on the elephant at the 200? He always has at pm, 15 3 Find five more food and drink words in the word square. =: Soe SD RR ‘een wor SNF Mee Neo PS Ww. io o0 3 QMS Anigb THloseeS: E ey Yo 0 6 He US Tetemieen Lace ietugahosaneasesiek se cqibaiees Ih 15 4 4 Complete the sentences with these words. and because but so so too ‘Ann didn't have any breakfast _so_ she’s hungry now. z 1 John is very friendly he's always helpful 2. She plays the guitar. she plays the piano, 3. | like skateboarding its exciting. 4 We're hungry we're having some sandwiches. 5 1'm good at basketball I'm very bad at tennis. 15 15 Grammar — 5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the Present Continuous. ‘Ann: Hi, Chris. t's Ann. What _are you doing at the moment? (you / do) Chris: Hi, Ann. My dad and 11 (shop) We2 (buy) a new DvD. ‘Ann: Great! 13 (paint) my bedroom. Chris: 4 ‘you? (your sister / help} ‘Ann: Yes, she 5 - (help) 15 6 Read the sentences. Circle the correct verb forms. Are you liking /(Go you ike) pia? eS <-) ~ Ne 1 My sister is a nurse. She is working / works ina big hospital in London. 2 Are they playing | Do they play computer games at the moment? 3. She is often phoning | often phones me at the weekend. My parents are vegetarians. They are not eating | don't eat meat. 5 1am living | live near the park. 15 7 Complete the sentences with a, an, the or nothing (-). My aunt isn't well. She's in_{ er er ee Write the sentences in the correct order to make a ‘shopping’ conversation. ‘A: Can Lhelp you? A: What colour? ‘A: Here are some nice ones. What about this one? B: That's bit too dark. But like this one. How much isi B: Yes. I'm looking for a Tshirt ina large size. B: Dark green, please. Can Lhelp you? ———— 15 Match the questions (1-5) with the answers (a-e). Is Maria slim? _( {a) She's tall with long fair hair. Is this jacket too {(b} No, they're middle-aged. short? What does her cousin —_(¢) Yes, it really suits you. look like? Are your neighbours {4) No, its fine young? Does this blue T-shirt _(e) About half an hour. look OK? How long did you wait _(f) No, she's quite plump. for me? 15 TOTAL__/50 my parents. ‘The weathers quite good. tained yesterday but it’s sunny ‘ode were’sayingin3__—_—_smal hotel inthe city centre. We're having 4 reat time and doing @ 5 of sightseeing. 6 Monday, we went on aboot trip on the River Thames and we had lunch on the boat it the evening, we went 8 the cinema. ‘ier the film, we went t0 9 Tndian restaurant and had afontastc curry. Ths morming we WEE shopping and | 0 some great Fans 14 black and white one for you. ‘hope you're having a ood halter, 100- ‘see you at the weekend. sally nisally! live__ 1.5/2 point for each correct answer} There wasn’t alot of snow when Luke left his uncle's is uncle T Write Carol’ arol’s postcard to Sally. Use the information in the table. CAROU’S HALF-TERM HOLIDAY Where grandparents’ cotta ge near the Weather hot and sunny a M jonday swim / snorkel oF dinner at italian restaurant ues lay cycle to old castle / picnic cinema Wednesday | shopping Carol Potter 6 Bridge street Rumpton Middx Thursday I hope you're having a fantastic fm in London, {'m staying ‘vith my grandparents and Vt having 0 ‘great holiday. They sally Jackson 26A Well Ror Bligh Kent @l @2 - Listening ee Listen to a radio programme about peoples holidays last year. What did each person do? Write the ities (A-1) next to the people (1-8). ann Ann's friend, Linda 5 ‘Ann's mum Q) 6 Maria's aunt Q) Pete’s dad C) 7 Mike's dad O) Pete O 8 Mike's sister, ane C) ~ F played volleyball! ete cycling D sat on the beach A went surfing went ishing HH went snorkel © went sightseeing went swimming went horse ridi 18 ‘Anna and Tom are shopping. Listen to the conversation in a clothes shop. Read the questions and tick the correct answer (A, B or ©). What does Anna want to buy? Aatshit QQ Bajumper QQ Catop What size is it? Asmat! Q) Bmedium Clarge What colour i it? Ard Bgreen Q) yellow OY What colour are Anna's jeans? Ared Bblue Q) Cereen How much are Anna's new clothes? an7Q) se coo What size is Tom's Tshirt? Asmatl C) Bmedium QQ Clarge O) How much ac ses cao) How much is Tom's jacket? ago Q) sa0 cao 7 BUCH] Reading Read the sentences. Underline the correct words. My young sister, Lucy, is six years / years old She's not really fat, she's a bit plump / medium, 2 She's got short / small hair. 3. Lucy would like a pony tail / shaved head, but her hair isn’t long enough She loves pale | bright colours like red, blue, green and orange. She hardly ever wears the /@ dress. 15 Read the text. Complete the gaps with these words. another at something during gets got much no than to with Last autumn, Karen stayed _with_her cousins for the half-term holiday. They and their parents live in a small {ishing village in Scotland. Karen is younger 1 her cousins but they are always very friendly and they go out with her a lot. She never 2 bored when she stays with them. There are a lot of things to do—cycling, horse riding, sports and boat trips. On the last day of her holiday, Karen and her cousins decided 3 0 fora trip ina fishing boat. Karen vwas very excited because it was her first fishing tip. 4 the morning, they caught alot of fish so the captain was happy, Karen liked him because he told them some funny stories about his adventures at sea. It was a beautiful sunny morning, There were 5 clouds in the sky and there wasn't 6 wind But in the afternoon the weather changed. The sky 7 dark. It was very windy and the waves got bigger. Then, the ship's engine started to make strange noises. The captain looked worried. He sent a message ‘on the ship's radio and asked for help. Suddenly, the engine stopped. It was very quiet. Karen was scared. The captain looked 8 her and said, ‘Don't worry Help is coming.” After about half an hour, they heard a noise. There was9____in the sky. It wasa helicopter. The helicopter took Karen and her cousins back to the village. The captain and his men waited on their boat. Then, 10 boat arrived and took them and their fishing boat back to safety. 0 5 Read the text text again. Mark the (F) or don’t know (DK). sentences true (T}, false 7 Write Jim’s postcard postcard to Mark. Use the informati 1 information in Karen lvesin England. (KM a 1 "ee a eae 5 thi ate << se JIM'S HALF-TERM HOLIDAY fish on the fishing tr ae ae wh ‘Eta vi Uncle Bavid/ od house in Dubin There was a problem with ' : cei diate th the boat's engine. CN Hone a nm licopter rescued the eo captain and his men. oO ‘« Tuesday | Shab = ea eta, Weedne jednesday | bike ride in countryside e concert / traditional Irish Cee and dancing, eo 6 complete the postcard. Write one word in each plete the post card, ne Thursday Hii jim, Tm having a great halfterm. My parents ae ‘are staying in 1 eral hotel in Wales. Itrained yesterday PUt its [eye ae Onmoneieeet along walk in 4 countryside. We very tired in the evening) Tuesday was the best ay © we went receding! My horse was called Beauty’ ond awueviaitiey | SimMEgSE beautiful. the evening, we went to a Chinese Flat 2 Pesaurant ond had afonastic meal. | wanted 1 2 horse riding again yesterday 8__™ ‘mum and dad wanted Coles Road tog shopping so we went Shopping 10508 ecause there | Leighborough were 9 great computer shops. 1 bought three ne vomputer games After lunch, we went (0 tne cinem. i Mark! Thursday tm staying with my Uncle David (my favourite uncle! for half: term and we're having a fantastictime, He lives | hope you're having a good holiday in Dublin. Did you visit the Writers’ Museum? | know You wanted to go there. See you 10 _ ~ school on Monday! Mark — eee a 1 5('/, point for each ed comect answer) Blart we Vocabulary 1 Read the clues. Complete the crossword with ‘performance’ words. Clues across — p> 1 a, * skater, (3) 2 dances are from Russia and the Ukraine. (7) 4. This person does magic tricks(8) 9 Actors and actresses _act_in films and in the theatte. 10 0) ‘Cues down Y 3 We watched two human didn’t see them move. (7) for an hour and we em 7 The Dogon men in Mali wear huge, colourful when they dance. (5) 4 This person plays a musical instrument. (8) 5. This person is good at gymnastics. (7) 6 This person tells jokes and funny stories. (8) ain dancing, young people dance under a low horizontal pole. (5) a\c\t 110 2 Complete the sentences with these words. around down into off on over to together through under _up | was walking the wrong way so | turned _avound and went back. 1. The children got the carand their mother rove them to school. 2 Myneighbour and I get and go to the cinema. 3 John’sball went neighbours garden, 4 When | went into the room, the children were sitting but the teachers were standing. his motorbike and rode away. about once a month the wall and into his 5 He got 6 My brother is small enough to get. our window. 7 Sam got the bus at the shopping centre and met his friends there. hen’ 8 Dancers have to keep a special diet 9 There are a lot of books and toys, my little “brother's bed. 10 Susan was angry. She suddenly stood. and walked out of the room. Grammar 3. Write (A) or (B) for the correct ending to each sentence. ‘Annis six years old so she can’t A) A geta job. B go to school 1. Nurses have to ‘A weara uniform. 2 It’s our halt-term holiday this week sot can A stay at home. B goto school. 3. During school terms, some pupils live at LY A youth clubs B boarding schools. 4° Athletes can't eat a lot of CI) A vegetables. B sweets, 5 We get free drinks atthe youth club. We don't have to ‘A make them B drivea car, 8 buy them, 1s 4 Complete the description of each job using can, can’t, hhave to or (not) have to. Human statues _have to_stand still, They can_dress up in strange clothes. they _can't_talk to people. They don't have to_ be beautiful ‘Storytellers 4 bbe young or old. Their stories 2 be boring. Their stories 3 be interesting but they 4 be very funny all the time. Film actors 5 wear make-up. They forget their lines. They 7 work in the theatre every evening. They see their films at the cinema. Clowns 9 be very scary. They don't want to frighten young children. They usually dress up in funny costumes. They are often middle-aged. They 10 be good-looking. ik 5 Order these words to make questions. with / go / they / who / did ? Who did they go with? 1. when / they / together! getting / are? 2. you / talking / what / about / were? 3. up/you/ why /looking / are? 4 long,/ they / for! how / did / wait? 5 from/ your / come / where J neighbours / do / new? 5 Complete the dialogue with these words and expressions. There is one extra item. about any do does don't great let's out. right what why would Hi, Maria. Would you like to go 1 on Friday evening? All2___. What do you want to do? ‘A: What 3 the cinema? The new James Bond film is on this week. 14 really like those films. Sorry. ‘A: Well, do you like circuses? , sometimes, What sort of circus? ‘Circus 02’. It's nota traditional circus. There aren't 5 ‘animals but it's very exciting and funny. Okay! 6 | My brother saw it last year. He thought it was fantastic. What time start? Quarter past seven. 8 don’t we have a pizza firs : Okay. 9 time? © 10 meet at the pizza café at six o'clock. : Cool! Thanks. 10 ToTAL__/50 2 Complete the sentences with these words. 1. Read the clues. Complete the crossword with “performance’ words. Clues across —p> 3. This person tells stories. (1) 4 Actors and actresses _act_in films and in the theatre. 6 es 7 Are Cossack dances West African dances? — No, they're or Ukrainian dances, (7) BA statue stands in one place for hours and never moves. (5) 9. Acrobats and gymnasts have to be very so they doa lot of exercise. 3) cies down Y 1 The magician’s best hat. (5) 2A ‘works in the circus. He is funny. (5) My cousins are really good ice 0 is to take a rabbit out of a Atrapeze @ 6 The flamenco dance is very popular in southern 28) 110 around down into off on out through together under up over | was going the wrong way so | turned _avound_and went back. The horse jumped The children can't go. The baby is too young to stand We can't get the bus because it’s full She dropped the photo when she was getting the taxi 6 Ate you small enough to get wall? 7. The doctor is busy at the moment. Please sit and wait. 8 The bridge is too low. The ship can't go. it some very high fences. of school on their own. and walk. oa ae that hole in the 9 The girls got the bus and ran into school. They were ten minutes late. 10 All the children in the street often get and go fora bike ride 110 3 Write (A) oF (8) for the correct ending to each sentence. ‘Ann is six years old so she can't A) A geta job. B go to school. 1. Dancers have to be Q) A fit, B blond, 2. There's no school today so | don't have to get up L) A ealy B late. 3. Students can't use their mobiles C) A after school B during lessons. 4) My dad’s a fire fighter. He has to wear C) ‘A uniform. B jeans. 5 You can take your dog for a walk in C) A the disco. B the park. 15 4 Complete the description of each job using can, can’ hhave to of (not) have to. Human statues_have o_stand still. They _can_dress up in strange clothes. They _can't_talk to people. They don't have tobe beautiful Ballet dancers 1 be fat. They practise every day and they 2. be very fit. They 3 learn texts by heart. They sometimes wear wigs. They. 4 have fair, dark or red hair. Clowns 5. be fat or thin. They 6 be funny. They sometimes sing but they7 sing well they 8 be boring. Athletes 9 do exercises every day. They 10 eat a lot of biscuits and cake. In their free time, they go swimming and often do other sports. od 716 5. Order these words to make questions. with /go/ they / who / did 2 ‘Who did they go with 1. fathers to / your / who / writing ? 2 why// going / you / out / are ? 3 children / were / at / who / the / laughing? 4 John /time / did / what / up / get? 5. CD/you / which / were /to listening ? 1s Complete the dialogue with these words and expressions. There is one extra item. do don't od about cool let's no not on there to what Hi, Anna. Would you like to go to the cinema on, Saturday? The new Brad Pitt film is 1 Great. Everybody says it’s a fantastic film. 2 time does it start? Quarter 3 cight. Okay, Why wwe have a meal first? Allright, Where 5 ‘you want to go? There's a good Chinese restaurant in Church Street. Do you like Chinese food? 6 really. Sorry. Well, what 7 the new Italian restaurant near the cinema? jim and Chris went 8 last week. They said the food was really good and there's italian music, too. B: Great. I love Italian food. Right. 9 ‘get the half past six bus into town, B: OK.10 M0 ToTAL__/50 2 Complete the sentences with these words. There is one extra word. 1 Look at the pictures. Write the names of the gadgets animation calculator ¢hips computers insert ‘or machines. satellites track Chips_are small pieces of silicon in computers. 1 Canyou Pictures into documents on the computer? | often use the ‘on my mobile phone. In Japan, some parents use mobiles to their children. 4 ____ go around the Earth. E-books will have 30 15 3 complete the sentences with the correct form of the adjectives in brackets. ‘There are magazines and clothes everywhere in Sue's room. It's really untidy. (tidy) 1. | didn't sleep well in the hotel. twas noisy and my bed was - (comfortable) 2 The actors performed well and so they were very - (happy) 3. Ishea famous artist? - No, he's completely - (known) 4 They havea diet because they eat a lot of fruit and vegetables. (health) 5 The house was because it had three back doors but no front door! (usual) 15 4. complete the text with these words. after before during later suddenly when Last Sunday, we decided to visit my uncle John. | got up early and finished my homework _before_we left. We got the train at 10 o'clock. | read my magazine 1 the journey. We arrived at 12.30 and uncle John took us to a restaurant in the park for lunch, Z the afternoon, we went for a boat ride on the lake. Then, we went to my uncle's house for tea. We left about 7 o'clock to get our train. The train was getting near our station 3 itstarted to make asstrange noise. 4 » it stopped. There was a problem with engine. 5 about an hour, the train started again. We got home at 11 o'clock a 15 15 5 Look at the questions about the future. Write predictions with will or won't. Will people shop on the Internet? Yes, _people wil 1 Interne 1. Will office workers work at home? Yes, 2. Will you go to the cinema? No, 3. Will [have virtual pets? Yes, 4. Will holidaymakers visit other planets? Yes, 5. Will children have real pets? No, 15 6 complete the questions and write short answers with your own predictions. In the future, what do you think will happen? Will_ everybody have a digital camera? Yes, they will. /No, they won't, 1 televisions get smaller? 2 it be hotter in summer? 3 you go to university? 4 you and your friends wear smart clothes? 5 there be any cinemas? 15 7 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets. 1f1_play_ (play) computer games all the time and _don’t ‘do_(not do) any sport, |_won't be_(not be) very fit. ‘A: What1___{your sister / buy) if she 2 (go shopping) at the weekend? Well, she wants some long red boots. So, if she 3 (see) some fashionable ones in that new Italian shop, know she 4 (try) them on and if they 5 (not be) too expensive, she 6 (get) them! What 7 (you / do) if your parents 8 (not buy) you a digital camera? 19 (get) a Saturday job to get some money and 110 (not tidy) my bedroom! 110 2s _ Match the sentences (1-5) with the responses (a-e). ie 1'm really thirsty. (6). (a) 11 help you look for it. Wsvery cold in here. ___(b) ll come with you Hean'tfind my bag. ___—_() I'l close the windows. I've got a message for (d) ll get you one. John. | want to visitJane, She's (¢) ll give it to him. in hospital, Thaven't gota ticket for (f) ll make you a the disco. drink. 75 Make offers. Use the words in brackets and the correct pronouns. ‘The phone's ringing, (answer) il answer it. ‘These books are too heavy for me. (carry) | can't do this exercise. (help) The children want to go to the park. (take) Susan doesn’t know your address. {tell) We don’t know where the computer room is. (show) 15 ToTAL__/50 E 2 Complete the sentences with these words. There is cone extra word. chips digital dimensional document or machines, download scan smart _Ghips_ are small pieces of silicon in computers. 1 clothes are clothes with electronic ‘gadgets inside. 2 Canyou pictures on your computer? 3 We're using the Internet to our favourite op music. 1 ___ 4 What does 30° mean? It means three- 5. inserted a table into the before | e-mailed it. camera 15 3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the adjectives in brackets. There are magazines and clothes everywhere in Sue's room. It’s really untidy. tidy) 1 Wewere ‘We got the last two tickets for the pop concer. (luck) 2 she's because her boyfriend didn’t phone her last night. (happy) 3. They always sit at that table in the restaurant. I's their table, {usual} 4 Alot of chocolate, biscuits and sweets are very for you! (health) 5 These shoes are. They're too small. (comfortable) 15 4 Complete the text with these words. after before during later suddenly when | stayed with my cousin, Chris, last weekend and had a ‘great time. When Chris met me at the station, he told ime he had two tickets for a pop concert on Saturday. | was very excited. 1 the concert, we met some of Chris's friends and had a pizza. 2 the concert, the group sang all my favourite songs It was fantastic! We went toa coffee bar 3 the concert. We were sitting down when. 4 the door opened and two of the pop group ‘walked in. We talked to them about their music and they answered all our questions. They were really friendly. 5 «they drove us home in their huge American cat 15 15 5 Look at the questions about the future. Write predictions with will or won't. Will people shop on the Internet? Yes, people will shop on the internet, 1 Will people write letters? No, 2. Will children school? No, = ee 3. Will students study at home? Yes, 4 Will teenagers watch television? No, 5 Will people read e-books? Yes, 15 6 Complete the questions and write short answers with ‘your own predictions. {n the future, what do you think will happen? Will_ everybody have a digital camera? Yes, they will, /No, they won't. 1 you get married? 2 there be any newspapers? 3 be colder in winter? 4 you and your family live abroad? 5 houses get bigger? 15 7 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets. If1_play_(play) computer games all the time and_don't do_(not do) any sport, |_won't be_ (not be] very fit. AA: It's my birthday on 17th August but I've got a problem. 1 know my parents 1 (not go} out if 1 2 (have) my birthday party at home. | love ‘my mum and dad but | really don’t want them to be at home! B: Well, if you 3 (give) them some money, 4 (they / go) toa restaurant for a meal? ‘A: Thaven't got any money! But that’s an idea. If | 5 (not have) my party at home, 16 (take) all my friends to a Chinese restaurant. B: Butif you 7 (not have) any money, who a (pay) for the meal? A HLS (ask) my parents, they 10 (pay)! Communication G Match the sentences (1-5) with the responses (a-e). Fn really thirsty. (f(a) open the windows. 1. Thaven't got any money for (b) ll show you. the cinema, 2 I've gota book foryour (I'll get you a sandwich brother. 3 Ididn’'t have any (¢) Fl pay for you tunch. _ It’s hot in this room. 5 I don't know where the museum is. (ot ll give itto him. (1 make you a drink: 9 Make offers. Use the words in brackets and the correct pronouns. The phone's ringing, (answer) il answer it 1. These books are too heavy for me. (earry) 2 I don't know Sue's address {tell) 3 The dogs are hungry. (feed) 4 Sam doesn't understand his maths homework. (help) 5. Mysister doesn’t want this DVD. (have) TOTAL__/50 @1 Listen to four phone messages. Underline the correct words in the sentences. The phone message from Anna is to John / Pete. The phone message from Anna says that ‘Anna and Pete are at home / on the bus; 2 Anna wants to meet John at 7 pm / 7.15 pm. The phone message from Adam says that: 3. Adam won the competition last week / last night; 4 he sang two / three songs in the competition, The recorded message at the Theatre Royal says that: 5. the musical ‘Billy Elliott’ starts at the theatre on October 3rd | 8th; 6 the performance finishes about 10.15 pm / 10:45 pm; 7. tickets for children are £12 / £15. ‘The recorded message at the Tourist Information Office says that: & there are two / three performances of Circus Oz every day; 9 tickets for adults are £5/ £7.50; 10 you have to | don't have to pay for children under four. 10 G2 Listen to the interview with Emma Black. Complete the sentences. Emma Black is_13_years old 11 When she was years old, she started going to classes for young magicians. 2 Each student has to learn every month. new magic tricks tricks jacket when she is performing. magic stick Emma's favourite magic tricks are 4 She wears a 5 She uses a 15 3 Read the sentences about Sally. Choose the best word (A, Bor € for each gap. Sally is interested in_B_ Aclectrical technology Ctechnical 1. She's got a new mobile phone with a__so she can take photos, Acamera Brecorder ‘Cmemory stick 2 She can also use her phone to make short _ Aprograms —_B music C videos 3. The___ onher phone is useful when she's doing her maths homework, Aextra Beomputer Calculator 4. She uses the ___ to download m Atapes Binternet headphones 5. And in the mornings, of course, the ___ clock on the phone wakes her up. B digital ‘alarm C walkie-talkie 15 4 Read the text. Complete the gaps with these words. ‘a and any anything bright but on something suddenly up very Itwas getting colder _on_the mountain, John was lying, inthe snow. His dog, Bruno, pulled his arm ‘r tried to wake him up, 2 John didn't move. Bruno didn't understand. Why didn’t John get up? John’s bag was open. Bruno picked it 3 with his teeth and took it to John, John's mobile phone fell out. Bruno knew John spoke to his friends on this litle black thing. Bruno stared at it but it didn’t do . Then, he smelt it and touched it with his nose, The thing made a noise. Sally always checked her mobile phone after school ‘There was a message from her mum — she wanted Sally to get some milk on her way home. But what was this? AS strange picture. It looked like a man’s head in the snow. Who was it? Where was he? Sally showed the photo to her friend, Jill. There isn’t 6 ‘snow here in town,’ ill said, but there's a lot on the mountain. | think there's 7 wrong, Let’s go to the police station and show it to them.” The police officer tried to call the number on Sally's phone. Nobody answered but he heard a noise. Was ite ddog? He used the computer to send the picture to another police station near the mountain. It was getting dark. Bruno was sitting by John when he 9 hheard voices and saw a 10 light At last, help was here. The men took John and Bruno down the mountain. John was all right but he had a broken leg. ‘How did Bruno send the picture to my phone?’ Sally asked the police officer. ‘We don't know,’ he replied. Complete Kate's ‘blog’. Write one word in each gap. _HiL_everybody! Here’s my weekly blog for you ~ my best day and my worst day last week. Wednesday was a great day. Our school theatre group was in a competition 1 London. We do acting, dancing and singing at school. We practised three times a week for four months before 2 competition. Some of our parents made our costumes 3 ‘our wigs. We performed part of a musical in the competition. We were all ‘nervous before the competition but we didn’t make 4 ‘mistakes and nobody forgot their lines. There 5 ten schools in the competition and we came second. We were really happy. The next day, we performed our musical at school for the other pupils and our families. it 6 a big success. My worst day was Saturday. It was a really unlucky day for me. In the morning, | went shopping with my mum. We wanted 7 buy a walkie-talkie ‘watch for my younger brother's birthday. We looked 8 a lot of watches and bought a really cool ‘one. | know he'l lke it, We bought some food and then we got the bus home. When we got home, | wanted to show 9 watch to my dad. | went to get it out of my bag, But my bag wasn’t there. We looked everywhere for it. | think | eft it on the bus. My brother's walkie-talkie watch, my diary, my mobile phone, some money and some photos 10 my friends were in my bag. | was really ‘unhappy. We phoned the bus station but my bag wasn't there. They said they'll phone us if they find it Please write your blog so | can read about your week Kate 15 (point for each correct answer) 5. Read the text again. Mark the sentences (T] true, (F false or (OK) don’t know. Bruno is Sally's dog. ED 1. John had his mobile phone with him on the mountain. Q) Bruno attacked John on the mountain. C) 3 The police officer spoke to John on Sally’s mobile phone. L) 4 John broke his leg on the mountain. C) 5 Sally got some milk for her mum on her way home from school, te T_ Write your ‘blog’ for last week. Write 80-100 words. Hi everybody! Here's my weekly blog ~my best day and my worst day last week. My best day My worst day ToTAL__/50 @1_ Listen to four phone messages. Underline the correct words in the sentences. ‘The phone message from Anna is to John / Pete. ‘The phone message from Anna says that: ‘Anna and Pete are early / late; 2 Anna wants to meet John at the cinema / his house; 3. the film starts at 7 pm (7.15 pm. ‘The phone message from Adam says that: 4 Adam won a singing / video competition; he was / wasn’t nervous before the compet The recorded message at the Theatre Royal says that: 6 the musical ‘Billy Elliot’ is on at the theatre this week I next week; 7. the performance starts at 7.30 pm f 7.15 pm; 8 tickets for adults are £15 / £18. The recorded message at the Tourist Information Office says that: 9 the evening performance of Circus Oz starts at 7 pm 17.30 pm; 10 tickets for children from 4 to 10 years old are £5 / £5.50. 10 G2 Listen to the interview with Emma Black. Complete the sentences. Emma Black is_13_ years old. 1 When she was. ‘box of magic tricks. 2.» She goes to classes for young magicians on Monday evenings and Saturday 3 Last week, her teachers gave her hher new card trick 4 She wears a gold ‘when she is performing, 5 She has to practise at home for hours every day, years old, her uncle gave her a marks for 15 Read the sentences about Tony. Choose the best word (A, B or C for each gap. Tony is interested in _B Aclectrical Btechnology __C technical His hobby is taking__. Aphotography 8 photos. films His sister, Jane, gave him a new __camera for his birthday. digital B robot C mobile Wsthe latest __and_it was very expensive. fashion Bavality model Tony likes it because you just___ the screen to do things Atouch Bhold move Heusesa___to take photos with the camera Avideo Battery memory stick 15 Read the text. Complete the gaps with these words. ‘and best but during jumping fast later look one some the Itwasa beautiful day_fast_Tuesday and so Jane decided to go sailing. She loved sailing and she was preparing for an important sailing competition 1 the afternoon, it started raining, The wind got stronger and stronger. Jane knew she was near 2___very dangerous rocks, so she decided to turn the boat round and go back, Suddenly, a huge wave hit the boat. Jane slipped and fell. She hit her head on the side of 3 boat. ‘Tony was in his room. He was looking at some of his pictures on his new digital camera, He wanted to give two or three of the4 __ones to is sister, Jane. The camera was her birthday present to him. Suddenly, he looked again. What was that? It wasn’t of his pictures. He looked at it again. It was hs sister's boat. Some dolphins were swimming and 6 round the boat. Was anybody in the boat? Where was Jane? What did it mean? He ran downstairs 7 showed the picture to his parents. His mother tried to phone jane on her mobile phone 8 there was no answer. That was unusual because Jane always took her mobile with her when she went sailing It was getting dark and it was difficult for the men in the helicopter to see anything. Then, one of them shouted: 9 ! There's a boat down there. The dolphins are pushing it away from the rocks.. The helicopter flew over the boat. There was a young woman in the boat. ‘She wasn't moving, Two days 10. . Tony and his parents took Jane home from hospital. She didn't remember anything about her accident or the rescue. Who took the photo of the boat? How did the picture get into Tony's camera? Nobody knew. 0 Writing 6 Complete Mike’s ‘blog’. Write one word in each gap. _Hi_everybody! Here's my weekly blog for you ~ my best day and my ‘worst day last week My best day 1 Saturday. My mum gave ime some money because 2 leaned her ‘arand tidied my room. 3 ‘the morning, | went shopping with two of my friends. | bought some black jeans ~ they're realy cool! I'd like to wear them at school but we can’t wear jeans. We have 4 wear school uniform! After | bought my jeans, we went to the electrical shop and looked at handheld computers. Some of them were fantastic but to0 expensive for me! 5 saturday evening, ‘we hada meal at a Spanish restaurant in North Street ‘and I wore my new jeans. There were three guitarists performing in 6 restaurant. They played some really exciting Spanish music. My friend, Sam, 7 learning Spanish at school. He spoke to the waiters in Spanish and the waiters understood him My worst day was Wednesday! | got 8 late 011 didn't have time for breakfast. | was hungry all day. We had two tests at school on Wednesday: biology 9 physics. like biology and I'm quite good att like physics, too, but 'm not very good at it. (We {got our results yesterday —| got 60% for biology and 50% for physics.) On Wednesday evening, | wanted to watch the football match on television but there was @ power cut for three hours. When the electricity came ‘on again, it was time to 10 to bed Please write your blog so | can read about your week. Kate 15 ('/: point for each correct answer 5 Read the text again. Mark the sentences (T) true, {F) false or (0K) don’t know. Jane hates sailing, 1. Itwas raining last Tuesday when Jane decided to go sailing. Jane slipped and fell into the sea. (J Tony is Jane's brother. CQ Jane is older than Tony. C) The helicopter rescued Jane. C) wen 7 Write your ‘blog’ for last week. Write 80-100 words. Hi everybody! Here's my weekly blog my best day and my worst day last week. My best day. My worst day ToTAL__/50 S 2 Sort the letters in brackets to make colours, shapes and material 1 Look at the pictures. Write the names of the things you see. Steve never wears _dark_(0 RAK) clothes. Today, he's _Wlayer wearingat____(TIGHBR)2 (GRAN EO) Tshirt. Its made of 3 (TOOTCN). There arefived (RAN GTRIALU] shapes on the front of his T-shirt. I think they're made of 5 (TEALERH) Its really unusual. : pens 3 Find five more styles of music in the word square. Go PenseePrnneeeen Dennen ames Teel ; . A Ft N vu 6 A spied pyty__y_E .rgpor vn Ibi bi ee te eet HAS wae EG 3 Se Eis apse ld Eu a 2S 15 4 complete the adjectives with the letters A E 1 0 U. NGman. He Gary isn'ta very PRACTICAL 1¥ a often does 2 CR _ ZY things. He's never 3 B_R_NG! He wears 4F_SH__N_BL_designerclothes. He's into punk music but he also likes watching i 5R_M_NT_Cfilms 15 5 5. Complete the table with the Present Perfect form of the verbs. Some are regular and some are irregular. Read the sentences. Circle the correct words. ‘The art gallery isa very modern building, It's made Gi by glass. We can go in the castle. It was builtin the 12th century and it is/ was made of stone. (do the (did the ee aanethe 2. Traditional Japanese houses are made of washing up | washingup | washing up every wooden / wood. everyday) _|yesterday) __| daythisweek)_| 3. Allher jewellery are / is made of gold. do did done 4 We got three tracksuits / 4 [arrive arrived es > lbp et 5 This shirt / Tshirt is dirty 3 | clean cleaned 4 [come came —s 5 [finish finished 6 | make made ee Communication 7 [paint painted 8 | setup set up 8 Complete the dialogue with these words and lunpatk Tipealed ‘expressions. There is one extra item. 10 | wash washed along anything can’t don’tthink that past should should shouldn't think through ____ 15 °/: point for each correct answer) ene 6 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the Present Perfect. ‘A: Hi, Ben. Have you done_(you / do) all the jobs in the youth club? B: No, we (not finish) them all, but sue2 (clean) all the windows and 13 (wash) the floor. A (my brother / arrive? B: Yes, he5. (come). He 6 (unpack the video equipment but he7, __ {not set it up) because he's waiting for you to come. Mark and Tony 8 (paint) the walls blue and sitver. The room looks fantastic! We 9 (buy) all the food but we 10 (not make) the sandwiches because its too early I's four o'clock and the party starts at eight. ‘A: Right. 'm leaving home now. See you soon. 10 I've had an invitation _to_a ‘Gothic’ party next Saturday, but I haven't got 1 to wear. I know Goths wear black but all my black clothes are too fashionable and very expensive. 12. fashionable designer clothes are cool for Goths. Where can I buy some Goth clothes and make-up? 213 ___ the best shop is in Albert Street. It's called ‘Cool Black. there fous go ‘A: Thanks. | can go on my bike now. Which is the best way? Well, the traffi’s terrible in the centre of town in the afternoons so you 5 _90 6 the town centre. You Zi 208. this road ~it's quieter and quicker. Go 9 the university and 10 atthe traffic lights. That's Albert Street. Thanks very much. 10 ToTAL__/50 2 Sort the letters in brackets to make colours, shapes and materials. 1. Look at the pictures. Write the names of the things you see. bought a_dark (0 RAK)1 2 ctnbiace! (NOW RB) bag. | liked its unusual 2 (GRANTRECULA) shape and the soft 3 (THEREAL) Itwas more expensive than the 4 (CAPLIST) bags, but | didn’t Tike the 5 (ARESU) shape of those bags. : 15 3 Find five more styles of music in the word square. EO M ‘ eee GE Og ieee eH E ee Te teeth No 7 E 15 4 Complete the adjectives with the letters A E10 U. Mrand Mrs Carter are PRACTICAL people. They ive in an 1_TTR_CT_VE stone cottage in a 2L_V_LY village in the countryside. Their furniture is35_MPL_and4C_MF_RT_BL_.Theylove gardening and their garden is really 5B___T_F_L 15 5 Complete the table with the Present Perfect form of, the verbs. Some are regular and some are irregular. (do the (Vid the (ve done the washing up | washingup | washing up every everyday) yesterday) __| day this week) do id done 1 [arrive arrived 2 [buy bought 3 | change changed 4_|clean cleaned 5 [decorate | decorated 6 [finish finished 7_| make made 8 [move moved 9 [putup put up 10 | think thought 15 (*h point for each correct answer) 6 complete the sentences with the correct form of the Present Perfect. ‘A: Hi, Linda. t's Tim. Have you done (you / do) all the jobs in the youth clube B: No, we 1 (not finish) everything but Tom and Ann 2 (clean) the room and Sue 3 (decorate) it. It looks really great. A: Good. 4 (you / think) about the layout of the room? Br We 5. (change) it. fom and 1 6 (move) the furniture, Ann, % (put up) all the lights. We 2 (not make) any sandwiches, but we ___{buy) some pizzas A: Lean hear music. 10 2 (the ‘musicians / arrive) B: Yes, they're practising now. 110 T_ Read the sentences. Circle the correct words. The art gallery is a very modern building. It’s made @)i dy slass 1 In the past, the roofs of cottages are / were made of straw. All the furniture in this room is / are made of glass, Is that red hat made of woo! / woollen? My mum doesn't wear a lot of make-up / make up. I've got a new skate-board | skateboard. 15 Communication 8 Complete the dialogue with these words and “expressions. There is one extra item. along cool don'tthink that go past up should shouldn't think think te tum left ‘A: We've got our invitations _to_Sue's birthday party, It’sa ‘mick party and so we have to dress in Smick clothes. Do Smicks baseball caps and tracksuits are 3 ities <7, B: Yes, they do. And girls 4 dye their hair blond, ‘A: Right. And what about jewellery for the party? B: Well, Smicks haven't got alot of money. 1 5 they wear expensive jewellery so you 6 {80 to an expensive shop. 1 7_____ the market is the best place. A: Right. Where's the market? B: G08 this road for about two hundred metres. 9. at the church, go 10 the sports centre and you're at ‘the market. |: Great! Thanks. 110 ToTAL__/50 and games. 15 Bye 2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets. ''d like some_information_ about trains to London, please. (inform) 1 I think the should do something about the problem. (govern) 2 What was the most important in the 20th century? (discover) 3 Their_____began in April. (explore) 4° After the accident, he made a good = (recover) 5 We've set up all the filming (equip) 15 3. Read the sentences. Circle the expressions which have the same meaning as the underlined words. Thank you for my birthday present, uverfaeh 1 This musics really great. Aloud Bool 2 Please e-mail me. Atell me B keep in touch 3 Llove playing pool. ‘At'm really into BI don't mind 4. They've got loads of money. ‘Ano Blots of 5 Hello, Sue. ‘A How are you? BHI 15 4 Complete the sentences with these words and ‘expressions. aswell during later now so when We usually watch television _when_we get home from school. 11 My mum gave me some new trainers for my birthday. She bought me some designer jeans. ‘ 2 He was really tired last night he went to bed eariy Nobody can speak the maths examination. | did my homework this morning and vm helping my brother paint his room. 5. Tomorrow, 'm going ice skating with Steve and we're going to the cinema. 1s Write questions to match the underlined words in the answers. 5 Look at Sally’s intentions for the new school year. Where did you go? Write sentences with be going to. | went to Ann's birthday party, (not) go out every night m.not going to go out every night, ? 1. study harder She's siteen. ? 2 (not) eat alot of sweets Jwent with some friends, ? a Nienuchoneaninilics ‘The party started at 8.30 pm. 4 (not) buy new clothes every week ‘Ann was wearing her new black dress, 5 learn to ski ‘Nobody danced with me, I'ma terrible dancer! 15 15 6 Look at Ben’s intentions and arrangements for next weekend, Write sentences the Present Continuous Complete the dialogues with these words and calc expressions. There is one extra item. inte congratulations did didn't forgot it matter ‘Arrangements for next weekend notat all nothing sorry thanks that’s Fri 16.00 meet mum to go shopping yesterday 119.15 meet Sue outside the cinema 2 Sat 10.00 have a guitar lesson ‘A: _Did_you do well in the singing competition, Maria? 3 13.00 go to football match with Mark and Jane 4 2000 play pool with Pete Urusei vont e 1M issed it. 1h 5 Sun 14.00 visit Uncle John = ana et ae 6 20,00 watch TV documentary about India sen Se 5 okay. 6 for helping me ee ith the music last week 7 dean dad's car 9 take the dog for a long walk a 8 phone Karen 10 finish my history project ee ese oe need im sorry 18 phone you last night. | was A busy and 19 ———————— It doesn't 10 3 ne 3/0 5 oneness tre Mere” 6p ee 7 = Oa gg oe Dee i tas cage geersioee Ue Stowe 10 eS ae 1 Look at the pictures. Write the names of the sports and games. tennis BUC] Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets. Vd like some information about trains to London, please. (inform) What was her greatest 2 (achieve) ‘Sue was in hospital for two weeks after her (operate) 3. Ourmain ‘was the very cold weather. (difficult) They hada big ‘when they passed their exams. (celebrate) He rescued two men on the mountain and got a medal for (brave). 15 Read the sentences. Circle the expressions which have the same meaning as the underlined words. ‘Thank you for my birthday present. Byery much This food is horrible. Acool Buk! | cant stand football ‘Adon’t mind Bhate ‘The animals were huge. enormous B dangerous | ove your new house. It's really cool! A fantastic Beold Goodbye, John. Keep in touch BBye 1s Complete the sentences with these words and expressions. after that at the moment because before too wher We usually watch television _when_we get home from school. She's unhappy she lost her mobile yesterday. [finished my homework and wrote some e-mails. Pm really into ice skating. My sister likes it, Can you help me with this, please? — No, sorry | can't. 'm very busy have to tidy my room | go out with my friends 1s Grammar 5 Look at Peter’s intentions for the new school year. Write sentences with be going to. (not) go out every night T Write questions to match the underlined words in the answers. Who 2 {phoned my brother, ‘Lm not going to go out every night. 1 a 1 listen to my teachers | phoned him at ten o'clock, 2 2 2 tidy my room every week He was at home, 3 2 3. (not) argue with my sister ‘Nobody was with him. 4 > 4 learn to drive He was reading the newspaper. 5 2 5. (not) be late for lessons 15 6 Look at sally’s intentions and arrangements for next ‘weekend, Write sentences in the Present Continuous for her arrangements, and with be going to for her intentions. ‘Arrangements for next weekend Fri 16.00 meet mum to go shopping 1 19.30.g0 dancing with Steve 2 Sat 09.30 meet friends in the shopping centre 3 15.00 havea driving lesson 4 19,00 go to Sue's to finish our drama project 5. Sun 14.00 watch tennis semi-finals on television 6 20.00 phone steve {intend to 7 tidy my room 9 clean my bike 8 buyMum’s birthday present 10. e-mail Auntie Mary termoon, she’s meeting her 10 [phoned him to thank him for my present, 15 Communication 8 Complete the dialogues with these words and expressions. There is one extra item. atall did ('msorry matter not now okay thanks too you very nothing A: _Did_ you phone Sam last night to tell him about the test tomorrow? B: Oh, no! . Horgot. A: That's 2 We can text him 3 Ad for looking after my dog when | was on holiday last week. B: Not twas 6 « LTike dogs. We ‘went for some long walks. A: Here’sa litle present for 7 from Spain, 8: Thank you much. ‘A: Sorry I'm late. | missed the train B: Itdoesn't9 Larrived late, 10 110 ToTAL__/50 Pea Student A - = 7 ; . 1 sue and Tony are in the shopping centre. Listen to their conversation and mark the sentences (T) true or (P false. Sue is early. 1 Sue was atthe disco last night. C) 2 Tony likes horror films. 3. Tony's new table lamp is made of wood. L) 4 The lamp shade is made of cotton. C) 5 Hisnew rugis yellow. CQ) 6 His carpetis white. 7 The Skaters on the poster are wearing baggy jeans. C) 8 The poster for Sue is of a Formula One racing driver. O) as me 3° Complete the gaps in the e-mails (A-F) with these words. ‘any because buy cool harder mind so then cotton do every (@2Z_ Listen to the phone conversation about an exhibition of robots. Complete the notes. Name of exhibition: * Robots_in the Twenty-First Century’. 1. Bihibition is on for weeks. 2 Tickets: Adults 3. Free for children under years old 4. Discount for groups of over people. 5 Open Mondays to Saturdays 10 am — pm. 6 Number of robots in the exhibition: 7. Robots help people at work, €g, in factories and Thanks for your email. My weekend was boring because my cousin was ill and so he didn't come. What colour are you gong to paint your room? My bedroom's dark sreen and white ike folk music, too. ike playing folksongs on my guitar. havea (40. [Suzanne ] (te Lens ] (from. [chris 1| | Corton) (Suzanne ] subject [ella : subject: [Telia ] Hi Suzanne Wich Qe twas good to hear from you again. Did you do wel in your exams? We had exams lst term but we havent got 2 thisterm, tay was Tantastic. oved the county, the people, the food and the weather! We did a lot of sightseeing and then we had a week onthe beach. ome ofthe shops were relly coo. | bought 2 3 t busy studying for my exams. The last ane was yesterday 4 lastnight | went out to celebrate with some of my friends. We had a fantastic Indian curry and 5 went dancing! vis a Did you have a good holiday in Waly? 14love to go there. guitar lesson 1 Tuesday evening, shirt in bright orange and another one in dark blue. 'm oingto 30 one ack again one day. Here are some photos. suzanne (to. j [Suzanne ] (40) [chris ] Cheon (eS rem 1 Subject: [Hello ] subject [Tello ] ‘isuzanne Hi Chris | irises tom neater nas ety ED Sorry 1 havent emailed fora few weeks. 've been really 6 ! Tove it! The colours are dark purple, ight purple and siver’ Mum and dad bought me a new wooden desk and chair for my room, Theyre going to 7 ‘me some new curtains for ‘my birthday present next month, Fm very tired now. "'m going to go to bed early tonight! Are you having a good weekend? suzanne Subject: I= Thanks forthe photos — theyre really good! I ike your T- © My exam results were OK .. not wonderful, but not too bad. Im Boing to study 8 ext year? Ws rained here all week so we haven't played any sport We went shopping yesterday! bought the latest CD by my favourite jaze group. Are you into jazz? Are you doing anything exciting at the weekend? My cousin is coming to stay so that'l be fu, hi a. Subject Howe oe Did you have a good weekend? What did you9_? had a great weekend because we went to my aunt’ cottage by the Sea, On Saturday, we went sailing and I tried scuba-diving for the first time, It was rally fantastic! Next weekend, my brother and | ar painting our rooms and buying some new furniture, I don't 10 bette suzanne jazz, but Fm not really int it ke folk music sapere 4 6 Read Cathy’s diary. Complete the sentences about her arrangements and intentions for next week. This week Half-term holiday! (20 Feb~ 26 Feb) Arrangements for next week Mon 9.00 English test 1 14,00-15.30 finish art project / give it to teacher 2 Wed 16.00 drama club (last practice before competition) 3 Sat 14.00 Intentions for next week 4 Do Mrs Davy’s shopping / take her dog for a walk 5. Repair Lucy's bike / go for a bike ride with her drama competition in London ‘Arrangements (On Monday morning, she's having an English test. 1 On Monday afternoon, 2 On Wednesday, >ereee \Now read the e-mails again and put them in the correct order. ‘DLGBiZovtnas yBiaaeds Ain} 296 Snot hee Gi 15 Who stood where? Read the conversation. Write the names of the other five people in their correct places. At the end of the concert, the six performers stood in a line at the front of the stage. Where did Carol stand? She stood between Tom and Will Did David stand next to Will? No, he didn't. He stood between Tom and Maria, Who did Linda stand next to? ‘She stood next to Maria. On Saturday, Intentions Her neighbour, Mrs Davy, isn't very well. Next week. Her sister, Lucy, broke her bike last week. So 15 What are your arrangements and intentions for next week? Next week 10 poner ning ‘Sue and Tony are in the shopping centre. Listen to their conversation and mark the sentences (T) true or (F false. Sueis early. © Cea) Sey Tony was playing cards last night. C) Tony's new lamp shade is dark blue. C) His new rug is ina big blue bag. His new rug is made of wool. C) The walls of his room are white L There are two Skaters on the poster. LJ One of the Skaters is wearing a baseball cap. C) ‘Sue isn't interested in ice hockey. L) (@2 Listen to the phone conversation about an exhibition of robots. Complete the notes. Name of exhibition; " Robots_in the Twenty-First Century’ The exhibition starts on March Tickets: Children 5-16 years old: Group discount: %. ‘Number of people in the woman’ fami Open Sundays: 10 am=_ ‘Number of robots made in Japan: oe SSI nebo ‘| pm, 17 3 Complete the gaps in the e-mails (A-F) with these words. It was great to see you at my party Thanks for_the ‘poster. realy like the photo of the polar bears at 1 North Pole. 'm going to put it on my bedroom door. My grandma {gave me a book about expeditions to the North Pole. One day 'm going to go there | think its the 2 exiting place in the wor ‘ave you started your driving lessons? 'm going to learn to drive rex year. | want to get a red sportscar! any at anything better everything fer in most next past the Tonuee 7) (eee ] (rom Dre | | Crom Cece 1 subjects eo | | sbiect Cie | Wilack @| fires oe Thanks forthe directions tothe Water Park. -The girl in the photos is Maria. She's alan, She and her boytriend were on holiday. (Her boyfriend didn’t want tobe in 3 of the photos) This afternoon, | went shopping with Tim. I didn’t buy 4 but Tim bought a watch ..iooks like siver but! don’t think tis silver (twas too cheap!) See you on Saturday Did you have a good holiday in Spain? @e 1m having my birthday party on Saturday atthe Water Park! Can ‘you come? It'l be fun ~ we can go svimming and go on al the rides 5 the afternoon. Then we're going to have pizzas inthe restaurant and later, we're going tothe cinema, Hope you can come. Pete Pete ack (Ce. Lack J] | (tos rete 1 (tom... ][Pete }| | Crom Hace ] Subject: [lo ] Subject. [illo } Hijack Wi Pete They itachi rigs sey trate ea ough evar ey ou tec Pere ete eee Peptnacy etry faseatsen «ston ee ower mmatlaveniee socina ona boron extoman or init foe) eee et hare ns — subject i Jack @& H's great that you can come to my party. The Water Parks near the station. Go over the main road and 208 the church. The Water Park isin front of you We're meeting outside the big rectangular building 9 three o'clock. Thanks for the photos Spanish? Pete ‘who's the gil in all of them? Is she S| subject Hi Pete @Q Thanks forthe invitation to your party. Yes, can come, Where isthe Water Park? Is it near the station? Spain was fantastic - wonderful weather, great food and very rienaly people. My Spanish is aft 10, ow and I can Understand almost everything. We stayed fora month and did alot of sightseeing. Here are some photos. ack 6 Read Jim's diary. Complete the sentences about his arrangements and intentions for next week. This week ‘Summer holiday ~ 2 more weeks! Arrangements for next week (20 Aug-26 Aug) Mon 7pm — Pop concert in the park with Carol and John 1 Wed 11am — Junior Tennis Competition 2 Thurs shopping with mum (new school uniform) 3 Sun 9am Grand Prix race with Uncle Bob Intentions for next week 4 Get school things ready ~ bag, books (School starts 27 August) 5 Help grandma —work in the garden / do the shopping ‘Arrangements (On Monday, he’s going to.a pop concert in the park with Carol and john at 7 o'clock. 1 At11 o'clock on 2 On Thursday, 4 Now read the e-mails again and put them in the correct order. VEGE 21S 5 Ba satdn, sontcSendn nba tt 15 5 Who sat where? Read the conversation. Write the names of the other five people in their correct places. ‘A: Atthe end of the competition, the six players sat down, in a row and | took their photograph, Where did Bob sit? He sat between Helen and Sue, Did Anna sit next to Helen? No, she didn't. She sat between Sue and John, Who did Carol sit next to? She sat next to John, >eeeee 1 2 Bob 3 4 5 6 3. At9 o'clock on Intentions 4. School starts on 27th August, so 5 His grandma isn't very well, so 10 TOTAL __/ 50 Module 1, Student A Language 1 1am 2reading 3 fashion 4 photography Sadene 2 Vinteret_2home phone. 3.emails Hest messages eters 3 beauitel 2great 3!rendly 4 funny S patent 4 Tin Zonwith 310 ater Sat 5 1 the 2does Sam work 3 do you speak 4 oesnit live 5 Dothey go Glidy 7 dont write Buse 8 Doesyeursistr play "10 col 6 1Hotenusemy mobile. 2 They dont usually play tennis on Saturdays. 3 My lather sometines ‘works abroad. 4 Dp you always watehTV Inthe ‘renng? 5 He never phones me 711 ike classical musica lot. 2 Wy parents don't lke rap very much. 3 John ies lana aot 4 Mysster ad don ike otal very much Shy ends ike dancing a. B tlove 2at asand 4dont Sreally 9 1c 2d 30 4a Sb Module 1, Student 8 Language, 1 tcomputers, 2 dancing 3 model aeroplanes Aches Skateboarding, 2 tmobile 2instat messages 3 chatrooms 4 pay phone "Se grectings 3 Yamaring 2outgoing 3 had working Ahebpul™ Shonest 4 tot 2owtwith sat for Sin 5 speaks _2doesn' send 340 yous» A nee" Sike 6 does your cousin ve 7iesigns” Bont understand 900 you wale 10come 6 1 icon goto the disco at meskends. 200 04 lays eye to schol? 3 My brother sometimes Uses the Interet 4 They hardy ever ite eters. St dont usualy buy newspaper. 7 A. don ike history very much._2Ann and John lke eadingalt.3 My ser does ihe making things very much. 41 ke scence aft. 5 they lke tondon et 8 ttevouite 2love 3dont hate shad 91a 26036 4c Sb Module 2, Student A Language 111 dentist otice worker 3 plumber ‘hatareser Sta diver 2 tides 2shower Slunci Aswin Sinner 3 Acros: bebab cola burger ‘awn: mi salad 4 Thur Zand sbecause 4100 $50 5 tam’ndoing 2Areyou studying 31 roaring are making 513 cooking 6 ising usually drink 3 does our mother do “4amvimistening Src you using 7 tan 2an 3the 4a 52 6the 7 8- The “102 852413 9 1c 2e 3b 42 Sd Module 2, Student Language Y teacher 2lony diver Selectican A mechanic Shop ausitant 2 Ashower 2pary 3swim A4ide Slunch 3 Acros! meat yoghurt Down: fish water fruit 4 and 2100 Shecause 450 Shut 5 areshopping, 2are/re buying ‘.anfm punting 4Isyoursister helping. Sis 6 Aworks _ZArethey plying 3 often phones Adonteat ive 71m 2 3- "othe 842513 918 2 - 62 The Ban 9 ab 4d Se Modules 1 and 2, Student A skills VAC 28 3C 4A 5B 6C 7A BC 2 cheese sala, 2 tuna salad, 1 chicken sandwich {otal est £125, telephone umber 387564 3 ty Zloves lunch 4in Sbut 4 ton 2100 3the diam Sin but 7and “sino” 93 toon SAT 2F 3F 41 50K G tin/near 2a Sand aan Swith Gat 700 "dot “Be Tinto 7 Sudent on anne Modules 1 and 2, Student 118 2c 3A 4B 5A 6A 7C OA 38 104 Skills 2 1 min iz,» col, 2 orang juices total cost 1250, cstomersaddress 3 wan Street 3 tbyeakiast 2by 34 4works Sat 4 an 2t00 awith son Shut 610 Tor Gand 93" 10in 541 20k a7 4F 50K 612 2with 3my Ago Sand Gare Tout 83) 940" weur 7 student? om answers Module 3, Student A Language 1 Midge 2 shwasher 3a condoning ‘vaalum dearer 5 television 2Al 2d 3a 4b Se 31a Zin Bin don Son 4 Vseets gas 3 lm 4.ookes Sshop 5 1boupht 2d they sell 35014 4 did't he Slett ewadked Topened “Biel! 9 ot Ohad 6 1 She always wanted tobe an acess. 2 When did {oustar ta write our book” 3 wed fo phone Fer fst night «Wy di you wan to seeme yesterday? 5 Why did etry to escape? 7 1 He went to Hollywood to make film. 2She ‘ame tomy house yesterday pay my new ‘computer games. 31d. holiday jo opt some money. they stayed in the pak al aenoon fo ay football 5 He bought a ike to ce to work 8 ton 2with ain 4in Sat 91d 2b 3a 4c Se Module 3, Student Language 1 A eooker 2cental heating 3 washing machine 4 telephone Stadio Rie 21 3a 4b 5d 3 tin 2a 20n 4in Sin 4 teandy 2perol 3movie 4biscuts 5 sore 5 tlived. 2Didhe speak 3spoke eat Said our great unde ckdo left Tale Bhad”'9Didyou meet 1Osidnt know 1 1 We desided to tay at home ast ight. 2 Why aia Anna want to go abroad last summer? $ Wetted to plan our holiday ast nigh. ‘Sohn never redo phone vs When dd you start todo your projec 7-1 He ware three jrpersto keep warm. 2She wert tothe cnema to see the new cle ‘ima fim 3 used your computer to send an Important email 4 They studied in Pars tear French ‘54 phoned hii init hi omy at. B tin 2with 3in 4at_ Son 9 1b 2d 32 Ac Se Module 4, Student A Language “ralien Zhobbit. yampite 4 mermaid Swatch 2 touch 25m 3 hall huge 3haiy 4aark Shore 4 hot 2bred 3nenous 4dark Sangty 5 twaslitening 2wasnt studying 3 were ‘isting 4 was yoursser doing Sway watching 6 1 were swimming 2saw 32s inking Shouts jumped 6 was listening Fwashaving Btang Sasraining. had 7 tones 2another Sanotherone Sones 8 Tsiddenly Zalter Sthen 4When 550 9 Tter 20uring 3Alter 4 Belore 5 Aer hear 4see Stases Module 4, Student Language 1 Airy. ghost 3zambie yeti Swerewof 2.158 2hear 35mell tastes Stouch 3 tenormous scary Slong. 4lety Searaeous 4 scared 2nerous Slight fat Sargry 5 were playing 2asusing 3. wasn playing nase doing Sas writing 6 twasstiving 2wassnowing saw was tating Sslpped Gran 7 phoned Bwas having 9answered 10 was geting 7 another Zones 30ne 4 another one Sones 8 Suddenly 2When 3Ater 450 Sthen 9 tele 2During 30uring After 5 Aer Modules 3 and 4, Student A 47 2F 31 40K SF 6T 7F 215May 1980 2 London 3Enash 42004 Santencher 619487 New York 81968 31A 20-30-40 54 414s 2with 31he 4but_Ssongs_ sang Taher Book Snewssaper TERE S11 20K 3F 47 SF G1mas 2of 3in 400 Sof 6t0 7AL Shut Soy toa 7 student? own answers Skills Modules 3 and 4, Student B 14T 20K 37 40K 51 6F 71 2 13apil 1978 2Paris Sart 42001. S maths leader 61951. 7 Paris 81975, BAA 20 3A 40 5A 4 but 2Alter Sbecause Aino Sto 6in ‘Tmachines Band Sone “1OWere S1F 21 30K 4T 50K 6 tto 2in 340 done 52 Gand 7with Bat Yon Tor 7 students own ansers stills Module 5, Student A Language Acs: cartings wig Down tatoo sim short 2 tired Zamaned 3 rightenng 4 boring Sinterested 3 Teocks jacket jumper 41op Strainers 4 ton 2off 3un 400 Sup 5 Thinner the thinnest. 2funnier the funniest 3 beter the best" beautiful the ‘most beautiful Sinportant_ theless important 6 ‘hiager_2 cheaper 3 the east expensive 4Athesmalles!Slessexpensne 7 1Mow many. 2 How long. 3 How al Mow much 5 How fost 8 1 imenough 2100 long. 3100 young A big enough $10 loud 952314 10 te 2b 32 44 5c Module 5, Student 8 Language 1 Across: straight plump beard Bown: spi "cury 21 frightened 2amazing 3 tring Aimeresed Stored 3 teoat 2shorls 300i 4Tshit 5 towers 4 1up 20 30m 4up Son 5 Tspllier thespikst.2worse the wort Sbigier thebiggest 4 spectacular the most Spectacular 5 colouril theleast colourll 6 tsmaller_2the cheapest 3 more expensive ‘iger| the eas expensive 7 How big 2How much 3 How many 4 ow asi “Show long 8 1 toosmall2long enough 3 100 expense 4 big enaugh 500 bogey 9 41523 W014 2a 3b 4c Se Module 6, Student A Language. V teampste 2fshing Sevcing «hotel SSidaeeing 210 2f 3a 40 sa 3 tacive 2northem 3 beautiful 4 sunny Swede eadventuraus 7 dangerous Scomionable Sexpensve 1 enable 4 Talotol 2s0me 300 Aan Salotot 5-4 How many 2How much 3 Now many «How much. 4 How much 6 1 erybody 2anything 3 anywhere everthing Sanrboay Geverwhere Tsomebady Srathing 9 somewhere 4oNeboa 7 1Gn Zhow Stake much ssinge B47 21m 3. 4-51 Module 6, Student 8 Language 1 ‘swimming 2sailing 3 snorkeling 4 Surfing "5 oleball 21f 2d 3b 4a 5c 3 Ybeauifol 2sumy Swestern 4 wondertl Sdangeous “Gartne “7iamous Bexpensive S omforabte 10 healthy 4 Talotot 2some 3n0 Aatotot Sony 5 1How many 2How much 3 How much Hom many Sow many 6 ‘anything 2somewhere 3 Ferbody ‘everwhere Snathing_@Somesedy ‘TEeryhing BNowhere 9 Nobody Wsometing 7 ‘lke 2by Splease 4-dicounts Sticket 817 2m 3, 4 51 Modules 5 and 6, Student A TIF 2A 3H 4B 5C 61 76 86 21A 26 34 48 5c 6A 78 3 tall round 3 go0dloking_ 4 spy STahins Skills 412 210 300 dome Severywhere Suing 7when” Bmore” 9 Somebody ‘something 10K 21 3F 4F SOK Lin 2with 32 43 Slot 60n 7 In Bio San wboushe 7 Suggested answer [the ve na atage near the sea, The weather 's god i's hot and sunny. On Alanday we went swimming and sporeling Inthe evening, we had dinner at anata estayant On Tues, ne cyced fan ol atl ana hada pienicIn the renng, we went tothe ina and saw On ‘ednesday. we went shoping, Bought Modules 5 and 6, Student B Sls 118 2G 31 46 54 GH 70 OF 210 24 3C 4c SC 6B 7A 3 plump 2short 3ponytall «bright Sa 4 than 28s 310 40urng Sno Gmuch “Pent Bat something “10 another 10K 26 31 41 SF 1a. 2iodaynow 30n/for4he 5 were Sheause Tin” Shut 9some10at 7 Supgesed answer: (Hele) ina od house n Dublin. sane on Monday and Tuesday ute as sunay yesterday ‘On Monday, we wet sighseig in Dublin and we en th ras Mum, Oe sy ye net Shopping bought. Inthe exening we went 0 the cna and saw. Yesterday wead 3 bie fie inthe oun. In the evening, we weno ‘concert of tadonl Ish musieandeancng. Module 7, Student A Language T Aeros tice 2Cosack 4 magidan Bact wacebat Down: 3 statues 4 musician 5 gymnast Scomedian "7 mass Bimbo 2 into. 2t0gethersover 4 down Son through oll to” Sunder 10up 31A 24 36 45 58 4 tean 2eant shweto, 4don' haveto Shueto Geant Tdonthaveto Bean Scant todoathaeto 5 1 When ae thy geting together? 2 What were You king about” 3 Why ar you looking Up? ‘Few long di they walt x? S Where do your new neighbours come from? 6 Vout 2right Satout 4don't Say Great 7éoes BWhy 9What TOLers Module 7, Student 8 Language 1V Across 3tonteller 6singer 7 Ruslan Shuman 9 it Down "Tick 2clown 3skaters Sarit Spain Zor owt Sup 400 Sint 6 throush Town “Sunder '9 off” "0 ogether 341A 2A 38 44 5B 4 teant zhaveto 3donthaveto 4can Scan Ghneto 7doathaveto act Shavets 10can" 5 Whos your father writing to? 2 Why ae you {pig out? "3 Who were the eidren Inghing a0 4 What time did John getup? 5 Which Co ‘ere you stering to? 6 ton 2What 310 don't Sdo 6 ot Tabout “Bihere “9tets "10a! Module 8, Student A Language 111 domestic robot 2 DVD payer _ digital Gamera 4valitalke wate headphones 2 inser 2eaeuator 3track 4 Sstelites 5 animation 3 4 uncomfortable 2hapoy 3 unknown ‘eathy 5 unusial 4 ‘during 2iater 3 when 4Suddenly 5 Ater 5 office workers wll work at home 2 won't poto the cinoma 3 you wl hve viral pets -heldaynaker wl st oher planets 5 children won't hae real pss © 1 il? es, they wil. No,they wont. 2 Wl Yes it Na eon. 3 Wil? es ‘il Wo, wont 4 Will? Yes we wl, we Wont. 5 Will? Yes, there wil No, there wot. 7 Awillyourssterbuy 2s shopping _3 ses 4¢nily Sarent Gill get 7 wil you 4a" 8 don't buy 91 wil TH get "To went ty Bic 2a 30 4b 54 9 ilcarrythem. 2 helpyou. 3 take them. dr ta hee STshow you. Module 8, Student 8 Language Vigil radio, 2 memory stick 3 at seen ‘Ws handheld computer 5 aptop 2 15mart_2scan 3download 4 dimensional document 3 lucky. 2unhappy 3.usual 4unbeathy Suincmrabie 4 ore 2uring Satter 4suddenly. 5 ater 5 1 people won't write letters 2 children wont go {osthoo!” student il study at home 4 teenagers wort watch televion 5 people wil ead ebooks 6 1Wi...7¥es Iwi. No. wort. 2 Will? Yes, {here Mo, tere wor’ 3 Will. Ye wl, ton Wil? Ye, we wl No, we Won't Will? Yes, they will No they won. 7 willnot/won'tgo. 2have 32ie A wilthey go 5 soni have Gil ake ‘Téowthave” Bil pay 9ask TO pay 81d 26 3¢ 42 5b 91111 cay them _ 21 tll you, 3 eed them, ri belphim. 5 have Modules 7 and 8, Student A Skills 1 ton the bus 27 pm las ight 4 wo Sard 6015p 7215, 8two 95750 Todon't haveto 2 V6lsic 22hwo Sard (orig ed 5 black BIA 20 3c 48 5A 4 and 2out_3up dani Syery any 7somehing 82" 9 suddenly 10 bright 541 2F 3F 41 50K 6 1in 2the sand any Swere 6was 7 to" ax site tod! 7 Student’ ova answers Modules 7 and 8, Student 8 alls TAlele 2thecnema 37.15pm singing 5 wasnt “Grocweek 7730pm 8 £18" 9 730 pm 1035, 2 1Alfour 2alteroons 313 shat 2itW0 310 2A 3c 4A 5c 4 Nuring 2some 3the Abest Sone 6 jumping and 8but- look’ 10later StF 2F 37 40K ST 6 twas 21 3in 410 SOn the 7s 8 up Sand 1030 7 Students own answers Module 9, Student A Language 1 redspead 2lampstade 3 wardrobe Achar Seahions 2 bright orange 3conon 4 angular Slenther 3 Across: ues Down: pop punk ease rap 4 young 2eraey Shoring 4Tashionable Stomante 5 Yarived bought 3.leaned 4.come Slinsned “6made 7 painted Bset up Sunpaced "10 washed 6 thwen¥fnished has cleaned 3 have nashed 4asmy bother arved Shas come [Ghasunpacked "7 hasnst up 8 have painted Shavebought 10havert made 7 tis 2wood 31s aac STshin 8 1 anything 2 dont thik that 3 think Should Sshouldet 6 through 7 should along 9 past TO turn rat Module 9, Student 8 Language 1 teesk Zug Scuraies 4 posers Sbooishell 2 Ubrown 2recangulat eather 4 plastic Square 3 Across folk sou Down: ock jaz metal attractive lovely 3simple 4 comfortable Sbeauttat 5 Yarived 2 bought. 3 changed 4 cleaned Sdcoated Glinshed 7 made 8 moved Sputup 10:hougnt 6 thavent finished have leaned 3 has Aecorated 4 Nave you though Shave canged Shave moved Thasput up Bhaven' made Shave bought 10Have the musclansaived J twere 2is Sool 4makeup Sskateboard B tup 2thisk 3cool_4should 5 don’ think 4 that Gshouldnt think along Tum lett topast Module 10, Student A Language 1 ticehocey 2rugby_ Sales 4 dominoes Sere 2 A overnment 2 discnery 3 exploration) ‘recovery 5 equipment 315 20 3A 40 50 4 ‘aswell 250 3during Anow Slater 5 11impingto study harder 21m not ging 0 fatalotol sweets 3m going to be nie tomy brother. 4m not going to buy new ates evry week 5 fm goingto lara 6 1 on Friday evening, he's meeting ue outside the Cinema, 20m saturday morning es having futar lesson. "3 On saturday afternoon hes ing {0' football match with Mark ad ane 4 On Saturday evening e's laying peo! with Pete 50n sunday afternoon, hes wsting his Uncle Jon 6 On Sunday evening hes watching 3 TW flocumentary abou naa 7 ies ging to eon his tagcat He's ong to phone karen. 9 He's ting otke the do for along alk. 10 Hes tng fnsh is sory roe 7-1 Now old isshe?_2 Who did you go with? 3 Whattime /When dhe party trl 4 What was ‘An wearing? Who danced wth you 8 1K 2conpatuations 3sory 4 yesertay 5 That @thanke PNotatall’ dnt 9 fowgt ta mater Module 10, Student 8 Language 11 tmotorradng 2skiing 3 draughts 4 ard Spool 2 achievement_2operation 3 difcly alebation Sbeavery 318 28 3A 4A 58 4 thecause 2afterthat $100 atthe ‘moment Sbelore 5 1m goingto sen tomy teacher. 21m ging {o.8ay my oom every webk.”3'm nat ging {oargue mth my ssi 4m ging to earn to Ahive Sm mat going to be te or lesions 6 101 Fda evening, shes in dancing with Steve,"2 On eurday morning. shes meeting her ‘nen inthe shopping cere." 30n Saturday afternoon, she's having a dving son. 4 Saturday evening, she's going to Sue's o ish their Grama projec. 5 On Sunday afternoon she's snatching the tenis sem finals on television. 6 (On Sunday evening, ses phoing Seve. 7 She's suing ty her Yoom. shes going to by her ‘murs birthday present. 9 She going to clan Ferbike.” 10” She's going to email her Aue May 71 hen / What ime id you phone him? 2 Where ease 3 tho was wih hn 4 What was he Going? 5 Why aa you phone hr 8 t1msony 2okay Snow 4 Thanks Sat 3 énothing Fyou" Bvery Batter” 10100 Modules 9 and 10, Student A Vif 2f 31 AT SF GF 71 aT 2 ities 2610 3tve 412 55pm 6500 Thospils 3 Levey 2any Scoton4so. Sthen 6.0) They" harder "940" 10rmind 426 36 4F 5A 60 5 indo 2Naria 3avi6 4 Tom Swi 6 Suggested answers ‘Shes nshing heat projec (between 2o'dock {ind'3.30) and ping othe teacher 2 the drama ‘dubs having the ast prac at ole before ‘the compat. 3 Shes having doing the dame Competition in tondon st 2 clock 4She ing {odo he shopping and tae her dog fra walk. 5 She’ pongo repr her ike and or bike rie with het kills 7 Student own answers Modules 9 and 10, Student 8 ‘V47 21 aF aT ST GF 7T ar 218m 25650 310% 45 54pm 6250 Tekeaing 3 tthe 2most any anything Sin She ‘Feverthing past Gat 10 beter 42F 36 48 5A 60 5 tHelen 3Sue 4Ama Siohn. 6Caro 6 Suggested answers A ednesay he plying in the Junior Tennis Competiion: "2 He going shopping with mart fora! hs new schoo! unto. Sunday, hes ‘ping tothe /a Grand Prvrae with Uncle Bab, 4 Fes oingto get hie schoo things ready 5 e's ‘ping to elp het, workin the garden and othe shopping 7 student own anowers stills Modules 1 and2| Interiever Cond morning Pease si down Now esta eam eda ham ate Ine Aa How 80 spel Wale? naam? ‘asm mires peat en my tray ne nae Ineier Rg oe. Non yout me le bt Shoat our omy ese aan? ‘ams ‘at Wl wee anon By father ate are Hy fathers orgy ron abi rapes neers we then st en rey ym ‘Aner Shram New Yor My ad 45 ede easy ms 4 and she an ‘erin fv gre thes Hay nd Wi and est Mana Soon thee Interne OKT eat Now wha abut! hae? Wht thing doo ie de am: min mse Hoe plinth ptr and in aly nd at Gon nd nig but rm ota very aod Weve st ane hone neve ly he pa ry the lit nd es ery ap ep. Ti nd taal an set bu cont eens an niger mh Muses Sgetae my fare sabes hoa Ineniener there ay sb ou dnt tke ‘are Welter nt bet Resend ath tate at ely bo win Imtenler. OhtNow ha shat Hn tl apy Sacks. a ep ou? ‘oman: Hel he oe some a ese, Mane O€ What wold ou he” Woman: ae fr burg and one min paz, ee ew bush one Ba Ny ea Cn ‘oman ers yespieae some chs. Na gears? Woman: al hs, ase Ade saa the One hea ar wo tn la an: one hese to na sales thing ee? Woman: Yr fie and Oe een sn ch ease an: Oke cin sani Any dist ‘oman; Aone née rng kes ise Man Oe oe fos ne two ores oes Rh Woman: Tata, ante Mans” Ok Tats £12509 Woman: £12.30 Ree Nan Ana hae youraddes aa phon umes pase Woman: eo curs Ma Set ad the phone uber a 387 56 Feb Hoe ei: Mm 4 in our fal mach stmt ‘Neti oy beans of oem aon he {Rowe hy bothe oa et edema Seethenew rer He gx aed Fast “Chat tine hort Ton te tee tre What do ser ‘hetin ‘eee hg 50 went he Aneta cae tad urd beter two ug. ee Sra er wed pek er, Decent er beyhend ae edo ke ni wat ooo sa TNasattome thy ges We wate

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