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Istanbul Bilgi University

Music Department

MUS 441 Senior Project I ve MUS 442 Senior Project II

The aim
The aim of a senior project in Istanbul Bilgi University Music Department is the
demonstration of a student’s creative inclinations and its realization through the knowledge,
techniques and critical skills acquired during the students’ study in the Music Department.
The process of senior project is as important as the final product: meeting with project advisor
weekly, coming to the meetings prepared and ready to explore new pathways, being vigilant
about timelines and deadlines… Those are the skills and competences that the professors will
regard highly when they are assessing your project.
The senior year students will choose one of the following project categories in order to
accomplish MUS 441 and MUS 442 courses.

Project Categories

• Orchestral composition
Requirements: To be able to show a thorough understanding of historical and compositional
practices of orchestral writing; competency in harmony, notation, composition and MIDI
Duration: Approx. 15 minutes of written music.
Recommended Courses: Students are advised to have a passing grade from the following
MUS 311, MUS 244, MUS 374, MUS 375, MUS 376

• Small Ensemble composition (4-8 players) (acoustic or mixed with electroacoustic)

Requirements: To able to show a thorough understanding of historical and compositional
practices of the chamber music, competency in harmony, notation, composition and
Duration: Approx. 20 minutes of written music.
Recommended Courses: Students are advised to have a passing grade from the following
MUS 311, MUS 244, MUS 374, MUS 375, MUS 376

• Music Album Production

Requirements: To be able to show professional competency in arranging, recording, mixing
and mastering
Duration: 4-6 songs, max. 25 minutes.
Scores/lead sheets of the pieces are required.
The songs that will be produced should be presented with the proposal. No composing time
will be allocated in the timetable. The final mixes should reflect industry-standard quality.
Recommended Courses: Students are advised to have a passing grade from the following
MUS 244, MUS 261, MUS 437, MUS 378

• Songwriting
Requirements: To be able to show professional competency in composition, arranging,
recording and mixing
Duration: 4-6 songs, max. 25 minutes.
Scores/lead sheets of the pieces are required.
Rough mixes will be accepted.
Recommended Courses: Students are advised to have a passing grade from the following
MUS 261, MUS 375, MUS 376, MUS 394

• Sound Installation and Multimedia Projects

Requirements: To be able to show a thorough understanding of historical and compositional
practices of the electroacoustic music, sound art and multimedia; competency in
electroacoustic composition, sound design/performance and programming.
Recommended Courses: Students are advised to have a passing grade from the following
MUS 230, MUS 244, MUS 367, MUS 380, MUS 388

• Other Projects
Projects that don’t fit aforementioned categories will be evaluated case by case. The proposal
should carry exceptionally convincing arguments as to why the student wants to choose a
separate category.

Project Proposal
Students should explain which category they have chosen, the reason of this choice and their
expectation from the outcome of the project. They should also describe how they want to
carry out the process and give a detailed timeline stating where they expect to be in the
process every month. For more information, please check
content/how-to-plan-your-dissertation-proposal.html or
_files/WritingProposals.ppt .These are for graduate level dissertations but it should give an idea.

The students should also indicate the name of the advisor they wish to work with. The
proposal should be uploaded to the assignment page of MUS 441 on BILGI LMS as a PDF
document until September 27th, 2019, 5 PM.

Project Proposal Assessment

The jury consisting of Tolga Tüzün, Oğuz Usman, Tolga Zafer Özdemir, Mike Nielsen, Enis
Gümüş and Yiğit Özatalay will evaluate the proposals. In case of need, the jury can require an
interview with the student. The jury may ask for minor or major changes or reject the project
In case of rejection, the student will prepare another proposal in 3 days taking into
consideration the critiques that the jury provided.
The jury will assign the advisors according to their specialty and their workload.

Senior Project Process

The student should schedule an appointment with her advisor immediately after the
announcement of the proposal results. They will meet weekly for the rest of the semester and
work on the project. The advisor will assess the student’s progress and inform the final jury
members about the quality of the student’s diligence.

MUS 441
During the final examination period of the Fall semester, the student will present the progress
and the latest state of the project in front of the jury.
The jury will give a final grade for MUS 441 by taking into account the advisor’s opinions
about the appointments, progress and the student’s presentation.
The student must submit all the materials (notation, recordings, etc.) for the MUS 441
presentation by the December 20th, 2019.
The final presentation of MUS 441 will be held on January 2-3, 2019.

MUS 442
During the Spring semester, the student will continue the weekly meetings and work on the
The student must submit the final version of the senior project for the MUS 442 presentation
by the May 8th, 2019. A paper that describes the project and the process will be submitted the
same day. This paper should be the final version approved by the advisor.
The jury will give a final grade for MUS 441 by taking into account the advisor’s opinions
about the appointments, progress and the student’s presentation.
The final presentation of MUS 442 will be held on May 20th-21th, 2019.
The final presentation of MUS 442 is open to all Bilgimusic students.

We wish you a creative year.

Advisors: Tolga Tüzün, Oğuz Usman, Tolga Zafer Özdemir, Mike Nielsen, Yiğit Özatalay,
Enis Gümüş

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