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Current Affairs for CSS/PMS/PCS Competitive Exams

Date: 11, 12, 13 and 14 December 2018

1. Research Section of Kashmir Media Service (RSKMS)

Report About Killings in Kashmir & Human Rights Day

2. US Downgraded Pakistan in the List of Religious Freedom

in the World

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RSKMS Report About Killings in Kashmir Since 1989 till Now
A report released by the Research Section of Kashmir Media
Service on the occasion of the World Human Rights Day,
revealed that 95,238 innocent Kashmiris were martyred,
including 7,120 in custody, since January 1989 till date. It cited
that 22,894 women widowed and 107,551 children orphaned.
The report also cited that 11,107 women are molested by the
troops and 8000 people were detained or disappeared. The
report pointed out that during this year alone, Indian forces and
police personnel martyred 350 Kashmiris.
The report said that after the extrajudicial killing of popular
youth leader, Burhan Wani, on July 8, 2016, over 846 have been
killed and more than 25,909 injured so far due to the firing of
bullets, pellets and teargas shells by Indian troops, paramilitary
forces and police personnel on peaceful protesters and
mourners. The eyesight of over 2,830 youth including girls has
been partially damaged due to the pellet firing by Indian forces’
The Human Rights Day; 10 of December; 70th Anniversary
Each year, December 10 is celebrated as international human
rights day. On this day in 1948, United Nations General
Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
(UDHR). December 10, 2018 is being celebrated as the 70th
anniversary of the declaration. This declaration proclaimed the
basic rights “which everyone is inherently entitled to as a
human being — regardless of race, colour, religion, sex,
language, political or other opinion, national or social origin,
property, birth or other status.”
Article-2 of the Declaration demands ‘ban on discrimination’ of
any kind; religious, racial, gender or age. In IOK, literally, the
Muslims have to face discrimination of all sorts; indeed, they are
victims of religious and racial discrimination and humiliated by
people of security forces and intelligence agencies with total
impunity. Recently, UN Human Rights High Commissioner and
UK’s Parliamentary Group have published the reports on the
brutalities in Kashmir.
US Downgraded Pakistan in the List of Religious Freedom
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said that he has designated
Pakistan, China, Saudi Arabia, Myanmar, Iran, North Korea,
Sudan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan as “countries of particular
concern”. Pakistan, China and Saudi Arabia are among countries
added to a US blacklist of nations that violate religious freedom,
he said. The downgrade means that Pakistan could be hit with
US sanctions although such penalties have generally been
waived in the past. The list also includes other terrorist
organizations as the entities of concerns.
Reaction of Pakistan in this Regard
Foreign Office Spokesperson Dr Mohammed Faisal said, “Around
4 per cent of our total population comprises citizens belonging
to Christian, Hindu, Budhists and Sikh faiths. Ensuring equal
treatment of minorities and their enjoyment of human rights
without any discrimination is the cardinal principle of the
Constitution of Pakistan.” The spokesperson said as a party to 7
out of the 9 core human rights treaties, Pakistan was submitting
its compliance reports on its obligations with regard to
fundamental freedoms.

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