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Journal of Experimental Psychology: General Copyright 1982 by the American Psychological Association, !nc.

1982, Vol. I l l , No. 2,228-238 0096-3445/82/1102-0228S00.75

Paradigms and Processes in Reading Comprehension

Marcel Adam Just, Patricia A. Carpenter, and Jacqueline D. Woolley
Carnegie-Mellon University

This article compares several methods of presenting text, including a new paradigm
that produces reading-time data with many of the characteristics of naturally occurring
eye-fixation data. In the new paradigm, called the moving window condition, a reader
presses a button to see each successive word in a text, and the previous word is removed
when a new word appears. The words appear in the same position that they would in
normal text, and word-length information is available in peripheral vision. The results
are qualitatively and quantitatively compared to the results obtained by monitoring
the eye fixations of subjects reading normal text. The word-level effects are generally
similar. Readers pause longer on longer words, on less frequent words, on words that
introduce a new topic, and at ends of sentences. The results suggest that readers initiate
the processing of each word as soon as they encounter it rather than buffer words and
delay processing. Also considered are two other reading-time paradigms, one in which
words are cumulatively displayed on the screen and one in which each successive word
is presented at the same location on the screen. Finally, we consider how the tendency
to immediately process text might interact with other techniques for text presentation,
such as the rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP) condition, and we generate pre-
dictions about the nature and limits of the method.

This article examines several alternative processes. These include eye-fixation mea-
approaches to the study of language com- sures (Just & Carpenter, 1980),
prehension and focuses on paradigms that reading-time measures (e.g., Graesser,
reveal some of the moment-to-moment psy- Hoffman, & Clark, 1980; Kieras, 1981),
chological processes that occur while a person and button pressing paradigms (Aaronson &
is comprehending a text. These paradigms Scarborough, 1976; Mitchell & Green, 1978)
can provide an account of the time course of in which subjects press a button in order to
comprehension processes. This account, in see the next word of text. Such measures of
turn, helps one to select among possible the processing time provide constraints on
models of comprehension and to make possible models of the comprehension
predictions about performance in other processes. RSVP does not concurrently
paradigms, including rapid serial visual pre- measure processing time, but rather controls
sentation (RSVP). In this article, we first the exposure duration and measures the
present data from three paradigms that allow effects on subsequent recall and recognition
the reader to control the exposure duration of performance. This paradigm also can be used
each word of a text, and we show that these to make inferences about the time course and
durations are related to the properties of the nature of language comprehension.
words. To account for these durations, we The various chronometric paradigms can
make use of a comprehension model be characterized in terms of four dimensions:
developed from eye-fixation data. Finally, we (a) The exposure duration of different words
use this model to analyze the RSVP paradigm can be under subject control or experimenter
in which the exposure duration is the same control, (b) The exposure duration can be
for all words. uniform or variable across words, (c) The
Several paradigms have been developed previously read words of a text can be present
to measure aspects of behavior that are con- or absent, (d) The words can be distributed
current with the ongoing comprehension conventionally across the reading surface

or all the words can appear at one location. ing, assign a syntactic status, make infer-
(In the former case, eye movements are ences, and determine the concept's role in
definitely required for reading, in the latter the sentence and discourse as soon as pos-
they may not be.) sible. The time it takes to execute these pro-
Of course, not all combinations of these cesses to some criterial level is reflected in
variables are possible. For example, if the the subject's gaze duration. We have re-
exposure duration is under subject control, ferred to this processing mode as the im-
it cannot really be uniform across words. But mediacy of comprehension. The major source
the taxonomy is useful for classifying and of evidence for this view is that the gaze
comparing different paradigms. For example, duration on a word is affected by all the lev-
in normal reading, the exposure duration els of processing of that word, but gaze du-
(duration of gaze) is under subject control, rations on words that follow are not affected
the previously read words on a page are pres- much. The processing has its effect on the
ent, and the words are conventionally dis- gaze duration immediately. This probably
tributed from left to right and from top to also occurs in listening comprehension; for
bottom on the page. In the RSVP presen- example, when we have heard only the first
tation used by Juola, Ward, and McNamara three words of the sentence, "The old train
(1982), the exposure duration for each word the young," we select interpretations for the
is under experimenter control and is uniform words "old" and "train" before we hear the
for all words, the previously read words are words that follow. (Many of the assumptions
not available, and the words all appear at and details underlying this theory are pre-
the same position on the screen. We describe sented elsewhere, e.g., Just & Carpenter,
some studies of our own and of other inves- 1980.) The following experiment shows that
tigators that fall in various cells of this ma- the immediacy strategy is also reflected in
trix and discuss the processing implications certain button-pressing paradigms, in which
of these characteristics of the presentation the subject controls the exposure duration
mode in the following paragraphs. by pressing a button for successive words in
In most natural reading tasks, readers a text.
spend different amounts of time on different This study compares results from three
words, phrases, and clauses. For example, subject-paced paradigms to the more natural
our eye-fixation research has shown that reading situation examined in an unre-
readers spend more time on longer words, stricted eye-fixation study (Just & Carpenter,
infrequent words, words that introduce a 1980). In the eye-fixation paradigm,
new topic, difficult syntactic constructions, subjects see a passage that is displayed in
and words at the ends of sentences (Just its entirety on a video screen. Subjects are
& Carpenter, 1980). The RSVP paradigm asked to read normally, without rereading.
eliminates this variability by exposing suc- The readers' point of regard is telemetrically
cessive words at a uniform rate, and in Juola monitored at 60 Hz, and the total uninter-
et al. (1982), no apparent detriment was rupted looking time on each word (the gaze
observed in a subsequent comprehension duration) is computed.
test. What then is the cause of this system- In contrast, the studies reported here in-
atic, naturally occurring variability? volve no monitoring of eye fixations. The
We have proposed that readers process subjects engaged in a self-paced reading task
each word as far as possible as soon as it is in which they had to push a button to initiate
encountered. That is, they not only encode the presentation of each successive word on
the word but also attempt to select a mean- a video screen. Performance in this uncon-
ventional situation can be assessed by com-
paring the reading times on each word (i.e.,
This research was supported in part by National In- the interresponse times) to the gaze dura-
stitute of Education Grant G-79-0119, and National tions in the eye-fixation study. More pre-
Institute of Mental Health Grant MH-296I7.
Requests for reprints should be sent to Marcel Adam cisely, the effects of several variables on
Just, Department of Psychology, Carnegie-Mellon Uni- reading time can be compared in the various
versity, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213. paradigms.

The eye-fixation studies have provided a presses does not necessarily indicate the time actually
basis for a theoretical model of the compre- spent reading the word that first appeared between those
hension processes that relates reading time To control for this strategy, a second condition was
on each word of a text to individual word designed in which the words did not remain on the screen
properties, sentence structure, and text after they had been read. The display was initially
structure (Just & Carpenter, 1980). These filled with dashes replacing the nonspace characters of
the entire passage to be presented. When the subject
properties, such as word frequency, word pressed the response button for the first time, the first
length, and word novelty, have been related word appeared in the upper left, replacing the dashes
to gaze duration through the use of multiple corresponding to that word. When the button was
linear regression analysis. This model is also pressed to request the next word of the passage, the
previous word was replaced by its dashes. Thus, only
used to account for the data obtained in the one word was visible on the screen at any time. This was
new experiments reported here and to pro- called the moving-window condition, because the text
vide a basis for discussing differences in pro- was hidden by a field of dashes penetrated by a window
cessing in different paradigms. one word wide that moved along the text. Dashes also
replaced punctuation marks, and interword spaces
remained unchanged throughout the presentation of the
Method passage. The readers in this condition were 10
In all three conditions, undergraduate students read In a third condition, called the stationary-window
short passages (about 130 words each) of expository condition, all the words were presented in the center of
scientific text presented on a computer screen (the same the screen, with the presentation of each new word ov-
texts used in the eye-fixation study; Just & Carpenter, erwriting the previous word. This is the paradigm
1980). The subject pushed a response button to initiate Aaronson and Scarborough (1976) used to study the
the presentation of each successive word. The presen- comprehension of isolated sentences. In this condition,
tation of each passage began with an asterisk indicating the presentation began with an asterisk in the center of
where on the screen the first word would appear. The the screen, and all subsequent words were presented at
subject then pressed a response button, and the first that location. Twelve undergraduates participated in this
word of the passage appeared. When the subject pressed condition.
a button indicating he or she had read the current word In all three conditions there were 3 practice passages
followed by 15 test passages presented in a different
and was ready for the next one, the next word of the random order for each subject. The subjects were told to
text appeared on the screen. Thus the time interval be- read naturally, without memorizing, and to orally recall
tween the presentation of successive words was under what they could of each passage immediately after
subject control. Periods and commas were presented reading that passage.
with the words that preceded them.
The three conditions differed in the location of the
words on the screen and in the fate of previously read Results
words. In the cumulative condition, successive words of
the text were presented in their naturally occurring po- The condition in which the mean reading
sition from left to right on each line, with successive times most closely resembled gaze durations
lines appearing below each other. The words accumu- was the moving-window condition, with the
lated on the screen as the subject progressed through stationary-window condition placing a close
the passage until the entire passage was displayed on second, and the cumulative condition a distant
the screen in conventional layout. (The passages were
all short enough to fit on the screen of an 80 X 22 dou- third (see Table 1). The resemblance was
ble-spaced character display.) When the subject first assessed in several different ways, but by
pressed the response button, the asterisk that marked almost all of the measures the moving-window
the position of the first word of the text was replaced results were most like the gaze-duration results.
by that word. After the subject had read the first word, Before discussing the resemblance, it is
he or she pressed the button again, and the second word
appeared while the first word remained in view. When important to note that the mean reading time
the subject signalled that he or she had finished reading per word in the three button-pushing
the word that was the final one in the passage, the entire experiments was about 462 msec, as opposed
passage disappeared from the screen, and the subject's to 239 msec in the eye-fixation study. The
oral recall was tape-recorded. There were 13 under- 239-msec mean gaze duration involves
graduate readers in the first condition.
Some subjects in the cumulative condition used the averaging over instances in which subjects did
strategy of rapidly pushing the response button three not really fixate a given word. Readers in the
or four times in succession and then reading the group eye-fixation study fixated most (83%) of the
of newly presented words. In this condition it was pos- content words, but only 39% of the function
sible for subjects to continue to look at a word after they words such as "the" and "of." The mean gaze
had signalled that they had finished reading it and the
next word had appeared. Thus the time between button duration for words actually

Table 1
Mean Reading Times and Correlation With Gaze Duration

fixated (arbitrarily defined as durations sponding to the three main levels of pro-
longer than 75 msec) was 327 msec. The cessing, but the assignment of some of the
moving-window readers had no option of independent variables to a particular pro-
skipping over words, so they produced much cessing stage is somewhat arbitrary. For ex-
longer reading times, not only because they ample, the wrap-up processes on the last
spent longer on each word but also because word of a sentence are assigned to text-in-
they looked at more of the words. This slower tegration processes but could just as well
pace in the button-pushing studies affects have been assigned to semantic and syntactic
some of the quantitative results. However, analysis, since both levels can require extra
there is a very close qualitative resemblance processing at the end of a sentence.
between the eye-fixation study and the The description of the results focuses on
moving-window condition. the moving-window condition, since it pro-
The main statistical tool we used to ana- vided the closest match to the gaze duration.
lyze gaze durations is multiple linear regres- The moving-window condition indicates sys-
sion, in which the dependent variable is the tematic variability in reading time due to the
mean gaze duration on each word, and the factors involved in word encoding and lexical
independent variables are the factors be- access. Reading time increased reliably with
lieved to influence the processing time on the length of a word (by 15 msec per char-
that word (Just & Carpenter, 1980). The acter). Reading time also reliably decreased
factors that reliably affect gaze durations are with the logarithm of the word's normative
those that influence the time it takes to en- frequency (by 15 msec per base-10 log unit).
code a word, to access its meaning, to de- Extra time (53 msec) was spent on words
termine its syntactic and semantic role in its at the beginning of a line. A large amount
own clause or sentence, and to relate the in- of extra time, 1,369 msec, was spent pro-
formation in the current piece of text to the cessing novel words (such as
cumulating internal representation of the "thermoluminescence"), almost double the
entire text content. Such regression analyses time spent in the eye-fixation study. Words
typically account for 70%-80% of the vari- that were digits consumed an extra 27 msec.
ance in the mean gaze durations, with much This condition also revealed systematic
of the variance accounted for by the factors effects of integrative processes on the time
thought to influence word encoding and lex- spent on each word. Subjects paused for an
ical access. extra 403 msec on the last word of a sentence
To assess the resemblance between the and 719 msec on the last word of a para-
data from the eye-fixation study and the graph. The first occurrence of a word central
button-pushing studies examined here, the to a paragraph's topic took an extra 342
same multiple linear regression analyses msec, and the first content word of a para-
were performed on the data from the various graph took an extra 94 msec.
paradigms. The regression weights are de- The parameters obtained were generally
rived from a linear equation involving 10 in- larger in the moving-window condition than
dependent variables, as shown in Table 2. in the gaze-duration data. In addition, the
The table is divided into three parts, corre- regression intercept was much larger (288

msec) in the moving-window condition (289 N + 1, whereas the length and frequency of
msec) than in the gaze-duration data. The word N + 1 accounted for 23.8% of the vari-
fit of the model was best for the gaze data ance in the gaze durations on word N + 1
(R2 = .79) and second best for the (Carpenter & Just, in press).
moving-window data (R2 = .56). The We examined the moving-window data for
correlation between the mean gaze duration spill-over effects, to determine whether the
on each word (averaged over subjects) and length, frequency, or novelty of word N in-
the mean button-pressing latency was fluenced the duration on word N + 1 or word
highest for the moving-window condition (r N + 2. We found no effects in the
= .57). moving-window condition, indicating the
These results indicate that there is im- immediacy of processing and the general
mediacy of processing—that the reader be- similarity between the moving-window
gins processing a word on encountering it. results and the gaze-duration results.
Moreover, further analyses indicate that the Spill-over effects may be more likely for
reader generally finishes the processing of higher-level processes, such as
that word (as far as it can go) before reading inference-making. In an earlier study we
the next word. If people did start to look at examined the immediacy of a lexical
the next word while completing the process- inference between murder and killer or
ing of the previous word, there should be between die and killer during the reading of
some influence of the properties of word N a passage. The gaze duration increased not
on the duration spent on word N + 1 or even only on the word that enabled the inference,
later words. We will call this a "spill-over" but also increased slightly on the word
effect. We tested for spill-over effects in the immediately following (Just & Carpenter,
eye-fixation data by determining whether 1978). The reader might have to delay some
the length and frequency of word N (given decisions because insufficient information is
that it was fixated) had an effect on the time available to completely process a given word
subjects spent on word N + 1 (given that it before reading subsequent words.
was fixated). There was essentially no effect Alternatively, the reader might program
on the gaze duration; the length and fre- motor movements (either eye fixations or
quency of word N accounted for only .4% finger presses) sufficiently far in advance
of the variance in the gaze durations on word that he or she has not left sufficient

Table 2
Application of the Regression Model to the Reading Times on Each Word of the Scientific Texts

time to complete the processing of word N effect of length of word N on the duration
before the motor program is initiated to go spent on word N + 1 and word N + 2, and a
onto word N + 1. significant effect of a novel word on the
The major difference between the gaze duration on word N + 2. Thus, the para-
duration and the moving-window parame- digms may differ in the extent to which they
ters is that the moving-window condition engender such spill-over effects.
appears to decrease the size of the
word-length and word-frequency effects by a Recall Performance
factor of two but to magnify most other Recall results from the eye-fixation study,
effects by a factor of three or four. One as well as many preceding studies (e.g.,
minor difference between gaze and the Meyer & McConkie, 1973), indicated that
moving window is that the gaze duration on those parts of the text higher in the text
the head noun of a noun phrase decreases grammar (i.e., more important) are usually
with the number of modifiers that precede recalled better than lower level units. In the
the noun, but this effect is not discernible in eye-fixation study, there was a monotonic
the moving-window condition. increase in the probability of recall as a func-
The stationary-window condition data also tion of a sector's level in the text grammar.
resemble the gaze-duration data, though to The scores were obtained by giving each sub-
a lesser extent and with a few exceptions. ject full credit for verbatim or gist recall of
The last word of a paragraph is looked at a sector and half credit for partial recall.
for 277 msec less than other sentence-ter- Recall probability was lowest for details
minal words, so the net result is that words (.31); it then increased for expansions (.34),
that are both sentence and paragraph ter- subtopics (.39), definitions/ causes/ conse-
minal take only 107 extra msec (i.e., 384 quences (.41), and topics (.53), with a reli-
minus 277). In this condition, there is no able difference among categories, F(4, 269) =
overt cue, such as position on the screen, to 5.67, p < .01. With the exception of one re-
indicate which word is the last one in the versal, this relationship was also found in the
paragraph. One possibility is that paragraph moving-window condition. There was a re-
wrap-up only occurs when the end of the liable effect of text-grammatical category on
passage is clearly marked and the content recall probability, F(4, 269) = 8.41, p < .01,
of the last sentence may not be difficult to such that text units higher in the grammar
comprehend per se. An anomaly in the data were generally recalled better. Recall prob-
is the pause (61 msec) on the first word of a abilities in the moving-window condition
line, since the text is not segmented into were lowest for details (.46) and increasing
lines in the stationary-window condition. for subtopics (.52), expansions (.58), defi-
The cumulative condition fails to produce nitions/causes/consequences (.66), and top-
some of the effects obtained in the other con- ics (.73). Although the absolute level of re-
ditions and is generally less well fit by the call was about 20% higher in the
regression model. The most likely reason is moving-window condition (perhaps
that some subjects repeatedly pressed the because the reading time was almost twice
response button in a burst of presses to obtain as long per word), the pattern of recall from
a group of words, which they then read. Thus the various categories was very similar in the
the time between successive presses did not two studies. There was no interaction
necessarily reflect the time spent processing between text grammatical category and
the word that first appeared between those reading mode (eye-fixation study vs.
presses. moving-window condition). Thus the
There were some spill-over effects in the moving-window condition not only produces
stationary-window and cumulative condi- reading times that resemble natural gaze
tions. The stationary-window condition durations but also produces natural recall
showed a significant effect of novel words, patterns. Since the reading time data from
showing that readers spent longer on the the cumulative and stationary-window
word following a novel word. The cumula- conditions did not resemble normal reading as
tive-window condition also had a significant closely as the moving-window

condition did, the recall protocols from these itored, and in button-pushing paradigms, in
other two conditions were not scored. which the reader signals readiness for each
successive word or phrase. We propose that
Implications of the Present Experiment this modulation occurs because each word
This experiment has very clear theoretical evokes processes of different durations and
and methodological implications. First, the that the reader pauses on each word until
theoretical result is that the relation of read- the relevant processes have been completed
ing times to word characteristics is not just to some criterion. We refer to this as the
a result of eye-movement behavior but is also immediacy strategy, with each word being
obtained when the next word becomes visible interpreted as soon as possible, as opposed
as a result of a button press instead of an to a buffering strategy in which a number
eye movement. Thus the gaze durations and of words are stored before being interpreted.
button-pressing latencies both reflect the We can contrast this modulation of read-
processing time on successive words of a text. ing time with an RSVP condition in which
The important methodological result is the words are presented one at a time, all at
that simple button-pressing experiments can the same location on a video display, with a
produce reading-time data that approach the uniform exposure duration for all words. In
quality of gaze-duration data. Reading-time some ways, the RSVP paradigm emulates the
experiments run on conventional laboratory conditions of listening comprehension. The
micro- or minicomputers can produce data pacing is not under the subject's control, just
that in important ways resemble gaze-du- as a listener does not pace the speaker.
ration data, which are expensive to collect Subjects do not have to make selective fix-
and analyze. A wide range of issues in read- ations in listening or in RSVP. Moreover,
ing comprehension can be investigated using since the text is not continuously available,
this paradigm, including text effects on the there is no possibility of previewing, regress-
distribution of reading time, instructional ing, or rereading. But it is clearly possible
effects, and individual differences in reading to comprehend, either by listening or by
ability. The paradigm is sensitive to vari- seeing words in an RSVP paradigm. Beyond
ables that affect many levels of processing, this fact, however, we know little about how
from word level to text level. listening or RSVP reading differ from nor-
However, this new paradigm does differ mal reading. However, knowing the time
in key ways from normal reading, and care course of normal reading helps to formulate
should be taken in interpreting results that the questions to ask about RSVP processing.
could be affected by these differences. These This discussion has three main parts. In
are the main differences. Not all of the text the first, we discuss some general similarities
is visible, so peripheral vision and regressive and differences among the paradigms of
eye movements cannot play a role in this eye-fixation monitoring in natural reading,
type of reading as they do in normal reading. RSVP, and button-pressing. In the second
Words can be skipped in normal reading but part, we discuss models of how RSVP might
not with a moving window. Finally, the interact with the time course of comprehen-
tempo of reading is slowed from the normal sion processes. In the third part, we consider
tempo by the slowness of finger response and some possible boundary conditions that might
movement relative to the agility and speed determine the efficiency of RSVP as a tech-
of eye movement. nology for rapid reading.

Discussion Similarities and Differences

These studies show that readers modulate One particular place in a sentence where
their reading time on a text on a word-by- there is often an extended processing time
word basis, according to the properties of is at the end. In the reading and
each word. This occurs in natural reading, button-pressing paradigms, subjects take
when the locus of gaze is unobtrusively mon- additional time at the ends of sentences,
especially if

they encounter a new topic (Dee-Lucas, certainly less than that measured with a but-
Just, Carpenter, & Daneman, in press), or ton press. This possible gain from eliminat-
an inconsistency (Carpenter & Daneman, ing visuomotor processes is often obtained
1981) or have to draw an inference (Just at the cost of presenting a word for a much
& Carpenter, 1978). Comprehension pro- shorter time than it would normally be
cesses that cannot be executed immediately looked at.
during the course of reading a sentence are A logical extension of the RSVP proce-
often postponed until the end of the sentence. dure would be to present pauses of appro-
More generally, when the immediacy strat- priate duration after every word that is
egy is foiled processing may be postponed believed to evoke extra processing, or
until some constituent boundary, such as the equivalently, to make the exposure duration
end of a clause (Aaronson & Scarborough, of each word equal to the gaze duration ob-
1976), sentence, or paragraph. Any presen- served in normal reading. In fact, Ward and
tation mode that attempts consistency with Juola are currently studying the comprehen-
normal reading strategies must make allow- sion of our scientific texts in a modified
ances for wrap-up processing at major con- RSVP paradigm in which the exposure du-
stituent boundaries. Juola et al. (1982), for ration for each word is the time estimated
example, provided an extra 200 or 300 msec by our regression equation. This new para-
of blank screen at the end of each sentence, digm might have all the advantages of stan-
implicitly accepting the idea that some spe- dard RSVP (i.e., the computer obviating the
cial processing occurs at sentence bound- need for motor control of eye movements)
aries. and most of the advantages of natural read-
Both RSVP and certain button-pressing ing (i.e., exposure durations designed to
paradigms, including the moving window, match processing times). One possible draw-
eliminate the possibility of regressions and back is that the modified RSVP paradigm
rereading. Depending on the task and text, does not allow for individual differences be-
this feature may strongly differentiate these tween readers with respect to where they
paradigms from those in which regressions pause and for how long. Nevertheless, this
are possible. Regressions tend to occur when new direction seems like an obvious and
subjects read very carefully and when they promising one.
encounter a syntactic or semantic inconsis-
tency. Sometimes regressions are necessary Models of Comprehension and RSVP
to correct an inappropriate interpretation. Performance
In these cases, the inability to reread the
preceding text would strongly influence the What is the fate of words that take a rel-
reader's ability to understand the text. atively long time to process in an eye-fixation
It is interesting to consider, as Juola et al. or button-pressing paradigm but are exposed
(1982) have done, what gain in reading ef- for much less time in the RSVP paradigm?
ficiency could be realized if the control and The overall comprehension score tells us very
execution of eye movements were made un- little about specific deficits. Nevertheless, we
necessary by computerized text presentation can consider two possibilities. One is that the
modes like RSVP or a stationary window. modulation of reading time that we have
The motor responses, either button presses discovered is an epiphenomenon, an indica-
or eye fixations, involve at least some plan- tor but not an essential component of com-
ning and execution time. These may be ex- prehension. In this case, the extra time could
ecuted concurrently with higher comprehen- be eliminated without any harm to compre-
sion processes but still decrease the efficiency hension. This is implausible because the
of the total comprehension process. It is pos- modulation is so systematic and because the
sible that by eliminating the motor compo- immediacy suggested by the modulation ap-
nent, the exposure duration necessary to pro- pears to be an inherent part of reading and
cess a word under RSVP conditions might listening comprehension. A second possibil-
be less than the associated gaze duration and ity is that words presented in RSVP for con-

siderably less than their normal gaze dura- two demanding words might not be pro-
tion are not adequately comprehended and cessed adequately, perhaps not even lexically
that a comprehension test that carefully accessed.
probed for the comprehension of specific A third possibility is that the processing
points would detect the deficit. In the initial of more than one word could be executed
research on RSVP, Forster (1970) examined concurrently, assuming that the words are
the probability of detecting each word of a at least encoded while they appear on the
six-word sentence. At the rate of 62 msec screen. In this concurrent processing scheme,
per word, only about four words were cor- the degree of interference would depend on
rectly reported, so RSVP durations cannot the system capacity for concurrence. Several
be made arbitrarily short while maintaining unusual or demanding words in succession
a high probability of detection. Moreover, might strain the capacity and result in more
the probability of correct report was par- interference than when such words are sep-
tially dependent on the complexity of the arated by words that for one reason or an-
syntax of the sentence and on the lengths of other do not require much processing.
the words that preceded and followed a given These models make specific predictions
word. Similarly, in another search task Law- about the comprehension of word-level in-
rence (1971) found that highly practiced formation. Testing the hypothesis, however,
subjects failed 25% of the time to detect the requires an analysis not only of the linguistic
only nonanimal on an RSVP list of animal properties of the text but also of the test.
names presented at 166 msec between items. Measuring comprehension is not straight-
Thus, a detailed analysis of RSVP perfor- forward. Standardized reading-comprehen-
mance indicates that there are clear limits sion tests are not systematic about what in-
to this method of presentation. It is likely formation they probe and how they probe
that such limitations and sequential depen- for it. The assessment of comprehension
dencies can also be found in RSVP reading must consider the difficulty and familiarity
of connected text, using controlled materials of the text context. If the readers are already
and sensitive tests. We explore possible ac- familiar with the content, then the compre-
counts of such limitation in more detail hension test may be probing previous knowl-
below. edge rather than comprehension. In addition
The RSVP paradigm may interfere with to probing for general themes, inferences,
normal processing whenever a word requires and repeated information, test items in-
more processing time than the RSVP du- tended to detect subtle differences among
ration provides. The interference could take different presentation conditions must probe
one of several forms, depending on what for knowledge of specific new facts that oc-
might occur if the reader is still processing cur only once in the text to determine
the word N when word N + 1 appears on whether they were comprehended during
the screen. The simplest possibility is that that single encounter.
the presentation of word N + 1 terminates
all processing on word N. In this case, even Boundary Conditions on Rapid Reading
an undemanding word N + 1 could interfere
with the processing of the preceding word. In evaluating a new reading technology
A second possibility is that the processing such as RSVP, it may be useful to ask under
of the preceding word (N) would continue what conditions it is efficient rather than
while delaying the processing of word N + 1. attempt to establish a universal superiority
In this scheme, interference might be (or inferiority) to normal reading. Three
avoided if the RSVP exposure duration were main factors suggest themselves as possible
sufficient for both the processing of word conditioners of the effectiveness of RSVP
N + 1 and the unfinished processing of word N. reading. They are the differences among dif-
Thus, there would be no interference when ferent texts, individual differences among
easy (i.e., undemanding) words followed readers, and the differences among the types
difficult ones. However, the second of of information a reader might need to learn

from a text. It is easy to imagine that any The effectiveness of RSVP presentation
one of these factors could make RSVP read- (or other forms of speeded reading) may well
ing more effective or less effective. depend on what kind of information the
The nature of the text itself can affect the reader is trying to derive from a text (e.g.,
degree to which the comprehension processes the topic, the major theme, supporting ar-
are initiated on particular words. The sci- guments, or specific evidence and facts).
entific texts we used in our research are Although we have no evidence regarding
age-appropriate and discuss unfamiliar differential effects of RSVP, our research on
topics. In these cases, the content of the text speed-reading suggests that low-level infor-
may play a large role in initiating mation is less likely to be comprehended
comprehension processes. Infrequent words than is high-level information as reading
and concepts, new and difficult constructions, speed increases (Masson, Carpenter, & Just,
and important ideas may be more likely to Note 1). Summaries of the Reader's Digest
elicit extra processing from all of the readers. stories from normal readers, skimmers, and
A presentation mode that limited processing trained speed-readers differ only slightly.
time might be particularly harmful in this They can all pick out major themes and im-
case. In contrast, if a text is relatively portant points. However, skimmers and
easy—perhaps a narrative about speed-readers have successively more prob-
commonplace events—much of the higher lems with lower-level information, as mea-
level processes may depend more on the sured in a question-answering task. RSVP
reader's prior knowledge. A reader may be may have similar effects if readers are
able to make many more inferences and probed with questions rather than the types
compensate for information deficits imposed of multiple-choice test items used by Juola
by the mode of presentation. For this reason, et al. (1982).
it might be important to consider the type of RSVP does not mimic the way readers
texts that readers are comprehending. A naturally speed up their reading processes.
presentation mode that limits the processing An eye-fixation study showed that people
time might be particularly harmful to who have either been formally trained in
comprehension if the processing demands are speed-reading or are untrained skimmers in-
heavy at several levels (such as the lexical, crease their overall speed primarily by sam-
syntactic, and text levels) and if the text deals pling the text much more sparsely; they fix-
with unfamiliar content. ate approximately 35% of the content words
It is important to remember that there are rather than 80% as in normal reading (Just,
large individual differences among readers Carpenter, & Masson, Note 2). Nor do they
in how they process written text, so the ef- know the content of words they don't fixate.
fectiveness of a particular presentation mode Speed-readers appear to sample the words
could depend on the individual's capacity to fairly uniformly (an average of about one
buffer information. Even among college stu- out of every three is fixated), whereas skim-
dents there are large individual differences mers sample much less uniformly, although
in readers' memory capacities for material at the same sampling rate given the same
just read. These capacities can be assessed reading time. In addition to sampling more
by a reading-span test that taps both the sparsely, speed-readers and skimmers spend
processing and storage capacity of working less time on each word they do fixate. Both
memory (Daneman & Carpenter, 1980). speed-readers and skimmers show deficits
Readers with larger spans are able to rely compared to normal readers, reflecting the
more on their own memory for the preceding usual trade-off between reading time and
material. Thus, it may be fruitful to compare comprehension. However, for high-level in-
the performance of a group of subjects who formation from easy texts (Reader's Di-
vary in reading span in several different pre- gest), speed-readers do not show as much
sentation conditions to determine if there is decrement as untrained skimmers. These
an interaction between aptitude and treat- studies of speed-reading and skimming show
ment. that speed is gained with sparser sampling,

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