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 Lateralisation
-The idea that two halves of the brain are different and process
different things
-The right brain is given information from the left eye/arm/ear/ etc.
and the left brain is given information through the right eye/arm/ear.

 Right brain
-drawing ability
-facial recognition
-Spatial tasks

 Split brain patients

-Corpus callosotomy
*Corpus callosum is cut so that the two halves of the brain cant
*Usually done to control seizures and epilepsy
-When something was flashed to the left eye they could not
describe what was there
-When something was flashed to their right eye they could easily
describe what was there
-a word was flashed to their right eye and another word was
flashed to their left eye. They were asked to pick up the object that
matched the words. They would pick up the object that matched
the word on the right eye side and say the word that was on the left
eye side

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