Mass Media - Conversation Activities

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Find your question by rolling your die twice. The 1st roll determines the number
on the left. The 2nd roll determines the number on the top. Talk for one / two
minute(s) about that topic. Your classmates will ask you follow-up questions.
Your classmates can ask you anything if you land on “Ask any question”.

1 2 3 4 5 6

What are the What are

What are the What are the What are the
Ask any advantages/ the main
advantages/ advantages/ advantages/
1 question! disadvantages dangers of disadvantages
disadvantages functions of
of the mass
of radio? TV? of the press?
internet? media?
What kind of What is the
What are the
What are the print media difference
most popular
different (at least 4 Ask any between a Why do
2 and
parts and
sections of a
kinds) exist
and which do
question! “quality”
people read
magazines in
newspaper? you prefer and a popular
reading? one?
What kinds
Why What are What is your How often
of programs Ask any
do/don’t you your favorite favorite radio and where do
3 watch much TV stations
to you like
watching on
station(s) and you listen to question!
TV? and why? why? the radio?
Which form
influence can
of media How has the How can
overusing the Do you
most Ask any internet mass media
Internet and follow any
4 influences
question! TV have on
be misused
by politicians
blogs or
young vlogs?
people/older tion? and others?
Are you
Do you think How has
addicted to
traditional technology How does
using the
(printed) changed the What dangers Ask any the internet
5 newspapers
way we
are there on
the internet?
(including question! make our
disappear? news? easier?
How should
Which parents Do you agree
Where do
media offer prevent What are the that families
Ask any you get
the highest children from risks of should pay to
6 objectivity spending too question! overusing support
most of
your news
and much time in mass media? RTVS every
reliability? front of the month?
18. Masmédiá
a) typy masovokomunikačných prostriedkov (ich využitie, výhody, nevýhody),
b) tlač (noviny, časopisy, rubriky) - výber, nákup, čítanie – obľúbené články,
c) rozhlas, televízia (obľúbené typy programov, sledovanosť),
d) vplyv masmédií na život jednotlivca, rodiny i spoločnosti,
e) internet a jeho vplyv na človeka a spoločnosť.
Role Play
Child: You are a big fan of the Internet. You see only its positive sides. On the other hand, your parents are
against it. Change your opinions about this kind of media and its role in your life.

Parent: You can see more negative sides of the Internet. Tell your son/daughter about its bad influence on
people´s lives and relations.

Recommend your favourite magazine to your friends. Give as many details as possible.

Your friend has stopped going out and speaking with you because he/she has become addicted to soap
operas. Persuade him/her to spend time on more useful activities.

You work for a local TV company. You were asked to compile a TV program for a day. Decide on what you
would include to attract the TV viewers.

Make a phone call to your local TV station. Firstly express how satisfied you have been with the programme
so far. Give some suggestions how to improve its programme and explain your reasons carefully.

Choose two newspapers, one serious and one popular. Compare their content, the objectivity of reporting
and circulation /who reads them/. Give a short presentation to your groups.

Your school has decided to publish a monthly magazine. Discuss with the headmaster what it should be like.
Use the following to help you: regular columns, photos, illustrations, number of pages, and quality of paper.
Offer to write an article and conduct a survey.

Your grandmother is very old-fashioned and she has no idea about the latest mass media, such as the
Internet. Explain to your grandmother what the Internet is and what it can be used for.

Child: You can´t imagine your life without a TV, you watch TV quite often, especially informative TV
programmes /nature films, travel documentaries/. Your parents don´t like you sitting in front of TV, in their
opinion it´s a waste of time. Persuade them you watch the programmes which broaden your knowledge.

Parent: You think your son/daughter should study, not waste time in front of TV.

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