Scie9 Summative1

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Module 1: Electronic Structure of Matter

NAME: _______________________________ GRADE & SECTION: ____________________ SCORE: __________

General Directions: Read and analyze each item carefully. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.


1. On the basis of Rutherford’s model of an atom, which subatomic particle is present in the nucleus of an atom?

A. proton and electron B. neutron and electron C. proton and neutron D. proton only

2. Which atomic model is proposed by Schrodinger?

A. nuclear model B. planetary model C. raisin bread model D. quantum mechanical model

3. Who proposed the probability that electrons will be found in certain locations around the nucleus of an atom?

A. Neils Bohr B. Erwin Schrodinger C. Ernest Rutherford D. J.J. Thomson

4. Which of the following statements is NOT true of the atomic model of Bohr?

A. The hydrogen is made up of a positively charged charged nucleus.

B. The electron revolves around the nucleus in a circular orbit.

C. The energy of the electron in a given orbit is not fixed.

D. An electron can absorb or emit a quantity of radiation.

5. The symbol “n” in the Bohr model of atomic structure refers to

A. the energy of electron C. the number of electron in an energy level

B. the total energy of the atom D. the orbit in which an electron is found.

6. Which orbital designation has the highest energy?

A. 2s B. 2p C. 3d D. 4s

7. What occurs when an electron moves from high energy level to a low one?

A. another electron goes from a low energy level to a high one

B. the atom moves faster

C. colored light is given off

D. this process is not possible

8. Which combination describes the flame color of the compound when heated?

A. sodium chloride - orange C. potassium chloride - blue

B. copper sulfate - violet D. boric acid - red

9. If the first and second energy levels of an atom are full, then what would be the total number of electrons in the atom?

A. 6 B. 8 C. 10 D. 18

10. Which electron transition results in the emission of energy?

A. 3p to 3s B. 3p to 4p C. 2s to 2p D. 1s to 2s

11. Which of the following sublevels is correctly designated?

A. 1p5 B. 3f 9 C. 2p6 D. 3d11

12. How many orbitals are there in the third principal energy level?

A. 3 B. 6 C. 9 D. 2

13. What are the orbitals present in the 5th principal energy level?

A. s orbital B. s, p orbitals C. s, p, d orbitals D. s, p, d, f and g orbitals

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14. For a neutral atom with the electron configuration of 1s2 2s2 2p5 3s1, which statement is false?

A. The atomic number is ten. C. The atom is in the ground state.

B. The 1s and 2s orbitals are filled. D. The atom is in the excited state.

15. Given an atom with the electron configuration of 1s2 2s2 2p3, how many orbitals are completely filled?

A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4

16. What is the maximum number of electrons in an energy level with a principal energy level of three?

A. 3 B. 6 C. 9 D. 18

17. What is the number of electrons that a single orbital of 3d sublevel may contain?

A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5

18. In which sublevel has the highest would an electron have the highest energy?

A. 4s B. 4p C. 4d D. 4f

19. How may unpaired electrons are in a Silicon atom?

A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4

20. What is the shape of p orbitals?

A. spherical B. dumb-bell C. spiral D. hexagon

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