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Unit test 5A Intermediate FOURTH EDITION

1 Decide which sentence expresses an intention (I), a 3 Match sentences in exercise 2 with a suitable sentence.
prediction (P), or an arrangement (A). Write I, P, or A. 1 Does anyone know if Sean’s coming with us? _____
1 I don’t think computers will replace human teachers in 2 No, I’m going to be interviewed about space travel on
schools.  P TV. _____
2 It might rain this afternoon. _____ 3 OK, I’ll definitely be there by then. _____
3 She’s meeting Rob for a coffee before school. _____ 4 Will you be home early tonight? _____
4 I’m going to take up tennis – I definitely need 5 I could be late, so leave the ticket for me. _____
more exercise. _____
6 I think he’ll do fine. _____
5 They may move to England next year. _____
7 What are you doing later? _____
6 I’d like to take up a new hobby. _____
8 Why? Is she going on holiday again? 1
7 If we don’t hurry, we’ll be late. _____
9 Don’t be so pessimistic – it could still brighten
8 I’m going shopping. Is there anything you up. _____
want? _____
10 No, I’m not sure we ever will. _____
9 The performance is starting at 7 p.m. _____
11 I disagree. I think they will. _____
10 We could go away next week. We haven’t
booked anything yet. _____ 1 point for each correct answer   10
11 I won’t pass the exam, I’m sure. _____
4 Complete the conversation with the correct future form
1 point for each correct answer   10 of a verb from the box.

2 Circle the correct future form of the verb. be   come   do   go   meet   take

1 Sally tells me that she definitely might work / A What (1) are you doing this evening?
won’t work next week. B I’m not sure. I (2) __________ Rob for a coffee at 4.30
2 He ’ll come / might come with us. He’ll ring on Sunday but I may be free later. Why?
to tell me. A I (3) __________ to Peter’s house and I need a lift.
3 I ’m catching / ’ll catch the bus, so I might be late. B No problem, I (4) __________ you. What’s happened
4 I don’t think people will ever live / are ever going to live to your car?
on another planet. A It’s being serviced. They say it (5) __________ ready
5 You look very smart. Are you going / Will you go to a job on Friday.
interview? B OK, I (6) __________ to your place after my meeting
6 Do you think we will ever know / are ever going to know with Rob.
the truth?
7 We haven’t decided what to do. We will go / might go to 2 points for each correct answer   10
the cinema.
8 You are getting / could still get to the theatre by eight. 5 Correct the mistakes in the sentences. Tick (3) the three
correct sentences.
9 We may start / ’re starting the meeting at 10 a.m.
exactly. 1 I don’t think people won’t live in space. will live

10 If he doesn’t study, he won’t get / aren’t getting through 2 What might our cars be like in fifty years’ time? _____
the exam. 3 The weather forecast says it’s raining next
11 I don’t think tomorrow will be / won’t be sunny. weekend. _____
4 If we don’t hurry, we miss the train. _____
1 point for each correct answer   10 5 Steve and I are going cycling tomorrow. _____
6 We will go to Bristol on Friday – we’re not
sure yet. _____
7 I’m writing soon, I promise. _____

New Headway Intermediate FOURTH EDITION Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2009 1

Unit test 5A Intermediate FOURTH EDITION

8 What time will you meet Andy tonight? _____ 8 Write the name of the part of speech for the completed
9 Scientists predict that we will discover extra- words from exercise 7.
terrestrial beings. _____
adjective   adverb   noun   verb
10 Do you think you’re winning the contest next
year? _____ 1 adjective
11 My wife’s pregnant – she’ll have a baby. _____ 2 _____
3 _____
1 point for each correct answer   10
4 _____

6 Complete the missing words. 5 _____

1 They’re predicting a heatwave. They say it will be over 6 _____

35°C next week. 7 _____
2 Annual storms are formed in the t__________ region 8 _____
around the equator. 9 _____
3 The h__________ destroyed towns in the State of 10 _____
Texas with high wind speeds. 11 _____
4 There is no convincing e__________ for the existence
of intelligent life on Mars. 1 point for each correct answer   10
5 In the future, doctors could use animal organs for
t__________. 9 Complete the words with a prefix from the box.
6 Villages have been cut off by the f__________ and dis-   il-   im- (x 3)   in-   mis-   re- (x 3)   un-
1 I disagree with your opinion. You’re too pessimistic.
2 points for each correct answer   10 2 What you’re asking is simply _____possible. We can’t
do it.
7 Complete the words with a suitable suffix. 3 I can’t pay you in cash. It’s _____legal.
1 Carolyn always wears colourful clothes. Today she’s
4 If you fail the exam once, you can _____take it later.
wearing a purple skirt.
5 Don’t be so _____patient. Lunch will be ready soon.
2 Babies have to get an inject_____ to protect them from
serious diseases. 6 Don’t throw away that envelope. You could _____use
3 Karen hasn’t found a suit_____ flat yet.
7 Dave’s really _____lucky. He lost his winning lottery
4 I’m a real_____. I know people can’t save the world.
5 We’ll have to short_____ this exercise. It’s too long.
8 I don’t recognize my flat. My wife’s _____arranged it
6 In heavy rain, water levels rise rapid_____. again.
7 My uncle is a care_____ driver. He’s had many 9 You don’t have to wear a tie. It’s an _____formal
accidents. meeting.
8 I’ve just read the sensation_____ news. Alien life has 10 Don’t be so _____polite. Say thank you.
been discovered.
11 You _____understood. I said ‘peach cake’ not
9 Astronauts train a lot to get used to weightless_____. ‘beefsteak’.
10 We need a responsible person for the job and you
definitely qual_____. 1 point for each correct answer   10
11 It will definite_____ be a cold day tomorrow.

1 point for each correct answer   10

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Unit test 5A Intermediate FOURTH EDITION

10 Translate the sentences into your language.

1 I was wondering if you’d like to come to the theatre
with us?
2 We’d better get a move on.
3 I kept my plans pretty quiet.
4 That’s pretty much what we wanted.
5 I love chess, but I’m pretty hopeless at it.
6 We’ll do our bit.
7 Wrap up warm if you go out tonight.
8 Sounds good to me.
9 ‘Can you make it 5 p.m.?’ ‘I’m afraid that’s no good.’
10 Sorry, the Sunday’s out for me.

1 point for each correct answer   10

Total 100

New Headway Intermediate FOURTH EDITION Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2009 3

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