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M.Tech. Mid Semester (Autumn) Examination, 2018-19

SUBJECT: Systems and Control Theory SUBJECT CODE: EE-625
Duration of Examination: 2 hours FULL MARKS: 30
Figures at the right hand margin indicate marks
All parts of a question should be answered at one place
Answer All Questions
Q1. Write a set of differential equations, in state space form, for the coupled RLC
circuit shown below, [6]

R1 R2
e M
L1 L2

Q2. Linearize the following system about the origin described by the differential
equations and obtain the linearize state equations [4]
x1  x1  sin  3x2   u1  u2
2 3

x2  x2  x1e x2  u1

Q3. Find an orthogonal basis of the plane x  y  2 z  0 [4]

Q4. Solve the state variable system given below, for X (t), t  0, given that
u (t)  e 3t .Consider that 1 
X (0)    . [8]
0 
 dx1 
 dt   11 10   x1  0 
        u (t)
 dx2   21 18  x2  1 
 dt 
Q5. Find a similarity transformation matrix that reduces the following matrix into its
Jordan form [4]
0 1
A 
 1 2

Q6. Construct the state space model for the following differential equation [4]
y  3y  2 y  u  u

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