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Introduction to Power System

Power System:
The meshed interconnected network from generation to load is power system.
Its purpose is to combine the generation side to load/distribution side.

There are hundreds of generators and hundreds of loads connected in the

power system. Therefore, power system analysis deals with its analysis.

Parts of Power System:

 Generation:
Can be hydro, nuclear or thermal. The generation voltage
is usually 11Kv.

Transmission and Sub transmission:

The voltage is set up at high level from 11kV to 220kV
or 500kV to get it for transmission and sub transmission level. There is high
converter voltage side to combine generation to distribution side. Voltages
obtained are 500kV. The voltage is then stepped down to 33/66/132kV for
secondary transmission as well as to reduce the cost as voltage affects the rating
of other devices.

 Distribution side:
Voltages decrease up to 11Kv. Feeders carry this 11Kv
to distribution substation.

Voltage is further decreased here for utilization.

Steps of Power System Analysis:

Load Flow Analysis:
The power flow from generation to distribution side
and in this flow knowledge which bus is consuming power, which bus is
giving power, how many MVA units are generated, the voltage loss, their
phase angle and the knowledge of many other attributes come in the
category of load flow analysis.

Bus bar:
Strip bus (low resistance) having multiple points for multiple
connections. Its main purpose is for low contact resistance.

Slack bus:
It is a type of generation bus. It controls the imbalance of load.
It can be more than one in larger systems.

There are 4 parameters P, Q, |V| and phase angle.

Two parameters are always known and through load flow analysis other 2
parameters are known.
Difference between PV and P,Q will be the loss in transmission line.

Fault analysis:
Fault analysis is a method used to determine the various
chains of effect that would cause a system to fail, compromising safety or
stability. Fault %age can be minimized but cannot be removed 100% so
fault analysis is done whenever there is fault on bus.
Whenever there is fault on bus, then that bus will be separated from
other buses.

If there is fault on one bus, then some power will not reach there ,
and voltages and frequency will decrease which will affect other buses
and it will continue on until the black out of power system occurs which is
highly undesirable.

For example, generator bus 200MV becomes faulty so in order to

prevent the side effect the load is decreased to 50MV or lesser according
to requirement or other generator bus is added. In other words, slack bus
here controls the imbalance of load and in this way the system is
 Stability analysis:
It is used to determine whether the system will
remain stable or not after fault occurence. It is closely linked with fault

Power System control:

It is automatic control of voltage, current
and frequency.

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