01 BrandIdentity Final V9

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1  The Eaton Brand Identity

The Eaton Brand Identity is one of
The Eaton Brand
Brand Elements
1.30 Examples of tables,
charts, and rules our most valuable assets. It includes
The Eaton Brand Signature
1.31 Incorrect typography
our name, brand signature, logomark,
1.5 Overview
1.6 Color
1.32 Overview
Why, Where, and What
and graphic presentation.
1.7 Clear Area photos
1.34 Telling value stories with
The Eaton Logomark
Why, Where, and What
1.10 Incorrect usage photos
The most visible representation For more background on Eaton’s
1.35 Using Why and Where accelerated masterbrand strategy and
of our company, the Eaton Brand
The Eaton Color Palette photos architecture please refer to Eaton’s
Identity, is an important tool Brand Strategy & Architecture
1.11 Overview 1.36 Using Where and What
photos that we can use to shape the Guidelines in the Brand Center or
1.12–13 Applying the Color Palette perceptions of our customers, relevant brand champion. See the list
1.37 Using What photos of available contacts in the Brand
investors, and employees.
Fonts 1.38 Cropping Eaton photos Center. or contact the Global Brand
Thus, it is critical to leverage Manager at brand@eaton.com
1.14 Overview 1.39 Styles of cropping photos
for printed matter and and protect this asset for The complete standards are published
1.15 Headlines, subheadlines, websites in the Eaton Brand Center. Go to
competitive advantage today
overviews, and callouts Eaton’s intranet JOE or
1.40–41 Incorrect usage and in the future.
1.16 Body copy http://supplierselect.eaton.com.
Illustration Whether you are an Eaton employee
1.17 Digital media involved in commissioning or developing
When distributed externally, this
1.42 Examples summary should not be regarded as
1.18 Non-Latin fonts promotional materials, or an external
comprehensive or as a substitute for
1.43 Typography and Labeling designer, creative agency, production
the complete Eaton Brand Identity
house, or printer, the Eaton Brand
Typographic Styles The Eaton Materials Palette system in the Brand Center.
Identity system is intended to support
1.19 Overview 1.44 Overview both your creativity and your productive Note that the Eaton employee has
1.45 Expanded Palette work for Eaton. the final responsibility for ensuring
1.20 Headlines
that all Brand Identity and design
1.21–22 Body copy 1.46 Materials to Avoid In that light, here is a summary of
standards are met.
the key design and layout rules for
1.23 Tables producing marketing or corporate External partners are provided
The complete set of Eaton Brand materials.
1.24–25 Table of contents with the master files and type fonts
Identity Standards and guidelines
of the Eaton Brand Signature or
1.26 Charts are available for download from
logomark for contractual purposes
Communications & Brand Center.
1.27 Rules and lines only. Any other use by third parties is
Also available are Adobe® InDesign®
permitted only upon receipt of
1.28 Editorial examples format templates and photos. Visit
written authorization from the Eaton
Communications & Brand Center via
1.29 Examples of headlines, the “Tools & Applications” dropdown
Corporation, and then only in
subheadlines, and text accordance with corporate standards.
on JOE (suppliers may register at
styles https://eaton.emotion.com) or contact
Eaton Corporate Communications Global
Branding at brand@eaton.com.
Eaton Corporate Identity Standards — 2/4/13
1.2  The Eaton Brand Identity
The eaton brand

In the ever-demanding global business environment it is critical that we

protect and enhance Eaton’s unique competitive advantage—our name
and reputation.
As we continue to grow as a premier diversified power management
company, real competitive advantage can be gained and leveraged in
the proper and disciplined use of the company’s brand signature and logo.
The strength of our name and reputation are key factors in enabling our
company to achieve its vision of being the most admired enterprise in
our markets.
Although competitors can market similar products and services around
the world, none can offer them under the Eaton Brand Signature, an
enduring symbol of innovation, reliability, quality, integrity, trust and value
to our customers.
These standards and guidelines help you realize the tremendous advantage
our name and brand identity can bring to our customers, employees,
shareholders and our communities. Please read these guidelines carefully,
implement them fully, and help our company reap the advantages of these
powerful competitive tools.
Don McGrath
Senior Vice President, Communications

Eaton Corporate Identity Standards — 2/4/13

1.3  The Eaton Brand Identity
The eaton brand

Eaton’s Brand Promise: Eaton’s Brand Attributes: Eaton’s Brand Voice:

When developing creative concepts

for communication or promotional We make what’s important involved straightforward
materials, it is important to ensure
that the message, content, imagery
and graphic presentation of the
work in ways that deliver professional thought-provoking
items fit with the Eaton corporate
brand strategy and positioning.
customer, employee and
innovative sharp
shareholder value.
quality vivid

reliable serious


Eaton Corporate Identity Standards — 2/4/13

1.4  The Eaton Brand Identity
brand elements

The Eaton Brand Signature
“Our intention is to use this new
Eaton Brand Signature as the sign-
off for all of our communication and
marketing materials. This is a critical What’s
step in our plan to build the Eaton important
to you?
Brand Name, increasing recognition
and driving preference with our
key audiences.”
Sandy Cutler
Chairman and CEO

The Eaton Logomark

The line “Powering Business
Worldwide” may be omitted only in
those rare situations where it would
not be legible because of size or
reproduction techniques, or because
it would become unreadable at
extremely long distances. Examples
of where the logomark may appear
alone include machine-stamped or
die-cast products, primary exterior
facility signage, or small digital displays.
Product Lines
The Eaton Brand Signature will
supersede Family Brand Signatures Aeroquip Fuller Aeroquip Matchmate Plus
Model 731
Model 751
Model 731
Model 751
Model 731
Model 751

as the brand sign-off on product Airflex Holec Lorem

marketing collateral. The standards Powerware ipsum
and templates will provide guidance Bill Hydro-Line 9149 UPS dolor est
on how and where to include the
Product Lines or Series. Boston Powerware The best
Important note: Former Family
Brands as well as other groups of
Char-Lynn Tabula there is.
products that are closely related or Cutler-Hammer Vickers
represent different capabilities are
now referred to as either Product
Elek Weatherhead Quis nostrud exerci nom
tation ullamcorper list
susarcipit lobaortis nisl
Exerci tation nom lit um
ullamcorper suscipit
lobortis nisl autem vel

Lines or Product Series. A Product

autem vel eum velit esse eum velit esse quis
quis nostrud exerci lum nostrud exerci tationals
tation ullamcorper sus ullamcorper suscipit
cipit lobortis nisl ut ler lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex
aliquip ex eaconsequat. eaconsequat. Duis me it

Name represents one product cate-

Duis autem vel eum velit autem vel eum velit esse
esse Quis nostrud exeri. Quis pompum.

gory within a Product Line or Product

Series. Eaton.com customers will be
able to search for Product Lines or
Series by “Name” and “Category.”
Eaton Corporate Identity Standards — 2/4/13
1.5  The Eaton Brand Identity
the Eaton brand signature


The Eaton Brand Signature is the

visual expression of our brand
positioning in the market place. It
consists of two components—the
Eaton logomark and the competency
line “Powering Business Worldwide.”
As a rule, the Eaton logomark is
always accompanied by the compe-
tency line. It is a bold, declarative
statement about Eaton. It strongly
asserts the role we play in devel-
oping innovative technologies for
safer, more effective, and more
efficient ways to manage power.
The Eaton Brand Signature embodies
Packaging, shipping boxes, and shipping labels version.
• a graphically appealing look full of
energy and action
Registered trademark symbol
• Eaton’s Brand Attributes and
Brand Voice—vivid, sharp, and
thought-provoking, while being
serious and straightforward at the
same time Trademark symbol

• Eaton’s proven reputation as an

action-oriented, forward-looking,
and thoughtful enterprise, one
that is progressive and technology- Reproduction and Use of the Brand Signature Examples of where the logomark may appear alone
based include machine-stamped or die-cast products, primary
The Brand Signature must NOT be redrawn or recreated exterior facility signage, or small digital displays.
• a distinctive and memorable treat- from separate graphic or type elements. The correct
ment of the Eaton logomark and reproduction of the Brand Signature can be achieved only Consumer products such as HOMEheartbeat or Golf Pride
competency line that fuses them by using the official master artwork files. These files can are endorsed by the shortened version of the Brand
into a complete entity, rather than be downloaded from the Eaton Brand Center. Go to Signature; which consists solely of the logomark.
Eaton’s intranet JOE or http://supplierselect.eaton.com.
merely splicing them together as Translation of “Powering Business Worldwide”
a logo and an added line To lend added protection to Eaton’s Brand and products,
the Brand Signature with the registered trademark symbol In all other cases the Eaton Brand Signature always
• the values and expectations of (®) and the trademark symbol (TM) are to be used on includes the competency line “Powering Business
our global markets and customers packaging, shipping boxes, and shipping labels. Worldwide,” which sets in English only. In addition, this
who seek brands that exemplify phrase, even as a stand-alone headline, is never translated
technology, vitality, and speed, The line “Powering Business Worldwide” may be omitted into other languages. We do, however, provide interpreta-
only in those rare situations where it would not be legible tions of its meaning and significance in all official Eaton
all in responding to the problem-
because of size or reproduction techniques, or because it languages and make these available in the Brand Center.
solving needs of customers would become unreadable at exremely long distances.
Eaton Corporate Identity Standards — 2/4/13
1.6  The Eaton Brand Identity
the Eaton brand signature

Color Primary color usage Auxiliary color usages

The primary color style for the Eaton

Brand Signature is Eaton Blue and
black on a white background. The
Brand Signature may also be used
in Eaton Blue and black against a
Eaton Blue and black on white Black on white
brushed or matte, silver-colored,
metal background.
Eaton Blue color specifications
Match Color Pantone 300
CMYK C100 M43 Y0 K0
RGB R0 G103 B198

Auxiliary colors Eaton Blue and black on white with White (reversed)
registered trademark symbol, and
Where it is technically impossible tredemark
to use Eaton Blue and black on
white, show the Brand Signature in
• solid black on white
• w
 hite (reversed) on an Eaton
Blue or other background
• t he identical color as its back-
ground; e.g., embroidered in
white on a white golf cap, or cut
out of stainless steel on a The identical color as its background
stainless steel wall
• E
 aton Blue and black on a silver
metallic background
The Eaton Brand Signature must
not be redrawn or recreated from
separate graphic and type
elements. The correct reproduction
of the Brand Signature can only be
achieved by using the official
master artwork files.
Eaton Blue and black on silver metallics
Eaton Corporate Identity Standards — 2/4/13
1.7  The Eaton Brand Identity
the Eaton brand signature

Clear Area Brand Signature Clear Area

Clear Area
Maintain a Clear Area around the
Eaton Brand Signature; i.e., a zone
where no other type, art, or design
element may appear.
The Clear Area can be calculated
by taking the height of the word
“Eaton” in the Brand Signature
and calling it “X.”
The Eaton Brand Signature may be 1/2X 1/2X
enlarged to any size required.
The Brand Signature may not be X = height of “EATON”
used smaller than 12pt. For smaller
sizes, set “EATON” in Univers 45
or 55, all caps without the compe-
tency line “Powering Business
Minimum size


EATON In sizes smaller then 12pt set the

name EATON in Univers 45 or 55,
all caps, without “Powering
Business Worldwide.”

Eaton Corporate Identity Standards — 2/4/13

1.8  The Eaton Brand Identity
the Eaton logomark

Overview Logomark Clear Area

The Eaton logomark is the short-

ened version of the Eaton Brand
Signature. Use it only in situations
where use of the full Brand
Signature is technically impractical;
for example: stamped on the X
casing of a product; on exterior
signage; at a small size in digital
media; in cases where its legibility 1/2X
cannot be guaranteed because of
size or reproduction techniques; or
in signage where it must be legible 1/2X 1/2X
from an extremely long distance.
Clear Area X = height of “EATON”

Maintain a Clear Area around the

logomark; i.e., a zone where no
other type, art, or design element
may appear. Minimum sizes
The Clear Area can be calculated
by taking the cap height of the EATON In sizes smaller then 7pts, set the name
logomark and calling it “X.” 7pt “EATON” in Univers 55, all caps.
The logomark may be enlarged to
any size required.
The logomark may not be used
smaller than 7pts. For smaller On-product usage
sizes set “EATON” in Univers 55,
all caps.
On Product
The logo with a registered trade-
mark symbol (®) is used to lend To lend added protection to Eaton
added protection to Eaton products. products, use the logomark with the
registered trademark symbol (®).
See also section 11, Eaton On
Product Standards, for more about
the Eaton logomark.

Eaton Corporate Identity Standards — 2/4/13

1.9  The Eaton Brand Identity
the Eaton logomark

Overview (continued) Primary color usage Auxiliary color usage

The logomark should appear in
Eaton Blue on a white, or brushed
or matte, silver-colored, metal Eaton Blue on white Black on white
background. When that is techni-
cally impossible, you may use the
logomark in solid black on white, in
white (reversed) on an Eaton Blue
or other background.
Where it is technically impossible
to use Eaton Blue on white, show
the logo in
Eaton Blue on white with White (reversed) on Eaton Blue
• solid black on white registered trademark symbol

• w
 hite (reversed) on an Eaton
Blue background
• t he identical color as its back-
ground; e.g., embroidered in
white on a white golf cap, or cut
out of stainless steel on a
stainless steel wall
• E
 aton Blue on a silver metallic
The identical color as its background

Eaton Blue on silver metallics

Eaton Corporate Identity Standards — 2/4/13
1.10  The Eaton Brand Identity
the Eaton brand signature

Incorrect usage
is #1
At right are examples of how not
to use the Eaton Brand Signature.
Never add a phrase or sentence
Never use as a pattern
The Brand Signature must NOT be
redrawn or recreated from separate Never distort
graphic or type elements. The correct
reproduction of the Brand Signature
can only be achieved by using the
official master artwork files.
These files are available for download
from Communications & Brand Center.
Suppliers may register at
https://eaton.emotion.com or contact
Eaton Corporate Communications Global
Branding at brand@eaton.com.

Never use unauthorized colors Never add shading, dimension or highlights

When used in Eaton Blue, always
display on a white background

Powering Business Worldwide

Never apply patterns Use only approved art files

or place in a shape

Never place on vertical axis

Eaton Corporate Identity Standards — 2/4/13

1.11  The Eaton Brand Identity
the eaton Color Palette

Overview The Eaton Color Palette

The Eaton Color Palette is a

resource of 22 colors designed to
be mixed and matched in support
of our business communications PANTONE® 7543 C PANTONE® 7458 C PANTONE® 5645 C PANTONE® 578 C PANTONE® 127 C PANTONE® 7409 C
C=7, M=0, Y=0, K=30 C=40, M=0, Y=5, K=6 C=7, M=0, Y=11, K=23 C=20, M=0, Y=40, K=6 C=0, M=7, Y=50, K=0 C=0, M=30, Y=95, K=0
and product marketing. R=168, G=173, B=176 R=130, G=184, B=201 R=181, G=191, B=176 R=191, G=209, B=153 R=240, G=224, B=125 R=232, G=176, B=18
Hex=A8ADB0 Hex=82B8C9 Hex=B5BFB0 Hex=BFD199 Hex=F0E07D Hex=E8B012
The variety of different colors RAL DESIGN=260 70 10 RAL DESIGN=230 70 25 RAL DESIGN=140 70 10 RAL DESIGN=130 90 20 RAL DESIGN=095 90 59 RAL DESIGN=75 70 70
expresses the innovation and
flexibility that the Eaton Brand
represents in all spheres of our
Consequently, the colors should
not be assigned specific meanings
or be used for the color-coding of PANTONE® 431 C Eaton Blue PANTONE® 326 C PANTONE® 390 C PANTONE® 123 C PANTONE® 144 C PANTONE® 1795 C
C=11, M=1, Y=0, K=64 PANTONE® 300 C C=87, M=0, Y=38, K=0 C=22, M=0, Y=100, K=8 C=0, M=24, Y=94, K=0 C=0, M=48, Y=100, K=0 C=0, M=94, Y=100, K=0
business units or divisions. R=99, G=107, B=112 C=100, M=43, Y=0, K=0 R=0, G=176, B=171 R=181, G=186, B=5 R=252, G=201, B=23 R=222, G=135, B=3 R=209, G=36, B=33
Hex=636B70 R=0, G=103, B=198 Hex=00B0AB Hex=B5BA05 Hex=FCC917 Hex=DE8703 Hex=D12421
All Eaton business units may use RAL DESIGN=240 40 05 Hex=006EC7 RAL DESIGN=190 60 40 RAL DESIGN=100 80 80 RAL DESIGN=080 80 90 RAL DESIGN=060 70 70 RAL DESIGN=040 50 70
any of the Eaton colors. Since RAL DESIGN=240 40 40
there is no fixed allocation of
corporate colors, they may be
freely used to differentiate
different topics, programs, or
product groups.
The chart at right specifies colors PANTONE® 432 C PANTONE® 2955 C PANTONE® 5545 C PANTONE® 363 C PANTONE® 1255 C PANTONE® 1525 C PANTONE® 201 C
according to five different models. C=23, M=2, Y=0, K=77 C=100, M=45, Y=0, K=37 C=59, M=0, Y=50, K=52 C=68, M=0, Y=100, K=24 C=0, M=27, Y=100, K=34 C=0, M=58, Y=100, K=10 C=0, M=100, Y=63, K=29
R=66, G=74, B=82 R=0, G=61, B=110 R=79, G=110, B=94 R=51, G=140, B=38 R=166, G=130, B=0 R=208, G=115, B=38 R=156, G=31, B=46
Pantone® is used for offset Hex=424A52 Hex=003D6E Hex=4F6E5E Hex=338C26 Hex=A68200 Hex=D07326 Hex=9C1F2E
lithography when printing spot RAL DESIGN=260 20 10 RAL DESIGN=270 30 35 RAL DESIGN=170 30 15 RAL DESIGN=130 50 50 RAL DESIGN=080 60 50 RAL DESIGN=050 50 70 RAL DESIGN=030 30 45

color. CMYK is used when printing

four-color process offset lithog-
raphy. RGB is used when
displaying colors on a computer
monitor. Hexadecimal (hex) is used
when specifying color in html code
and other computing applications. WHITE BLACK
RAL DESIGN System is used C=0, M=0, Y=0, K=0 C=0, M=0, Y=0, K=100
R=255, G=255, B=255 R=0, G=0, B=0
when specifying paint, varnish and Hex=FFFFFF Hex=000000
powder coating. RAL CLASSIC=9016* RAL DESIGN=000 15 00

Eaton Corporate Identity Standards — 2/4/13 * Color equivalent from the RAL CLASSIC Color Collection
1.12  The Eaton Brand Identity
the eaton color palette

Applying the Color Palette Ideas for using the Eaton Color Palette expressively and strategically.

Apply the Eaton Color Palette
strategically and expressively to Serious, straightforward
evoke the industries we serve, and Lead with the Palette’s darker colors to
to express qualities of our Brand evoke an impression of the traditional,
formal corporate business and authority. PANTONE® PANTONE® PANTONE® PANTONE® PANTONE®
Voice: straightforward, thought- 432 C 2955 C 5545 C 1255 C 1525 C
provoking, sharp, vivid, and serious.
Apply the Palette wherever color
selection comes into play for
Eaton: in digital and print commu- Technical/digital
nications; on exhibits and displays;
Serious, thought-provoking, sharp
on products, promotions, apparel
and uniforms; outside and inside Modern but reserved, these colors work
well for such sophisticated commercial
facilities and offices; or for special markets as aerospace, electronics, and PANTONE® PANTONE® PANTONE® PANTONE® PANTONE®
events and environments. retail automotive. 326 C 390 C 7409 C 144 C 1795 C

Serious, straightforward, vivid
Bold, heavy-duty, and no-nonsense, these
colors fit the industrial/manufacturing,
heavy equipment, and truck markets. PANTONE® PANTONE® PANTONE® PANTONE® PANTONE®
431 C 5645 C 363 C 144 C 201 C

Thought-provoking, vivid, sharp
Contemporary, young, simple, friendly
and fresh, these colors are well suited
to high-tech, automotive, retail, and con- PANTONE® PANTONE® PANTONE® PANTONE® PANTONE®
sumer markets. 5645C 7458 C 326 C 578 C 123C

Eaton Corporate Identity Standards — 2/4/13

1.13  The Eaton Brand Identity
the eaton color palette

Applying the Color Palette Employee benefits

What is
At right are examples of the Eaton our brand?
Color Palette used in a range of
Eaton’s brand is far more than a logo. It is It all starts by understanding
the components of our brand…
the sum of all our actions, every day.
Note how the color white plays a
To continue to build our reputation — and
increase the value of our brand — we must
key role in establishing Eaton’s project a consistent set of values in
our Promise
Eaton’s brand promise

everything we do. That’s what “Our Brand”

visual identity and expressing our is all about. It’s a guide to help all of + our Actions
Eaton’s brand attributes

us to think and act as “One Eaton,” and

Brand Voice. to communicate our story in a single voice + our Voice
Eaton’s brand voice
across all markets and media.

= The Eaton Brand

Eaton’s reputation

Our brand
So, every time you are representing Eaton
ask yourself:

Your best
Is my message clear, straightforward

= Our reputation
and relevant to the customer?

When you are developing a new product or service,

ask yourself:

Am I focused on competitive

differentiation and customer value?

Eaton’s brand and reputation

are tightly interwoven.
When you are managing, designing, building or recruiting,
ask yourself:

Do the spirit and attitude of my

is yet to come
actions respect the important
The value of both will rise or and often high-stakes nature of
fall based on the decisions Eaton’s work?
you make — and the actions The chance to mentor, lead and share your—
you take. That’s why it’s When you are marketing Eaton and its products, knowledge that’s what you’ll find in a career at
ask yourself: Eaton. And with plenty of room for growth and
crucial to think about our brand advancement, the possibilities are endless.
 Have I challenged my audience
as an extension of everything with a thought-provoking, customer Talk to a talent consultant or visit eatonjobs.com
to learn more.
you do. -focused idea?
Am I getting right to the heart of
what’s most important to my
audience, and communicating that
idea in a clever and insightful way?
Am I bringing my story to life
through vivid language, imagery
and design?

To learn more about how

you can become an Eaton
“brand champion,” please
visit our brand resource
website at: brand.eaton.com

8 9

Eaton Corporate Identity Standards — 2/4/13

1.14  The Eaton Brand Identity

Overview Table Main Head Label a Label b Lable c Label d Label e

Table Head:
Table Body 1,110 1,234 12 123
AB 123 34
12,345 34 12

Eaton’s unique fonts, together with Table Head:

Table Body 12,234
1,890 234
1,456 123
our typographic styles, work like BCD 12 345 6 678 123 2
Table Body 123 123 23
3,787 237
handwriting to make every Eaton AB 123 4,678
2,789 234 45 987
communication distinctive and Table Head:
Table Body 12,560 7 23 35 212
recognizably our own. Headlines,

HIJ 12 59
1,456 789 234
Table Body 1,523 59 46
subheadlines, and overview/callout KLM123 4 278
1,015 432 32
copy set in Eaton’s custom-
designed, proprietary fonts; i.e.,
Eaton Regular, Eaton Medium, or
Eaton Bold. In communicating on
behalf of our corporation, any of
our businesses, systems, and

services use Eaton’s fonts and Lorem 7%
Ram Slik 15%
follow our typographic styles so

you can count on.

that Eaton’s voice is always clear Ipsum 18%

and present. Amet Dui

Mauris 30%
Never italicize, bold, or otherwise
Prum Set
manipulate these letterforms. Dolor 30%

Fonts are available for download from

Communications & Brand Center.
Suppliers may register at
https://eaton.emotion.com or contact
Eaton Corporate Communications Global
Branding at brand@eaton.com.

The power you need.

Caption Head.
Caption Body Copy. ipsum dolor sit
amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.
Maecenas nec pede. Aenean dui
mauris, dignissiin.

Eaton Corporate Identity Standards — 2/4/13

1.15  The Eaton Brand Identity
Fonts: Latin & central european

Eaton Regular
Eaton fonts for headlines,
subheadlines, overviews,
Always set headlines and efghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789ÀÁ ÂÃÄÅÆ
subheads of Eaton Latin or Central
European language communica-
tions in one of Eaton’s, proprietary
corporate fonts; Eaton Regular,
Eaton Medium, or Eaton Bold. éêëìí î ïðñòóôõöøùúûüýþÿıŁłŒœŠšŸŽžƒ€
Eaton Medium

defghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789 ÀÁÂÃÄ
èéêëìíî ïðñòóôõöøùúûüýþÿıŁłŒœŠšŸŽžƒ€
Eaton Bold

Eaton Corporate Identity Standards — 2/4/13
1.16  The Eaton Brand Identity
Fonts: Latin & central european

Univers 45 Light Univers 57 Condensed Oblique

Univers fonts for
body copy
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789

Univers 45 Light Oblique Univers 65 Bold

The text in Eaton print communi-
European languages sets in one of abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789
14 cuts of the Univers* family of
fonts. Use Univers fonts when Univers 47 Condensed Light Univers 65 Bold Oblique
callouts etc. Univers fonts shown abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789
at right are approved for Eaton use.
The Univers font is available for Univers 47 Condensed Light Oblique Univers 67 Condensed Bold
Cyrillic. Use the Univers font that abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789
is best suited for your needs.
Univers 55 Roman Univers 67 Condensed Bold Oblique
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789

Univers 55 Oblique Univers 75 Black

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789

Univers 57 Condensed Univers 75 Black Oblique

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789

*Univers fonts may be purchased at adobe.com,

linotype.com or other font resources.

Eaton Corporate Identity Standards — 2/4/13

1.17  The Eaton Brand Identity
Fonts: Latin & central european

Arial Arial Bold

Arial fonts for digital and
print media
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789

Arial Italic Arial Bold Italic

Use Arial fonts for Eaton Internet
tions (Word, PowerPoint, etc.). abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789
Also use Arial fonts in Latin
language or Central European
printed communications when
Eaton fonts or Univers fonts are
not available.

Eaton Corporate Identity Standards — 2/4/13

1.18  The Eaton Brand Identity
fonts: non-latin alphabets

Non-Latin fonts for Simplified Chinese

headlines and body copy

Eaton headline fonts contain

characters for Latin and Central
European alphabets. To typeset
Eaton materials in other alphabets, Japanese
set headlines and body copy in the
approved Univers fonts. Arial
Unicode MS may also be used
as a text font.
When Univers and Arial fonts are
unavailable, use sans-serif fonts Korean
similar in style and look. See
pages 19–21 in this section.
Here is a list of other Eaton-
recommended headline and text
Suggested fonts
Univers Com: Czech, Danish, Dutch,
Finnish, French, German, Indonesian,
Italian, Malay, Norwegian, Polish,
Portuguese, Romanian, Serbian,
Spanish, Turkish
Myriad Pro: Bulgarian, Greek, Russian,
Ukranian, Vietnamese
Arial Unicode MS: Arabic
HeiS ASC: Simplified Chinese
HeiT ASC: Traditional Chinese Thai
Latha: Tamil
Kozuka Gothic Pro: Japanese
HeadlineA, Apple Gothic Reg: Korean
Kruti Dev 016, 718, Mangal: Marathi
Cordia DSE: Thai

Eaton Corporate Identity Standards — 2/4/13

1.19  The Eaton Brand Identity
fonts: non-latin alphabets

A consistent impression no matter the alphabet

Selecting non-Latin fonts

When typesetting Eaton commu-

nications in non-Latin alphabets it
is important that the typefaces
used are as similar as possible to
Univers and Arial.
Eaton fonts must be sans serif in
• geometric in structure (not
calligraphic, script or decorative Geometric Consistent in line weight Characters ending
in style with square corners

• consistent in line weight (no

variations in the thickness of the
letterstrokes, as a general
• characters ending with squared
corners and flat ends (not serifs
or flourishes)
• are modern, business-like and

easy to read

Eaton Corporate Identity Standards — 2/4/13
1.20  The Eaton Brand Identity

Fonts: non-latin alphabets

Choose fonts available in

a range of weights

For mazimum flexibility in design

and layout, choose fonts that offer
a family of weights similar to the
weights that Univers and Arial are
drawn in.
Note: many Asian languages Univers 45 Light Univers 55 Roman Univers 65 Bold Univers 75 Black
do not use italic characters,
therefore italic characters may not

be available for your selected font.

Kozuka Gothic Pro R Kozuka Gothic Pro M Kozuka Gothic Pro B Kozuka Gothic Pro H

Eaton Corporate Identity Standards — 2/4/13

1.21  The Eaton Brand Identity

Incorrect Non-Latin fonts Fonts are sans-serif Fonts are drawn, not calligraphic

文文 六六
At right is a variety of examples,
showing incorrect non-Latin fonts.

Fonts have a consistent stroke weight Fonts are not fancy, embellished or overly stylized

白白 萬萬
Eaton Corporate Identity Standards — 2/4/13
1.22  The Eaton Brand Identity

Overview A B C D

Use the typographic style stan-

dards presented in this section for
all Eaton communications. Eaton’s Main Identifier
Sub identifier
unique headline fonts, together
with the Univers body copy fonts, SideBar Head Table Main Head Label a Label b Lable c Label d Label e

create typographic styles that act Side Bar Copy. Lorem ipsum
dolor sit amet. Praesent viverra
sapien sit amet massa. Nam
Table Head:
Table Body
AB 123
34 12

as our handwriting to make every iaculis velit eget elit. Aenean

quam dui, posuere ut, adipiscing
Table Head:
Table Body
BCD 12
345 6
123 2
in, suscipit vitae, sem.

Eaton communication distinctive

Velit nomunny
Table Body 123 123 23
3,787 237
AB 123 4,678
2,789 234 45 987
Table Head:

and recognizably our own. When Table Body

HIJ 12
Table Body
12,560 7
1,523 59
KLM123 4 278
1,015 432 32
communicating on behalf of our
corporation, any of our businesses,
systems, or services, use Eaton
fonts and follow our typographic
ut wisi enim
styles so that Eaton’s Brand Voice Mangra arcu gravida wisi eget
is always clear and present.
Overview lorem ipsum sit amet, adipiscing elit. Body Copy Head lorem Body Copy Head lorem gravida wisi, eget hendreritmi
Curabitur ullamcorper justo nec purus. Donec Body Copy. Lorem ipsum dolor Body Copy. Lorem ipsum dolor enim ac metus. Aenean adipi-
sit amet, consectetuer adipi- sit amet, consectetuer adipi- scing tortor ac enim. Nulla facili-
semper, tellus at iaculis imperdiet, magna arcu si. Sed eget justo. Lorem ipsum
scing elit. Curabitur ullamcorper scing elit. Curabitur ullamcorper
gravida wi. Sed eget justo. Lorem ipsum sit amet, justo nec purus. Donec semper, justo nec purus. Donec sem- dolor sit amet, consectetuer

Typography styles adipiscing elit. Sed odio quis sapien. tellus at

iaculis imperdiet, magna arcu gravida wisi, eget
tellus at iaculis imperdiet, magna
arcu gravida wisi, eget hendrerit
mi enim ac metus. Aenean adipi-
per, tellus at iaculis imperdiet,
magna arcu gravida wisi, eget
hendreritmi enim ac metus.
Body Copy Head lorem
• Bullet Point Copy lorem
hendrerit mi enim ac metus. Aenean tortor ac scing tortor ac enim. Nulla facili- Aenean adipiscing tortor ac ipsum dolo.
enim. Nulla facilisi. Sed eget justo. Lorem ipsum
si. Sed eget justo. Lorem ipsum enim. Nulla facilisi. Sed eget
Main identifier and sit amet, adipiscing elit. Sed odio quis sapien. dolor sit amet, consectetuer
adipiscing elit.
justo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit
amet, consectetuer adipiscing
• Bullet Point Copy enean
adipiscing tortor ac enim.
Nulla facil. Caption Head.

sub idenfier Body Copy Head lorem

elit. Sed pulvinar odio quis sapi-
en. Donec elit tellus, tempus a, • Bullet Point Copy lorem
Caption Body Copy. ipsum dolor sit
amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.
Body Copy Head lorem rutrum eget, convallis eget, odio. ipsum dolo. Maecenas nec pede. Aenean dui
Vivamus nisl nisl, sodales ac, mauris, dignissiin.
• Bullet Point Copy lorem Sed eget justo. Lorem ipsum
B Headline and ipsum dolo.
posuere eget, porta at, nisl.
dolor sit amet, consectetuer
adipiscing elit. Sed pulvinar odio
• Bullet Point Copy enean Body Copy Head lorem quis sapien. Donec elit tellus,
subheadline adipiscing tortor ac enim.
Nulla facil. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
consectetuer adipiscing elit.
tempus a, rutrum eget, conval-
lis eget, odio. Vivamus nisl nisl, Secondary copy head
• Bullet Point Copy lorem Curabitur ullamcorper justo nec sodales ac, posuere eget, porta

C Sidebar: head
ipsum dolo. purus. Donec semper, tellus at
iaculis imperdiet, magna arcu
at, nisl. Curabitur ullamcorper
justo nec purus. Donec semper,
Secondary Copy. Lorem ipsum dolor.
Sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.
Curabitur ullamcorper justo nec purus.
gravida wisi, eget hendrerit tellus at iaculis imperdiet, magna

and copy mi enim ac metus. Aenean

adipiscing tortor ac enim. Nulla
arcu gravida wisi, eget hendrerit
mi enim ac metus.
Donec semper, tellus at iaculis imperdiet:
• Eget hendreritmi
facilisi. Donec semper, tellus at • Enim ac metus.
iaculis imperdiet, magna arcu
D Tables and charts •

Aenean adipiscing tortor ac enim.
Nulla facilisi.
• Sed eget justo.

E Footer
F Overview copy 22 Consectetuer Lorem Ipsum Dolor Consectetuer Lorem Ipsum Dolor 22

G Body copy: head,

subhead, copy,
and bullets
H Caption:
head and copy
I Secondary copy: E F G
subhead, copy,
and bullets

Eaton Corporate Identity Standards — 2/4/13

1.23  The Eaton Brand Identity

Eaton fonts for headlines Headline using Eaton Regular, set with negative leading

Always set headlines and subhead-

lines in one of the Eaton fonts; i.e., Hydraulics
built for the
Eaton Regular, Eaton Medium, or
Eaton Bold.

long haul.
Headlines always set flush left,
rag right. Where not specified,
choose the font weight and point
size that best complements the
layout and headline message. On
covers, ads, posters, and banners,
left-aligned headline copy may be
sized and arranged for greatest
message effectiveness.
Headline using Eaton Medium and Eaton Regular
• K
 ern between characters
where required.
• S
 et headlines with solid or
negative leading.
New employee handbook
For layout examples, see page 29
in this section.

Headline using Eaton Bold set with solid leading


Eaton Corporate Identity Standards — 2/4/13

1.24  The Eaton Brand Identity

Body copy styles NOTE: The point sizes and leading shown below apply
to all Eaton print literature. In other media follow the
font specs and styles, and then size for good legibility.
The type styles on this page
should be followed in typesetting Overview/call-out Body copy head
11–12pt 8.5–9.5pt
body text for all Eaton print Univers 55 Roman Univers 65 Bold
communications and displays. The 13–14pt leading 9.5–10.5pt leading
specified point sizes and leading, 3pt space before 9pt space before
3pt space after 3pt space after
shown at right, apply to all printed
• B
 ody copy always sets flush left,
rag right. Never center-align, Overview lorem ipsum sit amet, adipiscing elit. Body Copy Head
right-align, or justify Eaton body Curabitur ullamcorper justo nec purus. Donec Body Copy. Lorem ipsum dolor
copy. semper, tellus at iaculis imperdiet, magna arcu sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing Body copy
elit. Curabitur ullamcorper justo 8.5–9.5pt
• W
 hen not specified, allow gravida wisi, eget hendrerit mi enim ac metus. nec purus. Donec semper, tellus Univers 45 Light
1–2pts leading between lines of Aenean ac enim. Nulla facilisi. Sed eget justo. at iaculis imperdiet, magna arcu 9.5–10.5pt leading
gravida wisi, eget hendrerit mi 2pt space before
copy, and a full line space Lorem ipsum sit amet, adipiscing elit. Sed odio enim ac metus. Aenean adipi- 2pt space after
between paragraphs. quis sapien. tellus at iaculis imperdiet, magna scing tortor ac enim. Nulla faci-
• B
 reak paragraphs with line arcu gravida wisi, eget hendrerit mi enim ac lisi. Sed eget justo. Lorem ipsum
dolor sit amet, consectetuer
spaces. Never indent. metus. Aenean tortor ac enim. Nulla facilisi. Sed adipiscing elit.
eget justo. Lorem ipsum sit amet, adipiscing elit.
• D
 o not track type more than
Sed odio quis sapien. Body Copy Head lorem
–3 to +3. Body Copy Subhead lorem Body copy

For layout examples, see pages Bullet Point Copy lorem
ipsum dolo.
29–30 in this section. Univers 45 Light
• Bullet Point Copy enean 9.5–10.5pt leading
adipiscing tortor ac enim. 9pt space before
Nulla facil. 3pt space after
• Bullet Point Copy lorem
ipsum dolo.

Body copy bullet

Univers 45 Light
9.5–10.5pt leading
2pt space before
2pt space after
0p10 left indent
–0p10 first line left indent
bullet: 6pt
Eaton Corporate Identity Standards — 2/4/13
1.25  The Eaton Brand Identity

Secondary body NOTE: The point sizes and leading shown below apply
copy styles to all Eaton print literature. In other media, follow the
font specs and styles, and then size for good legibility.

Use the fonts and styles on this Secondary copy head Secondary copy Head SideBar Head Sidebar head
Secondary Copy. Lorem ipsum dolor. 7.5–8.5pt Univers 67 9pt Univers 65 Bold
page when typesetting secondary Bold Condensed
Side Bar Copy. Lorem ipsum
Sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. dolor sit amet. Praesent viverra 11pt leading
text for all Eaton print communica- Curabitur ullamcorper justo lorem ipsum 9–10pt leading 0p1.5 left indent
sapien sit amet massa. Praesent
tions and displays. The specified dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum praesent viverra 3pt space after 3pt space after
viverra sapien sit amet massa. 10.5pt rule above
point sizes and leading, shown at sapien nam dolor. Sit amet, consectetuer
adipiscing elit. Sit amet, consectetuer adipi-
Praesent viverra sapien sit amet –0p2 offset
right, apply to all printed materials. Secondary copy
scing elit. Sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing massa. Praesent viverra sapien –0p1.5 left indent
7.5–8.5pt Univers 47
elit. Ament nec purus. Light Condensed sit amet massa. Praesent viverra
• S
 econdary copy always sets sapien sit amet massa. Nam Sidebar copy
Donec semper, tellus at iaculis imperdiet: 9–10pt leading
flush left, rag right. Never 3pt space after iaculis velit eget elit. Aenean 11–12pt
• Eget hendreritmi
center-align, right-align, or justify quam dui, posuere ut, adipiscing Univers 55
• Enim ac lorem idpum loren mentus sempe- in, suscipit vitae, sem. Roman
Eaton body copy. rus preom let metus. 13–14pt leading
Aenean adipiscing tor lorem ipsum dolor 3pt space before
• W
 hen not specified, allow • Secondary Copy bullet
3pt space after
tor ac enim lorem ipsum. 7.5–8.5pt Univers 47
1–2pts leading between lines Light Condensed
of copy, and a full line space 9–10pt leading
between paragraphs. 3pt space after:
0p8 left indent
• A
 llow 2pts to a full line space, –0p8 first line left indent
bullet: 5pt
between photos and their
• B
 efore each item in a listing:
place a 9–10pt bullet, followed
by two letter spaces. Consectetuer Lorem Ipsum Dolor 25
• N
 ever track body copy more
than –3 to +3.
Footer main Footer sub Page number
For layout examples, see pages 6.5pt Univers 75 6.5pt 7pt Univers 75
29–30 in this section. Black Univers 55 Roman Black
All caps 8pt leading
Caption Head. Caption head 8pt leading On left-hand pages,
Caption Body Copy. ipsum dolor sit 7.5pt Univers 65 page number
amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Bold appears to the left
Maecenas nec pede. Aenean dui 9pt leading of footer.
mauris, dignissiin. Maecenas nec
On right-hand
pages page number
pede. Aenean dui mauris, dignissiin. Caption copy appears to the right
Maecenas nec pede. Aenean dui 7.5pt Univers 45 of footer.
mauris, dignissiin. Light
9.25pt leading
3pt space after

Eaton Corporate Identity Standards — 2/4/13

1.26  The Eaton Brand Identity

Tables NOTE: The point sizes and leading shown below apply
to all Eaton print literature. In other media, follow the
font specs and styles, and then size for good legibility.
Eaton tables are designed to be
easy to read, clearly understand-
Table main Head Table head Table body Column spacing
able, and simple to use. Follow the 6.5–7.5pt Univers 75 8–9pt Univers 67 8–9pt Univers 47 Columns should
guidelines on this page to ensure Black Bold Condensed Light Condensed be equal widths
that this happens. 6–7pt leading 9–10pt leading 8–9pt leading and evenly spaced
5pt space after 2pt space after 3pt space after across the table
Style notes 2pt rule below
0p2 offset
• S
 et topics and headings flush
left. Never center column Table Main Head Label a Label b Label c Label d Label e Label f Label g Label h Label i Label j Label k Label l
headlines or copy.
Table Head:
• Set lists of numbers flush right. Table Body 456 789 234 567 678 345 456 567 789 456 567 236
Table Body Last 234 345 456 678 789 234 345 678 456 123 234 456
• S
 eparate rows of information Table Head:
with rules: Table Body Extra long name 123 456 789 234 567 678 345 456 567 789 456 567
BCD 12 234 345 456 678 789 234 345 678 456 123 234 456
• 2pt rule below headings
Table Body 123 456 789 234 567 678 345 456 567 789 456 567
• 0.3pt rule after each entry AB 123 234 345 456 678 789 234 345 678 456 123 234 456
Table Head:
Rules for aligning copy Table Body 123 456 789 234 567 678 345 456 567 789 456 567
AB 123 234 345 456 678 789 234 345 678 456 123 234 456
A Numbers as a general rule: Table Body 123 456 789 234 567 678 345 456 567 789 456 567
right align AB 123 234 345 456 678 789 234 345 678 456 123 234 456
B Copy or numbers that are Table body last
all the same length: left align 8–9pt Univers 47
Table Main Head Label a Label b Label c Label d Label e Light Condensed
C Monetary figures or numbers
Table Head: 8–9pt leading
with decimals: align on decimal 3pt space after
Table Body 1,110 1,234 12 123
AB 123 34
12,345 34 12 0.3pt rule below
2.5pt offset
For layout examples, see pages Table Head:
Table Body 12,234
1,890 234
1,456 123
29–30 in this section. BCD 12 345 6 678 123 2
Table Body 123 123 23
3,787 237 Table Two-line
AB 123 4,678
2,789 234 45 987 Main Head Label a Label b Label c Label d

Table Head: Table Head:

Table Body 12,560 7 23 35 212 Table Body $ 123.45 $ 456.33 $ 123.55 $ 123.44
HIJ 12 59
1,456 789 234
5,789 AB 123 33.20 123.12 13.44 123.43
Table Body 1,523 59 46
1,234 Table Head:
KLM123 4 278
1,015 432 32 Table Body $ 97.76 $ 654.20 $ 76.34 $ 23.09
BCD 12 0.45 0.56 0.34 12.40
Table body note Table Body 12.23 12.34 56.89 23.45
Use a hard return (carriage AB 123 23.56 0.23 456.00 6.78
return) to set rules between
Table Body entries. Use a soft
A return (line break) when no
Eaton Corporate Identity Standards — 2/4/13 rule is needed B C
1.27  The Eaton Brand Identity

Table of contents TOC Main Head 01 TOC Table Head 01

6.5–7.5pt Univers 75 Black 8–9pt Univers 67
6–7pt leading Bold Condensed
5pt space after 9–10pt leading
Table of contents (TOCs) are 2pt rule below 2pt space after
0p2 offset
designed to be easy to read,
clearly understandable, and simple Table of Contents
to use. The TOCs on this page are
Safety Application Examples
text based. Use the style that best
Definitions and Symbols v Setting up IP and Communicating
fits your particular need. Hazardous High Voltage v through ELCSoft 8
Connecting the PC with ELC-COENETM TOC Table Head 01
Style notes Introduction through LAN 10 8–9pt Univers 45
Other Functions 1
Setting up IP and communicating Light
• T
 he TOCs on this page may all Specifications 1 through ELCSoft 14 9–10pt leading
be used to accommodate Product Profiles Setting up and clearing password by ELCSoft 18 3pt space after
multiple column formats. Dimensions 2 When the password is lost .3pt rule below
(returning to default setting by RS-232) 22 0p2.5 offset
Profiles 2
• T
 ab stops may be adjusted as Note:
Installation And Wiring IP filter protection 23
Use a hard return
needed to fit your page size. Installation 3 Setting up static ARP table 23 (carriage return) to set
Control Register (Cr) E-Mail Application 24 rules between Table Body
Application of “Data Exchange” (1) 25 entries. Use a soft return
Control Registers in ELC-COENETM 4
Application of “Data Exchange” (2 26 (line break) when no rule
Explanations of CR Numbers 5 is needed
Numbering of Left-Side Extension Modules 7 Application of “Data Exchange” (3) 27
Modbus TCP Master Application Note (1) 28

TOC Main Head 02 TOC Main Head 02 TOC Table Head 03

6.5–7.5pt Univers 75 Black TOC Table Head 02 6.5–7.5pt Univers 75 Black 8–9pt Univers 65
6–7pt leading 8–9pt Univers 67 6–7pt leading Bold
5pt space after Bold Condensed 5pt space after 8–9pt leading
2pt rule below 9–10pt leading 2pt rule below 3pt space after
0p2 offset 2pt space after 0p2 offset .3pt rule below
0p2.5 offset
Page Description Table of Contents Number is
History 3 Univers 45 Light
1.2 Welcome
1.2 Cutler-Hammer Brand Products & Services Application Information 4–5
1.2 One Source Technical Data 6–9
1.2 Services Catalog 2007 Product Families 10–3
1.3 Two Volumes Frame Information 14–35
1.3 Crossover Product and Service Listing TOC Table Body 02 KD Series 14 TOC Table Body 03
8–9pt Univers 45 Light PROPAK Series 15 8–9pt Univers 45
1.3 Typical Industry Categories Light
8–9pt leading J Series 16–17
1.3 List Pricing SPHM Series 18–19 8–9pt leading
3pt space after
1.4 Related Products and Services Number is Univers 67 AMR Series 20–23 1pt space after
1.4 Engineering Services & Systems Bold Condensed C Series 24–25
1.4 Education Programs GJ1P Series 26–33
1.4 Find Us on the Web
1.4 Product Support
Eaton Corporate Identity Standards — 2/4/13
1.28  The Eaton Brand Identity

Table of contents
8pt Univers 67 8pt Univers 47
Bold Condensed Light Condensed
The TOC on this page is image
.5pt rule above
based. Use this style when
silhouetted photography or 1 Series 100 2 Series 200 5 Series 110
technical illustrations are an
integral part of navigating your

8 Series 210 14 Series 230 16 Series 220

18 Series 300 20 Series 320 22 Series 440

Eaton Corporate Identity Standards — 2/4/13

destination of products and services*
45% U.S.

55% International

1.29  The Eaton Brand Identity

TYPOGRAPHIC STYLES * Incorporates Lorem and Apsum acquisitions.

Charts 2000–2007 Sales growth by region 2000 Sales 2007 Sales

6% North America 31% Lorem 37% Lorem

14% Europe
33% Opsum 34% Opsum
Eaton Charts are designed to be 25% Latin America
easy to read, clearly understandable, 19% Dolor
16% Dolor
25% Asia Pacific
and simple to use. Use the examples
17% Amet 13% Amet
on this page for inspiration.
2007 Adjusted sales*
Style notes 45% Lorem

In designing charts, use

27% Ipsum
• a clear and vivid variety of styles (Arspust 11%,
Hametus 16%)

as shown 14% Dolor

2007 inquiries 14% Amet
• Univers fonts, set left-aligned Lorem apsum dolor * Adjusted sales: hypothetical estimates
92.5% 7.5% incorporating the Lorem and
• the Eaton Color Palette Yes No
Ipsum acquisitions into 2007’s sales figures.

Dolor per amet

55% 17% 21.5% 5.5% 1%
Yes No Undecided Other No response


33% Lorem

26% Ipsum
24% Dolor

7% Amet sucinas Blistum realis 34%

5% Campos non Lorem apsum dolor

set amet respin 8%
3% Glistem
Dolor apsum ame
2% Other reyus nomarmy et 8% Ipsum lorem 25%

Otros 25%

Eaton Corporate Identity Standards — 2/4/13

1.30  The Eaton Brand Identity

Rules and lines NOTE: The point sizes and leading shown below apply
to all Eaton print literature. In other media, follow the
font specs and styles, and then size for good legibility.
Eaton typography is simple and
straightforward. Typographically
speaking, “less is more.”
Typographic rules and lines are
used only to organize and clarify
1 2
such information as lists, tables,
and arrangements of silhouetted
photos. Rules are never used for
evocative or decorative graphic
effect or to create a layout mood.
Incorrect usage
Never set
• v ertical rules to separate
columns of type in a standard
Eaton page grid.
• information in typographic bars
3 4
as a general graphic style on a
page layout, except when visual
clarity is an issue.
For layout examples, see pages
29–30 in this section.

Eaton Corporate Identity Standards — 2/4/13

1.31  The Eaton Brand Identity
Typographic styles

Editorial examples Examples of correct use

of headlines Eaton headline set with an initial cap
Style notes
In headlines, body text, or

headline set in all lower case

messages, write the name “Eaton”
in capital and lower-case letters. For
example: “We at Eaton have a
commitment to quality.”
Headlines should be set with an
initial cap (sentence case) or all
lower case. Example of correct SideBar Head set in all caps
Headlines should never be set in all use of sidebars Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Praesent
caps except for product names or viverra sapien sit amet massa. Nam iaculis
acronyms. velit eget elit. Aenean quam dui, posuere ut,
adipiscing in, suscipit vitae, sem.
Sidebar heads, however, should
always be set in all caps.
When giving measurements in feet
and inches, use the correct typo-
graphic characters. Example of correct The assembled unit measures 3' x 4" x 21'.
Feet (') use of feet and inches
Inches (") symbols
When setting quotation marks and
apostrophes, use the correct typo-
graphic characters. Example of correct “Haven‘t you read the standards for quotations and
Quotation marks (“ ”) use of apostrophes apostrophes?” asked Paul.
Apostrophes (’)
and quotation marks
Use hyphens (-) for end-of-line word
breaks, hyphenated compounds, or
to separate numbers that are not
inclusive, such as telephone Examples of correct The savings were measured in kilowatt-hours.
numbers and social security use of the hyphen (-),
numbers. Never allow more than Hyphens are used to separate numbers that
en dash (–), and em
two successive lines to end in are not inclusive. You may never hyphen-
dash (—)
hyphens. ate more than two lines in a row. Success-
Use en dashes (–) to connect ive hyphens are referred to as ladders.
continuing, or inclusive, numbers, The phone number is 212 555-1212.
such as dates, time, or reference
numbers. Figures are for fiscal year 1991–1992.
Use em dashes (—) within text to
Will you—can you—obtain the necessary data?
denote a sudden break in thought
that causes an abrupt change in
sentence structure.
Eaton Corporate Identity Standards — 2/4/13
1.32  The Eaton Brand Identity

Examples of headlines, Dolor sit Duis autem vel eum iriure

velit esse molestie conse-

amet Lorem
quat, vel illum dolore eu

subheadlines, and text

feugiat nulla fac.


ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipi-
scing elit. Maecenas nec pede. Aenean
dui mauris, dignissim in, aliquet ut,
placerat non, ipsum. Ut tristique, sapien
in volutpat egestas, ante eros congue
leo, eget gravida sem velit et sapien.

At right is a variety of literature

Phasellus eu nibh. Nunc porta elit sit
amet magna. Sed ac orci at ligula portti-
tor tincidunt. Nulla id turpis. In ullamcor-
ipsum dolor sit amet,
consectetuer adipiscing
gravida wisi, eget hen-
drerit mi enim ac metus.
• Bullet Point Copy
enean adipiscing tor- Sed eget just ipsum dolor
per mattis ligula. In justo magna, mattis elit. Maecenas nec pede. Aenean adipiscing tortor tor ac enim. Nulla
eget, imperdiet in, convallis vel, libero. Aenean dui mauris, ac enim. Nulla facilisi. facil.

examples, showing ways to use

ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer Aenean adipiscing tortor ac enim. Nulla
Sed pellentesque convallis eros. Nulla vel dignissim in, aliquet ut, Sed eget justo. Lorem • Bullet Point Copy adipiscing elit. Maecenas nec pede. facilisi. Sed eget justo. Lorem ipsum
mauris. Phasellus pulvinar fringilla nisl. placerat non, ipsum. ipsum dolor sit amet, lorem ipsum dolo. Aenean dui mauris, dignissim in, dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing
Ut tristique, sapien in consectetuer adipiscing aliquet ut, placerat non, ipsum. Ut elit. Sed pulvinar odio quis sapien.
volutpat egestas, ante elit. Sed pulvinar odio • Bullet Point Copy
Lorem ipsum dolor sit tristique, sapien in volutpat egestas, Donec elit tellus, tempus a, rutrum
lorem ipsum dolo.

Eaton fonts in headlines and

eros congue leo, eget quis sapien. Donec elit ante eros congue leo, eget gravida eget, convallis eget, odio. Vivamus nisl
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, con- gravida sem velit et tellus, te Lorem ipsum • Bullet Point Copy sem velit et sapien. Phasellus eu nibh. nisl, sodales ac, posuere eget, porta
sectetuer adipiscing elit. Curabitur ullam- sapien. Phasellus eu dolor sit Lorem ipsum
corper justo nec purus. Donec semper, Lorem ipsum dolor sit Nunc porta elit sit amet magna. Sed at, nisl.
nibh. Nunc porta elit sit dolor sit mpus a, rutrum ac orci at ligula porttitor tincidunt. Nulla
tellus at iaculis imperdiet, magna arcu amet magna. Sed ac eget, convallis eget, amet, consectetuer
gravida wisi, eget hendrerit mi enim ac id turpis. In ullamcorper mattis ligula. Vel eum iriure dolor

subheadlines, and to arrange copy

orci at ligula porttitor odio. Vivamus nisl nisl, adipiscing elit. Curabitur
metus. Aenean adipiscing tortor ac enim. ullamcorper justo nec In justo magna, mattis eget, imperdiet
tincidunt. Nulla id turpis. sodales ac, posuere • Bullet Point Copy lorem ipsum dolo.
ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adip- purus. Donec semper, in, convallis vel, libero. Sed pellen-
In ullamcorper mattis eget, porta at, nisl. tesque convallis eros. Nulla vel mauris. • Bullet Point Copy enean adipiscing
inisl. ligula. In justo magna, tellus at iaculis imperdi-
Aenean adipiscing tortor et, magna arcu gravida Phasellus pulvinar fringilla nisl. tortor ac enim. Nulla facil.
Aenean adipiscing tortor ac enim. Nulla mattis eget, imperdiet in, ac enim. Nulla facilisi.

and captions with images on text

facilisi. Sed eget justo. Lorem ipsum convallis vel, libero. Sed wisi, eget hendrerit mi • Bullet Point Copy lorem ipsum dolo.
Sed eget justo. Lorem enim ac metus. Aenean Duis autem vel
dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing pellentesque convallis ipsum dolor sit amet, • Bullet Point Copy lorem ipsum dolo.
elit. Sed pulvinar odio quis sapien. Donec eros. Nulla vel mauris. adipiscing tortor ac enim. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, con-
consectetuer adipiscing Nulla facilisi. Sed eget • Bullet Point Copy
elit tellus, tempus a, rutrum eget, conval- Phasellus pulvinar frin- sectetuer adipiscing elit. Curabitur
elit. Sed pulvinar odio justo. Lorem ipsum dolor
lis eget, odio. Vivamus nisl nisl, sodales gilla nisl. ullamcorper justo nec purus. Donec Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, con-

quis sapien. Donec elit sit amet, consectetuer
ac, posuere eget, porta at, nisl. semper, tellus at iaculis imperdiet, sectetuer adipiscing elit. Curabitur ulla-
tellus, tempus a, rutrum adipiscing elit. Sed pulvi-
Lorem ipsum dolor sit magna arcu gravida wisi, eget hen- mcorper justo nec purus. Donec sem-
eget, convallis eget, nar odio quis sapien.
Ut wisi enim ad minim drerit mi enim ac metus. Aenean per, tellus at iaculis imperdiet, magna
Lorem ipsum dolor sit odio. Vivamus nisl nisl,
adipiscing tortor ac enim. Nulla facilisi. arcu gravida wisi, eget hendrerit mi
• Bullet Point Copy lorem ipsum dolo. amet, consectetuer sodales ac, posuere Duis autem vel eum Sed eget justo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit enim ac metus. Aenean adipiscing
adipiscing elit. Curabitur eget, porta at, nisl.
• Bullet Point Copy enean adipiscing tor- • Bullet Point Copy amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed tortor ac enim. Nulla facilisi. Sed eget
ullamcorper justo nec pulvinar odio quis sapien. Donec elit
tor ac enim. Nulla facil. lorem ipsum dolo. justo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, con-

See also section 2, Eaton

Lorem ipsum dolor sit purus. Donec sem- Ut wisi enim ad minim tellus, tempus a, rutrum eget, convallis sectetuer adipiscing elit. pulvinar odio
• Bullet Point Copy lorem ipsum dolo. per, tellus at iaculis • Bullet Point Copy
amet, consectetuer • imperdiet, magna arcu
• Bullet Point Copy eget, odio. Vivamus nisl nisl, sodales quis sapien.
Bullet Point Copy lorem ipsum dolo. lorem ipsum dolo. ac, porta at, nisl.
adipiscing elit, sed • Bullet Point Copy
diam nibh euismod

Literature Standards, for more

32 32
veniam, quis nostrud
exerci tation

about producing Eaton literature.

Style notes
In the examples, observe how
• h
 eadlines may be freely sized
and placed on, or adjacent to, a Ipsum Lorem

photo for best effect Donsectetur

• w
 hite space can be used in
elit Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
the layout to guide the reader’s
consectetuer adipiscing elit.
attention to what is most Fusce pharetra nulla lorem.
important in the story To learn more about
Arc Flash solutions, contact:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis
iste natus error sit voluptatem
eos qui ratione voluptatem
sequi nesciunt. Neque porro Fusce non risus. Proin convallis dictum diam. Aliquam

Lorem ipsum
Tom Jones, Product Manager accusantium doloremque quisquam Lorem ipsum dolor mattis quam. Nunc eget elit. Mauris auctor augue a tor-
consectetur adipisicing elit, laudantium, totam rem sit amet, consectetur adipis-
Eaton Electrical, Inc. sed do eiusmod tempor incid- tor. Praesent consequat odio eu mauris. Praesent fau-
1000 Cherrington Parkway aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab icing elit, sed do eiusmod
idunt ut labore et dolore illo inventore veritatis et quasi tempor incididunt ut labore et cibus. Phasellus id ligula in ligula sagittis luctus. Proin
Moon Township, PA 15108 magna aliqua. Ut enim ad architecto beatae vitae dicta dolore magna aliqa minim dolor erat, malesuada nec, cursus at, hendrerit sed,
United States minim veniam, quis nostrud
sunt explicabo. veniam, quis nostrud exercita- odio. Cras neque dui, luctus ac, sagittis vel, sodales a,
exercitation ullamco laboris nisi tion ullamco laboris nisi ut
tomjones@eaton.com ut aliquip ex ea commodo Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem nisl. Nulla convallis, purus a ullamcorper fermentum,

dolor sit amet

aliquip ex ea commodo conse- risus urna malesuada lorem, ac nonummy urna orci
consequat. Duis aute irure quia voluptas sit aspernatur
quat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit

The complete set of Eaton Brand Identity dolor in reprehenderit in volup-

tate velit esse cillum dolore eu
fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur
aut odit aut fugit, sed quia
consequuntur magni dolores
amet, consectetur. iaculis urna. Aenean feugiat rhoncus est.

Body Copy. Lorem ipsum dolor Fusce non risus. Proin conval- Nulla imperdiet dolor non Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,

Standards and guidelines are available for

sint occaecat cupidatat non sit amet, consectetuer adipi- lis dictum diam. Aliquam mattis libero. Aenean tristique metus. consectetuer adipiscing elit.
proident, sunt in culpa qui scing elit. Maecenas nec pede. quam. Nunc eget elit. Mauris Suspendisse sit amet lorem sit Curabitur ullamcorper justo nec
officia deserunt mollit anim id Aenean dui mauris, dignissim in, auctor augue a tortor. Praesent amet tellus accumsan venena- purus. Donec semper, tellus at
est laborum. aliquet ut, placerat non, ipsum. consequat odio eu mauris. tis. Phasellus adipiscing sagittis iaculis imperdiet, magna arcu

download from Communications & Brand

Ut tristique, sapien in volutpat Praesent faucibus. Phasellus quam. Curabitur interdum. Duis gravida wisi, eget hendrerit mi
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, egestas, ante eros congue leo, id ligula in ligula sagittis luctus. dignissim mauris eu nulla. In enim ac metus. Aenean adipi-
consectetur adipisicing elit, eget gravida sem velit et sapien. Proin dolor erat, malesuada quis lorem et erat vehicula sem- scing tortor ac enim. Nulla facili-
sed do eiusmod tempor incid- Phasellus eu nibh. Nunc porta nec, cursus at, hendrerit sed, per. Aliquam at felis sed velit si. Sed eget justo. Lorem ipsum

Center. Also available are Adobe®

idunt ut labore et dolore elit sit amet magna. Sed ac orci odio. Cras neque dui, luctus ac, pulvinar placerat. Vestibulum in dolor sit amet, consectetuer
magna aliqa minim veniam, at ligula porttitor tincidunt. Nulla sagittis vel, sodales a, nisl. Nulla urna. Etiam consectetuer est adipiscing elit. Sed pulvinar odio
quis nostrud exercitation id turpis. In ullamcorper mattis convallis, purus a ullamcorper non turpis. Nunc pharetra adipi- quis sapien. Donec elit tellus,
ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ligula. In justo magna, mattis fermentum, risus urna male- scing magna. Aenean congue tempus a, rutrum eget, conval-

InDesign® format templates and photos. ex ea commodo consequat.

Excepteur sint occaecat cupid-
atat non proident, sunt in culpa
eget, imperdiet in, convallis vel,
libero. Lorem ipsum dolor sit
amet, consectetuer adipiscing
elit. Sed pellentesque convallis
suada lorem, ac nonummy urna
orci iaculis urna. Aenean feugiat
rhoncus est. Lorem ipsum dolor
sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing
massa a velit. Vestibulum luctus
augue eu lorem. Lorem ipsum
dolor sit amet, consectetuer
adipiscing elit. Aenean ac nisl.
lis eget, odio. Vivamus nisl nisl,
sodales ac, posuere eget, porta
at, nisl.

Visit Communications & Brand Center via qui officia deserunt mollit anim
id est laborum.
eros. Nulla vel mauris. Phasellus
pulvinar fri.
elit. Fusce pharetra nibh quis
nulla lorem.
Vestibulum augue eros, varius
aliquet, tempus et, quis felis.

the “Tools & Applications” dropdown on

JOE (suppliers may register at
https://eaton.emotion.com) or contact
Eaton Corporation is a diversified industrial manufacturer with 2005 sales of $11.1 billion. Eaton is a global
AP - vAP (0405)

leader in electrical systems and components for power quality, distribution and control; fluid power systems
and services for industrial, mobile and aircraft equipment; intelligent truck drivetrain systems for safety and
fuel economy; and automotive engine air management systems, powertrain solutions and specialty controls for
performance, fuel economy and safety. Eaton has 59,000 employees and sells products to customers in more

Eaton Corporate Communications Global

than 125 countries. Learn more at www.eaton.com.

Branding at brand@eaton.com.

Eaton Corporate Identity Standards — 2/4/13

1.33  The Eaton Brand Identity

Examples of tables, 7 8 Caption Head

Ipsum dolor sit amet,
consectetuer adipiscing Sed eget just
charts, and rules
elit. Maecenas nec pede. Other 20%
Aenean dui mauris, dignis-
siin, aliquet utt. ipsum dolor Eaton Values and Code
of Ethics 11%
Advice and
Consultation 39%

Training 12%

Corporate Policy 18%

Caption Head
11 12
Ipsum dolor sit amet,
consectetuer adipiscing
elit. Maecenas nec pede.
Aenean dui mauris, dignis- Accounting and
Tax 7%

Style notes
siin, aliquet utt. Financial Reporting 15%
Caption Head
ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, con-
Ipsum dolor sit amet, adipiscing elit. Maecenas nec pede. sectetuer adipiscing elit. Curabitur
Aenean dui mauris, dignissim in, ullamcorper justo nec purus. Donec Record Keeping 18%
consectetuer adipiscing
elit. Maecenas nec pede. aliquet ut, placerat non, ipsum. Ut semper, tellus at iaculis imperdiet,
Aenean dui mauris, dignis-
tristique, sapien in volutpat egestas, magna arcu gravida wisi, eget hendrerit
siin, aliquet utt. Fraud 30%
ante eros congue leo, eget gravida mi enim ac metus. Aenean adipiscing
sem velit et sapien. Phasellus eu nibh. tortor ac enim. Nulla facilisi. Sed eget Internal Accounting

In these examples, observe that Nunc porta elit sit amet magna. Sed justo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, con- Controls, Procedure
ac orci at ligula porttitor tincidunt. Nulla sectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed pulvinar and Practices 30%
15 16 Caption Head

Wisi enim ad
Ipsum dolor sit amet, id turpis. In ullamcorper mattis ligula. odio quis sapien.
consectetuer adipiscing In justo magna, mattis eget, imperdiet
elit. Maecenas nec pede.
Aenean dui mauris, dignis- in, convallis vel, libero. Sed pellen- Duis autem vel eum
siin, aliquet utt. tesque convallis eros. Nulla vel mauris.
• Bullet Point Copy lorem ipsum

• r ules are used only to make

Phasellus pulvinar fringilla nisl.
Antitrust 14%

minim veniam
Lorem ipsum dolor sit • Bullet Point Copy
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, con- Sed eget justo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit Breach of Contract 7%

information clear and readable

sectetuer adipiscing elit. Curabitur amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed
Other 36%
ullamcorper justo nec purus. Donec pulvinar odio quis sapien. Donec elit
semper, tellus at iaculis imperdiet, tellus, tempus a, rutrum eget, convallis
magna arcu gravida wisi, eget hendrerit eget, odio. Vivamus nisl nisl, sodales Litigation 22%
mi enim ac metus. Aenean adipiscing ac, posuere eget, porta at, nisl.

or to organize silhouetted
tortor ac enim. Nulla facilisi. Sed eget Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, con- Labor Relations 7%
justo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, con- sectetuer adipiscing elit. Maecenas Intellectual Property 14%
sectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed pulvinar nec pede.
odio quis sapien. Donec elit tellus, te
Nulla imperdiet dolor non libero.

ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. ipsum dolor sit amet, con- elit. Sed pulvinar odio quis sapi- Lorem ipsum dolor sit Lorem ipsum
Maecenas nec pede. Aenean dui mauris, dignissim sectetuer adipiscing elit. en. Donec elit tellus, tempus a, dolor sit mpus a, rutrum eget, convallis Aenean tristique metus. Suspendisse
in, aliquet ut, placerat non, ipsum. Ut tristique, sapi- Maecenas nec pede. Aenean dui rutrum eget, convallis eget, odio. eget, odio. Vivamus nisl nisl, sodales sit amet lorem sit amet tellus accum-
en in volutpat egestas, ante eros congue leo, eget mauris, dignissim in, aliquet ut, Vivamus nisl nisl, sodales ac, ac, posuere eget, porta at, nisl. san venenatis. Phasellus adipiscing
gravida sem velit et sapien. Phasellus eu nibh. Nunc placerat non, ipsum. Ut tristique, porta at, nisl. sagittis quam. Curabitur interdum. Duis autem vel gravida sem velit et Sed eros. Phasellus pul-
porta elit sit amet magna. Sed ac orci at ligula port- sapien in volutpat egestas, ante Aenean adipiscing tortor ac enim. Duis dignissim mauris eu nulla. In quis
Ut wisi enim ad minim Lipsum dolor sit amet, sapien. Phasellus eu vinar nisl. Lorem ipsum
titor tincidunt. Nulla id turpis. In ullamcorper mattis eros congue leo, eget gravida Nulla facilisi. Sed eget justo. lorem et erat vehicula semper. Aliquam
ligula. In justo magna, mattis eget, imperdiet in, sem velit et sapien. Phasellus consectetuer adipiscing nibh. Nunc porta elit sit dolor sit amet, con-

• t itles are set flush left but

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, • Bullet Point Copy lorem ipsum dolo. at felis sed velit pulvinar placerat.
convallis vel, libero. Sed pellentesque convallis eros. eu nibh. Nunc porta elit sit amet elit. Maecenas nec pede. amet magna. Sed ac orci sectetuer adipiscing elit.
consectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed • Bullet Point Copy enean adipiscing Vestibulum in urna. Etiam consectetuer at ligula porttitor tincid- Curabitur ullamcorper
Nulla vel mauris. Phasellus pulvinar fringilla nisl. magna. Sed ac orci at ligula port- Aenean dui mauris,
pulvinar odio quis sapien. Donec tortor ac enim. Nulla facil. est non turpis. Nunc pharetra adipi- unt. Nulla id turpis. In justo nec purus. Donec
titor tincidunt. Nulla id turpis. In elit tellus, tempus a, rutrum eget, dignissim in, aliquet ut,
scing magna. Aenean congue massa ullamcorper mattis ligula. semper, tellus at iaculis
Duis autem vel ullamcorper mattis ligula. In justo convallis eget, odio. Vivamus nisl • Bullet Point Copy lorem ipsum dolo. placerat non, ipsum.
a velit. Vestibulum luctus augue eu

columns of numerals are set

magna, mattis eget, imperdiet Ut tristique, sapien in In magna, mattis eget, imperdiet, magna arcu
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipi- nisl, sodales ac, posuere eget, • Bullet Point Copy lorem ipsum dolo. lorem. Aenean ac nisl. Vestibulum
in, convallis vel, libero. Sed pel- porta at, nisl. volutpat egestas, ante imperdiet in, convallis gravida wisi, eget hen-
scing elit. Curabitur ullamcorper justo nec purus. augue eros, varius aliquet, tempus et,
lentesque convallis eros. Nulla vel • Bullet Point Copy eros congue leo, eget vel, libero. drerit mi.
Donec semper, tellus at iaculis imperdiet, magna mauris. Phasellus pulvinar fringilla quis felis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
arcu gravida wisi, eget hendrerit mi enim ac metus. nisl. Vel eum iriure dolor

flush right or aligned on the

Aenean adipiscing tortor ac enim. Nulla facilisi. • Bullet Point Copy lorem ipsum
Sed eget justo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, con- dolo.
sectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed pulvinar odio quis Duis autem vel
sapien. Donec elit tellus, tempus a, rutrum eget, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, con- • Bullet Point Copy enean
convallis eget, odio. Vivamus nisl nisl, sodales ac, sectetuer adipiscing elit. Curabitur adipiscing tortor ac enim. Nulla

decimal point.
porta at, nisl. ullamcorper justo nec purus. facil.
Aenean adipiscing tortor ac enim. Nulla facilisi. Donec semper, tellus at iaculis • Bullet Point Copy lorem ipsum
Sed eget justo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, con- imperdiet, magna arcu gravida dolo.
sectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed pulvinar odio quis wisi, eget hendrerit mi enim ac
• Bullet Point Copy lorem ipsum
sapien. Donec elit tellus, tempus a, rutrum eget, metus. Aenean adipiscing tortor
ac enim. Nulla facilisi. Sed eget dolo.
convallis eget, odio. Vivamus nisl nisl, sodales ac,
posuere eget, porta at, nisl. justo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit • Bullet Point Copy
amet, consectetuer adipiscing

Main Identifier
Sub identifier

Table Main Head A B C D E F G H I J K L

Table Head:
Table Body 123 456 789 234 567 678 345 456 567 789 456 567
AB 123 234 345 456 678 789 234 345 678 456 123 234 456
Table Head:
Table Body 123 456 789 234 567 678 345 456 567 789 456 567
BCD 12 234 345 456 678 789 234 345 678 456 123 234 456
Table Body 123 456 789 234 567 678 345 456 567 789 456 567
AB 123 234 345 456 678 789 234 345 678 456 123 234 456
Table Head:
Table Body 123 456 789 234 567 678 345 456 567 789 456 567
AB 123 234 345 456 678 789 234 345 678 456 123 234 456
Table Body 123 456 789 234 567 678 345 456 567 789 456 567
AB 123 234 345 456 678 789 234 345 678 456 123 234 456
Table Head:
Table Subhead A 123 456 789 234 567 678 345 456 567 789 456 567
Lorem Ipsum 234 345 456 678 789 234 345 678 456 123 234 456
Table Head:
Table Subhead B 123 456 789 234 567 678 345 456 567 789 456 567
Lorem Ipsum 234 345 456 678 789 234 345 678 456 123 234 456
Table Head:
Table Body 123 456 789 234 567 678 345 456 567 789 456 567
AB 123 234 345 456 678 789 234 345 678 456 123 234 456
Table Head:
Table Body 123 456 789 234 567 678 345 456 567 789 456 567
BCD 12 234 345 456 678 789 234 345 678 456 123 234 456
Table Body 123 456 789 234 567 678 345 456 567 789 456 567
AB 123 234 345 456 678 789 234 345 678 456 123 234 456
Table Head:
Table Body 123 456 789 234 567 678 345 456 567 789 456 567
AB 123 234 345 456 678 789 234 345 678 456 123 234 456
Table Body 123 456 789 234 567 678 345 456 567 789 456 567
AB 123 234 345 456 678 789 234 345 678 456 123 234 456
Table Head:
Table Subhead A 123 456 789 234 567 678 345 456 567 789 456 567
Lorem Ipsum 234 345 456 678 789 234 345 678 456 123 234 456

Caption. ipsum dolor sit amet, con- Body Copy Head lorem sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing imperdiet, magna arcu gravida Body Copy. Lorem ipsum dolor
sectetuer adipiscing elit. Maecenas elit. Curabitur ullamcorper justo wisi, eget hendrerit mi enim ac sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing
Body Copy. Lorem ipsum dolor
nec pede. Aenean dui mauris, dignis- nec purus. metus. Aenean adipiscing tortor elit. Curabitur ullamcorper justo
sit amet, consectetuer adipi-
scing elit. Curabitur ullamcorper ac enim. Nulla facilisi. Sed eget nec pur ipsum dolor sit amet,
justo nec purus. Donec semper, Body Copy Head lorem justo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit consectetuer adipiscing elit.
tellus at iaculis imperdiet, magna amet, consectetuer adipiscing Sed pulvinar odio quis sapien.
Body Copy. Lorem ipsum dolor elit. Sed pulvinar odio quis sapi- Donec elit tellus, tempus a,
arcu gravida wisi, eget hendrerit sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing
mi enim ac metus. Aenean adipi- en. Donec elit tellus, tempus a, rutrum eget, convallis eget, odio.
elit. Curabitur ullamcorper justo rutrum eget, convallis eget, odio. Vivamus nisl nisl, sodales .
scing tortor ac enim. Nulla facili- nec purus. Lorem ipsum dolor
si. Sed eget justo. Lorem ipsum Nisl nis.
semper doned. Lorem ipsum
dolor sit amet, consectetuer. dolor. Donec semp dosten.
Donec semper, tellus at iaculis Body Copy Head lorem
Body Copy. Lorem ipsum dolor

33 eaton corporation Lorem Ipsum Dolor eaton corporation Lorem Ipsum Dolor 33

Eaton Corporate Identity Standards — 2/4/13

1.34  The Eaton Brand Identity
Typographic styles

Incorrect typography
Wisi enim ad Wisi enim ad Wisi enim
auguero dionsequam
At right is a variety of examples,
showing incorrect ways of using
minim veniam minim veniam minim venialor
Eaton’s fonts or other fonts in ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Maecenas ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.

headlines and subheads, along

Maecenas nec pede. Aenean dui mauris, dignissim nec pede. Aenean dui mauris, dignissim in, aliquet ut, Maecenas nec pede. Aenean dui mauris, dignissim
in, aliquet ut, placerat non, ipsum. Ut tristique, sapi- placerat non, ipsum. Ut tristique, sapien in volutpat eges- in, aliquet ut, placerat non, ipsum. Ut tristique, sapi-
en in volutpat egestas, ante eros congue leo, eget tas, ante eros congue leo, eget gravida sem velit et sapien. en in volutpat egestas, ante eros congue leo, eget
gravida sem velit et sapien. Phasellus eu nibh. Nunc Phasellus eu nibh. Nunc porta elit sit amet magna. Sed ac gravida sem velit et sapien. Phasellus eu nibh. Nunc

with incorrect ways of arranging porta elit sit amet magna. Sed ac orci at ligula port-
titor tincidunt. Nulla id turpis. In ullamcorper mattis
ligula. In justo magna, mattis eget, imperdiet in,
orci at ligula porttitor tincidunt. Nulla id turpis. In ullamcor-
per mattis ligula. In justo magna, mattis eget, imperdiet in,
convallis vel, libero. Sed pellentesque convallis eros. Nulla
porta elit sit amet magna. Sed ac orci at ligula port-
titor tincidunt. Nulla id turpis. In ullamcorper mattis
ligula. In justo magna, mattis eget, imperdiet in,
convallis vel, libero. Sed pellentesque convallis eros. vel mauris. Phasellus pulvinar fringilla nisl. convallis vel, libero. Sed pellentesque convallis eros.

copy on text pages. Nulla vel mauris. Phasellus pulvinar fringilla nisl.

Duis autem vel

Duis autem vel
Nulla vel mauris. Phasellus pulvinar fringilla nisl.

Duis autem vel

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipi- Curabitur ullamcorper justo nec purus. Donec semper, tel- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipi-

Style notes
scing elit. Curabitur ullamcorper justo nec purus. lus at iaculis imperdiet, magna arcu gravida wisi, eget hen- scing elit. Curabitur ullamcorper justo nec purus.
Donec semper, tellus at iaculis imperdiet, magna drerit mi enim ac metus. Aenean adipiscing tortor ac enim. Donec semper, tellus at iaculis imperdiet, magna
arcu gravida wisi, eget hendrerit mi enim ac metus. Nulla facilisi. Sed eget justo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, arcu gravida wisi, eget hendrerit mi enim ac metus.
Aenean adipiscing tortor ac enim. Nulla facilisi. consectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed pulvinar odio quis sapien. Aenean adipiscing tortor ac enim. Nulla facilisi.
Sed eget justo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, con- Donec elit tellus, tempus a, rutrum eget, convallis eget, Sed eget justo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, con-
sectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed pulvinar odio quis odio. Vivamus nisl nisl, sodales ac, porta at, nisl. sectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed pulvinar odio quis

It is incorrect to use
sapien. Donec elit tellus, tempus a, rutrum eget, Aenean adipiscing tortor ac enim. Nulla facilisi. Sed eget sapien. Donec elit tellus, tempus a, rutrum eget,
convallis eget, odio. Vivamus nisl nisl, sodales ac, justo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing convallis eget, odio. Vivamus nisl nisl, sodales ac,
porta at, nisl. elit. Sed pulvinar odio quis sapien. Donec elit tellus, tem- porta at, nisl.
Aenean adipiscing tortor ac enim. Nulla facilisi. pus a, rutrum eget, convallis eget, odio. Vivamus nisl nisl, Aenean adipiscing tortor ac enim. Nulla facilisi.
Sed eget justo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, con- sodales ac, posuere eget, porta at, nisl.• Bullet Point Sed eget justo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, con-

• U
 nivers for headlines (except for
sectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed pulvinar odio quis Copy enean adipiscing tortor ac enim. sectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed pulvinar odio quis
sapien. Donec elit tellus, tempus a, rutrum eget, sapien. Donec elit tellus, tempus a, rutrum eget,
convallis eget, odio. Vivamus nisl nisl, sodales ac, convallis eget, odio. Vivamus nisl nisl, sodales ac,
posuere eget, porta at, nisl. posuere eget, porta at, nisl.

non-Latin languages)
• Eaton fonts in text
• centered headlines
• rules for decorative purposes Never use Univers for headlines Never use the Eaton fonts in text Never center headlines

• unauthorized fonts
• all-cap headlines

Wisi enim ad Wisi enim ad Wisi enim ad

minim veniam minim veniam minim veniam
ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.
Maecenas nec pede. Aenean dui mauris, dignissim Maecenas nec pede. Aenean dui mauris, dignissim in, Maecenas nec pede. Aenean dui mauris, dignissim
in, aliquet ut, placerat non, ipsum. Ut tristique, sapi- aliquet ut, placerat non, ipsum. Ut tristique, sapien in in, aliquet ut, placerat non, ipsum. Ut tristique, sapi-
en in volutpat egestas, ante eros congue leo, eget volutpat egestas, ante eros congue leo, eget gravida sem en in volutpat egestas, ante eros congue leo, eget
gravida sem velit et sapien. Phasellus eu nibh. Nunc velit et sapien. Phasellus eu nibh. Nunc porta elit sit amet gravida sem velit et sapien. Phasellus eu nibh. Nunc
porta elit sit amet magna. Sed ac orci at ligula port- magna. Sed ac orci at ligula porttitor tincidunt. Nulla porta elit sit amet magna. Sed ac orci at ligula port-
titor tincidunt. Nulla id turpis. In ullamcorper mattis id turpis. In ullamcorper mattis ligula. In justo magna, titor tincidunt. Nulla id turpis. In ullamcorper mattis
ligula. In justo magna, mattis eget, imperdiet in, mattis eget, imperdiet in, convallis vel, libero. Sed pel- ligula. In justo magna, mattis eget, imperdiet in,
convallis vel, libero. Sed pellentesque convallis eros. lentesque convallis eros. Nulla vel mauris. Phasellus convallis vel, libero. Sed pellentesque convallis eros.
Nulla vel mauris. Phasellus pulvinar fringilla nisl. pulvinar fringilla nisl. Nulla vel mauris. Phasellus pulvinar fringilla nisl.

Duis autem vel Duis autem vel Duis autem vel

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipi-
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipi-
Curabitur ullamcorper justo nec purus. Donec semper, scing elit. Curabitur ullamcorper justo nec purus.
scing elit. Curabitur ullamcorper justo nec purus.
tellus at iaculis imperdiet, magna arcu gravida wisi, eget Donec semper, tellus at iaculis imperdiet, magna
Donec semper, tellus at iaculis imperdiet, magna
hendrerit mi enim ac metus. Aenean adipiscing tortor ac arcu gravida wisi, eget hendrerit mi enim ac metus.
arcu gravida wisi, eget hendrerit mi enim ac metus.
enim. Nulla facilisi. Sed eget justo. Lorem ipsum dolor Aenean adipiscing tortor ac enim. Nulla facilisi.
Aenean adipiscing tortor ac enim. Nulla facilisi.
sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed pulvinar odio Sed eget justo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, con-
Sed eget justo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, con-
quis sapien. Donec elit tellus, tempus a, rutrum eget, sectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed pulvinar odio quis
sectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed pulvinar odio quis
convallis eget, odio. Vivamus nisl nisl, sodales ac, porta sapien. Donec elit tellus, tempus a, rutrum eget,
sapien. Donec elit tellus, tempus a, rutrum eget,
at, nisl. convallis eget, odio. Vivamus nisl nisl, sodales ac,
convallis eget, odio. Vivamus nisl nisl, sodales ac,
porta at, nisl. Aenean adipiscing tortor ac enim. Nulla facilisi. Sed eget porta at, nisl.
justo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipi- Aenean adipiscing tortor ac enim. Nulla facilisi.
Aenean adipiscing tortor ac enim. Nulla facilisi.
scing elit. Sed pulvinar odio quis sapien. Donec elit tel- Sed eget justo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, con-
Sed eget justo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, con-
lus, tempus a, rutrum eget, convallis eget, odio. Vivamus sectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed pulvinar odio quis
sectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed pulvinar odio quis
nisl nisl, sodales ac, posuere eget, porta at, nisl. sapien. Donec elit tellus, tempus a, rutrum eget,
sapien. Donec elit tellus, tempus a, rutrum eget,
convallis eget, odio. Vivamus nisl nisl, sodales ac, convallis eget, odio. Vivamus nisl nisl, sodales ac,
posuere eget, porta at, nisl. posuere eget, porta at, nisl.

Lut volorem dolor lamet 2

Eaton Corporate Identity Standards — 2/4/13 Never use rules decoratively Never use unauthorized fonts Never set headlines in all caps
1.35  The Eaton Brand Identity


In corporate and marketing

communications, Eaton presents
itself in photographs.
Photos carry instant credibility.
Photos convince us that what we
are looking at is real and true.
Photos move people emotionally.
We bond with photos, recognizing
ourselves, our lives, our wants,
and our needs in them.
Eaton photos must support and
express Eaton’s Brand Promise,
Brand Attributes, and Brand Voice.
Eaton photos are never decorative.
In simple, bold, straightforward
ways, Eaton photography always
communicates Why, Where, and
What Eaton delivers as having
greater value for customers,
employees, and investors.
Eaton images are reality-based
and minimally retouched, showing
credible “real people,” not obvious
models, and using neither
montages nor collages.

The only type of illustration Eaton
uses are graphic diagrams, technical
illustrations or engineering drawings
when they explain a system, a
process, or the internal workings
of a product. See page 42 in this
section for details

Eaton Corporate Identity Standards — 2/4/13

1.36  The Eaton Brand Identity

Why, Where, and Why Where What

What photos

Eaton communicates the value of

its systems, products, and
services through three types of
photography: Why, Where, and
What images.
The Why photo
Why photos depict the market-
place and human needs that Eaton
provides answers to.
The Where photo
Where photos portray the environ-
ments and settings in which Eaton
solutions and products operate.
The What photo
What photos depict our actual
products or services.

Eaton Corporate Identity Standards — 2/4/13

1.37  The Eaton Brand Identity

Telling value stories with Why

Why, Where, and What

In the top row are examples of

Why photos that show the value
Eaton delivers in its various
In the center row are examples of
Where photos that show the
places Eaton delivers value to in its
various industries.
In the bottom row are examples of Where
What photos that show Eaton
products in silhouette, clear profile,
or at work delivering value in their


Eaton Corporate Identity Standards — 2/4/13

1.38  The Eaton Brand Identity

Using Why and Quarterly Report

Expenses A guide to Gas/Liquid Separators
In-Line, T-Type
Two Stage
Exhaust Heads
Drain Traps

Where photos Solving your need for cleaner

and drier air, gas & steam.
With smarter technology.

“Communicating value” is story-

telling. Here is how to use Why
and Where photos to evoke More guts. Less gas.
Eaton’s greater value. It is worth Eaton in Asia
noting that a particular photo
might show both Why and Where
Eaton provides value.
The distinctions of Why and
Where do not always meet a hard
edge in what a picture conveys. Fuller®UltraShift®
However, the distinctions are Quis nostrud exerci tation
ullamcorper suscipit lo-
esse. Quis nostrud exerci
ullamcorper suscipit lo-

helpful in recognizing what we are

bortis nisl autem vel eum bortis nisl autem vel eum
velit esse quis nostrud velit esse quis nostrud
exerci tation ullamcorper exerci tation ullamcorper
suscipit lobortis nisl ut suscipit lobortis nisl ut

attempting to accomplish in aliquip ex eaconsequat.

Duis autem vel eum velit
aliquip ex eaconsequat.

presenting our story—first

explaining Why products are
valuable, and then explaining

Style notes
On literature covers, posters, ads,
home screens, use Why and
Where photos to
• c reate an emotional under-
standing of Eaton’s value
• visualize the market and
human need
• visualize the product at work
• portray the benefit and value of
Eaton’s solutions and products

Eaton Corporate Identity Standards — 2/4/13

1.39  The Eaton Brand Identity

Using Where and

What photos

Use Where and What photos to

communicate our knowledge of
the industries, and markets we
serve, and to portray our presence
out in the world.
Style notes
Within the pages of a brochure,
catalogue or product detailer, or on
the product information pages of a
website, use Where and What
photos to
• p
 ortray the environments and
locations where Eaton products
provide value
• identify the Eaton products and Customer Focus: Shell
Markets Served
Model 731
Model 751
Model 751
Model 731
Energy, Oil 1047 Differential Model 731 Model 751

solutions that address the Lorem ipsum dolor est

• s how the engineering and
manufacturing quality of our
products Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
consectetur adipisicing elit
“Eaton’s solutions have Background Challenge nostrum exercitationem ullam
corporis suscipit laboriosam,
helped us to deploy a Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
consectetur adipisicing elit,
Excepteur sint occaecat cupid-
atat non proident, sunt in culpa
nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi
consequatur? Quis autem vel
single platform around sed do eiusmod tempor incid- qui officia deserunt mollit anim eum iure reprehenderit qui in
idunt ut labore et dolore id est laborum.
the world. With Eaton, magna aliqua. Ut enim ad
ea voluptate velit esse quam
Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis nihil molestiae consequatur,
we've eliminated dupli- minim veniam, quis nostrud
iste natus error sit voluptatem vel illum qui dolorem eum
exercitation ullamco laboris nisi
cate efforts and reduced ut aliquip ex ea commodo
accusantium doloremque fugiat quo voluptas nulla
laudantium, totam rem
inventory costs.” consequat. Duis aute irure
dolor in reprehenderit in volup-
aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis
illo inventore veritatis et quasi iste natus error sit voluptatem
tate velit esse cillum dolore eu
architecto beatae vitae dicta accusantium doloremque
fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur
sunt explicabo. laudantium, totam rem
sint occaecat cupidatat non
proident, sunt in culpa qui Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab
officia deserunt mollit anim id quia voluptas sit aspernatur illo inventore veritatis et quasi
est laborum. aut odit aut fugit, sed quia architecto beatae vitae dicta
consequuntur magni dolores sunt explicabo. Nemo enim
To learn more about Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ipsam voluptatem quia
eos qui ratione voluptatem
Arc Flash solutions, contact: consectetur adipisicing elit, voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit
sequi nesciunt. Neque porro
Tom Jones, Product Manager sed do eiusmod tempor incid- aut fugit, sed quia conse-
quisquam est, qui dolorem
idunt ut labore et dolore quuntur magni dolores eos qui
Eaton Electrical, Inc. ipsum quia dolor sit amet,
magna aliqa minim veniam, ratione voluptatem sequi
1000 Cherrington Parkway consectetur, adipisci velit, sed
quis nostrud exercitation nesciunt. Dolorem ipsum quia
Moon Township, PA 15108 quia non numquam eius modi
ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip dolor sit amet, consectetur,
United States tempora incidunt ut labore et
ex ea commodo consequat. adipisci velit, sed quia non
216-525-2000 dolore magnam aliquam
tomjones@eaton.com quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim numquam eius.
ad minima veniam, quis

Eaton Corporation is a diversified industrial manufacturer with 2005 sales of $11.1 billion. Eaton is a global
AP - vAP (0405)

leader in electrical systems and components for power quality, distribution and control; fluid power systems
and services for industrial, mobile and aircraft equipment; intelligent truck drivetrain systems for safety and
fuel economy; and automotive engine air management systems, powertrain solutions and specialty controls for
performance, fuel economy and safety. Eaton has 59,000 employees and sells products to customers in more
than 125 countries. Learn more at www.eaton.com.

Eaton Corporate Identity Standards — 2/4/13

1.40  The Eaton Brand Identity

Using What photos 1. Adipiscing ELIT Sed Diam

Nonumminim Veniam
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed
2. Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit
Quis nostrud exerci tation ullam-
corper vulputate cidunt ut qui
blandit praesent zzril delenit duis
3. SED Diam Nonummy Nibh
Adipiscing elit, sed diam nonum-
minim veniam, quis nostrud
exerci tation ullamcorper cvulpu-
7. Corper Vulputate
Quis nostrud exerci tation ullam-
corper vulputate cidunt ut qui
blandit praesent zzril delenit duis
9. Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed
diam nonummy nibh euisdignis-
11. Diam Nonummy Nibh
Adipiscing elit, sed diam nonum-
minim veniam, quis nostrud
exerci tation ullamcorper cvulpu-
13. SED Diam Nonummy Nibh
Adipiscing elit, sed diam nonum-
minim veniam, quis nostrud
exerci tation ullamcorper cvulpu-
diam nonummy nibh euisdignis- dolore te minim feugait. tate te minimvelit esse my nibh dolore te minim feugait. simmod tincidunt ut. Ut wisi tate te minimvelit esse my nibh tate te minimvelit esse my nibh
simmod tincidunt ut. Ut wisi euismod tincidunt. Ut wisi enim enim ad te minimminim veniam. euismod tincidunt. Ut wisi enim euismod tincidunt. Ut wisi enim
enim ad te minimminim veniam. ad minim ullamcorper veniam, 8. Minim Veniam Quis Nostrud ad minim ullamcorper veniam. ad minim ullamcorper veniam,
quis nostrud exerci tation ullam- 10. Nisl ut Aliquip Exerci Tation quis nostrud exerci tation ullam-
corper cvulputate te minimvelit. Quis nostrud exerci tation ullam- corper cvulputate te minimvelit.
corper vulputate cidunt ut qui Consequat 12. Diam Nonummy Nibh
blandit praesent zzril delenit duis Adipiscing elit, sed diam nonum- Quis nostrud exerci tation ullam-
dolore te minim feugait. minim veniam, quis nostrud corper vulputate cidunt ut qui
exerci tation ullamcorper. blandit praesent zzril delenit duis
dolore te minim feugait.

Use What photos to illustrate the

value of Eaton’s product quality
Lorem Ipsum 1 2 2 7 8 9 10

Dolor Sit Amet


and range of options. Lorem Ipsum Dolor

Sit Amet Consectetuer
Adipiscing Elit Sed Diam
Nonummy Nibh Euismod
Tincidunt Ut Wisi Enim Ad Minim Veniam

Style notes
Quis Nostrud Exerci
• Tation Ullamcorper 3 4 4 11 12 13 14
• Suscipit Lobortis Nisl ut Aliquip
• Ex Consequat
• Duis Autem Vel Eum Iriure
• Velit Esse Molestie

Consequat Vel Illum Dolore eu Feugiat

On text pages in product focus

• Nulla Facilisi
• Ut Wisi Enim ad Minim
• Veniam Quis Nostrud
• Exerctation Ullamcorper
• Suscipit Lobortis

brochures, factsheets, and cata-

Sit Amet Consectetuer
Adipiscing Elit Sed Diam 5 6 6 15 16 17 18

Nonummy Nibh Euismod

Tincidunt Ut Wisi

logues; on web product pages,

Enim Ad Minim
Veniam Quis Nostrud Exerci
Tation Ullamcorper
Suscipit Lobortis Nisl ut Aliquip

and on exhibit in product display

Ex Consequat
Duis Autem Vel Eum Iriure
Velit Esse Molestie

panels, use What photos to

4. Corper Vulputate 5. Nisl ut Aliquip Exerci Tation 6. Minim Veniam Quis Nostrud 14. Nisl ut Aliquip Exerci Tation 15. Nonumminim Veniam 16. Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit 17. Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, Consequat Ut wisi enim ad minim ullamcor- Consequat Adipiscing elit, sed diam nonum- Ut wisi enim ad minim ullamcor- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,

• s how our product engineering

consectetuer adipiscingtate velit Adipiscing elit, sed diam nonum- per veniam, quis nostrud exerci Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, my nibh euismod tincidunt. Ut per veniam, quis nostrud exerci consectetuer adipiscing elit.
esse molestie consein elit, sed my nibh euismod tincidunt. Ut tation ullamcorper. Ut wisi enim consectetuer adipiscingtate velit wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis tation ullamcorper. Ut wisi enim
diam nonummy nibh dignissim wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis ad minim veniam, quis nostrud esse molestie consein elit, sed nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper ad minim veniam, quis nostrud 18. Nisl ut Aliquip Exerci Tation
euismod tincidunt. Ut wisi enim nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper exerci tation ullamcorper cvulpu- diam nonummy nibh dignissim suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex exerci tation ullamcorper cvulpu- Consequat
ad minim veniam, ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex tate te minimvelit esse molestie euismod tincidunt. Ut wisi enim eaconsequat. In minim veniam, tate te minimvelit esse molestie
Adipiscing elit, sed diam nonum-

and manufacturing quality

quis nostrud exerci tation ullam- eaconsequat. In minim veniam, minim veniam. ad minim veniam, ullamcorper quis nostrud exerci tation ullam- minim veniam.
corper vulputate velit esse quis nostrud exerci tation ullam- quis nostrud exerci tation. corper vulputate. minim veniam, quis nostrud
molestie dignis sim qui blandit. corper vulputate. exerci tation ullamcorper.

• display range and selection

10 EATON CORPORATION Lorem Ipsum Dolor EATON CORPORATION Lorem Ipsum Dolor 11


• h
 ighlight special features and
functions UltraShift ®

Lorem ipsum dolor

miniorum tatum
Duis autem vel eum velit esse vel illum dolore eu feugiat
nulla fac.Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci-
tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea com-
Am et dunt ad
Improving euguerat. Equis nulla
faccums andrem
modo consequat.

vehicle zzrilla oreet, quis

performance commolo tat elit
aliscidunt veriurer
irit at, conum
vulpute vullametue
ese dolore aciduis
nostrud tat praestie
magnit dit praesse
vendre te consendre
magna faccum
aliscidunt alit
nonsequis nis ex
erat vendign iamcor
consequat,Am et

Eaton Corporate Identity Standards — 2/4/13

1.41  The Eaton Brand Identity

Cropping Eaton b. a.

Every photo is an illustration

depicting some environment, group,
or event. Photos can also tell a
story. Selecting the right image is
the first step in making a great c.
Eaton photo. Cropping and enlarging
a portion of the image can further
influence how the viewer interprets
the message you aim to communi-
cate. Eaton photos must be edited
and cropped to communicate
greater value in one of three ways:
• W
 hy—depicting the need,
application, or conditions that
show why Eaton provides
greater value to our customers
• W
 here—depicting the environ-
ments and locales that require
Eaton solutions, or that currently a. b.

use them
• W
 hat—depicting Eaton’s
systems and products c.
Photos can communicate one of
these value stories. Often,
cropping can better emphasize the
value of an image. For example,
the image at right is serious, vivid,
and thought-provoking. Used as a
whole, it shows where Eaton’s
product may add value. The
different croppings show how the
photo can emphasize other points.

a. Why b. Where c. What

Safer for people. Making big systems safer Safe. Easy.
Better for the environment
Eaton Corporate Identity Standards — 2/4/13
1.42  The Eaton Brand Identity

Styles of cropping photos For print For Eaton Web

for printed matter and
websites Aeroquip Sterer Engineering
Fluid Control Products
Actuation Products

Photos for literature and print must Donsectetur

appear with square corners. adipisicing elit
Photos for the web must appear
with radiused corners. See Eaton
OneWeb standards for more
On Eaton Printed Material
Why and Where photos use full-
background images having square-
cropped corners. What photos may
appear as full-background images
with square-cropped corners, or
they may be fully silhouetted.
On Eaton Websites
Radiused corners
Why and Where photos use full-
background images having radius-
cropped corners. What photos may
appear as full-background images
with square-cropped corners, or
they may be fully silhouetted. Square-cropped corners
See section 9, Eaton OneWeb
Standards, for more information on
creating Eaton websites.

Eaton Corporate Identity Standards — 2/4/13

1.43  The Eaton Brand Identity

Incorrect usage

Since our aim is to build a reputa-

tion for quality, it must be as
evident in our communications as
it is in our products.
Here are four quality issues to
avoid when selecting photographs
for Eaton communications.

Image Resolution Focus Full Range Color Color Correction

Make sure image files have Photos must be in focus. Select photos that have a full, Photos must be color balanced.
sufficient resolution to be dynamic range of color from
printed at their final size with- light to dark.
out pixelation.

Eaton Corporate Identity Standards — 2/4/13

1.44  The Eaton Brand Identity

Incorrect usage

Eaton tells its value stories with

clear, simple, and bold photos.
At right are examples of incorrect
uses of photography.

No montages. No collages No soft edges

No frames or borders No illustrations except for

technical illustrations

Model 731 Model 751

Model 751 Model 731
1047 Differential Model 731 Model 751

Lorem ipsum dolor est

No round corners for print or PowerPoint No cartoons

Eaton Corporate Identity Standards — 2/4/13
1.45  The Eaton Brand Identity

Examples Technical diagrams Exploded views

Model 731 Model 751

Model 751 Model 731 Hydrostatic Drive Hyd. Remote Control (HRC) Cooler Supply and Return/Fuel
Ipsum Lorem Model 731 Model 751 Hose: GH493 Hose: GH781 Hose: GH663, FC699
Adapters: SAE ORB/Code 61/62 Flange Adapters: SAE ORB/STC Adapters: SAE ORB/STC
Fittings: SAE ORFS/EZ-Torque Fittings: SAE ORFS/STC/EZ-Torque Fittings: SAE ORFS/STC/EZ-Torque
Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor
The only type of illustrations Eaton in press conferences hendrerit
Protective Sleeve: FC425

uses are technical illustrations, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
lor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed
diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut
Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud

engineering drawings, and graphic

exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis
Sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincid- nisl ut aliquip ex eaconsequat. vel illum
unt ut Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis dolore eu feugiat nulla fac.Ut wisi enim ad
nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit minim veniam, quis nostrud ullamcorper
lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex eaconsequat. Duis suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea com
autem vel eum velit esse molestie conse-

diagrams that are used to explain a

quat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla fac. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor hendrerit in
vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel
Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero
ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip eros et accumsa et iusto odio dignissim qui
ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue
eum iriure dolor hendrerit vulputate velit duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi.

system, a process, or the internal

esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu
feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsa Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent lor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed
luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut
feugait nulla facilisi. Lorem ipsum do Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud
exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit

workings of a product.
Loader Bucket Cylinders

Use illustrations only to explain Hose: FC849B

Adapters: SAE ORB
Fittings: SAE ORFS
Implement Valve Supply Hyd. Pump Supply/Suction Attachments & Accessories

how our systems operate and Hose: FC849B, GH781

Adapters: SAE ORB/STC
Fittings: SAE ORFS/STC/EZ-Torque
Hose: Pressure FC254, GH793
Hose: Suction FC619, 2661
Adapters: SAE ORB/Code 61/62 Flange
Fittings: SAE ORFS/Code 61/62 Flange
Hose: FC849B, FC735
Couplings: FD89, FD99
Fittings: SAE ORFS/EZ-Torque
Protective Sleeve: FC425

perform, and how our products are

designed and built.



Graphic diagrams

Backhoe Loader
A Loader Bucket Cylinders D Implement Valve Supply F Backhoe Knuckle H Hyd. Remote Control (HRC)
Hose: FC849B, GH493 Hose: GH781, FC849B Hose: FC849B, GH493 Hose: GH781
Adapters: SAE ORB Adapters: SAE ORB/STC Adapters: SAE ORB Adapters: SAE ORB/STC
Fittings: SAE ORFS Fittings: SAE ORFS/STC/EZ-Torque Fittings: SAE ORFS Fittings: SAE ORFS/STC/EZ-Torque
B Hyd. Steering E Outriggers
Protective Sleeve: FC425 I Hyd. Pump Supply/Suction
Hose: GH781 Hose: FC849B G Attachments & Accessories Hose: Pressure FC254, GH793
Adapters: SAE ORB/STC Adapters: SAE ORB Hose: FC849B, GH493 Hose: Suction FC619
Fittings: SAE ORFS/STC/EZ-Torque Fittings: SAE ORFS/EZ-Torque Couplings: FD89, FD99 Adapters: SAE ORB/Code 61/62 Flange
Protective Sleeve: FC425 Fittings: SAE ORFS/EZ-Torque Fittings: SAE ORFS/Code 61/62 Flange
Hyd. Brake Valve Protective Sleeve: FC425
Hose: GH781, FC849B Boom, Bucket, Dipper Stick
Adapters: SAE ORB/STC Hose: FC849B, GH493
Fittings: SAE ORFS/STC/EZ-Torque Adapters: SAE ORB
Fittings: SAE ORFS/EZ-Torque
Protective Sleeve: FC425

Educational illustrations
How We Make It Work Control
A Motor Control Centers/ Pharmaceuticals Commercial Real Estate Data Centers
PowerChain Management solutions Control Gear
help enterprises gain competitive The public depends on perfect quality Frequent outages put commercial real Losing data center power for a fraction of
B Starters and Drives for Motors and HVAC Systems prescription drugs, and the pharmaceutical estate leases at risk, and the spiraling a second can cause million-dollar losses
advantages by proactively managing
industry relies on Eaton to power its plants cost of electricity is driving demand for for businesses. In a very large data center,
the power system as a strategic, inte- Distribution
and research facilities. Our world-class more energy-efficient systems. From inefficient power systems can add millions to
grated asset throughout its life cycle, C Ring Main Unit systems and services for power distribution new construction to old, we are helping the annual operating budget. With the most
delivering powerful results: greater D Network Protectors and control help keep production precise, today’s building owners stay profitable energy-efficient UPS products on the market
reliability, operating cost efficiencies, E Paralleling Switchgear cleanrooms controlled, and intellectual prop- – by keeping their occupancy rates up today, we keep consumption down and the
effective use of capital, enhanced erty protected. See A B E G H I J L M N O and vacancy signs down. See A B E F G data streaming – efficiently. See A B D E G
F Generator Quick Connect
P R S T U V W. H I J L P R T U V. H I J L N O P R S T U V W.
safety, and risk mitigation. G Transfer Switches
H Power Distribution Switchgear
I Integrated Facility System Telecommunications
Voice, data, video, wireless, broadband, land-
line. As communications technologies evolve,
expand and converge, today’s networks are
carrying more traffic at higher speeds, making
them more prone to power-related service
Petrochemicals Forest Products Residential Life Higher Education disruption. With our PowerChain Management
Unscheduled process disruptions at oil refin- Process disruption causes downtime, possible Only a fraction of today’s homes were built to On today’s campuses, bytes are replacing solutions for every part of the network, we’re
eries cost billions of dollars and create safety worker injury and financial loss for the forest handle today’s electrical loads. From simple books as the tools of research, teaching and helping today’s telcos keep the world con-
hazards. Our total PowerChain Management products industry. Our components, systems to high-tech devices and appliances, we are learning. And the average student uses an nected. See B E F G H I J L O P R T U V W.
solution ensures a safe refinery environment and services for power quality, reliability and all using more energy to power more devices average of 18 electrical devices for everyday
and drastically reduces the biggest drain on safety keep paper mills rolling on a continuous and appliances. From circuit breakers to life. From circuit breakers to surge protection
productivity and profitability facing today’s production schedule while boosting energy surge protection to whole-house monitoring to whole UPS systems, we are helping cam-
refineries. See A B E G H I J L M N O P R efficiency and worker safety. See A B E H I J and UPS systems, we are bringing safety and puses power education in the 21st century.
S T U V W. L M N O P R S T U V W. comfort home. See B G J K Q R T. See A B E F G H I J K L N O P R T U V W.

Utilities Water and Wastewater Primary and Retail Government Healthcare

Aging grids and skyrocketing power demands Power outages can create sewer back ups Secondary Education In retail, loss of power means losing business Governments’ power chains should never fail. From triage and treatment to research and lab
are making reliable power delivery harder and overflows that damage the environment. Parents expect a safe and comfortable to the competitor across the street. For sellers National security and defense, central intel- data, we help healthcare facilities meet both
to achieve. Eaton enables both new and old Our back-up power solutions keep disinfec- learning environment for their children. of perishable goods, the costs escalate even ligence, disaster response, and the daily job everyday challenges and unexpected ones
power facilities to minimize the frequency and tion systems and other critical operations School boards demand the power stays on faster. From the huge shopping mall to the cor- of serving millions all require systems that are when emergency care is most needed. Our
duration of power outages that impact the running to ensure that nothing but clean to keep the doors of their schools open. And ner store, our products, systems and services 100 percent fail-safe. We equip today’s gov- comprehensive control of the power system
health of their balance sheet – and the lives water flows through your tap. See A B E G everyone expects power to be used efficiently for retail keep our customers’ doors open and ernments with the powerchain systems and and careful integration of tools ensure high-
of their customers. See A B C D H J N O P H I J L M N O P R S T U V W. to minimize operating costs and maximize cash registers ringing. See A B F G H I J P services they need to meet those challenges, quality, uninterrupted power so that nothing
R S U V W. investment in education. See B F G H I J L P R T U V W. helping them protect and serve their citizens interrupts the business of life. See A B E F G
R T U V W. around the clock. See A B E F G H I J K L N H I J K L N O P R S T U V W.
O P R S T U V W.

Eaton Corporate Identity Standards — 2/4/13

1.46  The Eaton Brand Identity

Typography and Labeling Backhoe Loader Hyd. Remote Control (HRC)

Hose: GH781
Technical illustration with leaders
Adapters: SAE ORB/STC
Fittings: SAE ORFS/STC/EZ-Torque
Hyd. Pump Supply/Suction
Hose: Pressure FC254, GH793
Hose: Suction FC619
Technical illustrations, engineering Adapters: SAE ORB/Code 61/62 Flange
Fittings: SAE ORFS/Code 61/62 Flange

drawings, and graphic diagrams Boom, Bucket, Dipper Stick

Hose: FC849B, GH493
Adapters: SAE ORB
are used to show the uses and Fittings: SAE ORFS/EZ-Torque
Protective Sleeve: FC425

benefits of Eaton products for a

particular application or function, or
to explain a system, a process, or
the internal workings of a product.
Loader Bucket Cylinders
When setting product names and Hose: FC849B, GH493
Adapters: SAE ORB
Fittings: SAE ORFS
specs keep listings structured, Hyd. Steering
Hose: GH781
grouped and organized. This allows Adapters: SAE ORB/STC
Fittings: SAE ORFS/STC/EZ-Torque

for easy location and identification Hyd. Brake Valve

Hose: GH781, FC849B
Adapters: SAE ORB/STC
of specific Eaton products. Fittings: SAE ORFS/STC/EZ-Torque
Implement Valve Supply
Hose: GH781, FC849B Attachments & Accessories
Adapters: SAE ORB/STC Hose: FC849B, GH493
Always set headlines and subhead- Fittings: SAE ORFS/STC/EZ-Torque Couplings: FD89, FD99
Fittings: SAE ORFS/EZ-Torque
Outriggers Protective Sleeve: FC425
lines in the Eaton fonts; i.e., Eaton Hose: FC849B
Adapters: SAE ORB
Fittings: SAE ORFS/EZ-Torque
Regular, Eaton Medium, or Eaton Protective Sleeve: FC425
Backhoe Knuckle
Bold. Body copy typesets in any of Hose: FC849B, GH493
Adapters: SAE ORB
Fittings: SAE ORFS
the Eaton Univers fonts. Headlines Protective Sleeve: FC425

and body text may be used in any

variety of sizes.
There are two methods used to
identify Eaton products with Mini Excavator Technical illustration with callouts
A Boom, Bucket, Dipper Stick D Hyd. Brake Valve F Hydrostatic Drive

technical illustrations; leader lines Hose: FC849B

Adapters: SAE ORB
Fittings: SAE ORFS/EZ-Torque
Hose: GH781
Adapters: SAE ORB/STC
Fittings: SAE ORFS/STC/EZ-Torque
Hose: GH493
Adapters: SAE ORB/Code 61/62 Flange
Fittings: SAE ORFS/Code 61/62 Flange

or callouts. Protective Sleeve: FC425

B Hyd. Remote Control (HRC)
E Blade and Cylinder
Hose: FC849B
Protective Sleeve: FC425
G Implement Valve Supply
Hose: GH781 Couplings: FD89, FD99 Hose: FC849B, GH781
Adapters: SAE ORB/STC Fittings: SAE ORFS/EZ-Torque Adapters: SAE ORB/STC

Leader lines
Fittings: SAE ORFS/STC/EZ-Torque Protective Sleeve: FC425 Fittings: SAE ORFS/STC/EZ-Torque
C Hyd. Pump Supply/Suction
Hose: High Pressure FC254, GH793
Hose: Suction FC619
Adapters: SAE ORB/Code 61/62 Flange

• L
 eaders should be horizontal, Fittings: SAE ORFS/Code 61/62 Flange

vertical or uniformly diagonal. It A

is permissible to step or tree

leaders, where needed, for clarity.
Callouts D

• C
 allout bullets may be squares G

or circles in a color from the

Eaton color palette. Type knocks F

out to white.

Eaton Corporate Identity Standards — 2/4/13

1.47  The Eaton Brand Identity
the eaton materials palette

Overview The Eaton basic materials palette

The Eaton Materials Palette is the

3-D expression of our Brand Voice.
The palettes can be used in either
of two ways to evoke
• the feel of industries we
serve—such as those in
technology, manufacturing,
engineering, and aerospace; or Wood finished with a dark stain Wood finished with a medium stain Wood finished with a clear coating

• the qualities of our Brand Voice

Use the Palette when considering
materials in such applications as
product design, exterior and
interior treatments of our facilities
and offices, display and event
environments, and premiums.
The Basic Materials Palette is
modern, straightforward, and
business-like, while taking advan-
tage of a range of tones in our Matte-finished, brushed, silver Raw stone; e.g., granite or slate Frosted glass or plexiglas
Brand Voice: metals; e.g., aluminum, stainless
steel, chrome, or titanium
• D
 ark woods, stone, and glass
express a contemporary
corporate tone.
• G
 lass, silver metals, matte white
paint, and light woods imply
smart technology and alert
• M
 etal and strong colors suggest
such high-performance manu-
facturing as the automotive
• S
 ofter colors and finishes work Matte white paint Matte colors from the Eaton Color Textile with a simple weave, in
well for consumer/retail Palette a solid color matching the Eaton
environments. Color Palette
Eaton Corporate Identity Standards — 2/4/13
1.48  The Eaton Brand Identity
the eaton materials palette

The Expanded Palette The Eaton Expanded Materials Palette

For emphasis and added impact,

these materials may be integrated
into the basic Palette mix.
• T
 he strong use of silver or
anodized metals (polished,
formed, or stamped) and
smooth concrete provide a bold,
heavy industrial feel Polished metal; e.g., aluminum, Stamped steel plate Smooth finished concrete Fabricated, formed, or punched
stainless steel, chrome, or titanium metal
• B
 acklit glass with metal and
smooth concrete harmonize
with high-tech environments.
• B
 acklighting dramatizes a high-
tech, contemporary look. White
light enhances a clean, bare
look. Colored light is useful for

Anodized colored metal Punched metal, backlit Clear glass or plexiglas Tinted or mirrored glass, or

Backlighting or indirect lighting Frosted glass or plexiglas, backlit Geometrically-patterned frosted

on white walls, frosted glass, or with neon glass or plexiglas

Eaton Corporate Identity Standards — 2/4/13

1.49  The Eaton Brand Identity
the eaton materials palette

Materials to avoid

Here are examples of materials

not to use in Eaton environments
• ostentatious metal finishes
• w
 arm metals, leafing, and
Gold Brass or copper Patinated metals
• decorative finishes
• the flamboyant or the historical
• t he overfinished, synthetic,
simulated, and cheap.

Faux-aged textured paint Sculptural finishes Decorative patterns or papers

Multicolored marble Particle board Faux leather, wood, or marble

Eaton Corporate Identity Standards — 2/4/13


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