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Vaccinations and Our Christian Faith

Hana J. Pung
“Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.”
1 Thessalonians 5:21

Educated or Indoctrinated?
“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge…”
Hosea 4:6

The vaccine debate is probably the second most hotly debated medical topic of our time,

first place of course being abortion. Believe it or not, these two are related, and we will address

this later. The topic of vaccinations seems to bring out the ugliest in people. The name calling on

social media, endless arguments, and overwhelming FEAR on both sides of the coin. I rarely

hear people who want to honestly educate themselves, only those who think they are right in this

matter and want to tell everyone else just how right they are. I ask you, my Christian reader, are

you educated or indoctrinated in your knowledge of this topic? Have you only been represented

with one point of view, and then discouraged from questioning that point of view? Have you

critically examined both sides of this argument before you decided to have vaccinations

administered to yourself or to your children? My husband and I went through this rugged process

before the birth of our first daughter. It was treacherous, confusing at times, and fearful. But I

encourage you, my reader, do not answer a matter before you have heard it. Do not fear knowing

the truth. The truth will make you free.

Vaccines: What, When, How, and Who?

“He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him.” Proverbs 18:13

According to “a vaccine is made from very small amounts of weak or dead

germs that can cause diseases — for example, viruses, bacteria, or toxins. It prepares your body

to fight the disease faster and more effectively so you won’t get sick.” A vaccine is a preparation

of killed microorganisms, living attenuated organisms, or living fully virulent organisms that is

administered to produce or artificially increase immunity to a particular disease (Webster’s

Dictionary). says that when you get a vaccine, it sparks your immune response, helping

your body fight off and remember the germ so it can attack it if the germ ever invades again.

They also state claims that vaccines won’t make you sick and are safer than our ‘natural

immunity’ because it prevents us from getting diseases in the first place. Natural immunity and

an explanation of how our body’s immune system works is described in the next section.

Children who follow the established vaccine schedule currently receive, 38-42

vaccinations before the age of 2 years old, 49 doses of 14 vaccines before the age of six, and 69

doses of 16 vaccines by the age of 18. Pregnant mothers are now receiving the DTAP and Flu

vaccinations. At birth, newborns are given the HepB vaccine, then again at 2 months, 4 months,

and 6 months. Also, at 2 months, 4 months and 6 months, babies receive Rotavirus, DTaP, Hib,

PCV13, and IPV vaccines. At 15 months old babies receive the MMR, VAR, and HepA. At 18

months children receive another round of HepA, HepB, DTaP, IPV, and also the flu shot. And so

on and so forth until 18 years of age. (

God’s Design of Our Immune System

“So God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He him; male and female
created He them.” Genesis 1:27

God made us in His own image. In His own ‘image’ also means in His likeness. We are a

resemblance of Him. Let’s examine how our bodies are equipped to handle the germs and

illnesses we encounter here on Earth and not downplay the truth in this scripture that we are

made in the image of God. Our bodies have an immune system that protects our bodies against

disease and other potentially damaging foreign bodies. When functioning properly, the immune

system identifies and attacks a variety of threats, including viruses, bacteria and parasites, while

distinguishing them from the body’s own healthy tissue (LIVESCIENCE.COM). The immune

system or lymphatic system is made up of cells, tissues, and organs that work together to defend

the body which includes: bone marrow, the spleen, lymph nodes, thymus, lymphocytes and

leukocytes. Here is a very brief overview of the responsibility of each of those components.

Bone marrow produces white blood cells, or leukocytes.

The spleen is the largest lymphatic organ in the body and contains white blood cells that
fight infection or disease.

The thymus is where T-cells mature. T-cells help destroy infected or cancerous cells.

Lymph nodes produce and store cells that fight infection and disease.

Lymphocytes and leukocytes are small white blood cells that play a large role in
defending the body against disease.

The two types of lymphocytes are B-cells, which make antibodies that attack bacteria and
toxins, and T-cells, which help destroy infected or cancerous cells.

Leukocytes are white blood cells that identify and eliminate pathogens.

The TH1 Arm

There are 2 basic arms of the immune system, TH1 and TH2, both with completely

different functions. Passing through the vaginal canal at birth turns on the TH1 arm of the

immune system and receiving colostrum from the mother’s breast milk encourages TH1 to

colonize. The TH1 arm of the immune system is to identify acute illnesses, thru multiple

exposures, process them and excrete them resulting in dominant a TH1 arm. Healthier children

have a TH1 dominant immune system and life-long immunity because TH1 cells are the

infection fighters, especially intracellular viral infections. This is where “Natural Immunity”

starts! TH1 is responsible for the production of fevers, swollen glands, skin rashes, diarrhea,

vomiting and many other functions that are going on inside the bod y, what we refer to as

sickness or “acute” illnesses. These normal functions are not “bad”, but signs that something is

going on and your body is fighting it.

The TH2 Arm

The TH2 arm of the immune system is the arm where long term immunity lives, is in the

background, takes years to develop, and requires multiple acute illness exposures in order to

develop strong and efficient. It needs training throughout life in order to be vibrant and healthy.

That training is obtained by all the exercise taking place in the TH1 arm over the first 5-7 years

of life. (

How Vaccines Effect Our Natural Immunity

“For thou hast possessed my reins; thou hast covered me in my mother’s womb. I will praise
thee; for I am fearfully, and wonderfully made...” (Psalm 139:13-14)

According to Dr. Stephen C. Marini, DC, PhD, in Natural Immunity (e.g. exposure to

chickenpox) the TH1 response EXTERNALIZES the infection and provides PERMANENT

immunity. In Vaccine-Induced Immunity, bypassing the normal body lines of defense by

injecting a vaccine, forces the immune system into an emergency-based TH2 response which

serves to internalize the infection. You don’t get the disease but are susceptible to the disease

later on since the TH2 response results in poor immune memory. Thus, regular vaccine boosters

are required throughout life. Vaccines by injection change the method by which we are exposed

to germs/disease, they change the timing of exposure (ex. How often is a newborn exposed to

Hepatitis B at birth?), and also changes the number of diseases we are exposed to all at once. The

following is a quote by Dr. Russell Blaylock, M.D. regarding this ‘TH2 shift’: "What people

don't know about vaccines --what most doctors don't know-- but is well demonstrated in medical

literature, is that vaccines shift your immune system to an immune suppression type of state

called the "TH2 shift." That's what most vaccines do. They shift your immune system to a

weaker, antibody type immune system... If you're injecting people with so many vaccines that

your keeping them in this constant state --that now you’re switching everyone to this TH2

immune suppression-- then everyone becomes more susceptible [to infectious diseases]... and no

one is talking about that. Now, a lot of scientists know that, but they are afraid to speak out

because their careers would be ruined."

One other area of natural immunity I would like to address before moving on is the

‘blood brain barrier’. The blood-brain barrier is a layer of specialized membranes and cell

processes designed to keep undesirable substances from passing from the bloodstream into the

precious tissues of the brain ( The blood brain barrier prevents

dangerous substances and infections from entering the brain. If the barrier is compromised, the

brain is susceptible to any toxin or bacteria circulating in the bloodstream. Toxic detergents

contained within vaccines can destroy the blood brain barrier and then proceed to transport the

poisons contained within vaccines directly into the brain. While those with a compromised

blood brain barrier might be the most susceptible to vaccine ingredients, detergents like

Polysorbate-80, Triton X-100, Polysorbate 20, and sodium deoxycholate, can permeate even a

well-established barrier. Polysorbate-80 is used in pharmacology to assist in the delivery of

certain drugs across the blood brain barrier. The same is true for vaccines and with the help of

Polysorbate-80, or another type of detergent, many other toxic vaccine ingredients including

viruses, bacteria, and heavy metals, may pass through to permanently alter brain function

(NaturalNews). Author and Speaker Mary Tocco illustrates that ‘you cannot compare eating

something and injecting something. When eating, your body has the ability to chelate out

harmful chemicals and substances’ (for example when eating tuna). A vaccine is injected directly

into the muscle, which enters into the bloodstream, which is then circulated to the whole body

including the brain, leaving all tissues and organs vulnerable to whatever is in the vaccine.

Speaking of which, what is exactly in vaccines?

Vaccine Ingredients and Potential Harm

“…Neither be partaker of other men’s sins: keep thyself pure.” 1 Timothy 5:22

Before providing you with a brief but shocking expose of the most alarming ingredients

in vaccines, I encourage you to not trust my word, but to do your own honest research. There are

many easily-accessible websites and books that will give you information from either the pro-

vaccine or anti-vaxxer perspective. But also seek to read the actual inserts that come packaged

with the vaccine! That way you can see these ingredients and adverse side effects with your own

eyes. The Vaccine Excipient and Media Summary from the Center for Disease Control and

Prevention (CDC) summarizes the ingredients of current vaccines from 2018.

created a PDF poster called ‘Ingredients and Doses Poster’ displaying some of the ingredients

commonly found in vaccines. Links to both documents are found in my citations. Ingredients and

possible side effects to their injection shared on the poster are as follows:

Aluminum: known to cause brain damage at all doses, linked to Alzheimer’s Disease,

dementia, seizures, autoimmune issues, SIDs and cancer. This toxin accumulates in the

brain and causes more damage with each dose.

Beta-Propiolactone: Known to cause cancer. Suspected gastrointestinal, liver, nerve,

respiratory, skin and sense organ poison.

Gentamicin Sulphate and Polymyxin B (antibiotics): Allergic reactions can range from

mild to life-threatening.

Genetically Modified Yeast, Animal, Bacterial and Viral DNA: Can be incorporated into

the recipient’s DNA and cause unknown genetic mutations.

Glutaraldehyde: Poisonous if ingested, Causes birth defects in animals.

Formaldehyde (Formalin): Known to cause cancer in humans. Industrial pesticide banned

in most developed countries for injection or ingestion. Used to embalm corpses. Probable

gastrointestinal, liver, respiratory, immune, nerve and reproductive system poison.

Banned in Europe.

Latex Rubber: Can cause life-threatening allergic reactions.

Human and Animal cells: Human DNA from aborted babies, pig blood, horse blood,

rabbit brains, chick embryos, calf serum, sheep blood and more. Linked to childhood

leukemia and diabetes.

Mercury (thimerosal): One of the most toxic substances known. Even if a thermometer

breaks, the building is cleared and HAZMAT is called. Tiny doses cause damage to the

brain, gut, liver, bone marrow, nervous system, and/or kidneys. Linked to autoimmune

disorders, and neurological disorders like Autism.

Monosodium Glutamate (MSG): A toxic chemical that is linked to birth defects,

developmental delays and infertility. Banned in Europe.

Neomycin Sulphate (antibiotic): Interferes with vitamin B6 absorption which can lead to

epilepsy and brain damage. Allergic reactions can range from mild to life threating.

Phenol/Phenoxyethanol: Used as anti-freeze. Toxic to all cells and capable of destroying

the immune system.

Polysorbate 80 and 20: Known to cause cancer in animals and linked to numerous

autoimmune issues and infertility. (Also addressed above)

Tri(n) Butylphosphate: Potentially toxic to the kidney and nervous system.

Adjuvants are formulations that, when mixed with vaccines, potentiate the immune

response, humoral and/or cellular, so that a lesser quantity of antigen and/or fewer doses will

suffice. They are largely exogenous substances that may be intended as adjuvants (e.g.,

aluminum hydroxide), or unintended as adjuvants (e.g., plasticizers).18 To be clear, adjuvants are

not always associated with adverse reactions. Many herbs traditionally used to “bolster immune

function” act as adjuvants. The most commonly used adjuvants in vaccines are aluminum

hydroxide, aluminum phosphates, and aluminum potassium sulphate (a.k.a. alum). Such Oil

Emulsion Adjuvants include emulsified peanut oil as well. In one ASPEN study done in 1964 on

the effects of aluminum in infants found that anything over 20 micrograms of aluminum can lead

to renal/kidney failure. Infants who received the normal dose also suffered with learning

disabilities at 18 months of age. There are 250 mcg of Aluminum in the HepA and HepB

vaccines, 625 mcg in the DTaP vaccine, 225 mcg in the Hib vaccine, and 135 mcg in the PCV

vaccine. A fully vaccinated 18-month-old will receive about 5,425 mcg of aluminum from his or

her vaccines. The American Academy of Pediatrics Committee of Nutrition says that

“Aluminum is now being implicated as interfering with a variety of cellular and metabolic

processes in the nervous system and in other tissues.” The Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry

states that “aluminum hydroxide injections lead to motor deficits and motor neuron

degeneration.” And lastly SPI Pharma, Inc. states “chronic overexposure to aluminum can result

in lung damage and has been associated with asthma like symptoms. Accumulations of

aluminum in the body may result in neurological damage, anemia and bone softening”.

When it comes to mercury, you may have heard people say that vaccines are mercury-

free or only have ‘trace’ amounts of mercury in them. Well, after “realizing” the amount of

mercury in the childhood vaccination schedule recommended by the CDC exceeded all national

and global maximum safety limits, the American Academy of Pediatrics and the United States

Public Health Service called for the immediate removal of Thimerosal from all vaccines on July

7, 1999. By 2003, the vaccine manufacturers had begun to react to this call by lowering the

mercury content in many of the Thimerosal-preserved early childhood vaccines. However, in

April of 2002, the CDC began recommending that pregnant women and very young children get

annual Thimerosal-preserved flu shots. The result caused widespread confusion in the public

because of press reports declaring that mercury had been removed from all recommended

vaccines for children except for some flu shots. Astoundingly, the total level of mercury

exposure, if a child receives all the possible CDC-recommended vaccinations that are still

Thimerosal preserved, from 6 months to 18 years of age, has actually increased. Today most

tetanus shots and the multi-dose Sanofi Menomune® vaccine that are approved by the US Food

and Drug Administration (FDA) still contain 25-micrograms of mercury. Currently, the actions

taken by the vaccine manufacturers, the FDA and the CDC have increased the possible

maximum childhood exposure to mercury from vaccines to twice the level that triggered the

1999 call to remove mercury from all vaccines as soon as possible! Also, new vaccine

formulations with 25 micrograms of mercury per 0.5-mL dose are still being approved by the

FDA for administration to pregnant women and children. Does this sound mercury-free to you?

Since you are reading this for information on vaccinations, I will not belabor the pro-life

vs pro-choice argument. And since I am writing this from a Christian perspective, I am going to

assume that my readers already respect the sanctity of life and believe whole-heartedly in our

Holy Scriptures that say “Thou shalt not kill” (Exodus 20:13, Deuteronomy 5:17, Matthew 5:21,

Romans 13:9), and “Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his

reward” (Psalm 127:3), and “For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my

mother’s womb” (Psalm 139:13), and “Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee..” (Jeremiah

1:5), but I digress. An ingredient that you will find listed in many vaccines such as Abenovirus,

DTaP, HepA, HepB, MMR, Rabies, Varicella, and Zoster (Shingles) is ‘human diploid cells’.

These are cells from aborted fetuses. You might have also heard that only 2 babies were used a

long time ago and they don’t use any new fetus cells. Like that would make any difference

anyway, but the truth is there are numerous fetus cell lines used to obtain the perfect cell lines for

vaccine manufacturing. The PER C6 tumorigenic cell line is being used in the Ebola, influenza,

malaria, tuberculosis, and HIV vaccines and it came from a healthy 18-week-old aborted fetus,

and the HEK 293 cell line was derived from the kidneys of a baby now being used to develop

new influenza vaccines. It is estimated that eighty elective abortions were involved in the

research and final production of the current rubella vaccine. WI-1 through WI-25 cell strains

were derived from the lung, skin, muscle, kidney, heart, thyroid, thymus, and liver of 21 separate

elective abortions. WI-44 was derived from the lung of a 3-month old surgically aborted fetus.

WI-38 (RA 273) was derived from a 16-week old female baby who was aborted in Sweden

because the parents felt they had too many children. Need I continue? A link to the American

Type Culture Collection (ATCC) website is provided below where you may research each cell

line derived from aborted babies.

Again, I urge you to take the time to read the vaccine inserts. They are easily accessible

through online resources. provides links to the inserts for each vaccine and is cited

below. I will leave this for you to do your own research but to spark your interest I would like to

share a personal story. I was diagnosed with Type 1 (Juvenile) Diabetes at the age of 12. All the

doctors I ever asked about the cause of my diabetes said one of three things: either the cause was

unknown, the cause was hereditary, or that it must have been caused by a virus that attacked my

pancreas. It was a jaw-dropping surprise to me to see that the MMR vaccine insert listed (Type

1) Diabetes Mellitus as a possible adverse reaction to the vaccine! I mean really?! I would have

traded an unpleasant, non-serious childhood disease such as the Measles (yeah, I said it) for my

lifetime of chronic illness, possible shortened life, and medication dependence any day of the

week. Also listed on the same MMR insert under ‘Adverse Reactions’ are Chronic Arthritis,

Guillain-Barre Syndrome, and Afebrile convulsions or seizures to name a few.

Conflicting Research and Quotes from Immunologists

“O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and
oppositions of science falsely so called: Which some professing have erred concerning the faith.”
1 Timothy 6:20-21

It is most difficult to sift through the mountain of resources and opinions surrounding this

topic, and even more difficult to come to grips with the fact that organizations who are supposed

to have our best interest in mind may be hiding the truth from us. We all have been indoctrinated

to some degree to blindly trust our medical doctors and government agencies without question.

Have they really gained our respect or have we just handed it over to them? As Mark Twain once

said “It is easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.” Ear infections,

eczema, obesity, asthma, ADD, food allergies, etc. are the ‘norm’ in our children’s culture today.

Childhood cancer, gut disorders, neurological disorders, autoimmune diseases, and Autism are

steeply on the rise. How come our doctors can keep an infant alive who was born many weeks

early but we have the highest infant mortality rate? Something has to give. I am grateful that

those with the credentials to speak on this topic have begun to speak out boldly against

vaccinations even at a high cost for them personally. Here are what some of the world’s top

medical doctors, immunologists, and experts are saying:

“After years of doing research in immunology, observing scientific activities of my

superiors and analyzing vaccine issues, I realized that vaccination is one of the most deceptive

inventions that science could ever conceive the world to accept. It is not immunity that we gain

via vaccination but a puny surrogate of immunity. For this reason, vaccination at its core is

neither safe nor an effective method of disease prevention.”

Dr. Tatyana Obuhanych, PhD, author of the book The Vaccine Illusion.

“Vaccines go completely against how nature would build immunity.”

Dr. Stephen C. Marini, DC, PhD

Also, are we too indoctrinated in our culture to automatically believe the word of

government agencies, Dr. So-and-So, and pharmaceutical companies over the eye-witness

testimonies of the parents of vaccine injured children? Read some of their stories here at Health

Impact News. My first job out of college as a board-certified Music Therapist was working at a

day-school for children on the Autism Spectrum near Chicago. Some of the parents I worked

with were absolutely convinced that their child developed Autism due to an adverse reaction to

receiving vaccines. I recall one such student who was videotaped as a young girl singing every

word of her favorite Disney theme songs, and after receiving a round of vaccinations completely

stopped talking. Now as a young adult, she does not speak, is incontinent, and her body is rarely

relaxed from her constant need for sensory stimulation.

Conclusion: What Would Jesus Do?
“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:32

God did not make mistakes or forget to equip us with anything we would need for life on

this Earth, physically or spiritually. As Christians we are to prove all things we see and hear

through the truth of the Word of God, for it is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence

in (ANY) man (Psalm 118:8, emphasis mine). I pray that you have found the information I have

shared with you well-balanced, clearly presented, and Biblically sound. Now it is your turn to

make a decision for yourself and for your children. Study to shew yourself approved (2 Timothy

2:15) and do not be ignorant of the enemy’s devices (2 Corinthians 2:11). Girt your loins about

with truth (Ephesians 6:14), and ask yourself with the witness of the Holy Spirit what would

Jesus do?


(69), canadian-coconut, et al. “Vaccinations Create the Wrong Type of Immune Response: Th2
vs Th1 Cells and Achieving Immunostasis.” Steemit,

“Birth-18 Years Immunization Schedule | CDC.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,

“Cell Lines.” ATCC Cell Lines,

Enos, Richard. “Unvaccinated Children Pose No Risk To Anyone, Says Harvard Immunologist.”
Collective Evolution, 6 Mar. 2019, www.collective-

“Ingredients and Doses Poster.”,


“Is the Deadly Hepatitis B Vaccine More Dangerous than the Disease?” Health Impact News, 17
Apr. 2016,

Pressman, Peter. “How the Blood-Brain Barrier Works.” Verywell Health, Verywellhealth, 27
Dec. 2018,

“Recognizing Autoimmune/Autoinflammatory Syndrome Induced by Adjuvants (ASIA).”

Natural Medicine Journal,

The KJV Study Bible. Barbour Publishing, 2011.

Toro, Ross. “Diagram of the Human Immune System (Infographic).” LiveScience, Purch, 8 July

“Toxins in Vaccines Infiltrate the Brain.” NaturalNews,

“Vaccine Excipient and Media Summary.” Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Oct.

“Vaccine Risks and Raising Children Nature's Way.” Vaccine Risks and Raising Children
Nature's Way, 17 Nov. 2018,

“Vaccine.” Merriam-Webster, Merriam-Webster, www.merriam-

“Vaccines Protect You.” Vaccines,

Vaccinetruth. “Your Child. Your Choice.”,

“What You Didn't Know About the Aborted Baby Parts in Your Vaccines.” Living Whole, 28
Nov. 2018,

“‘Ten Lies’ Told About Mercury in Vaccines.” TRACE AMOUNTS – the Documentary on
Mercury and Its Role in the Autism Epidemic,


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