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History Name_____________________________

Mr. Loomis Team_____________________________

Debate Scoring Rubric (50 points total)

10 - All of the arguments were supported with an abundance of accurate evidence and examples and well elaborated.
8-9 - Most of the arguments were supported with accurate evidence and examples and were well elaborated.
5, 6, or 7 - Arguments were supported with some evidence and examples. Some information was inaccurate and/or
not enough quality information.
1, 2, 3, or 4 - Arguments lacked evidence and support. Student relied too much on notes and /or too much inaccurate
0 – Student did not give any arguments.

10 - All of the rebuttals adequately addressed each of the opponents’ arguments with sufficient evidence.
8-9 - Most of the rebuttals adequately addressed most of opponents’ arguments with sufficient evidence.
5, 6, or 7 - Rebuttals occasionally addressed some of opponents’ arguments with sufficient evidence.
1, 2, 3, or 4 - Rebuttals rarely addressed opponents’ arguments and/or did not present sufficient evidence.
0 – Student did not give any rebuttals.

5 - Student presented several different arguments and regularly defended their teammates arguments.
4 - Student presented several different arguments and occasionally defended their teammates arguments.
3 - Student presented some arguments but rarely defended their teammates arguments.
1 or 2 - Student presented few arguments and hardly ever defended their teammates arguments.
0 – Student did not participate.

Oral Presentation
5 - Student appeared extremely comfortable; spoke clearly and confidently. Good eye contact.
3 or 4 - Student appeared comfortable; spoke clearly. Eye contact could have been better.
1 or 2 - Student appeared uncomfortable; student did not speak clearly. Poor eye contact.
0 – Student did not participate.

10 - Student was clearly knowledgeable and well prepared.
8-9 - Student displayed an adequate understanding of the material.
5, 6, or 7 - Student appeared unsure at times and appeared to lack full knowledge of the material.
1, 2, 3, or 4 - Student was unprepared and lacked significant knowledge of the material.
0 – Student did not participate.

5- Student was respectful and followed the rules of the debate.
4- Student talked or whispered while others were debating.
2 or 3- Student did not follow the rules of the debate. Talked or whispered repeatedly while others were debating.
Student made inappropriate comments.
0 or 1 - Student was disrespectful and did not follow the rules of the debate.

5 - Student dressed as directed. Student was well poised.
3 – Student did not dress as directed.
0 or 1 - Student did not dress appropriately. Student did not conduct himself/herself in an
appropriate manner.

Total ___________

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