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Silicon Institute of Technology


Sub. : BE 7108 DATA STRUCTURE USING'C Branch/Sem : All 2nd B. Tech
Department : CSE

Lab 1

(Review on C Concepts)
1. Familiar with unix vi editor.
2. Write a C program to perform matrix multiplication using 2-Darray,
3. WAP to insert an element into an array and WAP to delete an element from an array.
4. WAP to merge two sorted arrays so that the resultant array is a sorted array and multiply a
constant with each element of the merged array. Design a function for each operation.
5. WAP to create a structure called BANK with the following members
■ Ace no Name
■ Type of ace (S/C)
■ Date of opening Address Amount
And do the following operations
■ Initialize the member
■ Deposit money
■ Withdraw money after checking minimum balance
■ Update information
• Display the details of an ace holder v-ite a separate function for each operation and
implement it in menu driven program.

Lab 2: (Searching)
1. Write C program to search a Key Value in a given list of floating point values using linear
search operation.
2. Write C programs that use both recursive and non recursive functions to perform the Binary
search operation for a Key value in a given list of integers:

Lab 3: (Sorting)
L Write a C program that implement Bubble Sort method to sort a given list of integers in
descending order.
2 A/rite a C program that implement Selection Sort method to sort a given list of integers in
descending order.
3 Write a C program that implement Insertion Sort method to sort a given list of integers in
descending order.

Lab 4: (Sparse Matrix)

1, Input a sparse matrix and represent it in triplet form.
'.'.. transpose a sparse matrix by doing the following operations
Input a sparse matrix and represent it in triplet form and print Transpose the triplet form and print
■ Print the original transpose matrix from the transformed sparse matrix.
3. Add two sparse matrixes, which are in triplet form.

L.ab 5: (Stack)
1, Write a C program to create a stack using an array and perform push, pop & traversal
.: WAP to reverse a string using stack
:> WAP to check the parenthesis ({,}. (,). [,]) Of a inputted string.
*■ Solve the tower of Hanoi problem-using stack.
Lab 6: (Queue)
1 Write a C program to create a queue and perform insert, delete & Traversal Operation.
I Write a C program to create a circular queue and perform insert , delete & Traversal
Operation. .

Lab 7: (Application of Stack)

1 Write a C program that uses Stack operations to perform the following:
■ Converting infix expression into postfix expression Evaluating the postfix expression

.Lab 8: (Single Linked List)

1 Write a C program that uses functions to perform the following operations on Single linked
• Creation
• Insert at the beginning, end & in between Positions Delete from the beginning ,end & in
between position s
• Traversal in both ways
■ Sort all the elements present in a list Reverse the list

Lab 9: (Circular Linked List)

1 Write a C program that uses functions to perform the following operations on Circular linked
list: Creation
Insertion at any Positions Deletion at any position s Traversal

Lab 10: (Double Linked List)

. Write a C program that uses functions to perform the following operations on Double linked list:
Insertion at the beginning, ending & in between Positions Deletion at the beginning ,ending & in
between position s Traversal

Lab 11: (Binary Search Tree)

]. Write a C program that uses functions to perform the following operations on Binary Search
Tree: Creation Insertion Deletion
Traversal (In-order, Pre-order, Post-order)

Lab 12: (Sorting Mechanism)

1. Write a C orogram that implement Qu;:k Sort method to so."t a given list of integers in
ascending order:
2. Write a C program that implement Merge Sort method to sort a given list of integers in
ascending order

Test Book:- "Data structure using C" by Sudipta Mukherjee, TMH Publication
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