Englis Test 3

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Read the text and answer the questions 01 to 03.


To many Brazilians, favelas are dirty, violent, frightening places. But to many foreigners,
they are exciting, interesting, and romantic. More and more outsiders are coming from
overseas to live, work, or just visit favelas, observers say. In doing so they are highlighting the
difference between Brazilians who regard favelas with fear, rejection, and even disgust, and
foreigners who embrace them as vibrant representations of modern Brazilian culture.

“In Brazil, no one likes favelas, no one thinks they are cool”, says Marcelo Armstrong,
the owner of a company that runs daily tours to two Rio favelas. “Foreigners are more open.
There’s a certain romantic appeal to favelas.

Although no figures are available on the number of foreigners living in favelas, Mr.
Armstrong says the number is definitely rising and cites his own statistics as evidence. The
number of tourists taking his tours has risen from around four per month in 1992, when he
started the business, to around 800 per month in 2007. Of those, only a dozen or so are
Brazilians, mostly the partners of foreign visitors.
Internet: <www.csmonitor.com> (adapted).

How many toursits visited the Tio favelas in 2007?
What are the Rio favelas to outsiders?

Read the sentences below and match the correct tense of the verbs in bold.
( 1 ) Simple Present Tense ( 3 ) Simple Past Tense ( 5 ) First
( 2 ) Present Continuous Tense ( 4 ) Past Continuous Tense

( ) My brothers drove from Fortaleza to Rio in two days.

( ) I will travel to Europe if I pass the exams.
( ) She is cooking a special dinner because we have guests tonight.
( ) Those people were waiting for you.
( ) My mom watches her favorite TV program every evening.
( ) They read the newspaper and ran to the station.
( ) Her mother was talking on the phone when she hurt her hand.
( ) They will visit us in January if we travel to Curitiba.

A) 3 / 5 / 2 / 1 / 3 / 2 / 4 / 5.
B) 3 / 5 / 2 / 4 / 1/ 3 / 4/ 5 /.
C) 1 / 2 / 4 / 5 / 2 / 3 / 5 / 2.
D) 3 / 5 / 4 / 2 / 1/ 3 / 5 / 4.
E) 1 / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 3 / 5 / 2.

Choose the best alternative to complete the sentences correctly.
1. If you play the music too loud... ( ) I’ll be there at 8:00 a.m.
2. If my plane isn’t late… ( ) I promise I won’t tell her anything.
3. If we don’t have enough money… ( ) the neighbors will complain.
4. If my mother lends me her car… ( ) we will buy a cheaper car.
5. If you tell me the truth… ( ) I will take you to my favorite bar.

A) 5 / 1/ 3 / 4 / 2
B) 1 / 3 / 5 /2 /4
C) 2/5/1/3/4
D) 2 / 4/ 1 / 3 / 5
E) 1/2/3/4/5

Complete the sentences with the appropriate tense.
The professor _________________(not to finish) to correct the tests yesterday. He was
correcting them, but something on TV caught his attention and he _________________(to
decide) to watch it. When the show _________________(to end), it was too late for him to
continue. So, he _________________(to go) to bed. He _________________(to tell) me
this when we were talking after class this morning.
Read the following passage and answer the questions 08 to 09.

The term "urban" means "from the city", which is derived from the Latin word urbanus.
It is associated with art that is created by artist living, depicting, or experiencing city life.
The subject is often people living city life and also city buildings and transportation.
Urban Art in its rawest form is graffiti. The term graffiti comes from the Italian word
graffio which means "to scratch". Graffiti is associated with gang related tagging of
territory and a means of gaining attention but it is also associated with humans need to
express themselves. Some of the earliest forms of graffiti are the tribal inscriptions of
early man on stone hence, the definition "to scratch". One of my favorite pieces of
Urban Artwork is a piece that was done by the African American artist, Ernie Barnes.
Available at: http://www.osnatfineart.com/urban-art.jsp. Access on: February 17, 2013.

The following quotes from the passage that represents an opinion, rather than a fact, is
A) “Graffiti is related with gang tagging of territory…”
B) “One of my favorite pieces of Urban Artwork...”
C) “Some of the earliest forms of graffiti are tribal inscriptions…”
D) “The subject is often people living city life...”
E) “The term urban means from the city...”

Which of the following questions is answered in the text?
A) How did graffiti become a type of art?
B) How was graffiti brought to Brazil?
C) What are other types of urban arts that exist?
D) What do gangs call attention to?
E) What is the subject of Ernie Barnes work?

Read the text and answer:

The sentence that presents a similar meaning to the one in the image is
A) If it wasn’t a perfect world, terrorists would exist.
B) If terrorists didn’t exist, it wouldn’t be a perfect world.
C) If terrorists illustrated pages of a book, it would be a perfect world.
D) If terrorists were in pages of a book, it would be a perfect world.
E) If terrorists were only found in History, it would be a perfect world.

Sara and Ann are talking about the time when they were teenagers. Read their
conversation and complete the sentences with used to  the verb in parenthesis.

Sara: It’s really funny to think about the things we ___used to do__ (1.do) when we
were teenagers, isn’t it?
Ann:Sure it is! Do you remember how tight we _________________ (2.wear) our jeans?
Sara: Of course I do! Did you _________________ (3.go) everywhere with your jeans
for a whole month?
Ann:Yes, I did. And I __________________ (4.wash) them in the evening so that I could
put them on again the next morning! And that’s not all. I also _________________ (5.iron)
my hair every morning before school because I liked them straight.
Sara: I ____________________________ (6.not – take care) of my hair but I
_________________ (7.get) all my new sneakers dirty because it wasn’t cool to wear clean
brand-new sneakers.
Ann:Ahahahah! It’s true. Everyone _______________________ (8.do) that.
Sara: We really ______________________ (9.have) fun, didn’t we?
Ann:We sure did.

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