Vocabulary, The Beggar and The King

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Vocabulary in “The Beggar and The King”

Bawling - A fit of crying, blubbering, sobbing, wailing, weeping

Forsooth - in truth, no doubt, indeed, in later use

Fancy - to form an idea of, imagine

Languidly - nonchalantly, indifferently, gently, calmly, slowly

Impudence - insolence, impertinence, effrontery, rudeness

Pompously - pretentiously, conceitedly, boastfully, snobbishly, imperiously, insolently,

magisterially, overbearingly, proudly, spectacularly, gaudily, arrogantly,

Treason - betrayal of one’s allegiance

Illustrious - distinguished, celebrated, renowned, eminent, distinguished , famous,

glorious, important

Jest - joke, prank, quip

Smote - to have given a heavy hit or strike in the past

Wager - bet

Content - happy enough with what one has or is

Vigorously - energetically, alertly, quickly, urgently

Abashed - ashamed, uneasy, embarrassed

Nudging - to push or poke gently in order to get the attention of someone

Lamented - to mourn for

Dazed - in a state of confusion

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