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Page 1 Ye Olde Tavern Scene

Panel Description Dialog

1.1 Nice, outdoor shot of the

Robinwing Inn. The building
is run-down, with a clear sign
of renovations being started,
but not finished.

1.2 The Robinwing Inn is very

cozy. It is showing its
age, but has been kept up
very well. A gaggle of
stereotypical adventurers
are leaving, in quite good
spirits. They are dressed in
elaborate armor, and are armed
to the teeth. The barkeeper,
BARTLEBY, is watching them
leave, annoyed. He is an
older guy, with a medium sized
beard, that’s all gray with
age, and lightly stained with

1.3 As soon as they leave, GRETTA BARTLEBY

the Half-Orc sits by the bar, Y’know, them bastards leave a tip
rubbing her forehead. Bartleby like how old people...Sorry, need
is currently pouring a mug, to work on my swearing’.
presumably for himself.
Don’t worry, I’d said worse about

1.4 Gretta smiles and grabs the BARTLEBY

mug from him. Bartleby looks I gotta do some errands. You watch
at the fire, pointing at it. the fire while I’m gone, and make
sure that the stew doesn’t boil
over. Good cuts of warg meat is
hard to come by these days!

1.5 He begins to head off, BARTLEBY

grabbing an old, ragged cloak And if those no-good, robbin’
and what appears to be an bastards come back to the tavern,
ornately carved chair leg. tell them we’re out of booze. It’s
half-true, but half enough to be
Page 2 Ye Olde Tavern Argument

Panel Description Dialog

2.1 Before he leaves, Gretta BARTLEBY

crosses her arms, watching What’s wrong? We still got plenty
him. Even without looking of whiskey.
at her, he can tell she’s

2.2 Gretta’s glare turns to a more GRETTA

concerned look. You aren’t in debt, are you?
I’ve heard of how the King’s
Laws have been squeezing all the
businesses in the region. I mean,
you can’t even buy a dagger to
defend yourself!
Well, I can’t exactly say I’m
pleased with his new taxes and
permits and what have you, but I’m
not in debt.

2.3 He turns to look at her, BARTLEBY

resting on the chair leg. You ought to remember when I kick
The way he’s posed makes him the bucket, you’re the one to run
seem a lot older than he was a the place. The Lady of the tavern,
moment ago. not just a barmaid. I’m trusting
you to do me proud!

2.4 She nods, buying into his

argument. He whisks around,
leaving the tavern.

2.5 Gretta looks at her mug,

taking a drink.
Page 3 The Errand

Panel Description Dialog

3.1 Bartleby leaves the tavern and

Gretta, going through the dark
streets off town. He’s using
the chair-leg as a cane, but
he’s not hobbled at all.

3.2 He leaves the town gate,

heading through the forest.
The faint dusting of snow
doesn’t seem to be phasing
him, as he’s got a big old
grin on his face.

3.3 At the top of a snowy hill far

from town, he grabs a large
wheelbarrow with tools in it,
and an empty sack. He tosses
his chair leg into it.

3.4 Taking a moment to thumb

through a map by the light
of the moon. His thumb is
resting on "THE DEATH-TOMB

3.5 Nodding to no-one in

particular, he shoved the map
into his pocket, and starts
heading to The Death-Tomb with
his gear.
Page 4 The Death-Tomb. Spooky.

Panel Description Dialog

4.1 The gates to the Death-Tomb of BARTLEBY

Rah-Gelak are huge, imposing. Gods above, those elves either
Reliefs of screaming faces and need a better subject matter...
chained beings are carved into
the tomb. The largest face is
elvish, and seated at the very
top of the tomb. IT has a ruby
in the mouth, carved like a

4.2 He squints, preparing a torch BARTLEBY

as he stares at the tomb’s Or perhaps a worse sculptor...

4.3 Lighting the torch and resting

it on a sconce(?), he pulls
his wheelbarrow inside. The
tomb’s halls are dark, dank
and carved with a very organic

4.4 Grabbing his journal, he Caption: [In a journal style] A

begins to write in it, as he dear friend of mine once told me
travels down the ruins tunnel. the elves carry no wealth with
Any moonlight is gone, leaving them, until they die. The second
his torch light as the only realm in their beliefs have no
light source. The empty sack gold, or ore or gems. Why horde
is tied around his belt. wealth until you truly need it,
they say.

4.5 Bartleby pauses, a glint Caption: I tell you, those

catching his eye. His hand homeless bastards never had to
is clutched tight around his pay property taxes.
chair leg, and his face is
very cautious.
Page 5 The Denizens

Panel Description Dialog

5.1 Bartleby snatches the coin,

lifting it up. It’s shiny, and
has a design of a snake curled
around a sun. He has a wide
grin on his face.

5.2 He drops the coin into the

sack, not noticing the eyes
glinting in the dark behind
him. In front of Bartleby is
much more gold, as if someone
dropped a coin purse.

5.3 A goblin, Nahskull leaves BARTLEBY

the shadows, squinting at I wouldn’t do that if I were you,
the bright torch. He’s I reckon.
currently holding an ornate
dagger, gilded with a large
sapphire at the very tip. He’s
preparing to stab the greedy

5.4 The goblin’s eyes widen, as BARTLEBY

it bares it teeth in a clearly Y’know, my auntie told me Goblins
defensive manner. His nose were smart fellas, being of
flushes red. Bartleby turns discerning taste. That they had
to look at him, waggling his a good head on his shoulders, eh?
chair leg.
We have good head! Big knowledge
crammed in! Very, very smart, we

5.5 Bartleby leans on his cane, BARTLEBY

shaking his head. The goblin And, Auntie used to say that
slowly intense his shoulders. Goblins were honorable, like kings
He sheathes his dagger. of old. Wisest of the critters,
unlike those stinky Trolls, right?
Page 6 The Denizens Cont.

Panel Description Dialog

6.1 Nahskull nods, straightening BARTLEBY

his wild mess of a Mohawk. And, maybe you might not of known
Bartleby grins, pointing a that I’m king o’ this tomb, right?
thumb towards the entrance. An’ that proper gentlefolk don’t
kill kings!

6.2 Nahskull bares his teeth, NAHSKULL

his nose flushing red again. Liar! You, Tall Pig! Not king!
Bartleby smooths out is beard,

6.3 He makes a violent cut-throat

gesture with his thumb,
grasping the hilt of his

6.4 Bartleby closes his eyes, BARTLEBY

making a very understanding See, that’s where your mistaken.
face. Have you gone out the front of
this place, and seen the Big Face
on the top?
Many, Many times!

6.5 Bartleby lunges foward,

sticking out his tongue in an
immitation of the expression
of the "Big Face."
Page 7 A new friend.

Panel Description Dialog

7.1 Nahskull bows before Bartleby, BARTLEBY

shivering. The old barkeep Tell ya what, if you help me get
grabs the sack of gold, and back my jewels, I’ll let you keep
looks around. a cut!
Oke! Nahskull will help BIG FACE
the Tall-Pig!

7.2 Grinning, Bartleby points down BARTLEBY

the hall. Show me around my kingdom, brave

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