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Narrator: “This Story starts in London. At 221B Baker Street where lives

Mortimer: “Mr. Holmes? Mr. Holmes? Mr. Holmes? (while is docking

the door) My name is Dr. Mortimer, I need your help.”

Holmes: “Go ahead, How can I help you”

Mortimer: “I have a strange history to tell you, but you won´t believe

Chapter two

Dr. Mortimer: “I´m a doctor and I work in the country, I live and I work on Dartmoor. And, as you know,
Dartmoor is a large and wild place. There is only one big house, The Baskerville Hall. The owner of the house
was Sir Charles Baskerville. I was his friend as well as his doctor too.”

Holmes; “I read of his death in NewsPaper”

Chapter three
Watson: “Holmes and I were surprised. This was a very strange story. I did not believe that Sir Charles
Baskerville had been murdered by a Giant Black Dog. But I wanted to know the truth”

Holmes: “Who else saw those footprints?”

Dr. Mortimer: “No one else saw the footprints there was, because the rain erase those footprints in the Night.”

Holmes: “How large were the footprints?. Were They larger than the footprints of a sheepdog?”

Dr. Mortimer: “Yes Mr.Holmes , much larger . They were not tha footprints of an ordinary dog”

Holmes: “Also, you say that Sir Charles ran away from this dog. How do you know?

Dr. Mortimer: “The ground was soft. I saw Sir Charles´s footprints outside Baskerville Hall. His footprints were
close together as he Walked along a path at the edge of the moor. Then He stopped an waited by a wooden
gate. After that his footprints changed, They became wide, apart and Deep. I´m sure he began to run. He ran
towards the House. I believe that something came from the moor. I believe he saw the hound of the

Holmes: “Yes, Yes”

Holmes: “But how do you know that Sir Charles waited by this wooden gate?”

Dr.Mortimer: “Because He smoked a cigar”

Dr.Mortimer: “I saw the White cigar ash on the ground”

Holmes: “Good”

Holmes: “Good, You are a Detective”

Dr.Mortimer: “Thanks you”

Dr.Mortimer: “But you believe that Sir Charles was killed by a giant hound?”

Dr.Mortimer: “I know he ran away from something, I know I saw those strange footprints of a huge dog.
Dr.Mortimer; “Sorry, but I have a meeting with Sir Henry Baskerville at waterloo station in a half hour. Sir
Henry is Sir Charles nephew. He has come from Canada. Sir Charles doesn´t have any children, so Sir Henry is
now the owner of the Baskerville Hall”

Dr.Mortimer: “And now, I have a problema.”

Holmes: “What is your problema sir?”

Dr.Mortimer; “I think that Sir Henry is in danger”

Dr.Mortimer: “Is it safe to take him to Baskerville Hall?

Holmes: “I must think”

Holmes: “Stay in London tonight. Came and see me again tomorrow in the morning. Please bring Sir Henry
with you.”

Dr.Mortimer: “I must think”

Dr.Mortimer: “Now I must go to meet Sir Henry at Waterloo Station”

Dr.Mortimer: “Good Day”

Holmes: “We have a problema Watson. There are three questions: “What is the crimen” Who did it? How was
it done?”

Chapter four
Sir.Henry: “How do you do, Mr. Holmes”

Sir. Henry: “I arrived in London Yesterday and two strange things have happened already”

Holmes: “Please sit down, Sir Henry”

Holmes: “Tell me, What has happened?”

Henry: “No one knows that I am staying at the Northumberland Hotel.

Herny: “But I have recieved a letter. Here is the Letter. You see, the words are cut from a NewsPaper excpet
for the Word Moor”

Holmes: “The Words are cut from the Times NewsPaper”

Henry: “But How did the person know, Where I am staying?”

Holmes: “I don´t know”

Holmes: “But You said that two strange things have happened. What is the other strange thing?

Henry: “I have lost a boot”

Henry: “Someone has stolen one of my boots at the hotel”

Holmes: “One of your boots?”

Holmes: “Someone took only one?”

Henry: “Yes”
Henry: “The boots are new. I bought them Yesterday and I have never worn them”

Henry: “But, Why take only one?”

Holmes: “That is a very good question. I would like to visit your Hotel. Perhaps I shall find the answer”

Henry: “Then please join us for lunch”

Holmes: “Now if you will excuse me, I have some other business. Shall we meet at two o´clock for lunch at the
Northumberland Hotel”

Holmes: “Quick Watson, We must follow them”

Watson: “Why are we following them?”

Holmes: “Because my dear Watson, Someone else is also following them. Look there is the man. There is in
that cab.”

Narrator: “A man with a black beard was sitting in the cab. He was watching Sir Henry and Dr. Mortimer as
they walked towards Oxford Street. The man with the black beard turned round as Holmes pinted him. He saw
them and shouted to the cab driver”

Uknown: “Drive, Drive Quickly”

Holmes: “I think we have the answer to one of our questions. That man with the black beard followed sir Henry
to the northumbreland Hotel. He is the man who sent the letter.”

Chapter five
Henry: “Two boots in two days, Two boots have disappeared: a new and an old boot.”

Manager: “Let´s look everywhere sir, We will find your boots”

Dr. Mortimer: “Tell me Sir Holmes, It´s safe for Sir Henry to go at the baskerville Hall?”

Holmes: “It is safer to stay in London. Do you know about a man that was following you?”

Dr.Mortimer: “Who followed Us!!!!???”

Holmes: “A man with a thick beard. Do you know a man with a black beard?”

Dr. Mortimer:if, i do it! Baskerville halls sevant is called barry more. I cant think why he is following us, but im
sure SIR Henry is in danger it is better that SIR HENRY it is better that SIR Henry stays here in London.

Holmes: you are not wrong there are millions of people in London we cant see them all. There are not so many
people in dar to moor everyone noticed someone who is a stranger.

Dr. Mortimer: but this man may not be a stranger.

SIR HOLMES: 'I agree,' said Holmes. 'That is why Sir Henry must not stay at Baskerville Hall alone. I myself will
be busy in London, but my good friend Dr. Watson will go with you to Dartmoor.'

SIR HENRY:'Oh... yes, of course,' I said, 'I will certainly go to Dartmoor.' 'Thank you, Dr. Watson,

SIR HOLMES: 'You will be very welcome at Baskerville Hall.' tell me about the other boot which has been

SIR HENRY: 'It is one of an old pair of boots,'

SIR HOLMES: I miss you tell me SIR Henry if you who whoula become the owner of baukerville hall.

SIR HENRY 'I don’t know, 'Sir Charles had two brothers - my father, who went to Canada, and a younger
brother called Roger. But Roger never married and he died in South America. I have no living relatives. I don’t
know who will get all my money if I die today.'

SIR HOLMES: I can cuk how much money he certainly has.

SIR HENRY: SIR Holmes. Sir Charles left me a fortune of one million pounds.

SIR HOLMES: 'Many men will murder their best friend for a million pounds,'

Chapter six
SIR HOLMES:.'This is a dangerous Watson business stay close to Sir Henry. Do not let him walk alone in the
paramo at night.'

DOCTOR WATSON: 'Don’t worry, hames brought my army revolver.'

SIR Holmes: OK . 'Write to me every day. Tell me what you see and hear. Tell me all the facts'

DOCTOR WATSON: 'Why is that soldier WATCHING the road? Is there a problema?

CONDUCTOR: 'A prisoner has escaped from Dartmoor Prison. He’s a very dangerous man called selden is a
dangerous ass.

DOCTOR MORTIMER: 'I must leave you here, 'I have a lot of work to do. And my wife is waiting for me at home.'

SIR HENRY: 'I hope you will come to dinner very son.
DOCTOR MORTINER: 'I will,' And if you ever need me, send for me at any time - day or night.

BARRYMORE: 'Welcome to Baskerville Hall, sir. I am Barrymore. I have been a servant here for many years.
My wife and I have prepared the house for you. Shall I show you around the house?'

SIR HENRY: 'Yes please, Barrymore, 'This is Dr. Watson. He will be my guest for a few days.'


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