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Christine Williams - 15328441

Sports Day Report

Christine Williams - 15328441

Assignment 2 – EDP255

Tutor – Valda Puls

Christine Williams - 15328441


1.0 Proposal

2.0 Summary of inclusion

2.1 Autism Spectrum Disorder

2.2 Abdominal surgery

2.3 Wheelchair Accessibility

2.4 Asthma

2.5 Down Syndrome

2.6 Hearing loss

2.7 Vision loss.

3.0 Timetable

4.0 Explanation

5.0 Discussion

Christine Williams - 15328441

1.0 Proposal to Principal

Dear Professor Dumbledore,

The following is the proposal for the term three, year one through to year four sports
and athletics day. It is planned to be held on the school sports field between the
hours of 10 am and 2 pm on Wednesday the 14th of August, weather permitting (In
the case of bad weather it will be postponed for a fortnight, 28th of August). During
this four-hour period, we will hold six sporting and athletic activities that have been
given a Harry Potter theme. These activities include quidditch toss in which a ball is
tossed into a hoop laying on the ground, charms which involves keeping a balloon in
the air using only a baton, the transfiguration relay which is a relay style race in
which children must take on the characteristics on a given animal on the return trip,
fly the broom which is a balance and problem solving activity as students move the
broom over pool noodles without touching the ground, the tri-wizard obstacle course
which is a three-stage obstacle course including a freeze game, a maze and a bean
bag toss and Defence against the dark arts is a team relay similar to an egg and
spoon race. I have attached the full explanation of the activities including instructions
There are eight students that will be participating in our sporting event who require
additional needs. These needs are varied and include autism, wheelchair access
due to paraplegia and abdominal surgery, asthma, down syndrome, hearing loss and
vision loss. Each of the included activities can be adjusted to cater for all children
from year one to four regardless of ability or need. These activities have been
selected to ensure that any adjustment needed is minimal to expel any feelings of
exclusion and guarantee all students are accommodated for. The adjustments are
also included in the activity brief attached below.
All six activities cover the four domains of learning and fundamental movement skills
(Hands, Martin, & Lynch, 2004). All six activities include the kinaesthetic and visual
aspects of the sensory domain. All six activities also include the accepting
responsibility aspects and activity two involves respecting and being concerned for
others and their rights (Hands, Martin, & Lynch, 2004). The emotional domain is
accounted for in all six activities as students are expected to self-manage emotions
and control behaviour (Hands, Martin, & Lynch, 2004). The language domain is

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demonstrated in all activities through speaking, listening and viewing (Hands, Martin,
& Lynch, 2004).
This sporting event will provide an opportunity to meet the curriculum links for Health
and Physical Education through the content descriptor, movement and physical
activity (ACARA, n.d.). For stage one the links are ACPMP025 and ACPMP027
(ACARA, n.d.). For stage two they are ACPMP043 and ACPMP045 (ACARA, n.d.).
These are addressed through the variation in movement required as each activity is
complete and the use of fundamental movement skills and variation in equipment
use or lack of equipment (ACARA, n.d.).
In addition to meeting the fundamental movement skill domains and the curriculum
links, this sporting day is a fun and engaging way for the children to enjoy building
peer relationships through team-related task, promote inclusion of their peers and
explore competition without elimination.
Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on this event
Kind Regards,
Professor McGonagall

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2.0 Summary of inclusion

2.1 Autism Spectrum Disorder

Leo is in year four and has Autism spectrum disorder. Leo has trouble
communicating, does not like crowds and startles easily with loud noises. After a
discussion with Leo’s learning support team it was decided to provide Leo with a
space in gazebo at station one (Foreman, & Arthur-Kelly, 2017; French, 2016). Leo’s
space will have a comfortable chair, noise cancelling headphones, his tablet with his
communication apps and a busy book provided by his mother (Foreman, & Arthur-
Kelly, 2017; French, 2016). Leo has the ability to and will be encouraged to
participate however having an allocated space allows Leo to retreat if noises and
crowds are too much (Foreman, & Arthur-Kelly, 2017; French, 2016). Leo’s learning
support teacher will remain with Leo during the event to ensure Leo has adequate
supervision with a staff member he is comfortable and familiar with (Foreman, &
Arthur-Kelly, 2017; French, 2016).

2.2 Abdominal surgery and wheelchair accessibility

Jessica is a year four student who has recently had abdominal surgery and has
returned to school due to parental work commitments. Her GP has advised she is
convalescent and as such is unable to participate in activities that require excessive
physical movement (Royal Children’s Hospital, 2018; Winnick & Porretta, 2018).
Emma is a year one and is paraplegic, requiring a wheelchair. Emma retains full
mobility in her upper body, including her arms.
Adjustments to the six activities have been advised to ensure inclusion for both
Jessica and Emma by allowing them to remain seated and in Jessica’s case,
minimise large movements (Royal Children’s Hospital, 2018; Winnick & Porretta,
2018). A wheelchair and individual volunteer will be allocated to Jessica to ensure
mobility between activities. The volunteer has been briefed on the situation and
requirements. The class teacher will oversee the volunteer.
All three volunteers allocated to Emma’s year group as well as the three class
teachers are aware of the additional movement needs Emma has and are willing to
observe and assist as required (Winnick & Porretta, 2018).

2.3 Asthma
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Michael is in year three and has severe asthma. Zoey is in year two and has
moderate asthma. The volunteers allocated to both the year two and three class
groups have been briefed on the student’s cases and possible indicators of an attack
(National Asthma Council Australia, 2017). Michael and Zoey’s class teachers are
each equip with a bag containing the students individual asthma action plan and
have both completed the online training available through Asthma Australia (Asthma
Australia, n.d.). Both children can participate in all activities under supervision
ensuring they have taken any prescribed preventative medication (Asthma Australia,
n.d.). If an attack does occur during participation in the activities, the asthma action
plan is to be followed (National Asthma Council Australia, 2017).

2.4 Down Syndrome

Sophia is in year three and has Down Syndrome which includes moderate vision
impairment. Sophia will be allocated a volunteer to verbally explain details of the
course and provide instruction and guidance throughout the event (Winnick &
Porretta, 2018).

2.5 Hearing loss

Oliver is in year one and has severe hearing loss. Visual tools can be used
throughout each activity to ensure Oliver understands each activity. Oliver will also
make use of his learning support teacher who will act as a translator and
communicate instructions and information to Oliver via Auslan (Winnick & Porretta,

2.6 Vision loss.

James is in year two and has complete vision loss. To ensure James can participate
he will be allocated a volunteer who will provide James with continuous audible
ques, prompts and feedback as he completes each event (Winnick & Porretta,

Christine Williams - 15328441

3.0 Timetable

Hogwarts Sports Day 2019

Year One Year Two Year Three Year Four
10:00am Quidditch toss Charms Transfiguration Fly the broom
– relay
10-30am Potions and Potions and Potions and Potions and
– herbology herbology herbology herbology
10:40am Charms Transfiguration Fly the broom Tri-Wizard
– relay obstacle
11:10am course
11:10am Potions and Potions and Potions and Potions and
– herbology herbology herbology herbology
11:20am Transfiguration Fly the broom Tri-Wizard Defence
– relay obstacle against the
11:50am course dark arts
11:50am Potions and Potions and Potions and Potions and
– 12 herbology herbology herbology herbology
12 noon Fly the broom Tri-Wizard Defence Quidditch toss
– obstacle against the
12:30pm course dark arts
12:30pm Potions and Potions and Potions and Potions and
– herbology herbology herbology herbology
12:40pm Tri-Wizard Defence Quidditch toss Charms
– obstacle against the
1:10pm course dark arts
1:10pm Potions and Potions and Potions and Potions and
– herbology herbology herbology herbology
1:20pm Defence Quidditch toss Charms Transfiguration
– against the relay
1:50pm dark arts
1:50pm Potions and Potions and Potions and Potions and
– 2pm herbology herbology herbology herbology

Each year group to have their class teachers and a minimum of three volunteers to move
through each activity with class group. This will ensure all year groups have a 10:1 student
to career ratio. Volunteers should be briefed on any additional support needs required by
students prior to commencing the activities.

Potions and herbology stations should be set up between each station and allocated two
volunteers each

Christine Williams - 15328441

4.0 Explanation

Curriculum links – ACPMP025, ACPMP027, ACPMP043, ACPMP045

Fundamental movement skill focus – Kinaesthetic and visual of the sensory domain,
accepting responsibility and respecting and being concerned for others and their
rights of the social domain, managing emotions, controlling behaviour and able to
self-manage from the emotional domain, and speaking, listening and viewing from
the language domain (Hands, Martin, & Lynch, 2004).

Activity 1. Quidditch toss – Three ball sizes - Quaffle (basketball) one point, Bludger
(soccer ball) two points, snitch (tennis ball) three points. Students select a ball and
stand behind the broom. The ball is thrown into one of the ‘quidditch hoops’ (hula-
hoops placed at one metre intervals from the broom). Each hoop is allocated points
based on the number of metres it is from the broom. E.g. a snitch into a hoop 5
metres away is eight house point.


Mobility – Perform activity seated

Vision - Volunteer stands inside hoop, clap to indicate location of hoop, move to
side before shot is taken.

Activity 2. Charms – In teams of 4 use the ‘wands’ (relay batons) to keep the balloon
off the ground. Using skill, coordination and team work, keep the balloon from
touching the ground. The balloon may not to touch anything other than a wand. Each
minute it is off the ground the team earns a point. Timer resets if balloon touches the


Mobility – Perform activity seated

Vision loss – Provide a balloon that contains a noise device such as bells

Christine Williams - 15328441

Activity 3. Transfiguration relay. Allocate one team member the ‘wizard’. Wizard
remain at opposite end of track. Students run to wizard who will name an animal that
the runner will be ‘transformed’ into. The runner must return to the team as that
animal and tag the next person.


Mobility – Perform activity seated as wizard

Vision loss – Volunteer to run with and guide student

Hearing loss – Provide wizard with cards depicting animals in pictures

Activity 4. Fly the broom. Groups of 2 - one supervisor to issues orders and one flyer
who sits on the broom. Using a broom balanced on pool noodles, move one noodle
at a time from the back to front to roll the broom to the opposite side of the
designated area. The broom and flyer cannot touch the ground.


Mobility – perform activity seated as supervisor

Hearing loss – use visual ques and descriptions

Activity 5. Tri-Wizard obstacle course - students make their way through a three-part
obstacle course

Fluffy - Fluffy the three headed dog (three teachers, volunteers or students) that
students sneak past. If one of Fluffy’s heads is looking toward them they must
freeze. If Fluffy detects movement the student is pointed to and named, and they
must start again.

Devils snare - a maze of green string that the students must not touch as they move
over, under and around them. Children unable to do this can use Ron’s flying car to
move three laps around the devil’s snare.

Flying keys is a range of cardboard shaped keys tied into a tree or hanging from a
goal post. Children must throw a beanbag and hit one of the keys

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Mobility – Fluffy – perform activity seated as one of Fluffy’s heads

Devils snare – move past using Ron’s flying car

Flying keys – participate while seated

Vision loss – volunteer to provide verbal ques throughout three activities

Activity 6. Defence against the dark arts – Catch the Cornish pixies - Working in
groups of 4 students use their wands (wooden spoons) to collect as many escaped
pixies (beanbags) as possible and return them to their cage (bucket). Starting at one
end of the area, students run with their wand to the opposite side (adjustable
depending on class participating), collect a pixie and balance it on their wand until
they place it back in the cage. One point is allocated per pixie safely captured. If a
pixie is dropped the student must start again.


Mobility – allocate pixies to fellow team mates from seated position.

Vision loss – volunteer to provide direction and guidance verbally

Additional areas – potions area (water station) and herbology (snack station offering
fruit and veg)

Christine Williams - 15328441

5.0 Discussion

A 600 word (10 Marks) discussion, with references, of safety/duty of care and
behaviour management considerations.
Identify safety, duty of care and behaviour management considerations,
and explain what arrangements you would have in place to address these.
 Working with children check and one-hundred-point identification check to be
performed on each volunteer
 Name tags given to volunteers that identify them easily as participants to
prevent confusion with other spectators
 Safety policy to be given to each volunteer to read and sign. This will include
information regarding duty of care, the location of medical supplies including
EpiPen and asthma supplies and procedural information including first point of
contact in case an emergency occurs.
 Map of grounds with clearly labelled locations of bathrooms, food and water
stations and medical supplies to be laminated and attached in a visible
location at each station.
 If shade is not available of likely to shift throughout the event a gazebo should
be erected to ensure shade is available at all stations.
 Hats and sunscreen to be worn by all children, additional supplies of
sunscreen and spare hats to be available at the water table


Christine Williams - 15328441

Australian Curriculum and Reporting Authority. (n.d.). Health and physical education.
Retrieved from

Asthma Australia. (n.d.). Asthma in schools. Retrieved from

Hands, B., Martin, M., & Lynch, P. (2004). Fundamental Movement Skills. Book 1:
Learning, Teaching and Assessment. Retrieved from

McKelvey, V. (n.d.). Successful inclusion in school sports for secondary students

with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Retrieved from

National Asthma Council Australia. (2017). Asthma action plans. Retrieved from

Royal Children Hospital (2018). Kids health info. Retrieved from

Winnick, J., & Porretta, D. L. (2018). Adapted physical education and sport. Human


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