Organizing Persuasive Speeches

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Persuasive Speech Main Point Patterns


Refutative Problem/Solution
Comparative Problem/Cause/Solution
Advantages Modified Comparative Advantages
Invitational Monroe’s Motivated Sequence
Problem (no solution)
Organizing Dispositional Speeches


 State an argument in support of the position you are refuting.

 State and give evidence of the flaws in this argument.
 State and give evidence to support your argument.
 Show how your argument erodes the argument of the opposing side.

Thesis Statement: School uniforms will not solve the problems in our school system.

I. First Main Point: Some people claim that school uniforms reduce violence.
A. Subpoint: This argument is based on beliefs regarding social comparison theory,
child development, and socioeconomic status (explain each of these).
B. Subpoint: Although these beliefs make sense to a certain degree, several studies
have been conducted that show that schools that switched to uniforms actually
experienced increased violence among students (cite some of the results and
C. Subpoint: When one looks at the evidence regarding school uniforms and
violence, then it is obvious that school uniforms will not reduce violence and may
even result in more of it.

II. Second Main Point: Some people claim that school uniforms will improve academic
achievement and standardized test scores.
A. Subpoint: This argument is based on beliefs regarding social comparison theory,
child development, and emotional intelligence (explain each of these).
B. Subpoint: Again, these perceptions tend to make sense, that is, until one considers
the research conducted that shows no significant improvement in test scores by
students in schools where uniforms were made mandatory (cite some of the
results and conclusions).
C. Subpoint: Although there may be good reasons for mandating school uniforms,
improving academic achievement and test scores is not among them.


• School uniforms will not solve the problems in our school systems.
• School uniforms will not necessarily reduce violence among students or improve
academic achievement.
• A school uniform policy should be adopted but only for the right reasons.


 Show how the advantages of the alternative you advocate outweigh the
 Show the advantages of this of this particular surpass the advantages of the
other options.
 Show how the disadvantages of other options outweigh their advantages.

Thesis Statement: A satellite system is better than a cable subscription for getting
television programming.

I. First Main Point: Many people have cable television subscriptions because cable
offers several advantages over rooftop antenna reception.
A. Subpoint: One advantage is its consistently clearer reception than with a
rooftop antenna.
B. Subpoint: Another advantage is the ability to access a variety of
programming as opposed to merely two, three, or four local stations.
C. Subpoint: Finally, it is possible to select from a variety of cable
subscription packages, allowing one to access specialty programming
like movies and sports.

II. Second Main Point: Satellite television is now another option from which to choose.
A. Subpoint: Advantages include its excellent picture and sound quality,
access to plethora of movie and sports programming, customer service
satisfaction, and value for money.
B. Subpoint: Some potential disadvantages include initial costs for the dish
and installation, need for a clear southern exposure for your dish, limited
access to local television stations, and the inability to watch two different
satellite programs at the same time in your home.

III. Third Main Point: Comparative advantages and disadvantages illustrate that, unless
your property does not have a clear view to the south, satellite is the better alternative.
A. Subpoint: Cost issues ultimately weight in favor of satellite television,
particularly for sports and movie enthusiasts (cite ratings from Consumer
Reports, December 1999).
B. Subpoint: Picture and sound quality are better with satellite television.
C. Subpoint: Customer service satisfaction is better with satellite television.
D. Subpoint: Access to local programs can be easily obtained with a rooftop
antenna, which is free to use.
E. Subpoint: Ability to watch different programs on different television sets at
the same time can be achieved with a rooftop antenna or by purchasing an
add-on receiver (about $100) and paying an additional $5 per month.

F. Subpoint: When all the inherent advantages and disadvantages of cable and
satellite television options are compared, satellite television clearly provides
the best value for your money.

• Tell the listeners to see why the advantages of the satellite system outweigh its
disadvantages, as well as any potential advantages of cable television.


 Offer your perspective and describe how it works for you.

 Create an atmosphere that encourages mutual understanding.
 Focus on positive aspects of a situation and persistence of them.

Thesis Statement: Living a vegetarian lifestyle is an important aspect of who I am today.

I. First Main Point: I made this choice for several reasons.

II. Second Main Point: I decided to become a vegetarian about the same time I moved
away from home to attend college. Perhaps you can relate.
III. Third Main Point: I deal daily with advantages and disadvantages of this choice, but
the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

• Restatement of belief her belief in being a vegetarian.
• Clinching with a positive visualization about her upcoming Thanksgiving dinner.
• Living the decision to choose a similar lifestyle to her listeners.


 Focus on the depth and breadth of a problem to show its significance.

 Attain agreement about whether something exists or is likely to occur.
 Ideal for a target audience that is uncertain about or opposed to your position.

Thesis Statement: Binge drinking is becoming a serious problem on college campuses

across the United States.

I. First Main Point: Binge drinking is common among college students.

II. Second Main Point: Binge drinking causes serious problems for these students.
III. Third Main Point: Binge drinking causes serious problems for society as well.

Organizing Actuation Speeches


 First Main Point: Examination of the problem and its relevance with
sufficient breadth and depth
 Second Main Point: Presentation of the multifaceted solution, indicating what
listeners should do personally as well what should be done on a larger scale

Thesis Statement: We must do something to squelch the alarming problem of gang

violence in our country.

I. First Main Point: We cannot deny the fact that gang violence is a serious problem.
A. Subpoint: Gang violence occurs in urban, suburban, and rural communities
and areas across the country. (Cite examples and statistics about growing
B. Subpoint: Gang violence occurs in our fine community as well. (Cite
C. Subpoint: Contrary to what you might believe, gang members are not isolated
to one ethnic or racial group, or from a particular social class. (Cite examples
and statistics.)
D. Subpoint: The consequences of gang violence include harassment, vandalism,
dismemberment, and death. (Cite examples and statistics.)

II. Second Main Point: Although gang violence is too large a problem to eradicate with
one simple solution, there are some issues that ought to be addressed to begin to deal
effectively with it.
A. Subpoint: Congress should pass gun control laws to limit gang member
access to guns. (Explain the plan.)
B. Subpoint: Schools and communities must implement programs that give
kids positive alternatives to joining gangs and participating in gang activities.
C. Subpoint: As parents and guardians, we must be accountable for the actions
of our children.
1. Sub-subpoint: This includes encouraging them to participate in
healthy activities and taking an interest in them when they do.
2. Sub-subpoint: This also means knowing where our children are and
what they’re doing during their free time.
3. Sub-subpoint: And this means being responsible for and accepting
certain consequences when they do engage in inappropriate, and
perhaps harmful, activities.


 Articulation of the problem

 Analysis of the causes of the problem
 Presentation of the multifaceted solutions

Thesis Statement: If we don’t want garbage of overcome us and our world, we must
make the habit of recycling the norm rather than the exception.

I. First Main Point (problem): Waste disposal is a significant problem.

II. Second Main Point (cause[s]): Since most of us realize that waste disposal is a
serious problem and recycling can be an effective solution, why aren’t we better about
doing it?
A. Subpoint: One reason has to do with ignorance about recycling.
B. Subpoint: Another reason has to do with inconvenience.


 Identification of the problem and its significance

 Presentation of the other plan[s] proposed to solve the problem
 Presentation of the solution and why it’s better than the others

Thesis Statement: If you are looking for the best value and quality television reception
available today, choose satellite television system.

I. First Main Point (problem): We need to invest in some system for television
reception if you want access to the information and entertainment it provides.
II. Second Main Point (alternatives): There are several options available today.
A. Subpoint: Using a rooftop antenna is one option.
B. Subpoint: Subscribing to cable television is another option.
C. Subpoint: Installing a satellite system is another option.
III. Third Main Point (best plan): Choose satellite television.
A. Subpoint: Here’s why satellite television system is the best plan.
B. Subpoint: Here’s what you need to do to install satellite television system in
your home.


Step 1: Attention –
 motivate listeners not only to listen
 internalize a sense of urgency about doing something about a particular

Step 2: Need –
 show listeners that there is a serious problem with the existing situation or the
present conditions using strong supporting materials
 demonstrate the depth and breadth of the problem as well as how it impacts on

Step 3: Satisfaction -
 present your plan for solving the problem, providing enough detail so listeners
have a clear understanding of how your plan will actually solve the problem

Step 4: Visualization –

To visualize a positive future:

 describe that will happen if your plan is implemented
 picture your listeners enjoying the benefits that acceptance of your proposal
will produce

To visualize a negative future:

 describe what will happen if the situation continues on its current course
 picture listeners enduring the unpleasant effects resulting from the failure to
implement your proposal

** Note: You can also provide both positive and negative visualization.

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