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Why We Should Only Elect Politicians,

Willing To SERVE Us?

Have you ever wondered, why Americans, so often, tend to elect individuals, who seem to prioritize their political/

personal agenda, and/ or, self - interest, instead of the overall needs, priorities, and concerns of the citizens, and the
greater good? Isn't it, about time, we demanded, elected officials, are willing to SERVE and represent us, and protect,

all of our rights, freedoms, and justice (for all), guaranteed by the United States Constitution, and laws. Today,

perhaps, more, than ever before, in recent memory, we must, focus on, avoiding the promises and rhetoric/ vitriol of

hatred, bigotry, and prejudice, and realize, love must trump hate, if our nation is, to remain relevant, and sustainable.

With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic

approach, what this means and represents, and why it matters.

1. Strengths; stronger; service; sustainable; solutions; system: When public officials, seek to divide, for political

purposes, they harm some of the essential, most significant, strengths, of this nation! We need to elect people, whose

emphasis, is on making us all, stronger, by providing quality service and representation, focused on providing

sustainable solutions, and implementing the most efficient, effective, system, to achieve honorable, needed goals and


2. Empathy; emphasis; endurance: Since no one, has all the answers, we need people, with a willingness to

effectively listen, and learn, in order to proceed, with the utmost degree of genuine empathy! How one focuses, and

places his emphasis, must be combined with the endurance, to proceed, with relevant, sustainable persistence!

3. Relevant; righteous (doing the right thing); responsive; realistic: One should be righteous, without behaving,

in a self - righteous way, and strive to do, the right thing, instead of any expedient one! If a leader isn't relevant, his

leadership is without value and/ or purpose! Great public officials, take - on, challenges, in a realistic, responsive way,

while looking at various options and alternatives, in a service - oriented, way!

4. Views; value; values; vision: Examine someone's vision, and whether, it focuses on the possibilities, and how

things should, and could be, rather than, merely, as they are! Listen carefully, to their views, and whether, they align

them, with both, bringing value, and being loyal to the nations core values!

5. Excellence; earn your vote: Don't vote for someone, merely, because of the emotional impact, of their slogan/

motto, and/ or, empty promises/ rhetoric! Never be satisfied, with someone, who isn't ready, willing, or able to look
ahead, and be prepared, and isn't satisfied with good - enough! We deserve to be represented, with the utmost

excellence, and we must demand, anyone seeking office, earns our vote!

Are you, Sick and tired, and not going to take it anymore? If you are tired of officials, who seem more motivated by
their personal/ political agendas, and self - interest, instead of being willing to SERVE the public's needs, make your

vote count!

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