Team Building Effectivity

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Fidia Oktarisa1 Annisa Miranty Nurendra2

Universitas Islam Indonesia


This research is a type of applied social research or action research. Sewing line X as a
research object has not been able to achieve daily or weekly work targets so that it has an
impact on group effectiveness or performance. Next, the researcher conducts a group level
diagnosis to find out the description of sewing line X. The group level diagnosis uses an
assessment method consisting of interviews, observation, and document study. The assessment
results show that the sewing line X does not function as a working group. This has an impact
on work group activities and coordination among fellow group members and coordination
between members and superiors. The results showed that to improve the effectiveness of sewing
line X as a working group, it was necessary to develop the group function by applying human
resource intervention through the team building training approach.

Keywords: Team functioning, team building training, group effectiveness

1. Introduction This is in line with the statement of Erdem

(2013) that where the dynamics of
The department is a group within
cooperation in a group or team is the main
the company that is part of the life of the
foundation for the success of an
company (Thoha, 2009). Groups in a
company consist of members who are
Luthans (2009) states that the effect
interdependent with each other in carrying
of group assignments can be seen from the
out a performance in a structured manner.
strategies applied by the group to achieve
Groups will become more contact bound,
goals manifested in the form of group
able to overcome some of the usual
performance in the name of company
dysfunction problems (Luthans, 2009).
performance, comprehensively group
Achieving group goals and target
effectiveness can be seen from the ability to
companies requires maximum support from
overcome several problems and
each group member. Individuals in a group
dysfunctions in groups. The characteristics
must show their best performance to
of effective groups include groups that can
achieve group goals which will eventually
create the right environment and support
refer to achieving organizational goals.
commitment, a system of communication

Fidia Oktarisa, Universitas Islam Indonesia, email:
Annisa Miranty Nurendra, Universitas Islam Indonesia, email:
and appreciation and physical space. The able to achieve daily efficiency targets. The
synchronization of these elements can efficiency of each day is determined based
create a group with a productive on the calculation of the number of orders,
atmosphere. the number of man power, the number of
The working group in this case machines, and the time it has to complete
comes from a manufacturing company the order in order to close the pre order /
engaged in the garment sector. There is a close PO and the goods are ready to be sent.
production department that plays an The lowest efficiency based on the daily
important role in producing quality efficiency record of the production
products according to the buyer's request. department is line sewing X. The line is
The production department consists of relatively new with a working period of six
several sewing or sewing lines. Line sewing months. Each sewing line consists of
is a garment-producing working group that supervisors, group leaders, admin
is a product of PT. X Semarang. The sewing operators, and several sewing operators.
line in completing the target is determined Sewing Line X in the construction of brand
by the accuracy and speed of finishing the A style has not been able to achieve the
sewing to become a garment. The sewing daily efficiency target because the
line target is achieving the daily efficiency percentage of efficiency is below the
set by the company. percentage set by the company, namely a
Line sewing in the production minimum daily efficiency of 60%.
department of PT. X Semarang is divided The results of the interview with the
based on clothing style work, namely brand personnel section of the ERA staff revealed
A production and brand N production. One that sewing line X in performance had not
of the biggest targets and efficiency is been able to achieve targeted efficiency
found in brand A sewing line production, every day. Sewing line X is basically
this is because the sewing line that produces different from other lines, most existing
brand A can change styles suddenly operators are new operators who do not
according to demand buyer. have experience working in the garment
Overall, the sewing line that industry, but have attended training center
produces brand A can meet the target programs facilitated by the company. In
according to the number of orders requested addition, sewing line X also has several old
by the buyer. However, there are a number operators that are part of the line.
of brand A sewing lines that have not been
The sewing line X is classified as The group leader as the leader of a
new with a working period of six months line is obliged to set a strategy so that
and the average operator working on the sewing operators can work according to the
line is classified as a new operator which target and efficiency without any stitches
indirectly influences the efficiency to be stacking or rejecting. While on the sewing
achieved. This is because some new X line, the group leader status is still in the
operators have not been able to adjust their process of testing or acting to be promoted
work methods and speed like the old to sewing group leader. In sewing
operators. In general, new operators have a capability, the group leader can master
slow working time and often experience several sewing processes and has had
delays until some operators experience a experience as a sewing operator for several
stack of stitches. Seams on a line are normal years. According to the production
when the quantity and working time are manager, the group leader of the sewing X
planned strictly. However, this is not an line still needs to improve expertise in
excuse for operators not to work quickly in managing operators so they can work
completing targets. quickly and ensure the quality of the work
According to the production of the operators. The group leader is also
manager there are several other sewing obliged to encourage and regulate certain
lines that have also recently been formed. strategies so that the operator can work on
The performance of other new sewing lines time, oversee every process carried out by
is still able to achieve daily efficiency with each operator so that the sewing process
the composition of the average operator as does not accumulate.
well as the new operator as in line sewing The initial interview with group
X. The composition of the sewing line, leader of Sewing line X explained that there
which on average consists of new operators were several operators who had work
is not the only factor that makes a sewing stacks, when the group leader or supervisor
line unable to achieve daily efficiency. gave instructions to help other operators,
According to the factory manager of PT. X then the operators who had completed the
Semarang, the leadership group leader stitches were asked to help the operator that
factor as the supervisor of the operator is was having a pile of work.
the influence of the stability of the sewing Based on the preliminary data, the
line in achieving efficiency. researcher intends to conduct a group level
assessment to deepen the data related to the
efficiency of the Sewing line X working The study uses purposive sampling
group by using several assessment methods for qualitative data that can determine the
so that the researcher gets an overview of research subject and key informants
the efficiency of the Sewing line X in the appropriately. Purposive sampling aims to
production department of PT. X Semarang. identify and select cases that provide
The assessment results can be a reference in adequate information appropriately by
determining the diagnosis of group level on determining samples based on certain
Sewing line X and get an overview of the considerations (Sugiyono, 2013). The
condition of the Sewing line X group and sampling characteristics in this study are
provide recommendations for appropriate employees who work in the production
interventions to improve the effectiveness section of PT. X Semarang, which is called
of Sewing line X as a working group. a sewing operator on the sewing X line
along with the boss and parties related to
2. Materials dan Methods the production process.
2.1. Study Design
2.3. Group Level-Diagnosis Model
This research uses action research
Data collection techniques in this
design which is one type of applied social
study used an assessment technique
research. Action research is a social
consisting of several methods of data
experiment that emphasizes the process of
collection. Assessment was carried out
solving problems and progress using
based on the Cummings group level
quantitative and qualitative approaches
diagnosis model (Cummings and Worley,
(Tomal, 2003).
2015). This level of diagnosis model can be
2.2. Sampling Strategy
seen in the picture below:

Picture 1. Group Level-Diagnosis Model by Cummings and Worley

The diagnosis model consists of attitudes and behavior of members in the
inputs, component design (task structure, group. The internal needs of group
goal clarity, team functioning, performance members can also influence group behavior
norms, and group composition), and as a whole. These differences in
outputs. Input refers to organizational characteristics can influence the work
design that includes strategy, structure, decisions of group members. Performance
technology, human resource systems, norms are members' beliefs about how the
management processes, culture. While group's performance should be towards a
design components consist of aspects that task, including setting work standards. This
affect group effectiveness consisting of includes the values and regulations
goal clarity, task structure, team contained in the group. Team functioning is
functioning, performance norms, and group the most basic thing that affects group
composition). effectiveness. The team functioning
Goal clarity involves how well includes all activities related to group
group members are able to understand assignments such as group coordination
group tasks and goals in general. Objectives and outcome evaluation. Coordination
should be challenging, there are appropriate occurs as long as group members can
methods to measure the achievement of the influence group performance.
task, periodic monitoring, there is feedback The results of the application of
on information on achieving goals, and inputs to the design component show group
goals must be clearly known by all group output in the form of group effectiveness
members. which can be seen from several factors,
The task structure focuses on the namely product of service quality,
design of task structures in groups. This productivity number of decission, team
component has two dimensions, including cohesiveness, and group member
how to coordinate among members in the satisfaction.
group and the regulation of division of tasks
as group members. Group compilation 2.4. Assessment Method
focuses on the characteristics of group Assessment methods are carried out
members, demographic factors such as age, using several data collection methods,
educational background, work experience, namely by using interviews, observation,
and ability to work that can influence the and documentation. The method was
compiled based on the group level analysis foundation in the process of understanding
model from Cummings. The following is (Herdiansyah, 2013). Interview as a process
the basis of each method used: of communication between two or more
people with a goal and usually contains
2.4.1. Observation questions about the answer to a question.
Observation is a systematic observation Sulistyarini and Novianti (2012) explained
activity followed by a systematic recording that interviews confirmed using aspects
technique to help data collection that proposed by Cummings and Worley (2015)
underlies specific statements from namely goal clarity, task structure, team
individuals or groups that are reflected functioning, group composition, and
through behavior, so that later certain performance norms which were then
meanings can be taken (Sugiyono, 2013). compiled into interview guides. This is
The researcher used the anecdotal record related to the assessment used to determine
observation model, which is one of the the application of each aspect so that it can
observation models, where the researcher be seen the group effectiveness picture on
carried out observations by carrying blank Sewing line X.
paper, only recorded unique behavior, and
was important according to the researcher. 2.4.3. Document Study
Behavior that is considered important will The study of documentation according
be recorded as soon as possible after the to Sugiyono (2016) is a record of past
behavior appears. Observation was carried events, such as writing, pictures, or
out by using an observation guide based on monumental works such as diaries, life
the group analysis theory proposed by history, biographies, regulations, and
Cummings. policies. Study documents in this study are
notes and data about companies that can be
2.4.2. Interview used to see the company's vision, mission
Interviews are a process of and values, organizational structure in the
communication interactions conducted by company, and how the company
at least two people on the basis of administration. The following assessment
availability and in scientific settings. The matrix for each method is based on the
direction of the discussion examines the components that can be collected data:
stated goals by prioritizing trust as the main
Matrix of Assessment Method
No Assessment Area Assessment Method
Interview Observation Document
1. Input ✔
2. Goal Clarity ✔
3. Task Structure ✔ ✔
4. Team Functioning ✔ ✔
5. Performance Norms ✔ ✔
6. Groups Composition ✔ ✔
7. Output (Group Effectiveness ✔ ✔ ✔

The matrix of assessment methods can interview data collected from the research
be seen throughout the assessment area can subjects passed the verbatim coding
be photographed using the interview process. While observation data is obtained
method. Observation methods can capture based on observational records of
information on several assessment areas, researchers while in the field and there are
namely team functioning, performance data in the form of documents as a result of
norms, groups composition, and output. study document studies. The data collected
Whereas in the study method the document from each of these methods was analyzed
can find out the task structure (through the using stream analysis. Stream analysis
organizational structure, business process according to Porras (1987) is a graphical
department, and job description) and output representation of complex relationships
can be seen from the efficiency list or the about a problem situation. Analysis
achievement of targets on the efficiency procedure using stream analysis of
update board available online. collected data which includes problem
categorization, identification of
2.5. Data Analysis interconnections and problem diagram
Data obtained from interview, analysis (Porras, 1987).
observation, and document study methods
2.6. Ethical Considerations
were then grouped according to the design
components in the Cummings group level
The implementation of the research has
diagnosis model. The assessment results are
received permission from Company X
based on inputs, goal clarity, task structure,
through the approval of the HRM
performance norms, group composition,
Department and Production Manager.
team functioning, and outputs. The
Research permits last for four months operators. Group Leaders are on the front of
starting from September 3, 2018 and ending the line whose position can also be moved
on December 21, 2018. according to line requirements.
Occasionally the group leader will move to
3. Results And Discussion
the operator's desk who needs help or
3.1. Results ensure work on the completeness and needs
The assessment results on the sewing X
of the group for production work so that the
line are obtained based on the method of
sewing process runs smoothly.
collecting observations, interviews and
During the production process takes
document studies. The assessment results
place the room is heard music that has been
of each of these methods are as follows:
set at a certain time by the personnel. The
3.1.1. Observation
music can foster enthusiasm for operators
The Sewing line X workplace is an
and other employees while working. When
open space at the PT. X Semarang, where
working hours the operators will be busy
one line of work is arranged in such a way
working on their respective jobs with a
as to the needs of the machine and man
monotonous work tempo, so that the songs
power. The Sewing line X is on line 39,
played are expected to reduce the level of
where the line is next to the other sewing
saturation for operators and employees who
lines which have different styles of work.
are working. In addition, music playback
The sewing X line consists of two long lines
time is a marker for the group leader to
to the back so that each operator will sit on
instruct operators to implement factory
a chair facing the table and each sewing
standards, namely 5R (concise, neat, clean,
tool. Then on the back there is a separate
diligent, caring) such as sweeping the floor
cupboard and table used by the admin to
around the line to keep it clean.
place garment components such as threads,
Work hours of group start at 07.00 WIB
needles, scissors, and report files as well as
until 15.45 WIB, where before the work
administrative data related to Sewing line X
process begins the employee must fill in the
data and the employee's own data.
attendance list using their respective ID
The supervisor's position changes
Card. During the 11:45 is time to break,
according to the line needs he supervises.
employees are welcome to take a lunch
Usually the supervisor stands in front of the
break and time to worship until 13:00 WIB.
sewing line, making it easy for supervisors
The company provides a canteen for
to directly monitor the performance of the
employee lunch needs, the canteen can
accommodate more than 500 people. After achieve in one day and its achievement.
the break, the production process continues Based on the efficiency of the target board
until the working hours are over. and efficiency, it can be seen that the
The norms that apply to the sewing X Sewing line X has not yet achieved the
line can be seen from the interaction efficiency expected by the company, it can
between employees, where after the be compared with other sewing lines, which
morning briefing or before the production have reached an average efficiency of at
process takes place, the group leader and least 60% every day.
the operator pray according to their 3.1.2. Interview
respective beliefs guided by a recording of The results of interviews from various
prayers played by personnel. In addition, sources ranging from employees to top
there are habits to maintain the cleanliness management after the integration of data
of the work environment starting from the from all the sources showed that based on
cleanliness of sewing machines, garments, input, the company gave the target
and the cleanliness of floors around the line. according to the sewing line's ability to
The composition of the working group complete the target. Sewing line X gets a
on the Sewing line X consists of men and target that does not require long processing
women with a number of male employees, time and the level of work difficulty does
namely as many as two people and 19 not complicate Sewing line X. The
women. This working group also has a company also facilitates each group leader
group leader namely a woman and an to get training focusing on soft skills that
admin as well as a woman. This supervisor will be needed by group leaders in carrying
of Sewing line X is a woman who has out their duties.
worked in the production department for Based on group design, each
four years with experience starting as an component shows the results that in goal
operator, group leader to become a clarity, each line has a work target in the
supervisor overseeing three lines including form of a production target and an
Sewing line X. efficiency whose achievement is marked by
The work or output of the Sewing line closing PO or closing the pre order. Every
X group can be seen on the efficiency board morning briefing, the daily target will be
displayed on the production manager's delivered by the group leader to the
table, where on the board is written the operators on line. Some operators on the
target that the Sewing line X group must Sewing line X already know the target and
line of purpose of Sewing line X, but not all the group leaders have not been fully able
operators have the awareness to reach that to coordinate so that softskill training is
target. In task structure, the division of needed, especially leadership skills.
tasks on Sewing line is carried out by the Group performance can be seen with
group leader as the direct supervisor of the the results of the garment in quantity and
operator and admin. The group leader has quality, to maintain the quality of the
more responsibility than the operator, the garment. The group leader sorts the results
main task is to ensure the target, efficiency of the garment that the operator works
and quality of the garment. Every time you before reaching the QC (quality control)
start a style, the group leader will explain desk. The aim is to prevent rejects from the
how to sew in each process. However, some garment. Furthermore, the group leader and
operators choose to use their own methods supervisor are responsible for being able to
which are ineffective and make the operator close the PO according to the schedule set
not timely in completing the stitches. by the company.
Besides that, the group leader has moral Based on group composition, Sewing
responsibility towards the operator. The line X is a new sewing line with a working
leader of Sewing line X group shapes the period of six months. The Sewing line X
morale of the operator by applying it first to consists of 25 operators. The average
oneself, such as maintaining anger by operator is a new operator that has passed a
participating in cleaning the work area. As trial period of three months. But there are
a leader, the group leader leads a briefing several operators who only master one skill.
every morning to provide information Some other operators who are old operators
regarding line activities, especially target or have multi skills. Operators who only
efficiency information, which is the group's master one skill during the three-month trial
goal. Before starting the production period do not receive effective supervision.
process, the Group Leader and supervisor Different from the other new sewing lines
do the layout according to the order style that still work according to the target. Skill
that is lowered to Sewing line X. Then, the problems are not the cause of the main
group leader is tasked with directing the sewing line not performing, but some
operator to work, if needed in certain operators on the Sewing line X are often
conditions. However, between group negligent and underestimate the work.
leaders and operators, effective The norms in Sewing line X include,
communication has not yet been formed, among others, all Sewing line X group
members understand and understand the method was not effective which had an
values that exist in groups such as the impact on the work of the operator who still
prohibition on making colored food and have sewing pile and was not targeted.
drinks when they work, they cannot smoke, The finished garment, before arriving at
and they must use uniforms given by the the QC desk, will be sorted by group leader
company except for new employees who and supervisor to reduce reject items.
have not obtained a uniform that is using According to operators, rejects often occur
shirts or t-shirts, each employee must in the first stage of the process, but it is only
maintain a clean state, especially hand known when the goods have entered the
hygiene, this is related to the quality of the final process. So, the line needs to be
garment they do so that damage does not completely disassembled to improve the
occur such as stains from their hands during initial sewing process. If there is reject,
sewing . Furthermore, each employee and especially reject shading and reject cutting,
boss must respect and respect each other, in then the line will propose component
order to create a comfortable working replacement. When a stitch or stack occurs
atmosphere. Communication between lines in a process, the group leader will ask the
consists of active communication and operator to use the same machine that have
passive communication through media like not sewing pile to be able to assist the
wall magazine. Every morning Sewing line operator who have sewing pile. The goal is
X conducts a briefing before starting the to speed up the process so that the goods
work process. However, there are values can proceed to the next process.
that are still lacking in application to the Some operators object to assisting
operator, namely attitude in working. operators who have sewing pile, they are
The Sewing line X at the time of willing to help if the operator that have
assessment is working on the jacket sewing sewing pile is their friend. In collaboration,
process together with the two lines that are the operator has not yet been able to work
on one supervision. So it is not possible to as a whole as a whole because there are still
be given training because it is pursuing a small groups, especially between new
target. Every start of a style work, group operators and old operators. In addition to
leader of Sewing line X explained how to collaboration, the group's performance did
work according to the standards set by the not reach the target because there were
company, but some operators chose to use personal problems such as conflicts
their own sewing methods even though the
between operators and a decrease in morale operator, and 21 sewing operators. Based
due to other personal problems. on sex characteristics, there are two male
Overall, Sewing line X in achieving the operators and 19 female operators.
output or target is not stable and has not Meanwhile, supervisor, admin, and group
reached the daily efficiency target. Every leader are employees.
day the output achieved goes up and down
and rarely reaches the target and daily 3.2. Discussion
efficiency. Achieving Line X efficiency on Based on the assessment results
an average day still ranges from 40% to conducted on the Sewing line X as working
55% of the target of at least 60% achieving group using aspects of the Cummings and
daily efficiency. Worley (2015) diagnosis method, it is
3.1.3. Document Study known that overall the Sewing line X
Sewing line X is a work unit that is already has inputs, composition groups,
under the production management of PT. X task structures, and performance norms that
Semarang. This line has different duties and are effective in working as a group.
responsibilities with 22 other sewing lines, However, in team functioning and
which are in accordance with the understanding of the target development
workmanship of the clothing styles still needs to be done.
produced by each sewing line. The company provides the target
The task structure on Sewing line X has according to the sewing line's ability to
been explained in the form of a work complete the target. Sewing line X is a new
instruction for work instructions for sewing line with a working period of six
operators and there is a job description for months. The line gets a target that does not
the position of group leaders and require long processing time and the level
supervisors. Each operator, supervisor and of work difficulties does not make it
group leader knows their duties and difficult for Sewing line X operators to
responsibilities, but there are still a number reach the target. Basically, every operator
of jobs that are not optimal for some on the Sewing line X already knows the
operators and group leaders so that the target and line of work of Sewing line X.
performance of the group is not maximal. Each line has a work target in the form of a
The composition of Sewing line X production target and efficiency with
based on based on the position where there achievements marked by closing PO or
are supervisors, group leaders, admin closing the pre order. Even though every
morning briefing, the daily target will be leader Sewing line X group forms the
delivered by the group leader to the morale of the operator by applying it first to
operators who are on line, but not all oneself such as maintaining the cleanliness
operators have the awareness to achieve of the work area by participating in
these targets in the work process. cleaning the work area with the operator.
According to Parker (2007), effective Before starting the production process,
teams must understand the targets needed the group leader and supervisor do the
and what must be done to achieve these layout according to the derived order style
targets, because the quality of an effective to Sewing line X. Then, the group leader is
team requires clear and realistic goals to be tasked with directing the operator to work,
achieved. Parker (2007) also mentions that if needed under certain conditions the group
the purpose of a group can be leader balances to overcome man power
psychologically extraordinary motivation problems and regulates the smooth sewing
for each member of the team who has goals process. However, effective group
and knows the things that need to be done leadership and operators have not yet
to achieve the goals will be challenged to formed communication, where the group
solve them. leader has not been fully able to coordinate,
The strategy used in Sewing line X in so soft skill training is needed, especially
carrying out tasks has been determined to leadership skills.
facilitate the operator and admin at work. Group performance can be seen by the
Division of tasks on line is carried out by results of the garment in quantity and
the group leader as the direct supervisor of quality, to maintain the garment quality of
the operator and admin. Group leaders have the leader group to sort the garment results
more responsibility than operators, the that the operator works before reaching the
main task is to ensure the target, efficiency QC table. The aim is to prevent rejects from
and quality of the garment. Every time you the garment. Furthermore, the group leader
start a style, the group leader will explain and supervisor are responsible for being
how to sew in each process. However, some able to close the PO according to the
operators choose to use their own methods schedule set by the company.
which are ineffective and make the operator The number of operators incorporated
not timely in completing the stitches. In in each work style on the Sewing line X
addition, the group leader has moral varies according to man power
responsibility towards the operator. The requirements. However, the production
manager explained that the Sewing line X known when the goods have entered the
consisted of 25 operators. The average final process. So, the line needs to be
operator is a new operator that has passed a completely disassembled to improve the
trial period of three months. However, there initial sewing process. If rejects occur,
are several operators who only master one especially rejecting shading and rejecting
skill. Some other operators who are old the cut, then the line will propose
operators have multi skills. Operators who component changes. When a stitch or stack
only master one skill during the three- occurs in one process, the group leader will
month trial period do not receive effective ask the operator who have not sewing pile
supervision. Different the other new sewing to be able to help the operator have sewing
lines that still work according to the target. pile with the aim to speed up the process so
Skill problems are not the cause of the main that the goods can proceed to the next
sewing line not performing, but some process.
operators on the Sewing line X are often Some operators object to assisting
negligent and underestimate the work. operators who have sewing pile, they are
The Sewing line X at the time of willing to help if the operator is their friend.
assessment is working on the jacket sewing In collaboration, the operator has not yet
process together with the two lines that are been able to work as a whole as a whole
on one supervision. So, it is not possible to because there are still small groups,
be given training because it is pursuing a especially between new operators and old
target. Every start of a style work, group operators. According to Forsyth (2010) the
leader of Sewing line X explained how to closeness of relations from team members
work according to the standards set by the will show that the team members have a
company, but some operators chose to use high degree of unity. It also shows the
their own sewing methods even though the typical cohesive team especially on the
method was not effective which had an feelings of members who are united as the
impact on the work of the operator who still effort of each member in achieving a
have sewing pile and was not targeted. common goal. In addition, members of this
The finished garment, before arriving at group do not have commitments and
the QC desk, will be sorted by group leader contributions to achieve group goals. The
and supervisor to reduce reject items. lack of commitment also has an impact on
According to operators, rejects often occur group work performance that is not
in the first stage of the process, but it is only optimal, while groups must be able to work
as a whole team to be able to produce the work effectiveness of employees in a
optimal work performance. group. The results of the study of Josephine
In addition to collaboration, the group's and Harjanti (2017) found that a
performance did not reach the target comfortable work environment can
because there were personal problems such increase employee concentration in
as conflicts between operators and a improving performance and these
decrease in morale due to other personal conditions have an impact on increasing the
problems. Research results of Supriyanto productivity of employees in a group.
and Mukzam (2018) related to employee The obstacles and constraints
performance found that in addition to the experienced by group leaders, operators,
ability of employees to be able to carry out admin, and supervisors in carrying out the
their duties and responsibilities, there is production process on Sewing line X have
motivation and work environment to be a an impact on the output or results of group
factor that has an impact on employee performance. Overall, the Sewing line X in
performance in a work group. According to achieving the target is unstable and has not
Hasibuan (2000), the importance of reached the daily efficiency target.
motivation for employees because Achieving Line X efficiency on an average
motivation is the thing that causes, day still ranges from 40% to 55% of the
channels, and supports a person's behavior target of at least 60% achieving daily
to want to work enthusiastically and efficiency. Furthermore, the researcher
actively achieve work goals optimally. In conducted a deeper analysis by using a
addition, the needs of employees such as stream analysis which can be seen in the
the work environment have an influence on following picture:
Based on stream analysis, it can be seen provide support to those members when
that the source of many important problems their work has been completed.
occurred with the Fuctioning team. The Other members feel the difficulties
problems that occur are still low faced by their co-workers are the
communication between group members, responsibility of the group leader when the
as well as between group leaders and member does not reach the work target,
operators, causing awareness among other members feel that it is not their
members of the group's interests not yet responsibility. Even though the work
fully understood by each operator, such as targets of each operator are part of the target
awareness to help operators who with the group. This shows that the
experience computes or stacks of stitches. willingness to instill a sense of caring and
Low communication ultimately makes the helping each other to work on Sewing line
sense of care among members diminish. X is still low. Moreover, the workload that
When there are group members who have the group has is also overvalued so that
not completed their work targets several other members often have tasks that
individually due to limited experience, are piling up, and unresolved plus the
especially for new employees and require majority of group members who are still
adjusting work styles. Other members do new employees who need adjustments to
not help or have not taken the initiative to the tempo and work style.
Another problem that arises is due to the work targets to the maximum and on
the ability of employees who have not run time.
smoothly in the experience of operating Based on the dynamics of the problems
several machines, so the work becomes that occur in the Sewing line X group, it can
hampered and affects the accuracy of the be concluded that the aspect of team
completion of the target. The responsibility functioning will be the focus of
of the Sewing line X group in terms of improvement as a working group.
sewing clothes is basically a large amount Ineffective team functioning will disrupt
and is chased by time. Operators work from the effectiveness of the group as a work
morning until work hours are finished with team. As explained by Cummings and
monotonous work. This gave rise to Worley (2015) that team functioning is the
saturation for workers, especially in Sewing quality of dynamics in groups, including
line X group members in doing their jobs. activities related to work and maintaining
The event ultimately made the work group functions.
motivation of employees decreased, the Activities related to groups such as
impact on achieving the target group which coordination and evaluation in the
resulted in a low percentage of achievement implementation of work are group
targets owned by the group both daily functions. These activities, among others,
efficiency and targets so that the maintain group cohesiveness, harmonious
performance of the Sewing line X group situations within the group, maintain
was considered low compared to other relations between group members, and
sewing lines which were also classified build healthy competition between
new. members. The results of the assessment
The existence of inputs and work illustrate that this group does not have good
components in the Sewing line X group of quality group dynamics. This group still
the production department of PT. X cannot function as an effective group. This
Semarang is a challenge for the group to is indicated by the existence of gaps or
increase group effectiveness and be able to conflicts in these aspects such as ineffective
provide the best productivity and communication, caring among fellow
performance. Especially in the work target members who have not been well
that has not been achieved, then it becomes established, and low cohesiveness because
a challenge to form this working group to social relations in one group are still low.
be more effective so as to be able to meet
Problems with the team functioning can program. This exercise aims to improve the
cause some problems in other aspects such function of the team in the Sewing line X
as unattainable work targets, poor work group. So that it can be an effective working
performance, low awareness among group group and can achieve optimal performance
members, poor communication between in achieving the target group work.
members, and low work motivation and can Suggestions for researchers to submit to
interfere with group work performance. As companies are in the form of implementing
a result, this group cannot fulfill its duties interventions related to team building
and responsibilities to the company to the training. The hope for the company to be
fullest. Therefore team functioning is the able to facilitate Sewing line X to get a
main focus of the intervention area because development program or intervention as
of the quality of the relationship dynamics well as the intervention design that has been
between group members in the Sewing line prepared by the researcher can be used as a
X working group. Interventions in the team guide in providing a development program
functioning area are expected to have an to the Sewing line X in the production
influence on other aspects so that the line department of PT. X Semarang. Then the
becomes a more effective working group. suggestion for the Sewing line X working
the work is more maximal than the results group is to understand the duties and
of previous work. responsibilities of each as a member of the
Sewing line X working group; improve
4. Conclusion
effective communication through two-way
In general, Sewing line X has a
communication so that there is no
relatively good group effectiveness, but
miscommunication during the work
from the overall results of the assessment
process; increasing a high sense of care to
the researcher concludes that the aspects of
superiors and subordinates so that it can
team functioning are the focus of the
lead to good cooperation between fellow
intervention because of the many gaps or
members; enhance group cooperation,
conflicts in that aspect. Such as ineffective
cohesiveness and cohesiveness, and
communication, low level of concern for
increase awareness among fellow group
colleagues, and low cohesiveness because
social relations in one group are still
lacking. The intervention given to this
group is the team building training
Author’s Contributions 5. Sugiyono, 2013, Metodelogi Penelitian
Kuantitatif, Kualitatif Dan R&D.
F.O. and A.M.N., conceptualized the
(Bandung: ALFABETA)
study. F.O., collected the data. F.O. and 6. Cummings & Worley. (2015).
Organizational Change Development.
A.M.N., worked on the methods and data
USA: Cengage Learning.
analysis. F.O., wrote the first draft. A.M.N., 7. Herdiansyah, Haris. (2010).
Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif Untuk
reviewed and edited the drafted manuscript.
Ilmu-ilmu Sosial, Jakarta : Salemba
A.M.N., supervised the study. All authors Humanika.
8. Sulistyarini, I., R., dan Novianti, N., P.
revised, read, and approved the final
(2012). Wawancara: Sebagai metode
manuscript. efektif untuk memahami perilaku
manusia. Bandung: CV. Karya Putra
Conflict of Interest
9. Sugiyono. (2016). Metode Penelitian
The authors declare no conflict of interest. Kuantitatif, Kualitatif dan R&D.
Bandung: PT Alfabet.
10. Porras, J.L. (1987). Stream Analysis: A
Powerful Way to Diagnose and Manage
Hereby, we extend our gratitude to the Organizational Change. Reading, MA:
Addison-Wesley Publishing Company.
Department head HRM Perusahaan X
11. Parker, Glenn. (2007). Team players &
Semarang. We would also like to thank all teamwork: New Strategies for
developing successful collaboration.
the staff of HRM Perusahaan X Semarang,
Edisi kedua. USA: John Willey & Sons.
and all the participants for assisting us in 12. Forsyth. (2010). Group Dynamic Fifth
Edition. Wadsworth Cengage Learning.
this research project.
13. Supriyanto, Heri dan Mukzam, Djudi.
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