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Arcane Tradition: When you end a turn during which you used this

feature, you become paralyzed until the end of your

School of Chronomancy
next turn while you reverse time long enough to cause
As a student of the School of Chronomancy, you have
the above effect. You can delay becoming paralyzed by
learned to feel the passage of time like a constant stream
expending additional chronal dice when you use this
running past you. Its four-dimensional patterns weave
feature. For every additional die you spend, you delay
about all things like a great fabric that you can tug
the paralyzed condition for 2 additional turns. At any
and twist. Some chronomancers dedicate their lives
time before the designated turn ends, you can choose to
to repairing the inevitable rifts and wrinkles that such
become paralyzed early in order to end this requirement.
manipulation leaves in this fabric. They accept the
While paralyzed, your consciousness travels a few
responsibility of such power with grim obligation. Others
moments back in time to help your past self. If you are
plunge headlong into the strange, unknown world outside
reduced to 0 hit points before the condition ends, or if you
of linear time, plundering its secrets for their own ends.
should become paralyzed from this feature while already
Chronomancy Savant incapacitated for any reason, you enter a causal anomaly.
Beginning when you select this tradition at 2nd When you enter a causal anomaly, you drop
level, the gold and time you must spend to copy a anything you were holding, vanish from existence,
chronomancy spell into your spellbook is halved. and begin making death saving throws. If you
stabilize, your body appears unconscious in the space
Versant Preparation it previously occupied along with the gear you were
Starting at 2nd level, you learn the hourglass cantrip if wearing. If you fail three death saving throws while in a
you don’t already know it. You also gain the ability to causal anomaly, you cease to exist, along with whatever
inform your past self which spells are most useful to objects were on your person.
prepare. When you finish a short rest, you can swap You regain all your expended chronal dice when
out up to three spells you have prepared for spells you you finish a long rest.
didn’t prepare, so long as you haven’t cast them since
you prepared them. You can’t use this feature again Closed Timelike Loop
until you take a long rest. When you reach 10th level, you add the timelike curve
spell to your spellbook if it is not there already. You
Chronal Control always have this spell prepared, and it doesn’t count
At 6th level, your mastery over the flow of time against the number of spells you prepare each day.
increases, allowing you to send your consciousness back In addition, whenever you cast a spell that interacts
in time while your body lingers in the present. This with another dimension or plane (such as banishment,
capability is represented by special dice called chronal contact other plane, gate, or plane shift), you can instead
dice. Using these dice, you assist your past self and substitute a place in the timestream that matches the
improve the effectiveness of your actions. The catch is description, interacting with that temporal point as if it
that when you gain the benefit of chronal control in the were a plane of existence. The point in time you choose
present, you must then take time in the future to cause it. cannot exceed a number of years ahead or behind
Your chronal dice are d6s, and you have a number you equal to 10 × your wizard level. At 10th level, for
of them equal to half your wizard level, rounded down. example, you might use the banishment spell to cast a
By expending a die and using your reaction, you can creature 100 years backward in time.
create one of the following effects. When you cast a spell this way, it is considered a
• After you roll an attack, ability check, or saving chronomancy spell for that casting in addition its usual
throw, roll the chronal die and add the result to school.
your previous roll. Tailored Relativity
• Roll the chronal die and add the result to the DC of Beginning at 14th level, you can expend a chronal die
the next saving throw made against a spell you cast. to take one additional action or bonus action. You can
• You immediately move a distance up to your speed use that action to cast a spell, regardless of any other
without provoking opportunity attacks. spells you’ve cast this turn.
• Cancel the effects of surprise on yourself. You may Additionally, instead of gaining the benefit yourself,
also choose to cry out, preventing every creature you can apply the chosen effect of a chronal die you
that can hear you from being surprised. expend to any creature within 30 feet of you. You still
become paralyzed once the die is expended, as normal.

2 Chapter Three | Darkplane Campaigns

Chronomancy Spells
Cantrips 4th Level Axis of Eternity
Accelerate/decelerate Temporal tether 8th-level chronomancy
Compressed oration Timelike curve
Hourglass Precipitous relativity Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self

Chronomancy Spells
1st Level 5th Level Components: V, S, M (the powdered bones of a
Chronal shift Chronomantic eye celestial, which the spell consumes)
Delay Despair of infinite agency Duration: Concentration, up to 24 hours
Expeditious retreat* Folds of time
Longstrider* From your hand you blow the dust of a celestial’s bones,
6th Level
Scan timethread which becomes a whirling globe of crackling light in
a 15-foot radius around you. Inside the globe, time
2nd Level Temporal winch
does not exist. It is immobile and lasts for the duration.
Blur* 7th Level Creatures within the globe do not age, are immune to
Specious relativity Consecutive loop poison damage and the poisoned condition, cannot take
Temporal barrier
8th Level levels of exhaustion, and do not need to sleep, eat, or
Time dilation
Axis of eternity breathe. They cannot benefit from a short or long rest
3rd Level Existential paradox while inside the globe.
Cosmic string From inside, creatures can see into the present time,
Convergent strike 9th Level
watching events transpire there. If any creature enters or
Haste* Chronal exile
exits the globe, the spell ends.
Slow* Time stop*
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell at 9th
level, the duration becomes 1 month.
*Versions of these spells exist that belong to the school of chronomancy.
If not cast as a chronomancy spell, they belong to their usual schools.
Chronal Exile
Spell descriptions for these spells are not found in this section. 9th-level chronomancy
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet
The School of Chronomancy Components: V, S, M (an ornate spinning top crafted
Chronomancy spells interact with the fabric of in a mold made by Ruethas himself, worth at least
time. Often they slow or speed up the passage 200 gp per Hit Die of the target)
of linear events by twisting the timestream in Duration: Life of the caster
unnatural directions. Because the practice of
With a glimmer, you activate a large spinning top
chronomancy is so closely guarded, the spells
which whirls in front of you in the air. When you speak
described in this section are added to the wizard
the name of a creature within range, it must succeed on
spell list only.
a Charisma saving throw or be sent howling into the
riptide outside of linear time. It ceases to exist for the
duration. If it is on its native plane, it has advantage on
Accelerate/Decelerate this saving throw.
Chronomancy cantrip If the target succeeds on its saving throw, the spell
Casting Time: 1 action ends with no effect and the creature is immune to this
Range: 30 feet spell if you cast it again. When you cast this spell, any
Components: V, S previous casting of it ends, meaning that you can only
Duration: 1 round exile one creature at a time.

You make a minor change to the way time interacts Chronal Shift
with a single creature or object within range. Until the 1st-level chronomancy
end of your next turn, the target’s speed is reduced or
increased by 10 feet. Likewise, if the creature falls 20 Casting Time: 1 action
feet or less before the spell ends, it lands on its feet and Range: 60 feet
has resistance to any falling damage it takes. Components: V, S, M (a pinch of sand)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour

Chapter Three | Darkplane Campaigns 3

By dropping a few grains of sand, you determine the With lightning speed, you spurt a string of high-
degree to which time physically affects one creature pitched syllables at a creature within range that can
or object you can see within range. Its aging, growth, hear you. The clipped, percussive sound only lasts a
metabolism, and deterioration are either slowed or few moments, and sounds like bizarre gibberish to
accelerated. everyone in hearing other than the target. The chosen
If you slow the stamp of time on the target, it is creature, on the other hand, hears it as an extensive
protected from the effects of time while it remains within communication, up to 10 minutes of normal speech.
range until the spell ends. It does not appear to age or
wear at all, and it has advantage on death saving throws, Consecutive Loop
as well as saving throws against poison effects. It cannot 7th-level chronomancy
benefit from a short or long rest while the spell lasts.
Casting Time: 1 action
If you choose to speed up time’s effects on the
Range: 60 feet
target, it appears to age or wear down at twice the
Components: V, S, M (a timepiece worth at least 800 gp)
normal rate. For every level of exhaustion it gains, it
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
gains one more. If an effect causes the target to make
a saving throw on each of its turns, it instead makes a A creature you can see within range must succeed on an
saving throw at the beginning and end of each turn. Intelligence saving throw or become trapped in a single
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a moment of time. Until the spell ends, the creature spends
spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the duration increases each of its turns repeating whatever actions it took on
by 1 hour for each slot level above 1st. its last turn in exact detail. If it used the Attack action,
it does so again, targeting the same space it attacked
Chronomantic Eye previously. If it cast a spell and has a similar slot available,
5th-level chronomancy it likewise repeats that action targeting the same space
(or a creature within the same space) as it did on the
Casting Time: 10 minutes
repeating turn. If any condition interferes with the action,
Range: Self
the target stubbornly attempts to perform it in vain.
Components: V, S, M (a veil woven with cloth of gold
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
worth at least 1,000 gp)
spell slot of 8th level, the duration increases to 1 hour.
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
At 9th level, it increases to 3 days.
You conjure visions of the past or future, which you can
watch in real time. Choose a location you’ve seen before, Cosmic String
and a time up to 24 hours in the past or future. If you 3rd-level chronomancy
choose a time more than 1 hour from the present, you
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
must make an Intelligence (Arcana) check to successfully
Range: 200 feet
reach it. The DC for this check is 15. On a failed check,
Components: S, M (a thread or length of yarn)
you reach a number of hours, forward or backward, equal
Duration: Instantaneous
to the result you rolled.
On a success, you create an invisible sensor in the You touch a creature or object, and it is instantly slung
chosen time and place, through which you can see and along a perfectly horizontal line of concentrated time
hear for the duration as if you were there. The sensor fabric to a point you choose within range. This distance
cannot move and appears to creatures that can see is reduced by 1 foot for each pound the target weighs.
invisible objects as a tiny, dark orb with cat-like pupils.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using Convergent Strike
a spell slot of 6th level or higher, you can increase the 3rd-level chronomancy
distance you send the sensor in time by 24 hours for
each slot level above 5th. Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Range: Self
Compressed Oration Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
Chronomancy cantrip
With a fierce incantation you slow the passage of time
Casting Time: 1 action
to a torpid pace, just long enough to execute your next
Range: 30 feet
attack with deadly accuracy. You have advantage on the
Components: V
next attack roll you make before the end of your turn. If
Duration: Instantaneous
the result of this attack is 20 or higher, it is a critical hit.

4 Chapter Three | Darkplane Campaigns

Delay Folds of Time
1st-level chronomancy 5th-level chronomancy
Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you take when you Casting Time: 1 action
see a creature within 30 feet of you get hit by a Range: Touch
weapon or spell attack, or fail a saving throw Components: V, S, M (a large cloth or cloak)
Range: 30 feet Duration: 1 round

Chronomancy Spells
Components: V, S
You draw a length of cloth across a creature, burying
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 round
it in a fold of the timestream. It becomes invisible and
You hold your hand up with the palm facing the hidden from all creatures until the end of your next
creature that triggered your reaction, and place a turn. This spell ends if the target attacks or casts a spell.
chronal ward on it. Until the spell ends, any damage,
condition, or other effect caused by the triggering event Hourglass
fails to occur. When the spell does end, however, the Chronomancy cantrip
target is immediately affected as if the attack, spell, or
Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you take when you
saving throw had just been completed.
observe something that intrigues you
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
Range: Self
spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the duration increases
Components: V, S, M (an hourglass, jar, or other vessel)
by 1 round for each slot level above 1st.
Duration: 10 minutes
Despair of Infinite Agency With a verbal command and a simple gesture, you
5th-level chronomancy capture a mental imprint of what you personally saw
during the 6 seconds directly preceding the casting of
Casting Time: 1 action
this spell. For the duration, you can create an image of
Range: 30 feet
the imprint inside an empty vessel you are holding. You
Components: V, S, M (a hand mirror worth 250 gp,
can play the imprinted sight in real time, reverse, and
which shatters as the spell consumes it)
slow motion as repeatedly as you want until the spell
Duration: Instantaneous
ends. It is visible to anyone close enough to see it.
One creature you can see and which can see you makes
a Wisdom saving throw as you confront it with a mind- Precipitous Relativity
rending awareness of every possible timeline which 4th-level chronomancy
belongs to it. Visions of the infinite choices it could have
Casting Time: 1 action (ritual)
made during every moment of its life flash through the
Range: 30 feet
creature’s mind. On a failed save it takes 8d10 psychic
Components: V, S, M (three strings of yarn, each tied
damage, or half as much damage on a success.
to one of your fingers)
Duration: 1 minute
Existential Paradox
8th-level chronomancy You drastically accelerate or reverse the aging of one
beast, dragon, humanoid, or plant you can see within
Casting Time: 1 action
range. Most crops and flowers are automatically killed by
Range: 30 feet
this spell, or transformed into a seed. Mature perennial
Components: V, S
plants may either change size by one category or have
Duration: Instantaneous
little visible effect, according to the GM’s discretion.
When you cast this spell, you focus on a creature you Creatures must succeed on a Constitution saving
can see within range. The creature must succeed on throw or grow 5d10 years older or younger (your
a Wisdom saving throw or have its consciousness choice). If its age is decreased below 0, the creature
thrust back in time to a moment before it existed. The becomes an infant. It doesn’t die if aged beyond its
existential shock of the experience causes it to take 20d10 typical life span.
psychic damage. If this damage reduces it to 0 hit points, By default, creatures are considered adults (for
the creature ceases to exist. Whether the save fails or humans, ages 18-39), but your GM may choose to
succeeds, the creature gains a form of indefinite madness. modify the effects of this spell based on the particular
circumstance. An elderly cult leader may already be

Chapter Three | Darkplane Campaigns 5

aged, or a young commoner just 10 years old, making Scan Timethread
it an adolescent. In such examples, the creature changes 1st-level chronomancy (ritual)
only enough to represent the difference between its
starting age category and its new one. Casting Time: 1 minute
Many creatures age differently from humans. In Range: Touch
these cases, the GM makes a ruling based on available Components: V, S, M (a single hair and a teardrop from
information on the lifespan of the targeted creature. If the creature whose timethread you are scanning)
an adult dragon’s age were reduced from 140 years to 90 Duration: Instantaneous
years, for example, your GM might simply swap its stat Passing your hands in intricate gestures around a
block for a young dragon of the same color. Starting age prostrate creature, you extend your vision into its past
should be determined before you roll the dice. and present. You learn its exact age and see its happiest
This spell has no effect on monster types other than memory, as well as one grim moment from its future,
beasts, dragons, humanoids, and plants, but your GM determined by your GM. If the creature is older than
may apply an exception if the creature is capable of aging. 1,000 years, you take 2d10 psychic damage.
The following effects come into play when a
creature’s age category changes. Specious Relativity
Infant. The creature’s ability scores all become 2, 2nd-level chronomancy
its maximum hit points drop to 1, its speed is reduced
to 5 feet, its size is Tiny, it loses all benefits of its race, Casting Time: 1 action (ritual)
class, and background, and it is prone and stunned Range: 30 feet
for the duration. Everything it was wearing or holding Components: S, M (a silver bell worth at least 50 gp)
when the spell was cast drops to the ground around it. Duration: 1 hour
Humans up to age 3 belong to this category. You ring a bell, causing one creature that can hear
Child. The creature’s ability scores take a -8 penalty it within range to lose all sense of linear time. As
(minimum of 2), its maximum hit points drop to 3 + minutes and hours pass, the target’s internal clock is so
its Constitution modifier, and its speed is halved for the disoriented that it cannot tell the span of one moment
duration. Everything it was wearing when the spell was to another. For the duration, years seem like seconds
cast, as well as Heavy objects it was holding, drop to and vice versa.
the ground around it. Humans aged 4-9 are children. When the spell ends, an accurate memory of events
Adolescent. The creature receives a -2 penalty to its slowly returns to the target over 1d10 days.
Wisdom, Strength, and Charisma scores, its maximum At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
hit points are lowered by 3 for each of its Hit Dice, and spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the duration increases
its speed is reduced by 5 feet for the duration. Humans by 1 hour for each slot level above 2nd.
fall into this category from ages 10-17.
Middle-aged. The creature receives a +2 bonus Temporal Barrier
to its Intelligence and Wisdom scores, a -2 penalty to 2nd-level chronomancy
its Constitution, and has disadvantage on Strength
(Athletics) and Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks for the Casting Time: 1 action
duration. A human between 40 and 65 is middle-aged. Range: 90 feet
Aged. The creature receives a +2 bonus to its Components: V, S, M (a 3-foot strip of woven cloth)
Wisdom score, a -2 penalty to its Strength, Dexterity, Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Intelligence, and Charisma scores, its maximum An invisible, floating wall of distorted spacetime appears
hit points are lowered by 20 (to a minimum of 3 + at a point you choose within range, in any orientation.
its Constitution modifier), all terrain is considered You can form it into a hemispherical dome or a sphere
difficult terrain, attack rolls against it have advantage, with a radius of up to 15 feet, or you can shape a flat
and it automatically fails Strength, Dexterity, and surface made up of ten 10-foot-square panels. Each
Constitution saving throws for the duration. Between panel must be contiguous with another panel. In any
the ages of 66 and 100, humans are considered aged. form, the wall is 1 inch thick and lasts for the duration.
Ancient. The creature’s ability scores are all reduced When the wall appears, each creature within
to 4 and it is stunned for the duration, in addition to all its area must make a Strength saving throw, which
the effects listed under aged. It drops everything it was it can choose to fail. On a failed save, a creature
holding when the spell was cast. Any creature past the is incapacitated until the end of its turn. While
upper limit of its life span is ancient. incapacitated, creatures have their speed reduced to 5

6 Chapter Three | Darkplane Campaigns

feet and are immune to falling damage. Any creature When you cast this spell, you stretch the timestream
that touches or passes through the wall must likewise toward yourself, experiencing events a little slower than
make this saving throw. those around you, and enabling you to react quickly to
what occurs. For the duration, you have advantage on
Temporal Tether attack rolls and ability checks.
4th-level chronomancy (ritual) At any point before the spell ends, you can shift

Chronomancy Spells
your place in the initiative order to the present—though
Casting Time: 1 minute
you can’t take another turn until after the end of the
Range: Touch
current round. Your turn remains there in the initiative
Components: V, S, M (a rosemary blossom, a vial of
order until you move it again as part of this spell.
red Liquor Hepatis, and 5 feet of flax rope)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
Timelike Curve
Your body is temporarily bound to its current axis 4th-level chronomancy
in the fabric of time. Choose a space or creature you
Casting Time: 1 action
are touching. Until the spell ends, when you or the
Range: Self
target are included in the effect of a chronal die or a
Components: V, S, M (a tail feather of a young robin,
chronomancy spell of 3rd-level or lower, you choose
and the egg from which it hatched)
whether both of you are affected or neither or you are
Duration: Instantaneous
affected. A wizard using a chronal control effect can
expend two additional chronal dice to ignore your use You tug at the fabric of time and create a sphere
of this spell. If both you and the target are affected by extending 15 feet from you in each direction, causing
the spell or chronal control effect, you cannot prevent it. events within that area to be undone. No change is
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a apparent to observers outside the sphere, but those
spell slot of 5th level or higher, its effect works on any within it see a blur of motion as the actions and
spell whose level is less than the level of the spell slot movement of the last few moments play out in reverse.
you used. The current round starts over at the top of the initiative
order as if none of it had occurred.
Temporal Winch Everything outside the sphere must progress exactly
6th-level chronomancy as it did previously, including the actions and die results
of creatures not within the sphere. Characters within the
Casting Time: 1 action
sphere, however, can alter their actions and perform new
Range: Self
rolls based on knowledge of what originally happened.
Components: V, S, M (the string of a fiddle, harp, or
On their turns, characters affected by the spell
other instrument)
perform whichever actions they choose, rolling new
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
results. They might use this opportunity to get another
The timestream around you is restricted or expanded, chance at an attack that missed, to take the Dodge
affecting nearby creatures’ perception of time. You action, or to end their movement in a different space,
create a 30-foot sphere centered on yourself, within avoiding some unpleasant hazard. When the initiative
which time appears to either slow or accelerate. order reaches a creature outside the sphere, it must
If you choose to slow the manifestation of time, act exactly as it did before the spell was cast, and keep
all creatures within the sphere can take an additional whatever die results were originally rolled.
action or bonus action on their turn while the spell Because the events outside this spell’s reach are
lasts. If instead you choose to accelerate it, the affected now predetermined, the new actions may interact with
creatures can only take one bonus action and move them differently. Creatures that used a ranged attack
a distance of half their speed (in whatever order they or spell on a particular character may find that there’s
choose), after which their turn ends. a different target in the space they originally chose, or
that a barrier of some kind has gotten in the way.
Time Dilation If an action from outside the spell’s area of effect is
2nd-level chronomancy obstructed or foiled, the GM determines how the new
timeline resolves. Targets inside the sphere may now
Casting Time: 1 bonus action have cover or be obscured, changing the outcome of
Range: Self the attack. Likewise, an attack from outside may now
Components: V, S have advantage or disadvantage. In such cases, count
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute the original roll as the first, then make a second roll.

Chapter Three | Darkplane Campaigns 7

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