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Social Function

 Social Function is all about the role of the individual in the

society in this photo above is having their different function in
their community the adult girls are doing the cooking and
other things that girls can do and the boy do the hard work to
their family to live and children play and having a good
memories in their childhood.

 Dysfunction is having a bad attitudes to the society or not

following your function as a individual in your
community/society the result of this is bad to our country for
example in the environment if we don’t do our
responsibilities as a human the natural resources of our
environment will stop producing people will suffer from it.
Manifest Function

 Manifest Function is a intended function of social policies like

having your social function but its beneficial to our
community like being a Doctor, Teacher, Soldier etc it is
important to our community to get strong and to become
independent in other country regarding to medicine,
technology and others.
Latent Function

 Latent Function are those unrecognized and unintended

consequences but beneficial it is like in the above picture
having a meal or eating meal without a leftover is like latent
function because you are not wasting food it is not
recognized and it is unintended but it is beneficial to you and
to the environment.
Social Equilibrium

 Social Equilibrium is having an equal rights power and

justice for all in the society no discrimination for gender age
look and texture of individual because all of us have a great
talent that are unique only for an individual they do a things
and you can do other things that they can do.

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