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2 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

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The specifications and information regarding the products in this manual are subject to change
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Jaze Networks Private Limited
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Phone: +91 44 43835031
3 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

Chapter 3 – USERS


In your corresponding account, click USERS tab on the left and choose

Click the CREATE GROUP option found on the top right corner of the

In the pop up display, enter the name of the group and select the
profile for the group from the list of available profiles which has been
already created from the drop down box. The profile indicates the
internet plan profile for that particular user group.
4 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

If we need to apply a new usage policy apart from the listed one, click
internet usage profile and create a corresponding profile and add to
the group.

If we need to connect the group with a router check the box- connect
with router? And choose the corresponding router from router drop
down list box.

Finally click CREATE GROUP to create the group.

5 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide


In your corresponding account, click USERS tab on the left and choose

Click the down arrow next to the ADD USER button found on the row
of the group we have created and choose Edit option.

(or) Click the group name to be edited and choose EDIT GROUP
option on the top right screen.

In the pop up display, if needed, rename the group name and change
the profile for the group from the list of available profiles which has
been already created from the drop down box. The profile indicates
the internet plan profile for that particular user group.
6 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

Here we have changed 1Mbps unlimited to 1Mbps.

If we need to apply a new usage policy apart from the listed one, click
internet usage profile and create a corresponding profile and add to
the group.

If we need to connect the group with a router check the box- connect
with router? And choose the corresponding router from router drop
down list box.

Finally click SAVE CHANGES to apply the changes to the group.

7 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide


In your corresponding account, click USERS tab on the left and choose

Click the down arrow next to the ADD USER button found on the row
of the group we have created and choose DELETE option.

(Or) Click the group name to be deleted and choose DELETE GROUP
option on the top right screen.

In the pop up display, choose YES, DELETE GROUP AND USERS. The
group along with all the users will be deleted.
8 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide


In your corresponding account, click USERS tab on the left and choose

Click the Group name in which user is present. Select the users who all
are should be deleted by clicking the square box in front of the user
9 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

Click DELETE USERS in the top left corner of the screen. In the pop
up display, choose YES, DELETE. The selected users will be deleted.

The Selected users are deleted.


In your corresponding account, click USERS tab on the left and choose

Click the Group name in which user is present. Select the users who all
are should be moved by clicking the square box in front of the user
10 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

Click MOVE USERS in the top left corner of the screen. In the pop up
display, choose the group name to which the user has to be moved.

Click MOVE USER(S). The selected users will be moved.

11 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide


In your corresponding account, click USERS tab on the left and choose

Click the Group name in which user is present. Select the users for
whom vouchers should be printed by clicking the square box in front
of the user name.

Click PRINT USERS in the top left corner of the screen. The browser
will produce the print preview of the vouchers. Now clicking the print
option will print the voucher.
12 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide


In your corresponding account, click USERS tab on the left and choose

Click the ADD USER button corresponding to the group to which the
user has to be added.

(or) Click the corresponding group name and choose ADD USER
option on the top right screen.

In the pop up display, input the necessary details and click CREATE
USER option. The user will be created and added to the corresponding
group. Following are the description of each field in the form.

 User Name - It is the unique login id for the user to authenticate.

 Password - Secret login credential for a particular user for security.

 First Name - The first name of the internet user.

 Last Name – Tbe last name of the internet user.

 Mobile Number – The contact number of the internet user.

 Email ID - The E-mail ID of the the internet user.

 User Type – It describes the type o internet usage whether it is for home
or for business use.
13 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

 Alternate Mobile Number- It is the alternate contact number of the user, it

can be used when primary mobile number can’t be reached.

 Alternate Email ID- - It is the alternate E-mail ID of the user, it can be

used when primary E-mail ID can’t be reached.

 Billing Address Line 1 – The first line of the billing address.

 Billing Address Line 2 – The second line of the billing address.
 City, Pincode & State – The city,postal cide and state of the billing
address of the corresponding user.

 Permanent Address – The permanent address of the user. May be same

to the billing address.

 ID Proof – A government approved proof of the customer’s existence.

 Circuit ID – This ID is used to identify an user uniquely. It will be

 generated by the system when creating new user each time. The prefix
of the ID can be customized.

 Choose what to do after bill due date – It represents the status of the
user after the bill due date. It has two options – Suspend : which
indicates temporarily disconnect the user until the bill is payed or DO
Nothing: which indicates no action to be done.

 Exclude from reminder notifications - Enabling it excludes the user from

periodic notification of bill due.

 Static IP allocation/MAC whitelist – It allows the user to allocate static IP

and MAC for IP Authentication and IP/MAC Authentication.

 Account Activation – It represents the date from which the user accout
has to be activated.

 Account Expiration – It represent the date in which the user account has
to be expired.

 Comments – It has additional details about the user.

 Notify via SMS? – Enabling it sends SMS notification to the user.

 Notify via email? - Enabling it sends E-mail notification to the user.

14 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

 Installation Time - It represents the date and time in which the product
has been installed on user venue.

 Upload Address Proof – It provides the option to upload the address

proof of the user for reference.

 Upload ID Proof - It provides the option to upload the ID proof of the

user for reference.

 Upload Customer Acquisition Form – It provides the option to upload the

acquisition form of the user for reference.

 Upload Installation Report - The installation report of the product on the

user venue can be uploaded here.

A Sample user account creation has been shown as follows.

15 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide


In your corresponding account, click USERS tab on the left and choose

Click the down arrow next to the ADD USER button found on the row
of the group we have created to which the user has to be added and
16 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

(or) click the group in which the multiple users have to be generated
button on the top right corner of the screen.

In the pop up display, input the details for generating multiple users..
Following are the description of each field in the form.
17 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

 No. of Users – It represents the total number of users to be generated

and added to the particular group.

 Length of Username - It tells the length of the username that has to be


 Username Contains – It describes the format of username. It contains

three options- Characters and Numbers - When checked, creates the
username that contains both characters and numbers. Characters Only-
When checked, creates the username that contains characters only.
Numbers only- When checked, creates the username that contains
numbers only.

 Length of Password – It represents the length of the password that has

to be generated.

 Account Activation - It allows to enter the date of user account


 Account Expiration - It allows to enter the expiry date of user account.

 Print Users –On enabling print option in the input form will let
us take printout of the vouchers.

On Clicking the GENERATE USERS option will create the required

18 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

Printable format will be generated as follows.


In your corresponding account, click USERS tab on the left and
choose USER MANAGEMENT option.

Click the DOWN ARROW next to the ADD USER button found on the
row of the group which has to be exported and choose EXPORT

(or) click the group and choose EXPORT option found on the top right
corner of the screen.
19 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

All users of the corresponding group will be generated in a excel file in

CSV format.


In your corresponding account, click USERS tab on the left and choose

Click the EXPORT ALL USERS option located on the top right corner
of the screen.

All users of the corresponding group will be exported to a excel file in

CSV format.
20 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide


In your corresponding account, click USERS tab on the left and choose

Click the Group name in which user is present. Select the users to be
exported by clicking the square box in front of the user name.

All selected users will be exported to a excel file in CSV format.

21 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide


In your corresponding account, click USERS tab on the left and choose

Click the DOWN ARROW next to the ADD USER button found on the
row of the corresponding group to which the user has to be imported
and choose IMPORT option.

(or) click the group and select the IMPORT option from the drop
down box of the ADD USER button displayed on the top right corner
of the screen.
22 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

In the pop up display, choose whether to import user data from CSV
file or to copy paste the user data.

If upload from file option has been chosen, then in the next display
screen, click the SELECT FILE option, and upload the CSV file in a
desired format as described in the screen. Auto-update option,
sending SMS, sending e-mail can be selected according to the need
and press import user option to import user data.
23 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

If copy/paste from Excel file has been chosen, then in the next
display screen, paste the user detail in the prescribed format and
choose other option if necessary and press import user data to import
the user data.
24 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

NOTE – If the group field is present on the excel file then on

importing, the users are automatically added to the respective groups
or else it will be added to the same group on which import is
25 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide


In your corresponding account, click USERS tab on the left and choose

Click the VIEW ALL USERS option located on the top right corner of
the screen.

All users of all the groups will be displayed.


In your corresponding account, click USERS tab on the left and choose

In the display screen, set of instructions are given, following that,

under user content, a sample voucher template will be given.

On clicking the template, the tool box appears; using that the voucher
can be customized as needed.
26 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

On clicking the SAVE CHANGES option, the edited template can be

27 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

Chapter 4 – PROFILES


In your corresponding account, click PROFILES tab on the left and

choose BANDWIDTH option.

Click the CREATE NEW option found on the top right corner of the

In the Add Template dialog box, enter the necessary details to create
a bandwidth template. Following are the various fields found on the
dialog box.

 Name – The name for the bandwidth template Eg- 6 Mbps for 6
Mbps plan.

 Max Download – It represents the maximum download

bandwidth of this template.

 Max upload - It represents the maximum upload bandwidth of

this template.
28 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

On clicking Show Advanced Options following fields can be seen.

 Min Download – It represents the minimum download bandwidth

of this template.

 Min upload – It represents the minimum upload bandwidth of this


 Burst Rate – It represents the upload/download burst rate given

in bytes. The default value is 1024/4086.

 Burst Threshold – It represents the the upload and download

burst threshold given in bytes. The default value is 512/1.

 Burst Time – It represents the upload and download burst time

given in bytes. The default value is 30/30.

 Priority – It represents the priority for this template. It takes value

from 1 to 8 where 1 represents the highest priority and 8
represents the lowest.
29 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

Finally click SUBMIT to create the bandwidth template.

30 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide


In your corresponding account, click PROFILES tab on the left and

choose BANDWIDTH option.

Click the EDITING SYMBOL found on the top right corner of the
bandwidth template.

In the Edit Template dialog box, make the necessary changes to edit
the bandwidth template. Following are the various fields found on the
dialog box.

 Name – The name for the bandwidth template Eg- 6 Mbps for 6
Mbps plan.

 Max Download – It represents the maximum download

bandwidth of this template.

 Max upload - It represents the maximum upload bandwidth of

this template.
31 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

On clicking Show Advanced Options following fields can be seen.

 Min Download – It represents the minimum download bandwidth

of this template.

 Min upload – It represents the minimum upload bandwidth of this


 Burst Rate – It represents the upload/download burst rate given

in bytes. The default value is 1024/4086.

 Burst Threshold – It represents the the upload and download

burst threshold given in bytes. The default value is 512/1.

 Burst Time – It represents the upload and download burst time

given in bytes. The default value is 30/30.

 Priority – It represents the priority for this template. It takes value

from 1 to 8 where 1 represents the highest priority and 8
represents the lowest.
32 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

Finally click SUBMIT to edit the bandwidth template.

The changes made can be seen on the template dashboard.

33 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide


In your corresponding account, click PROFILES tab on the left and

choose BANDWIDTH option.

Click the DELETE SYMBOL found on the top right corner of the
bandwidth template.

In the Delete Template dialog box, click OK, DELETE TEMPLATE to

delete the template.

CAUTION- A bandwidth template cannot be deleted unless it is not

associated with any profile.
34 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

The selected bandwidth will be deleted successfully.


In your corresponding account, click PROFILES tab on the left and

choose USAGE PROFILES option.
35 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

Click the CREATE NEW option found on the top right corner of the

In the Create New Usage Profile screen, enter the necessary details
to create a new usage profile. Following are the various fields found on
the screen.

Name – The name for the usage profile which is going to be

associated with user group.

Billing Cycle – It represents the billing cylcle period. It has four

options they are – none, daily, weekly & monthly. The option can
be provided in Set billing cycle drop down box. If choosen monthly,
the billing cycle will run for each month starting corresponding to
the day given.
36 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

Account Expiration – It deals with the account expiry of the

particular user group. It can also be overridden for individual
user. It is enabled by checking the “Set account expiry after first
login?” box . On checking, the time for expiration can be given in
Expiry after field.

Bandwidth Restriction – It deals with the restriction of the

bandwidth to the associated group. It is enabled by checking the
“Enable bandwidth restriction?” box . On checking, we are
provided with three option for restricting bandwidth. They are -
Always, FUP limit doesn’t exceed, If duration doesn’t exceed.

1. If Always option has been choosen, then the users are always
restricted with this bandwidth. The bandwidth can be
choosen using choose bandwidth template drop down box.

2. If FUP limit doesn’t exceed option has been choosen, then the
users are provided with two bandwidth restriction based on
internet data amount. If data has exceeded a limit, then one
bandwith is applied. If not then another bandwidth template
is applied. The data limit can be given in terms of MB or GB. It
can be reset on every day or week or month or every billing
cycle or never. Excluding the data from FUP option is also

3. If duration doesn’t exceed option has been choosen, then the

users are provided with two bandwidth restriction based on
duration of internet usage. If duration has exceeded a limit,
then one bandwith is applied. If not then another bandwidth
template is applied. The duration can be given in terms of
minute or hour or day. It can be reset on every day or week
or month or every billing cycle or never.
37 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

Override Bandwidth – It is used to override the bandwidth for a

specific period of time for the day. It is enabled by checking the
“Override bandwidth for a specific period of time for the day?”
box. On checking, we are provided with the following options.

1. We can choose the bandwidth template to overridde

the normal bandwidth template using “choose
bandwidth template” drop down box.

2. If we want to exclude the data from FUP accounting

whlile overriding then check the “Exclude data usage
from FUP accounting when bandwidth is

3. We can select the timing of the day in which the

bandwidth should be overridden by unchecking the
“Don’t override for an entire day” option and give
the timings for the respective day.
38 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

Data transfer restriction – It is used to handle how much data should

be transferred. It is enabled by checking the “Enable data
transfer restriction?” box. On checking, we can give the data
amount in terms of MB & GB in data usage limit field. The data
counter reset period can be given in terms of day, week, month or
billing cycle or never.

Duration based restriction – It is used to restrict the user based

on the duration of usage which can be in terms of hours or
minutes. It is enabled by checking the “Enable duration based
restriction?” box. Duration counter reset period can be set
daily, weekly, monthly or for each billing cycle. Duration
exceed reject message can also be set.

Timing Restriction – It is used to restrict the time of the day,

internet is allowed. It is enabled by checking the “It is enabled
by checking the “Restrict the time of the day when internet is
allowed? “ box.
39 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

1. By unchecking the “Allowed Entire Day” option.

We can provide the time for each day in which
internet can be used.

2. By checking the “Not Allowed Entire Day” option. We

can have internet not allowed for an entire day.

Auto Bind MAC – This option is used to bind the MAC to the IP
address of the user in first login so that in future login no more
authentuication is needed. It is enabled by checking the “Auto
bind MAC to the user on first login?” box.

MAC restriction – This option is used to restrict the user to

those who have MAC configured to login. If there is no MAC
address, then they are also allowed to login. It is enabled by
checking the “Allow only devices whose MAC addresses are
configured in each user to login with the corresponding
40 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

Simultaneous Devices – It is used to handle simultaneous login

from multiple device. If selected YES, then simultaneous login
is allowed, otherwise not. If choosen YES, then the number of
simultaneous devices can be choosen. The values allowed are
2-5 and unlimited.

Idle Timeout – It is used to specify the idle timeout in minutes.

It can be enabled by checking the “Enable Idle Timeout?” box.
The idle time out is the duration of the time a session can
remain idle without any data transfer before a session is

Hard Timeout – It is used to specify the hard timeout in

minutes. It can be enabled by checking the “Enable Hard
Timeout?” box. The hard timeout represents the time duration
after which the session forcefully disconnects and requires the user
to authenticate again to re-connect.
41 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

Billing – It is used to enable billing for the user. There are two
options for blling. They are Default and Jaze Enterprise Billing.
The billing for the user is enabled by checking “Enable billing?”

1. If Default option is choosen, then plan type should

be choosen which can be either postpaid or prepaid.
Billing type can be either Billing by duration of
usage or Billing by data usage. If postpaid option is
choosen, then tax percentage should be given. If
prepaid option is choosen, then default prepaid
amount should be given. If billing by duration option
is selected, then chargeable unit price is given in
terms of time. If billing by data usage, then
chargeable unit price is given in terms of MB or GB.

2. If Jaze Enterprise Billing option is choosen, then we

have an option of choosing the plan for billing or we
can create our own. If we want to create our plan,
then plan name, plan type- prepaid or postpaid,
chargeable unit price, tax percentage & application
from-now or or some custom date can be given.
42 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

Vendor Attributes – It is used to add specific network vendor

attributes. It is enabled by checking “Add vendor attributes”
box. It also three options. They are Always, If data doesn’t
exceed and If duration doesn’t exceed. The vendor can be
chosen using choose vendor option and attribute can be
chosen using choose attribute option . The ADD button is
used to add the attribute to the list. The type of the attribute
can be either reply or check. The check type is used to check
the attribute with its value. The reply will send the attribute to
corresponding network vendors.

Notify user - It is used to notify the user about the restriction.

The notification limit can be set in terms of percentage in
43 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

Notification limit check box. The restriction can be of

bandwidth, data transfer, duration or vendor. The notification
type can be of sms, e-mail or splash page. It is enabled by
checking the “Enable user notification?” check box.

Enable auto login – It is used to allow the users to auto-login

when logged in atleast in the specified past days . If Auto-login
is enabled no user authentication is expected each and every
time. It is enabled by checking the “Enable auto login?” box.

The summary of the profile is given as follows

44 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

On clicking CREATE PROFILE button, the new profile can be

45 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

The brief description of the template can be seen as follows.

46 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide


In your corresponding account, click PROFILES tab on the left and

choose USAGE PROFILES option.

Click the EDIT button found on the right bottom corner of the
corresponding profile view on the usage profiles dashboard.

In our example, we have chosen 1 Mbps profile for editing.

In the Edit 1 Mbps dialog box, make the necessary changes to edit
the profile template as needed.

Here we have enabled the user notification by setting the notification

limit by 90% and restriction type as bandwidth and notification type
as E-mail and SMS.
47 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

On clicking SAVE button, the changes made will be saved.

The edited profile can be seen in Usage Profiles screen as follows.


48 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

Profile duplication is one of the useful feature. It is used to create a

profile from an existing profile which differs from it only in certain
properties. Instead of creating it from scratch, we can use an existing
almost similar profile to generate it.

In your corresponding account, click PROFILES tab on the left and

choose USAGE PROFILES option.

Click the DUPLICATE button found on the right bottom corner of the
corresponding profile view on the usage profiles dashboard.

In our example, we have chosen 1 Mbps profile for duplicating. We

need all the properties of 1 Mbps with an extension of Account Expiry.
Using duplication, we achieve this objective and create a profile called
1 Mbps with Account Expiry.
49 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

In the Create new usage profile dialog box, enter the name for the
new profile and make the other changes to duplicate the profile
template as needed.

Here we have enabled the Account expiration and set the expiry after
3 months. Hence the user account will be expired after 3 months.

On clicking CREATE PROFILE button, a new duplicated profile will be


The new duplicated 1Mbps with Account Expiry profile can be seen
in Usage Profiles screen as follows.
50 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide


In your corresponding account, click PROFILES tab on the left and
choose USAGE PROFILES option.

Click the DELETE button found on the right bottom corner of the
corresponding profile view on the usage profiles dashboard.

CAUTION – A profile cannot be deleted unless it is not associated with

any groups.
51 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

In the Delete Profile dialog box, click the DELETE PROFILE button as
shown below

The profile delete conformation message will be displayed as follows.

52 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

Chapter 5 – BILLING


In your corresponding account, click USERS tab on the left and choose

Click the GROUP NAME in which the user is present for whom we
want create an order.

Inside the group various users are listed. click the user for whom we
want to create an order.
53 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

Now select the BILLING option found on the top center of the screen
and choose orders option.

Now, click the CREATE ORDER option found on the top right corner
of the screen.

In New order dialog box, input the necessary details. The various
fields found on the new order dialog box are as follows.

Select product – It is used to select the product for

which the order has to be created. This product
represents the one which we have created under billing
section of profile or the one which is created under
product section of billing tab.

Billing period – It represents the frequency between

two billing. The cycle can be one time, 1 day, 1 week, 1
year, 30 days, 1 month, 3 month or 6 months.

Billing type – The billing type represents the postpaid

or prepaid. In postpaid, the bill is generated after the
cycle. In prepaid, the bill is generated immediately.

Active since – It represents the date from which the

order is active.

Active until - It represents the date upto which the

order can be active. Leaving it blank will make the the
expiry as never.
54 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

On clicking CREATE ORDER option, a new order will be


The created order can be viewed in the order dashboard as

55 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide


In your corresponding account, click USERS tab on the left and choose

Click the GROUP NAME in which the user is present for whom we
want edit an order.

Inside the group various users are listed. click the user for whom we
want to edit an order.

Now select the BILLING option found on the top center of the screen
and choose orders option.

Now, click the EDIT ORDER symbol found on the right corner of the
order row which should be edited.
56 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

In Edit order dialog box, input the necessary details. The various
fields found on the edit order dialog box are as follows.

Billing period – It represents the frequency between

two billing. The cycle can be one time, 1 day, 1 week, 1
year, 30 days, 1 month, 3 month or 6 months.

Billing type – The billing type represents the postpaid

or prepaid. In postpaid, the bill is generated after the
cycle. In prepaid, the bill is generated immediately.

Active since – It represents the date from which the

order is active.

Active until - It represents the date upto which the

order can be active. Leaving it blank will make the the
expiry as never.

Here we have changed the billing period from 1 month

to 3 months and active until from never to 14-03-2016.
57 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

On clicking SAVE ORDER option, the order will be edited.

The edited order can be viewed in the order dashboard as

58 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide


In your corresponding account, click USERS tab on the left and choose

Click the GROUP NAME in which the user is present for whom we
want delete an order.

Inside the group various users are listed. click the user for whom we
want to delete an order.

Now select the BILLING option found on the top center of the screen
and choose orders option.

Now, click the DELETE ORDER symbol found on the right corner of
the order row which should be deleted.
59 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

In Delete Order dialog box, click OK, DELETE ORDER.

The selected order will be deleted.

60 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide


In your corresponding account, click USERS tab on the left and choose

Click the GROUP NAME in which the user is present for whom we
want delete an order.

Inside the group various users are listed. click the user for whom we
want to add an order line.

Now select the BILLING option found on the top center of the screen
and choose orders option.

Now, click the ADD ORDER LINES symbol found on the right corner
of the order row.
61 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

In Add Order Line dialog box, select the product using Select
product drop down box and click Add Order line button.

The selected product will be added to the order line.


In your corresponding account, click USERS tab on the left and choose

Click the GROUP NAME in which the user is present for whom we
want delete an order.
62 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

Inside the group various users are listed. click the user for whom we
want to delete an order line.

Now select the BILLING option found on the top center of the screen
and choose orders option.

Now, click the VIEW icon found on the order lines column of the
corresponding order row.

In order line view, click the x mark found in front of the product
63 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

In Delete Order line dialog box, click OK, DELETE to delete a order

The selected order line will be deleted.

64 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide


In your corresponding account, click USERS tab on the left and choose

Click the GROUP NAME in which the user is present for whom we
want view all order line of an order.

Inside the group various users are listed. click the user for whom we
want to view all order line for an order.

Now select the BILLING option found on the top center of the screen
and choose orders option.

Now, click the VIEW icon found on the order lines column of the
corresponding order row.
65 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

In order line view, all the order line of a particular order will be listed
as follows.


In your corresponding account, click BILLING tab on the left and

choose ORDER option.
66 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

The summary of all orders will be displayed. We can also refine the
search with the account name and active from and to dates as shown


In your corresponding account, click USERS tab on the left and choose

Click the GROUP NAME in which the user is present for whom we
want to generate an invoice for particulat order.

Inside the group various users are listed. click the user for whom we
want to generate an invoice for particulat order.
67 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

Now select the BILLING option found on the top center of the screen
and choose orders option.

Now, click the GENERATE INVOICE symbol found on the right corner
of the order row for which invoice has to be generated.

In GENERATE INVOICE dialiog box, click OK, GENERATE to generate

the invoice.

The invoice will be generated successfully.

68 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

The invoice will be generated as follows.


In your corresponding account, click USERS tab on the left and choose

Click the GROUP NAME in which the user is present for whom we
want to download an invoice as pdf for particulat order.

Inside the group various users are listed. click the user for whom we
want to download an invoice as pdf for particulat order.
69 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

Now select the BILLING option found on the top center of the screen
and choose invoice option.

Now select the DOWNLOAD PDF option found on right corner of the
respective invoice row.

The invoice will be downloaded as pdf as follows.

70 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide


In your corresponding account, click USERS tab on the left and choose

Click the GROUP NAME in which the user is present for whom we
want to mail an invoice for particulat order.

Inside the group various users are listed. click the user for whom we
want to mail an invoice for particulat order.
71 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

Now select the BILLING option found on the top center of the screen
and choose invoice option.

Now select the SEND MAIL option found on right corner of the
respective invoice row.

The corresponding invoice will be mailed.

72 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide


In your corresponding account, click USERS tab on the left and choose

Click the GROUP NAME in which the user is present for whom we
want to pay an invoice for particulat order.

Inside the group various users are listed. click the user for whom we
want to pay an invoice for particulat order.

Now select the BILLING option found on the top center of the screen
and choose invoice option.
73 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

Now select the PAY INVOICE option found on right corner of the
respective invoice row.

In Pay Invoice dialog box, input the necessary details to make the

1. Amount – Amount represents the amount to be paid as

generated by the current invoice.

2. Paymnet Method – It represents the mode of payment.

It can be cash, cheque, credit card, debit card, bank
transfer or online payment.

If cash or online payment is selected, no need to

enter any more details apart from the ususal
listed parameters.
74 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

If cheque is selected, we are reqired to enter the

bank name, cheque number and cheque date.

If credit card is selected, card number and card

expiry date should be given.
75 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

If debit card is selected, debit card number and

card expiry date should be given.

If bank transfer is selected, transfer type has to

be choosen, which can be NEFT or IMPS.
76 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

3. Payment Type – It is the type of payment made. The

fixed value will be Make Payment.

4. Payment Date - It represents the date in which the

payment is made.

5. Payment Note - It will provide an option to enter the

comments about this payment.

On clicking PAY INVOICE, payment will be done.

77 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

The status will be updated to paid once payment is made.

The other status values can be carried or unpaid. The default value is
unpaid which means the payment has not been made for the invoice
yet. The status changes from unpaid to carried when the user has not
paid the amount for the invoice for the particular billing cycle and the
amount has been carried to the next invoice generated.


In your corresponding account, click USERS tab on the left and choose

Click the GROUP NAME in which the user is present for whom we
want to delete an invoice for particulat order.

Inside the group various users are listed. click the user for whom we
want to delete an invoice for particulat order.
78 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

Now select the BILLING option found on the top center of the screen
and choose invoice option.

Now select the DELETE INVOICE option found on right corner of the
respective invoice row.

In DELETE INVOICE dialog box, click OK, DELETE INVOICE button to

delete the respective invoice.

The corresponding invoice will be deleted.

79 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide


In your corresponding account, click USERS tab on the left and choose

Click the GROUP NAME in which the user is present for whom we
want to view an invoice for particulat order.

Inside the group various users are listed. click the user for whom we
want to view an invoice for particulat order.
80 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

Now select the BILLING option found on the top center of the screen
and choose invoice option.

All the invoice created for the particular user will be listed as follows.


In your corresponding account, click BILLING tab on the left and
choose INVOICE option.
81 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

The summary of all invoices will be displayed. We can also refine the
search with the account name and active from and to dates as shown


82 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

In your corresponding account, click BILLING tab on the left and

choose TEMPLATE option and choose INVOICE TEMPLATE as sub

The predefined invoice template with the preview will be shown. We

can select one from that templates and we can upload our own images
to that template using choose file option and select SAVE CHANGES
83 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide


In your corresponding account, click USERS tab on the left and choose

Click the GROUP NAME in which the user is present for whom we
want to delete an invoice for particulat order.
84 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

Inside the group various users are listed. click the user for whom we
want to view the payments.

Now select the BILLING option found on the top center of the screen
and choose PAYMENTS option.

The payments of the particular user will be displayed as shown below.


In your corresponding account, click USERS tab on the left and choose
85 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

Click the GROUP NAME in which the user is present for whom we
want to delete an payment.

Inside the group various users are listed. click the user for whom we
want to delete the payments.

Now select the BILLING option found on the top center of the screen
and choose PAYMENTS option.
86 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

The payments of the particular user will be displayed as shown below.

click the DELETE PAYMENT symbol found on the Actions column.


delete the payment.

Tbe corresponding payment will be deleted.

87 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide


In your corresponding account, click USERS tab on the left and choose

Click the GROUP NAME in which the user is present for whom we
want to mail an payment.

Inside the group various users are listed. click the user for whom we
want to mail the payments.

Now select the BILLING option found on the top center of the screen
and choose PAYMENTS option.
88 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

The payments of the particular user will be displayed as shown below.

click the MAIL PAYMENT symbol found on the Actions column.

The mail will be successfully sent to the corresponding user.


In your corresponding account, click USERS tab on the left and choose

Click the GROUP NAME in which the user is present for whom we
want to generate a pdf of a payment receipt.

Inside the group various users are listed. click the user for whom we
want to generate a pdf of a payment receipt.
89 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

Now select the BILLING option found on the top center of the screen
and choose PAYMENTS option.

The payments of the particular user will be displayed as shown below.

click the DOWNLOAD PDF symbol found on the Actions column.

The payement receipt will be successfully generated to the user as

shown below.
90 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide


In your corresponding account, click BILLING tab on the left and
choose PAYMENTS option.
91 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

The summary of all payments will be displayed. We can also refine the
search with the account name and active from and to dates as shown


In your corresponding account, click BILLING tab on the left and
choose TEMPLATE option and choose RECEIPT TEMPLATE as sub
92 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

The predefined receipt template with the preview will be shown. We

can select one from that templates and we can upload our own images
to that template using choose file option and click SAVE CHANGES


PLANS is the advanced option under Billing section provided for the
user on demand.

In your corresponding account, click BILLING tab on the left and

choose PLANS option.
93 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

Now select CREATE PLAN option found on the top right corner of the

Now, in New Plan dialog box, enter the plan name in Plane Name
field and click CREATE PLAN
94 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

The new plan created will be displayed in the dash board as shown


In your corresponding account, click BILLING tab on the left and
choose PLANS option.
95 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

Now select EDIT PLAN option found under the plan in which the
changes has to be made.

Now, in Edit Plan dialog box, change the plan name in Plane Name
field and click APPLY CHANGES.
96 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

The plan will be edited successfully.

The edited plan will be displayed in the dash board as shown below.
97 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide


In your corresponding account, click BILLING tab on the left and
choose PLANS option.

Now select DELETE PLAN option found under the plan in which the
changes has to be made.

Now, in Delete Plan dialog box, click YES, DELETE to delete the plan.
98 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

The plan will be deleted successfully.


PLAN is the advanced option provided fot the user on demand.

In your corresponding account, click BILLING tab on the left and

choose PLANS option.
99 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

Now click the ADD ORDER button found on the right corner of the
plan in which we want to add an order.

Now, in ADD ORDER dialog box, input the necessary details to create
an order. Following are the different fields found in add order dialog

Description – It provides a text field to enter the

description about the plan.

Quantity – It provides a text field to enter the quantity

of selected product.
100 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

Select Product – It provides an option to select the

product that we already we created.

Billing Period – It represents the billing cycle for this

particular plan.

Billing Type – It represents the type of billing of this

plan either postpaid or prepaid.

Now, click CREATE ORDER to create the order in this plan.

The order created will be shown under the corresponding plan.

101 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide


PLAN is the advanced option provided fot the user on demand.

In your corresponding account, click BILLING tab on the left and

choose PLANS option.

Now click the EDIT ORDER symbol found on the right corner of the
order which has to be edited.
102 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

Now, in EDIT ORDER dialog box, input the necessary details to

change an order. Following are the different fields found in edit order
dialog box.

Description – It provides a text field to enter the

description about the plan.

Quantity – It provides a text field to enter the quantity

of selected product.

Select Product – It provides an option to select the

product that we already we created.

Billing Period – It represents the billing cycle for this

particular plan.

Billing Type – It represents the type of billing of this

plan either postpaid or prepaid.

Now, click APPLY CHANGES to edit the order in this plan.

103 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

The order edited will be shown under the corresponding plan.


PLAN is the advanced option provided fot the user on demand.

In your corresponding account, click BILLING tab on the left and

choose PLANS option.
104 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

Now click the DELETE ORDER symbol found on the right corner of
the order which has to be deleted.

Now, in DELETE ORDER dialog box, click YES, DELETE option to

delete the order.

The corresponding order will be deleted.

105 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide


PRODUCT is the advanced option under Billing section provided for
the user on demand.

In your corresponding account, click BILLING tab on the left and

choose PRODUCT option.

Now select CREATE PRODUCT CATEGORY option found on the top

right corner of the screen.

Now, in Create Product Category dialog box, enter the product

category name and product type. The various product type are item,
tax or penalty and click CREATE PRODUCT CATEGORY.
106 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

The new product category created will be displayed in the dash board
as shown below.


In your corresponding account, click BILLING tab on the left and
choose PRODUCT option.
107 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

Now select EDIT PRODUCT CATEGORY option found under the

corresponding product category.

Now, in Edit Product Category dialog box, change the product

category name or product type. The various product type are item, tax
or penalty and click APPLY CHANGES.

Product category will be edited successfully.

108 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

The edited product category created will be displayed in the dash

board as shown below.


In your corresponding account, click BILLING tab on the left and
choose PRODUCT option.

Now select ADD PRODUCT option found on the right corner of the
product category in which the product has to be created.
109 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

Now, in Add Product dialog box, enter the product description which
describes the product, product code which is used to identify the
product, Biling period can be Fixed Rate or percentage and rate of the
product and click CREATE PRODUCT.

Product will be created under the respective product category

110 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide


In your corresponding account, click BILLING tab on the left and
choose PRODUCT option.

Now select EDIT PRODUCT symbol found on the right corner of the
product row which has to be edited.

Now, in Edit Product dialog box, make the necessary changes, the
various fields found are product description which describes the
product, product code which is used to identify the product, Biling
period can be Fixed Rate or percentage and rate of the product and

Here we have changed the rate from 100 to 150.

111 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

The product will be successfully edited.

Edited product will be shown under the respective product category

as shown below.
112 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide


In your corresponding account, click BILLING tab on the left and
choose PRODUCT option.

Now select DELETE PRODUCT symbol found on the right corner of

the product row which has to be deleted.

Now, in Delete Product dialog box, click YES, DELETE to delete the
113 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

The product will be successfully deleted.


In your corresponding account, click BILLING tab on the left and
choose NOTIFICATIONS option.
114 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

In Configure Notification screen, check the Enable user notifications

box to configure the user notification.

The various option available under Notify options are

Notification Via – It is used to specify the mode of notification.

It can be E-mail or SMS or both.

When to notify - It is used to specify the various notification

timings. We can select all or anyone from this two options.
They are- (1) After billing cycle, send invoice via e-mail and
(2) After payment, send confirmation.

1. When (1) alone is selected, the invoice

notification will be sent after billing cycle.

2. When (2) alone is selected, the payment

confirmation will alone be sent.

3. When both (1) & (2) is selected, the

notification will be sent after billing cycle
and also after payment confirmation.

Suspend Pre-Paid users – It is used to enable suspending the

pre-paid users who don’t have an active orders currently.

Choose what to do after bill due date – It is used to specify the

actions that has to be taken after the bill due date. The options
are suspend user and Do nothing. The suspend user will
suspend the user from using the internet. The Do nothing will
take no actions on user even after bill due date.

On checking override all users data box, the specified option

will be overridden for all the users.
115 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

Under Billing Notifications, following options are available for prepaid

and postpaid customers.

Billing due date – It is used to specify the billing due date. It is

represented in terms of number of days after invoice.

Billing grace period – It is used to specify the extension period

for paying the bill after due date. It is represented in terms of
number of days after due date.

Notification to be sent on – It is used to specify the notification

interval before the due date. It is represented in terms of
number of days before the invoice date. We can specify
multiple notification interval.
116 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide


In your corresponding account, click USERS tab on the left and choose

Click the GROUP NAME in which the user is present for whom we
want to terminate a connection.

Inside the group various users are listed. click the user for whom we
want to mail an invoice for particulat order.
117 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

Now select the BILLING option found on the top center of the screen
and choose terminate connection option.

In TERMINATE USER dialog box, enter the termination time to

terminate on specific time or leave it blank to terminate immediately
and click YES, TERMINATE.

The user will be terminated. On successful termination, users will be

discarded of all orders and be suspended from accessing the internet.
118 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide
119 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

Chapter 6 – Captive Portal Settings

In your corresponding account, click CAPTIVE PORTAL SETTINGS
tab on the left and choose CONFIGURATION option.

In the configuration screen, various options are displayed for

configuring the captive portal. Following are the available options.

Choose Work- Flow – It is used to choose the work – flow

options. Voucher based login is the only available work flow for

Reset Password – This option allows the user to reset the

password on first login. It is not available for Voucher based

Show terms and condition – This is used to enable showing

terms and condition check box in user login page. User has to
check the box to login.
120 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

Change password on first login - It provides an option to force

the user to change the password on his first login. User groups
can be excluded from changing the password by adding the
respective groups in the text box given.

Set Expiry for the password – It is used to specify the expiry

time of the password. It can be given interms of month(s) or
day(s). The expiry of the password can be excluded for the user
groups that are added to the text box given.

Social Log On – It is used to provide an user with an option to

log into the user portal using login credentials of social media.
The various social media can be selected. The available social
media link are google +, linkedin, facebook, twitter, instagram
and form based login.

Show Welcome page after log in – It is used to enable showing

welcome page after has logged in.

Set redirect after log in – It is used to provide an URL to which

the user will be redirected after logged in.

The following image shows all the options available for

121 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide
122 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide


In your corresponding account, click CAPTIVE PORTAL SETTINGS

tab on the left and choose CUSTOMIZE CAPTIVE PORTAL option.

In Customize your login page, the layout of the login page will be
displayed. It can be modified using font toolbar. The form header,
colour and other options can be edited using options provided under
form section.

The Terms and Condition of internet usage policy is also given which
can be edited according to our need by clicking the text.

The background image of the login portal can also be defined. The
preview of the predefined pictures are shown from which one can be
chosen. We can also upload an image for background. The style of the
image can also be given using background style option.

The login portal can be previwed in laptop, mobile and tablets.

Restore the default settings and Undoing the changes can also be done
using Restore Defaults and Undo Change button respectively.
123 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

On clicking Save Changes , the changes can be saved. The following

image shows the various option available for configuring the user
login page.
124 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide


In your corresponding account, click CAPTIVE PORTAL SETTINGS
tab on the left and choose CUSTOMIZE USER PORTAL option.

This tab is used to configure the information that has to be shown to

the user in his portal.

Basic Information box shows the basic information such as current

cycle, general information, noof cincurrent sessions, Billing
information additional information and custom fields.

In General Information, the user name, name, mobile number, email,

permanent address will be shown if enabled using check box
125 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

In Current Cycle, upload data usage, download data usage and total
data usage and time will be shown if enabled using the check box.

In No of concurrent sessions, sessions of the users will be displayed if

enabled using check box .
126 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

In Billing Information, last order date, last invoiced date, last payment
date, total balanced due, status and lifetime revenue if enabled using
check box.

In additional information, account activation, account expiry, total

upload, total download, total data transfer, total usage duration,
additional fup quota, billing period and last login time will be
displayed if enbled using check box.

In custom tab, custom field can be set and displayed to the user if
enabled using check box.
127 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

In Data and session information section, session information will n=be

displayed if enabled. It will be shown to the user who has current
cycle set.

In page navigation button section, change password, view session

details, export session details, view bills, view payments, view
previous cycle, view traffic usage graph and export traffic usage graph
details will be shown if enabled using check box.

In Bill & Payment options, download bills, view bill details, view
payment details, pay bills, make payement button will be shown if
enabled using check box. Option for forcing the user to pay the full
amount is also provided.
128 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide


In your corresponding account, click CAPTIVE PORTAL SETTINGS
tab on the left and choose USER REGISTRATION CONFIGURATION
129 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

This tab is used to configure the users who doesn’t have a login
credential to access the internet. This page can be used to configure
the rules and necessary parameters for providing the internet access
to these users.

Registration Form Field section is used to frame the necessary fields

user has to input in order to obtain an interet access.

In order to add a new field to the registration form, click ADD FIELD
option found on the right corner of the section.

In the ADD FIELD dialog box, enter the title of the field and its type.
The type can be DOB, name, text, gender, radio, check and drop
130 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

The Regex option is used to provide the regular expression to have a

check on the input to the title field.

The optional field is used to mention whether this field is optional or

mandatory for user registration.

On clicking submit, a new field will be created.

131 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

The created field can be seen in the Registration Form Field section as
shown below.

By clicking the button displayed in the action column of the respective

field, the entries can be moved up or down using Move-up and Move-
down option. The remove option is used to remove the field.

By clicking the YES or NO button in mandatory option column, we are

provided with an option to change the optionality of the respective

By clicking the empty button in Options column, we can edit the

regular expression of the field title.
132 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

By clicking the Field title in the label column, we can edit the field title.

In order to add a rule for the form field, select ADD RULE option
found on the right corner of the Registration Form Rules section.

In ADD RULE dialog box, enter the name and set the parameters for if
condition and determine the action using action tab and status of the
rule using status field. The action value can be hide, show, set
username, enable auto approval. The status value can be active or

The rules for all the form field we have created are shown below
133 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

On clicking the ADD RULE button, the rules will be created as shown
134 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

In order to edit the rule, click the edit button found on the right corner
of the respective rule.

In Edit rule dialog box, make the necessary changes. We have changed
the status from active to disable here.

On clicking the Edit Rule button, the rule will be edited successfully.
135 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

The edited rule will be dislayed in the Registration Form Rule section
as shown below.

In order to delete the rule, click the delete button found on the right
corner of the respective rule.

In Delete rule dialog box, click OK, DELETE RULE to delete the rule.

The rule will be deleted successfully.

136 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

In order to dupliacate the rule, click the duplicate button found on the
right corner of the respective rule.

In Add rule dialog box, give the necessary details to duplicate a rule.

On clicking the Add Rule button, the rule will be duplicated


The duplicated rule will be dislayed in the Registration Form Rule

section as shown below.

The other fields found are as follows.

137 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

Choose user name – It is used to set how user name has to be

generated the username. E-mail, phone and generate random user
name are the options.

Choose password – It is used to set how password has to be generated

the username. E-mail, phone and generate random user name are the

Allow Password Change – It is used to specify whether user can

change the password or not.

Show view account details – It is used to specify whether user can

view the account details or not.

Restrict to one username per user – It is used to restrict device MAC

address with only one non-expired user.

Restrict Mobile/Tablets from requesting access – It is used to restrict

other devices from accessing internet.

Allow Sponsor to grant access – It allows the user to choose sponsors

to grant access.

Allow users to add multiple devices – It allows the user to add more
than one MAC address to enable access.

Enable Auto-approval – It is used to auto approve the user

immediately upon registration.

Mapping users - It is used to map the new registerd users to the

group already existing. The field name with radio or drop button can
only be used to map the users.
138 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

In order to view the users pending approval, click the USERS tab and click User
Management option.
139 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

Now click More option found on the right corner of the screen and choose view
users pending approval.

The users pending approval will be displayed. They can be approved or

discareded by clicking the “tick” and “x” button respectively.

In order to view the rejected users, click the USERS tab and click User
Management option.
140 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

Now click More option found on the right corner of the screen and choose view
rejected users option.

The rejected users will be displayed. They can be deleted or moved to user
pending list by clicking the delete users and move users button respectively.


In your corresponding account, click CAPTIVE PORTAL SETTINGS
tab on the left and choose CUSTOMIZE SMS FIELD option.
141 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

In customize sms gateway taken & content screen, set the default SMS
gateway. The gateway supported by our system now are Inway, Plivo,
SMSIntegra, RabbitMQ to name a few. In future, many more gateways
will be integrated. The DEFAULT gateway is also provided.

If DEFAULT gateway is chosen, then we can customize the content for

certain templates. Other templates contains a fixed one which cannot
be changed.

The following image shows the various templates for DEFAULT

142 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide
143 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

If other gateway such as Inway is chosen, then we want to enter the

tokens needed by Inway apart from customizing the content for
certain templates. Other templates contains a fixed one which cannot
be changed.

The following image shows the various template and token fields of
Inway gateway.
144 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide


In your corresponding account, click CAPTIVE PORTAL SETTINGS
tab on the left and choose CUSTOMIZE E-MAIL FIELD option.

In customize sms gateway taken & content screen, set the default E-
MAIL gateway. The gateway supported by our system now are default
and SMTP.

If Default gateway is chosen, then we can customize the content for E-

Mail header and footer.

The following image shows the view of E-mail gateway token &
customize screen.
145 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

If SMTP gateway is chosen, then we want to configure the SMTP by

entering the tokens corresponding to the E-mail gateway vendor. We
can also customize the E-mail header and footer.

The following image shows the various template and token fields of
SMTP gateway.
146 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide
147 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

Chapter 7 – Routers


In your corresponding account, click ROUTER CONFIG tab on the left
and choose ROUTERS option.

Click the CREATE GROUP option found on the top right corner of the

In the New Router Group dialog box,, enter the name of the router

Finally click CREATE GROUP to create the group.

148 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

The created group will be shown in the dashboard of the routers tab
as shown below.


In your corresponding account, click ROUTER CONFIG tab on the left
and choose ROUTERS option.

Click the DELETE option found on the right corner of the

corresponding group.
149 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

In the Delete group dialog box, click OK, DELETE GROUP button to
delete the group.

The corresponding router group will be deleted.


In your corresponding account, click ROUTER CONFIG tab on the left
and choose ROUTERS option.
150 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

Click the ADD ROUTER option found on the top right corner of the

In the ADD ROUTERS screen, enter the necessary details in the

corresponding fields to add the router to the group successfully. The
various fields found in Add Router screen as follows.

Model – It is used to add the router model. Currently, four router

models are available for pubic usage. They are Microtik(Router),Aruba
IAP, Aruba controller, Ruckus controller. Other models are for
privileged users. Router models for privileged users can be added to
the public usage on asking the administrator.

MAC Address – It is used to specify the MAC address of the device. The
router will be added successfully only if mac address is correct.

Name – It is used to specify the name of the router.

Group – It is used to add the router to a specific group.

COA Port – It is used to specify the change of authentication port

number. It can be used to disconnect the client.

Router IP – It is used to specify the IP of the router. The router will be

added successfully only if IP is correct.
151 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

Username - It is used to specify the username for the router for

authenticating purpose.

Password - It is used to specify the password for the router for

authenticating purpose.

Port – It is used to specify the port number through which the data
packets are transferred.

Enable IP Auth – It is used to enable IP authentication. IP

authentication of the user will work only if IP Auth is checked.
If both IP and Mac Auth is performed then leave the box unchecked.

Community String – An SNMP community string is a text string that

acts as a password. It is used to authenticate messags that are sent
between the management device to the router. This field is used to
specify the community string.

Finally click ADD to add the router to the respective router group.
152 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

The created group will be shown in the dashboard of the routers tab
as shown below.


In your corresponding account, click ROUTER CONFIG tab on the left
and choose ROUTERS option.

Click the EDIT option found on the Actions column of the

corresponding router which has to be edited .
153 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

In the EDIT ROUTERS screen, change the necessary details in the

corresponding fields to edit the router successfully. The various fields
found in Edit Router screen as follows.

Model – It is used to add the router model. Currently, four router

models are available for pubic usage. They are Microtik(Router),Aruba
IAP, Aruba controller, Ruckus controller. Other models are for
privileged users. Router models for privileged users can be added to
the public usage on asking the administrator.

MAC Address – It is used to specify the MAC address of the device. The
router will be added successfully only if mac address is correct.

Name – It is used to specify the name of the router.

Group – It is used to add the router to a specific group.

COA Port – It is used to specify the change of authentication port

number. It can be used to disconnect the client.

Router IP – It is used to specify the IP of the router. The router will be

added successfully only if IP is correct.

Username - It is used to specify the username for the router for

authenticating purpose.

Password - It is used to specify the password for the router for

authenticating purpose.

Port – It is used to specify the port number through which the data
packets are transferred.
154 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

Enable IP Auth – It is used to enable IP authentication. IP

authentication of the user will work only if IP Auth is checked.
If both IP and Mac Auth is performed then leave the box unchecked.

Community String – An SNMP community string is a text string that

acts as a password. It is used to authenticate messags that are sent
between the management device to the router. This field is used to
specify the community string.

Finally click SAVE to edit the router successfully.

155 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

The created group will be shown in the dashboard of the routers tab
as shown below.


In your corresponding account, click ROUTER CONFIG tab on the left
and choose ROUTERS option.

Enable the check box of the routers that has to be moved from one
group to another. Here we are moving the router from New York
group to Texas group.

Now, click the MOVE TO button and select the group to which the
router has to be moved. In our case Texas group is selected.
156 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

In the MOVE ROUTER(s), dialog box, click OK, MOVE ROUTER(s)

button to move the router.

The router will be moved successfully.

The moved router will be showed in the corresponding group as

shown below.
157 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide


In your corresponding account, click ROUTER CONFIG tab on the left

and choose ROUTERS option.

Enable the check box of the routers that has to be deleted.

Now, click the DELETE button found on the top left corner of the

In the DELETE ROUTER(s), dialog box, click OK, DELETE

ROUTER(S) button to delete the router.
158 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

The router will be deleted successfully.


In your corresponding account, click ROUTER CONFIG tab on the left

and choose IP RANGES option.

Click CREATE NEW RANGE button found on the top right corner of
the screen.
159 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

In ADD RANGE dialog box, enter the necessary details in the

corresponding field to create a new IP Range. Following are the
various fields found in Add Range dialog box.

Name – It is specify the name for the IP Range we are creating.

Choose Router - It is used to choose the router for which the IP Range
is going to be created. The routers that have been added in the routers
tab will be shown in the drop down box from which one can be

Type – It is used to specify the type of IP address. It can be either

public or private.

IP Range – It is used to specify the IP range for the chosen router.

Exclude IP list – It is used to mention the IP address which should be

excluded from the range. Multiple IP address can be given by using “;”
as separation.

Comments - It is used to provide comments for this ip range to

describe what this IP is for?.
160 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

Now, click Submit button to create a new IP Range.

The new IP Range created will be shown in the screen as shown

161 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide


In your corresponding account, click ROUTER CONFIG tab on the left

and choose IP RANGES option.

Click EDIT symbol found on the action column of the corresponding

IP Range.

In EDIT RANGE dialog box, enter the necessary details in the

corresponding field to create a new IP Range. Following are the
various fields found in Add Range dialog box.

Name – It is specify the name for the IP Range we are creating.

Choose Router - It is used to choose the router for which the IP Range
is going to be created. The routers that have been added in the routers
tab will be shown in the drop down box from which one can be
162 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

Type – It is used to specify the type of IP address. It can be either

public or private.

IP Range – It is used to specify the IP range for the chosen router.

Exclude IP list – It is used to mention the IP address which should be

excluded from the range. Multiple IP address can be given by using “;”
as separation.

Comments - It is used to provide comments for this ip range to

describe what this IP is for?.

In our case, we have added an extra exclusion IP as shown below.

Now, click Submit button to edit the IP Range.

163 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

The edited IP Range will be shown in the screen as shown below.


In your corresponding account, click ROUTER CONFIG tab on the left

and choose IP RANGES option.

Click DELETE symbol found on the action column of the

corresponding IP Range.
164 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

In DELETE RANGE dialog box, click OK, DELETE RANGE to delete the
IP Range.

The IP Range will be successfully removed.

165 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

Chapter 8 – Reports


In your corresponding account, click REPORTING tab on the left and
choose REPORTS option.

In the Reports screen, choose the REPORT TYPE, choose the account
name from ACCOUNT field and choose the FROM and To dates for
which the report has to be generated.

Click VIEW REPORT option to view the report.

166 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

The report will be produced as show in the image below.

The other report types available are

1. Top Users(data usage)

2. Top Users(duration usage)
3. User Details
4. Groups
5. User Session Details
6. Logged in users
7. FUP exceeded users
8. SMS Sent
9. Ads clicks
10. Ads views
11. Account Receivable
12. Total amount invoiced
13. Product Subscribers
14. Total Payment
15. All Invoice charged for the day
16. Invoice charged.

The other way of viewing the report is by exporting them to any of the
following documents by clicking the respective buttons after choosing
the report parameters. The other document types are XLS, XLSX,
167 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide


In your corresponding account, click REPORTING tab on the left and
choose BILLING DUE DATE option.

In the Billing Due Date screen, choose the FROM and To date for which
report of bill due of the user has to be generated .

Click VIEW REPORT option to view the report as shown below.

We can also export the report to a CSV file by clicking the EXPORT AS
CSV button found next to the View report button.
168 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

The report will be generated in the CSV file as shown below.

169 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

Chapter 9 – Announcements


In your corresponding account, click ANNOUNCEMENTS tab on the

left and choose ROUTERS option.

In Send Announcements screen, input the necessary information in

the fields to send an announcements to the users selected. Following
are the various fields found in Send Announcements screen.

Announcements Recipients – It is used to add the user name for whom

we want to send an announcement.

Choose User Group – It is used to specify the user group. It is used

when all the users of the particular group wants to be informed of
something. Choosing an user group will automatically add the users to
Announcements recipients.

SMS Announcement Content – It is used to provide the content to be

sent via SMS to the user.

E-Mail Announcement Subject – It is used to specify the subject for the

E-Mail that will be sent to the user.

E-Mail Announcement Content – It is used to provide the content to be

sent via E-Mail to the user.
170 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

Keys – It is the default attribute defined already. The keys will replace
itself with the content already in the database. Eg- Using #NAME# key
will replace itself with the corresponding name of the user when
sending an announcement. The keys can be added to the message by
pressing the corresponding key in the keys section.

Announcement Via – It is used to specify the medium of

announcement. It can be either E- mail or SMS.

By clicking SEND button, the announcements will be sent to the

respective users selected.
171 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

Chapter 10 – External Integrations


In your corresponding account, click EXTERNAL INTEGRATION tab
on the left and choose PAYMENT GATEWAY SETTINGS option.

In Payment Gateway Settings Screen, set the payment gateway using

the drop down list box. Choosing “Disable” option will disable the
external payment gateway.

Now, CITRUS is the available payment gateway option. Many more

payment gateway option have been integrated to our product

In TOKEN CUSTOMIZATION section, we can add the values for the

tokens of the gateway we have chosen. Eg - For CITRUS, we have
We can also add extra tokens by clicking EXTRA TOKEN button.

Click SUBMIT CHANGES to make the selected payment gateway as

the default one.

The following image shows the sample of payment gateway settings.

172 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide
173 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

Chapter 11 – Analytics


In your corresponding account, click ANALYTICS tab on the left.

In the following screen, we can obtain the user statistics for today,
yesterday, this week, this month, this year by clicking Today,
Yesterday, This week, This month, This year buttons respectively.

We can also get the user statistics for the specific duration of time by
clicking the Custom button and giving the From and To dates.

We can get the statistics for the user session duration and data usage
by clicking the session tab as shown below.
174 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

We can also get the statistics of the operating system, browser and
device type, users have been using to get access to the internet as
shown in the image below.
175 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

We can also export all the user statistics to the pdf file by clicking
EXPORT STATS TO PDF button found on the right side of the screen.
176 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

Chapter 12 – Monitoring


In your corresponding account, click MONITORING tab on the left and
choose ACTIVE SESSIONS options.

In the following screen, choose the account name using Account field.

All the users who are active at that instance will be displayed with the
details of their MAC address,name, IP, Duration, Account etc.

We can terminate the user session by clicking the X mark found on the
terminate session column of the respective user.

The following image shows the sample of an active session of users.

177 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide


In your corresponding account, click MONITORING tab on the left and
choose COMPLETED SESSIONS options.

In the following screen, all the user have completed their session will
be displayed along with other details like MAC address,name, IP,
Duration, Bandwidth etc..

We can also choose the timeline for the completed sessions using
From and To text box to view the users who have completed their
session during that time.
178 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

The following image shows the sample of an completed session of



In your corresponding account, click MONITORING tab on the left and
choose TRAFFIC GRAPHS options.

In the following screen, various option will be displayed like Ethernet

ports, LAN tocustomer connections etc.
179 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

We can choose any one of the following to view the data traffic.

The data traffic chart of Lan-to-Customer of a particular account is

shown below.
180 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

Chapter 13 – Dashboard


In your corresponding account, click DASHBOARD tab on the left.

In the following screen, we can obtain the user statistics for today,
yesterday, this week, this month, this year by clicking Today,
Yesterday, This week, This month, This year buttons respectively.

We can see the details about Total users, Active users, Online users,
Expired users and new users in last 1 week.

We can get the graph of the Active sessions by clicking Active Sessions
button as shown below.
181 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

We can also see the data uploaded and downloaded using the Data
transfer button as shown below
182 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

Chapter 14 – Logs


In your corresponding account, click LOGS tab on the left and choose
EVENT LOGS option.

In Event Logs screen, we can see the events that have taken place in
the account like login details and other admin activities as shown


183 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

In your corresponding account, click LOGS tab on the left and choose
USER LOGS option.

In User Logs screen, we can see the user login credential logs and
other user activities that have taken place as shown below.


184 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

In your corresponding account, click LOGS tab on the left and choose
SMS LOGS option.

In SMS Logs screen, we can see the SMS notification that has been sent
to the user during various process like order generation, invoice
generation, user creation etc. as shown below. We can also see the
status of the message and the phone number to whch it is delievered.


185 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

In your corresponding account, click LOGS tab on the left and choose
E-MAIL LOGS option.

In E-MAIL Logs screen, we can see the E-MAIL notification that has
been sent to the user during various process like order generation,
invoice generation, user creation etc. as shown below. We can also see
the status of the E-MAIL and the E-MAIL address to whch it is
186 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide


In your corresponding account, click LOGS tab on the left and choose

In Payment Logs screen, we can see the Payment notification that has
been made by the user. We can also see the status of the payment,
order amount, operator, currency and message as shown below.


187 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

In your corresponding account, click LOGS tab on the left and choose
NAT LOGS option.

In NAT Logs screen, we can see the NAT Logs that has been made by
the router corresponding to the account. The NAT logs are
compressed to a zip file and put in a folder according to the

Chapter 15 – Account Settings

188 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide


In your corresponding account, click the account name on the top and
choose SETTINGS option.

In the Settings screen, we can see various configuring options on the

screen. They are General Configuration, Billing Address, Router
Visibility, API, Billing Period, Invoice Prefix, Table header

In General Configuration, we can specify the organization name,

Account name, E-mail, phone, E-mail Sender Name, Circuit ID prefix,
Timezone, Currency, ISD Code. The following image shows various
fields in General Configuration tab.
189 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

In Billing Address, we can specify the address of the account holder,

which will be displayed in invoices.

In Router Configuration, we can specify the VLAN port for each sub-
account, the account holds.
190 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

In API, we can specify the API Token, API Key and URL to connect the
account and post data. The API document is also available for the
admin to view and download.

In Billing Period, we can create the billing cycle for which the invoice
has to be generated. The billing cycle can be added by pressing ADD
button found on the bottom right corner.
191 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

In Invoice Prefix, we can add our own invoice prefix which will be
prefix for each invoice ID generated.

In Table Header Configuration, we can configure various table header

fields found in tables. In this tab, we can configure various tables such
as View All Users, View Active Session, Completed Sessions, Group
Users, User Logs, User Sessions, Logs for Users, Logs for SMS, Logs for

In View All Users, Circuit ID, username, Status, Name, PhoneNumber,

Email, ActivationDate, ExpirationDate, Group, Account,
StaticIPAndMac fields are available, we can select which field to be
displayed by checking the corresponding check box.
192 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

In View Active Session table, DownloadRate, UploadRate, Username,

Name, MAC, IP, DownloadBytes, UploadBytes, StartTime, Bandwidth,
Duration, Account, TerminateSession fields are available, we can
select which field to be displayed by checking the corresponding
check box.
193 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

In Completed Sessions, Username, E-mail, Name, DownloadBytes,

UploadBytes, MAC, IP, StartTime, StopTime, Bandwidth, Duration
fields are available. We can select which field to be displayed by
checking the corresponding check box.
194 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

In Group Users, CircuitID, staticIPMac, Username, Status, Name,

PhoneNumber, Email, ActivationDate, ExpirationDate, Action fields
are available. We can select which field to be displayed by checking
the corresponding check box.

In User Logs, Timestamp, MAC, Address, Password, RouterMac,

Message fields are available. We can select which field to be displayed
by checking the corresponding check box.
195 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

In User Sessions, StartTime, StopTime, MAC, IP, DownloadBytes,

UploadBytes, TotalData, Bandwidth, TerminateSession fields are
available. We can select which field to be displayed by checking the
corresponding check box.
196 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

In Logs for Users, Timestamp, Username, Password, Mac, Router,

Message fields are available. We can select which field to be displayed
by checking the corresponding check box.

In Logs for SMS, Timestamp, Phone, Content, Status, Error fields are
available. We can select which field to be displayed by checking the
corresponding check box.
197 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

In Logs for EMail, Timestamp, Email, Content, Status, Error fields are
available. We can select which field to be displayed by checking the
corresponding check box.


In your corresponding account, click the account name on the top and
choose CREATE SUB-ACCOUNT option.
198 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

In Create sub-account dialog box, input the necessary details for

creating a sub-account. The various fields available are as follows.

Sub-account name – This is used to specify the name for a new sub-
account we are creating.

Edition – This is used to specify the edition that sub-account should

have. The two types of Edition are either ISP or Cloud-WiFi.

Email – This is used to specify the mail ID of the for this sub-account.

Phone – This is used to specify the phone number for this sub-

Address 1, Address 2, City, Pincode, State – These fields are used to

give the postal address details of this sub-account holder.
199 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

On clicking CREATE SUB-ACCOUNT button, a new sub- account will

be created.


In your corresponding account, click the account name on the top and
choose SWITCH ACCOUNT option.
200 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

In Switch Account dialog box, select the account to which we want

switch into.

Now, click Switch Account to switch to the account selected.

We have selected Aircon account to switch from Jaze Demo accunt.

The account will be switched as shown below.

201 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide


In your corresponding account, click the account name on the top and
choose DELETE SUB-ACCOUNT option.
202 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

In Delete Account dialog box, select the account which we want to


Now, click Delete Account to delete the account selected.

CAUTION – Account will not be deleted if you are deleting the

account from being in the same account.
203 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

Chapter 16 – Admin Profile


In your corresponding account, click on the admin name on the top
corner and choose MY PROFILE option.

In Account Settings dialog box, the personal details of the admin such
as Username, Full Name, Email Address, Phone Number can be set and
E-mail Notification enabling can be done.

In Change Password section, New Password can be set for the account.
The following image shows various fields of MY PROFILE option.
204 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide


In your corresponding account, click on the admin name on the top
corner and choose ADMIN ACCOUNTS option.
205 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

In Administrator Accounts screen, click ADD ADMIN ACCOUNT

button found on the top left corner of the screen.

In Add admin dialog box, Email Id and name of the admin can be
given in the Admin registration details section. The organization to
which the admin belongs will be displayed.

The Role of the admin can also be specified. The default role value is
super which gives the admin full access over the account. Other roles
can also be specified by creating a customized admin role.

By checking the Email notifications box, invitation mail will be sent to

the admin.

On clicking CREATE button, a new admin account will be created.

206 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

The created admin will be shown in the Administrator Accounts

screen as shown below.


In your corresponding account, click on the admin name on the top
corner and choose ADMIN ACCOUNTS option.
207 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

In Administrator Accounts page, click the delete symbol x found on

the right corner of the admin account which we want to delete.

In Delete admin dialog box, click OK,DELETE ADMIN button to

delete the admin account.

The admin user selected will be successfully deleted.

208 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide


In your corresponding account, click on the admin name on the top
corner and choose ADMIN ROLES option.

In Admin Roles screen, click CREATE NEW button found on the top
right corner of the screen.

In Admin Permission dialog box, the permission for admin access

can be defined. Various option found on the admin permission screen
are as follows.

Name – The name for the new admin role can be specified here.

Access Points – This section allows to choose whether admin can edit
and delete the access points.

Analytics – This section allows to choose whether admin can access

the analytics statistics.

Captive Portal – This section allows to choose whether admin can

customize the SMS and E-Mail gateway.
209 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

Captive Portal Configuration - This section allows to choose whether

admin can access the access center and captive portal configuration.

Captive Portal Settings - This section allows to choose whether admin

can access the captive portal settings.

Dashboard - This section allows to choose whether admin can access

the dashboard.

Monitoring - This section allows to choose whether admin can access

the monitoring activities such as accessing viewing active sessions,
completed sessions and traffic graph.

Profile - This section allows to choose whether admin can

add,edit,override and delete the user profiles.

Reporting – This section allows to choose whether admin can access

the reports tab and generate reports.

User Management - This section allows to choose whether admin can

add, delete,edit and view users, import users, export users. This
section also deals with allowing access to user sessions, customize
voucher, user traffic graph, Billing, download files, FUP and Mail

The following image shows various option on admin permission .

210 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

On Clicking SAVE option, a new admin role will be created.

211 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

The new role admin role created can be seen in admin roles screen as
shown below.


212 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

In your corresponding account, click on the admin name on the top

corner and choose ADMIN ROLES option.

In Admin Roles screen, click the EDIT button found on the bottom of
the admin role we want to edit.
213 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

Now make the necessary changes to modify the access permission for
the admin.

Here we have given access permission for Billing and FUP for this
admin role.

On click SAVE button, update confirmation box will be generated.

Click UPDATE button to update the changes made successfully.
214 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

The modified admin role can be seen in the admin permission page as
shown below.


In your corresponding account, click on the admin name on the top
corner and choose ADMIN ROLES option.

In Admin Roles screen, click the DELETE button found on the bottom
of the admin role we want to delete.
215 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

Now click DELETE ADMIN ROLE button in the delete admin role
dialog box.

The admin role will be successfully deleted.

216 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide


In your corresponding account, click on the admin name on the top
corner and choose ADMIN CLASSIFICATIONS option.

In Admin Classifications screen, click the CREATE NEW button found

on the top right corner of the screen.
217 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

In the Add admin classification dialog box, enter the new group
name in the Group field and CREATE button to create a new admin
classification group.

A new admin classification group will be successfully created.

The new group created will be shown in the admin classifications

page as given below.
218 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide


In your corresponding account, click on the admin name on the top
corner and choose ADMIN CLASSIFICATIONS option.

In Admin Classifications screen, click the ADD ADMIN button found

on the right corner of the classification group to which we want to add
the admin.

In Add admin classification group, select the admin using the drop
down box to add to the group.
219 Jaze ISP Manager – User Guide

Now click SUBMIT button to add the admin successfully.

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