About Off On Apart of Out With Behind in Over Up Down For Through To

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Howdy English Academy

Name:_________________________________________ Adviser: _______________________________
A. Spelling Test:
1. 11.
2. 12.
3. 13.
4. 14.
5. 15.
6. 16.
7. 17.
8. 18.
9. 19.
10. 20.
A. Grammar: Fill in the blanks using the correct prepositions below.

about off on
apart of out with
behind in over up
down for through to

1. Those bills aren't our responsibility. It's ____ _____ the Accounting Department to pay them.
2. Some boys love to take______ clocks or motors so they can figure_____ how to put them
together again.
3. You can't back _____now! You promised to finish the costume before the play!
4. You need to make ____the time you missed when you were sick.
5. Since Barbara brought ______the layoffs, I think we should discuss them first.
6. If you put _____resolving the problem with Joe, it will go _____getting worse.
7. That cat is always ______the way. I tripped over her again, and almost fell down.
8. You made so many mistakes on this essay you should just do it________.
9. A man is drowning! Can you swim? It's _____ ____ you to rescue him.
10. Jim often misses work, but he always shows______ when there's an office party.

B. Words in context: Read the following passage and write the words in the blanks below.

available disparate instinctive relax

broad divided lively taste

category favorite reason urge

Everyone loves music, it seems. And there's little (1)___________to wonder why. There is so much music
(2)_________ from which to choose, and there is a (3)__________of music to appeal to every
(4)____________. The major groups of music are (5)__________ broadly into classical , popular and jazz.
Within these (6)__________ groups are many other subcategories. For example, such
(7)____________types of music as movie sound tracks, rhythm and blues, rock and rap all fit within the
category of popular music.

The (8)_________to make and enjoy music may be (9)__________. Even small children enjoy music. Since
they tend to be active, children often prefer (10)___________music that they can move and dance.

Another reason that music is so popular is the variety of settings in which one can enjoy his or her
(11)__________kind of music. You can go to church to hear great religious music, or to a concert hall to
hear a well known classical symphony. On another night, you might go to a small club to listen to an up-
and coming jazz group while you enjoy a drink. A few nights later, you might go with some friends to join
thousands of other people in a stadium to hear your favorite rock band play in your city on a world tour.
And back at your house or apartment, you can (12)_____________while listening to your favorite artists
on your MP3 player.

C. Sentence Completion:
1. Movies are probably the most popular form of ___________in the United States.
a. category c. admiration
b. experience d. entertainment
2. Television has seriously _____________society.
a. influence c. influencing
b. influenced d. influential
3. Actors can spend too much time____________ as well as too little.
a. rehearse c. rehearsing
b. rehearsed d. rehearsal
4. Even when a show is sold___________, it is sometimes possible to get a ticket.
a. up c. off
b. to d. out
5. Orchestra music is wonderfully conductive to _________.
a. relaxation c. relaxes
b. relaxed d. relax
6. There is no good or bad music, only that which do or does not appeal to your ____.
a. taste c. tasted
b. tastes d. tasting
7. New __________ are one of the most exciting aspects of museum work.
a. acquire c. acquire
b. acquisitions d. acquisitive
8. Sometimes I look at a famous painting and wonder why it is considered more________ than
the ones on either side for it.
a. signify c. significant
b. signified d. significantly


A. What is the difference between one’s personality and one’s character?

B. If you had been born in another country, do you think your personality would be different? How?

C. Do you think being born in extreme wealth would change your personality? How?

D. Do you think nature (biology) or nurture (our circumstances) are more important in shaping our


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