Arts LESSON 3 Grade 7

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LESSON 3 grade 7

I . Objective
1. Research on the Indigenous peoples of the Philippines from Luzon, Visayas
and Mindanao and their culture, and the art produced by Filipino artists during
the Spanish, and American occupation after.
2. Create with his group, a presentation that will visualize his research which will
be presented to the class
3. Discuss, compare and appreciate the similarities, differences and uniqueness
of Philippine art produced by the indigenous groups and during different
historical periods.
II. Subject Matter
- Introduction to the art of the Philipines (overview)
III. Materials
Chalk, Manila Paper, Cartolina, Oslo, pencil, oil pastel,
IV. Reference
Teachers’ Module for K to 12, Art Grade 7 Learners Module p.1
V. Procedure
A. Activity
I. Tracing one’s roots (Art History)
- Ask each students what province his parents are from and where he/she
grow up or stayed the longest.
II. Name Game
- Name the province(s) the language/dialect he/she speaks, the food and
fruits from that place, traditions celebrated, songs, crafts from that
B. Analysis
Divide the class into three island groups: Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao or into
other groupings relevant to the provinces represented by the students and let
them share their answers to the rest of their group mates
C. Abstraction
Let them synthesize findings of their group and present their group research
D. Application
Draw examples of Art from Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao
Criteria: Clear, Accurate description of the different element used
Use of appropriate terminology
VI. Evaluation
Enumerate the different elements of art in your Drawing.
VII. Assignment
Research other arts of Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao and be able to describe the
different art elements.

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