Fajri Yudha Aulia (29118449) Consumer Behavior Individual Task - Decision Rules

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Fajri Yudha Aulia


Consumer Behavior

Assignment Decision Rules

Conjunctive Rule: The consumer sets minumum cutoff scores for each the evaluative
attributes ( the cutoffs for each attribute may be set at different levels). Brand that meet ALL
of the different atribute cutoff points are kept it consideration.

Disjunctive Rule: The consumer sets minimum cutoff scores for each the evaluative attributes
( again, the cutoffs for each attribute may be set at different levels). These cutoffs are usually
very demanding and are typically set high. Brands that made very high cutoff point on ANY
attribute are kept consideration.

Lexicographic Rule: The consumer ranks evaluative attributes by importance. He/she looks
at the most important attribute and choose the brand that performs best on that attribute. If more
two brands tie for the highest performance on that attribute, these tying brands are then
evaluated with regard to the next most important attribute, and the higher performer is choosen.
If more two brands tie for the highest performance on the attribute, these tying brands are then
evaluated with regard to the next most important attribute, and so on down the ranking of
attributes, until one brand is left.

Elimination-By-Aspect Rule: The consumer rank evaluative attributes by importance and sets
minimum cutoff points for each attribute ( the cutoff for each attribute may be set differrent
levels ). He/she starts with the most important attribute, and elimantes all those brands that dont
meet minimum cutoff point. The brands remaining are then evaluated on the next most
important attribute, and again, those brands that dont meet cutoff point on this attribute are
eliminated from futher consideration. This continues until one brand remains.

Compensatory Rules: The consumer takes an overall view each brand. In this way, a brand’s
poor performance on one attribute may be offset, or compensated for, by high performance on
another attribute.
Task 1

1. Mark G : Elimination-By-Aspect Rule

2. Kathryn W: Lexicographic Rule

3. Patricia L : Elimination-By-Aspect Rule

4. Kalsey K : Conjunctive Rule

5. Laura M: Disjunctive Rule

6. Ron J: Elimination-By-Aspect Rule

7. Bruce F: Compensatory Rules

8. Meghan E: Lexicographic Rule

9. Mike J: Compensatory Rules

10. Doris A: Conjunctive Rule

Task 2
Product Importance Brand Scores
Attributes Rating Brand A Brand B Brand C Brand D
Print Quality 35 7 3 2 7
Price 25 5 9 10 8
Zoom Capability 10 1 9 6 5
Battery Life 10 1 9 6 4
Weight 20 8 7 4 4

- Assume that brand score of 4 or better on all attributes is required to surpass cutoff
point for the Conjunctive model
- Assume that 10 is required in any attributes as a cutoff for the Disjunctive model
- Assume that a 5 or better on all attributes is rquired to surpass cutoff points for the
Elimination-By-Aspects Model
Question :
Using the table provide, as well as your answer to task 1, ascertain which of the four cameras
each of these five consumers likely purchased ( whera a compensatory decision rules was used,
assume that is was a weighted additive compensatory rule ). Please show all of your work ( i.e
show each step in the dicision process foe each of the consumers ).

Conjunctive Model
Product Min Score Brand Scores
Attributes Attributes Brand A Brand B Brand C Brand D
Print Quality 4 7 3 2 7
Price 4 5 9 10 8
Zoom Capability 4 1 9 6 5
Battery Life 4 1 9 6 4
Weight 4 8 7 4 4

 Based on this data Brand D is the best choice for choosen in Conjunctive model for the
consumers because all of the product attributes can fulfill the min score attributes.

Disjunctive Model
Product Min Score Brand Scores
Attributes Attributes Brand A Brand B Brand C Brand D
Print Quality 10 7 3 2 7
Price 10 5 9 10 8
Zoom Capability 10 1 9 6 5
Battery Life 10 1 9 6 4
Weight 10 8 7 4 4
 Based on this data only Brand C can fulfill price attributes with min score 10 but in
another product attributes Brand C is lower min score Attributes, and the other Brand
does not have product attributes higher than min score attributes, so in the Disjunctive
model maybe Brand C considers to be choosen for the consumers.

Elimination-By-Aspects Model
Product Rank Min Score Brand Scores
Attributes Attributes Brand A Brand B Brand C Brand D
Print Quality 1 5 7 3 2 7
Price 2 5 5 9 10 8
Zoom Capability 4 5 1 9 6 5
Battery Life 4 5 1 9 6 4
Weight 3 5 8 7 4 4

 Based on this data we know that Brand A is best choice for choosen in Elimination-By-
Aspect Model because in Product attribut “Weight” (its mean Rank 3) Brand A can
fullfil that min score attributes and Brand D can’t, that why brand A is best choice for
the consumers.

Lexicographic Model
Product Importance Brand Scores
Attributes Rating Brand A Brand B Brand C Brand D
Print Quality 35 7 3 2 7
Price 25 5 9 10 8
Zoom Capability 10 1 9 6 5
Battery Life 10 1 9 6 4
Weight 20 8 7 4 4

 Based on this data Brand D is the best choice for choosen in the Lexicographic model
for consumers because the Brand D get higher brand score in Print Quality and Price
that why Brand D is the best choice for consumer.

Compensatory Model
Product Importance Brand Scores
Attributes Rating Brand A Brand B Brand C Brand D
Print Quality 35 7 3 2 7
Price 25 5 9 10 8
Zoom Capability 10 1 9 6 5
Battery Life 10 1 9 6 4
Weight 20 8 7 4 4
Total 100 550 650 520 615
 Based on this data Brand B is the best choice for choosen in the Compensatory model
for consumers because the Brand B get higher total brand than other brands, that why
Brand B is the best choice for consumer.

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