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University of the Philippines College of Law


Topic Search incidental to a lawful arrest

Case No. G.R. No. 128222 June 17, 1999
Case Name People v. Chua Ho San
Ponente DAVIDE, C.J.


Charge in the violation of Sec. 15, Art III, R.A. No. 6425 (Dangerous Drugs Act of
information 1972) as amended by R.A. No. 7659, and sentencing him to die by lethal
Arraignment Not guilty
Evidence @ Trial First witness
by Prosecution Chief of Police Jim CID (of Bacnotan Police Station, La Union)
(Testimony) Corroborating witnesses
Brgy Cptn Juan ALMOITE (of Brgy Tammocalao)
SPO1 Reynoso BADUA (Chief Investigator)
Evidence @ Trial Accused CHUA Ho San
by Defense Witness Elmer PARONG (Sanggunian Bayan member)
(Testimony) Witness Arsenio CRAIG (farmer & resident of Tammocalao)
RTC decision Guilty
SC decision RTC decision REVERSED & SET ASIDE; accused ACQUITTED, the
(automatic review) evidence not being sufficient to establish guilt beyond reasonable doubt

1. Prosecution version of events:

 In response to reports of rampant smuggling of firearms and other contraband, CID began
patrolling the Bacnotan coastline with his officers. On 29 March 1995, he intercepted a radio
call at around 12:45 p.m. from ALMOITE requesting police assistance regarding an
unfamiliar speedboat he had spotted, which looked different from the boats ordinarily used
by fisherfolk of the area and was poised to dock at Tammocalao. CID and six of his men led
by BADUA proceeded to Tammocalao beach and there conferred with ALMOITE.
 CID then observed that the speedboat ferried a lone male passenger. As it was routine for
CID to deploy his men in strategic places when dealing with similar situations, he ordered
his men to take up positions thirty meters from the coastline.
 When the speedboat landed, the male passenger alighted, and using both hands, carried
what appeared a multicolored strawbag, as he walked towards the road. By this time,
ALMOITE, CID and BADUA, the latter two conspicuous in their uniform and issued side-
arms, became suspicious of the man as he suddenly changed direction and broke into a run
upon seeing the approaching officers.
 BADUA prevented the man from fleeing by holding on to his right arm. Although CID
introduced themselves as police officers, the man appeared impassive. Speaking in English,
CID then requested the man to open his bag, but he seem not to understand. CID thus tried
speaking Tagalog, then Ilocano, but still to no avail. CID then resorted to what he termed
“sign language;” he motioned with his hands for the man to open the bag. This time, the
man apparently understood and acceded to the request. A search of the bag yielded several
transparent plastic packets containing yellowish crystalline substances. which was later
found out that it was Shabu. CID then gestured to the man to close the bag, which he did.
As CID wished to proceed to the police station, he signaled the man to follow, but the latter
did not to comprehend. Hence, CID placed his arm around the shoulders of the man and
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escorted the latter to the police headquarters. CHUA was initially charged with illegal
possession of methaphetamine hydrochloride before the RTC. The RTC convicted Chua Ho
San guilty beyond reasonable doubt. Chua Ho San prays for his acquitttal and the reversal
of the judgment of the RTC.
2. Defense version of events:
 CHUA denounced the prosecutions story as a distortion of the truth. He denied he was ever
favored with an interpreter or informed of his "constitutional rights," particularly of his right to
counsel. Consequently, his arrest was tainted with illegality and the methamphetamine
hydrochloride found in the bag should have been regarded inadmissible as evidence. He
also maintained that CID never graced the occasion of his setting foot for the first time at
Tammocalao beach. BADUA certainly never prevented him from running away, as such
thought failed to make an impression in his mind. Most significantly, he denied ownership
and knowledge of the contents of the bag, emphasizing that RONG alone exercised
dominion over the same.
 Parong, (hereafter PARONG) a Sangguniang Bayan member, recalled that on the date in
question, he arrived at the beach with the police. He saw CHUA standing with a bag beside
him. He also remembered hearing from the people congregating at the beach that CHUA
arrived with a companion and a certain policeman Anneb had chased the latters car. He
additionally claimed that when the crowd became unruly, the police decided to bring CHUA
to police headquarters. There, the mayor took charge of the situation -- he opened CHUA's
bag with the assistance of the police, he called for a forensic chemist surnamed CID to take
a sample of the contents of the bag, and he ordered his officials to find an interpreter.
Throughout the proceedings, photographers were busy taking pictures to document the
 Last to testify was Arsenio CRAIG, a farmer and resident of Tammocalao who narrated that
he was standing with CHUA on the beach when two men and a lady arrived. They were
about to get a bag situated near CHUA when they detected the arrival of the local police.
They quickly disappeared. CRAIG then noticed ALMOITE and PARONG at the beach but
not CID.

Issue Ratio
W/N the - No, the Court, finds that these do not constitute “probable cause.” None of
warrantless the telltale clues, e.g., bag or package emanating the pungent odor of
arrest, search and marijuana or other prohibited drug, confidential report and/or positive
seizure conducted identification by informers of courier(s) of prohibited drug and/or the time
under the facts of and place where they will transport/deliver the same, suspicious demeanor
the case at bar or behavior and suspicious bulge in the waist — accepted by this Court as
constitute a valid sufficient to justify a warrantless arrest exists in this case. The term
exemption from probable cause had been understood to mean a reasonable ground of
the warrant suspicion supported by circumstances sufficiently strong in themselves to
requirement. warrant a cautious man’s belief that the person accused is guilty of the
offense with which he is charged. Specifically with respect to arrests, it is
such facts and circumstances which would lead a reasonably discreet and
prudent man to believe that an offense has been committed by the person
sought to be arrested. In cases of in fragrante delicto, arrests, a peace
officer or a private person may without a warrant, arrest a person, when, in
his presence, the person to be arrested has committed, is actually
committing, or is attempting to commit an offense. The arresting officer,
therefore, must have personal knowledge of such facts or as recent case
University of the Philippines College of Law

law adverts to, personal knowledge of facts or circumstances convincingly

indicative or constitutive of probable cause.
- The search cannot therefore be denominated as incidental to an arrest.
While a contemporaneous search of a person arrested may be effected to
deliver dangerous weapons or proofs or implements used in the
commission of the crime and which search may extend to the area within
his immediate control where he might gain possession of a weapon or
evidence he can destroy, a valid arrest must precede the search. The
process cannot be reversed. In a search incidental to a lawful arrest, as the
precedent arrest determines the validity of the incidental search, the
legality of the arrest is questioned in a large majority of these cases, e.g.,
whether an arrest was merely used as a pretext for conducting a search. In
this instance, the law requires that there be first a lawful arrest before a
search can be made — the process cannot be reversed


WHEREFORE, for all the foregoing, the decision of the Regional Trial Court, Branch 66, San Fernando,
La Union in Criminal Case No. 4037 is hereby REVERSED and SET ASIDE and accused-appellant
CHUA HO SAN @ TSAY HO SAN is hereby ACQUITTED of the crime charged, the evidence not being
sufficient to establish his guilt beyond reasonable doubt.

Costs de oficio.


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