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Warming up:
a. Have you introduced yourself in Bahasa?
b. Have you introduced yourself in English?
c. Can you introduce yourself in English?

Greeting means welcoming someone with particular words or particular action.
Here some expressions and responds you can use to greet people:
Greetings Responds
Hallo, Hallo,
Good morning Good morning
Good afternoon Good afternoon
Good evening Good evening
How are you? I am fine, thank you and you?
How are you doing? Very well thank you, and how are you?
How do you do? How do you do?
How is everything? I better than before, thanks and you?
How are things? I’m doing well, thanks and how about you?
How’s life? Great! And you?
How’s your day? Not bad, thanks. How about you?

When you greet someone and say “how do you do?”

It means “Hello”


Here are some expressions to introduce yourself in a forum:

 Good Morning, in this chance I would like to introduce myself. My name is…
(Selamat pagi, dalam kesempatan ini saya ingin memperkenalkan diri saya. Nama saya….)
 I would like to introduce myself. My name is…
(Saya ingin memperkenalkan diri saya. Nama saya …. )
 Let me introduce myself. My name is…
(Izinkan saya memperkenalkan diri saya. Nama saya …)
 I’d like to introduce myself. My name is…
(Saya ingin memperkenalkan diri saya. Nama saya …)

Introduce yourself (Less Formal) Asking someone’s name

My name is James. What is your name?
(Nama saya James) (Siapa namamu?)
My full/Complete name is Arata Surya. What’s your name?
(Nama Lengkap saya Arata Surya) (Siapa nama mu?)
Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Ryu Ken. What is your last name?
(Izinkan aku mengenalkan diriku. Namaku Ryu Ken) (Siapa nama belakangmu?)
I’m Arata. Arata Surya. May I have you name?
(Aku Arata. Arata Surya) (Bolehkan aku tau nama mu?)
Introduce Your Nickname Asking Someone’s Nick Name
My nickname is Kirana How can I call you?
(Nama panggilan saya adalah Kirana) (Bagaimana aku harus memanggilmu?)
You can Call me Ryu What should I call you?
(Kamu dapat memanggilku Ryu) (Aku harus memanggimu siapa?)
People call me Arata How do I call you?
(Orang-orang memanggilku Arata (Bagaimana aku memamnggilmu?)
Just call me Alex How should I call you?
(Panggil saja aku Alex) (Bagaimana aku harus memanggilmu?)


Listen and Repeat!

Situation: Ryu is a new student; He wants to introduce himself with other who he meets in International
College’s garden.
(Situasi: Ryu adalah siswa baru, dia ingin mengenalkan dirinya dengan orang baru dia temui di taman
International College.)

Ryu : Hay, Good Morning

(Hay, Selamat Pagi)
Ahyu : Oh, hay Good Morning
(Oh Hay, Selamat Pagi)
Ryu : I wanna be your friend. My name is Ryu Ken. What is your name?
(Aku ingin menjadi kawanmu. Nama ku Ryu Ken. Siapa namamu?)
Ahyu : All Right, My name is Ahyu Pratama, just call me Ahu. By the way how do people call you?
(Baiklah. Nama ku Ahyu Pratama, panggil saja aku Ahu. Ngomomg-ngomomg bagaimana
orang memanggilmu?)
Ryu : People call me Ryu.
(Orang memanggilku Ryu)

Complete the conversation

Situation: This this Devon’s first class. He meet new friend and he introduces himself to his new
(Situasi: Ini kelas pertama Devon. Dia bertemu dengan teman barunya dan dia memperkenalkan dirinya
kepada teman sekelasnya.)

Devon : Nice lecture, isn’t it?

Anya : Yes, You are right.
Devon : ehm,.. I’m Devon, _______________________________?
Anya : Oh, Hy Devon, I am Anya Claudia
Devon : _________________________________________?
Anya : You can call me Anya, and _________________________?
Devon : People call me Dave.
Make a conversation about introduce yourself with new friend. Ask your friend about his/her nick name.

The expressions of introducing someone to other

 This is friend of mine, Daniel.

(Ini adalah teman saya, Daniel.)
 Please meet my friend, his name is Daniel.
(Ini adalah teman saya, namanya Daniel.)
 Let me introduce you to my friend, his name is Daniel.
(Biarkan saya kenalkan Anda dengan teman saya, namanya Daniel.)
 I am Panji and he is Daniel.
(Saya Panji, dan ini Daniel.)
 Hi, my name is Panji and he is my friend, Daniel.
(Hai, nama saya Panji dan ini adalah teman saya, Daniel.)


The Verb be (to be)

Subject Verb be Example

To be
I Saya am I am Devon. I’m Devon.
You Kamu are Yes, you are right. Yes, you’re right.
They Mereka are They are Tomy and Bhara. They’re Tomy and Bhara.
We Kita are We are students. We’re students.
She Dia (Pr) is She is my English lecturer. She’s my English lecturer.
He Dia (Lk) is He is my friend. He’s my friend.
It Benda is It is my pencil. It’s my pencil.
Grammar Exercise
Complete these sentences with the suitable to be!

1. Diana _________ a smart student.

2. Rommy and Ghama _________ over there.
3. Gilang _________ in the libary
4. _________you Rasya?
5. _________ those pencils yours?

Complete the conversation then practice.

Nick : Excuse me, _________ you Rama Miller?

David : No, I _________ not. My name _________ David Andrian. Rama _________ over there.
Nick : Oh, Sorry

Nick : Excuse me, _________ you Rama Miller?

Rama : Yes, I _________.
Nick : Hi, my name _________ Nicky Johnson.
Rama : Oh, you_________ in my English class, right?
Nick : Yes, I _________.

Possessive Adjective
Subject Possessive Adjective Example
(Kata ganti kepemilikan)
I My My name is Ryu Ken / my name’s is Ryu Ken.
You Your What is your name?/What’s your name?
They Their Their names are Tomy and Bhara.
We Our Miss Andien teaches our class.
She Her What is her name? / What’s her name?
He His What is his name? / What’s his name?
It Its Sleeping is only its job.

Grammar Exercise
Complete these sentences with the suitable possessive adjective!

1. Andrea drives _________ car to the top of hill.

2. Rommy and Beth buy _________ mother a beautiful dress from Japan.
3. Gilang, where is _________ brother?
4. Hello, what’s _________name?
5. _________ name is Bhara.
6. Let me tell you Nilla’s address, _________ house is on daffodils street number 15.
7. We must submit _________ assignment on Thursday.
8. Andra and Beny often enjoy horror movie with _________ roommates.
9. I want to go to department store with Sheilla. Do you know _________ address?
10. Donny always helps _________ mother to sweep the floor every day.

Parting Phrases

These parting phrases depend on the situation and the people involved their social status, and personal

Leaving and Saying Good bye

 Talk to you later.
(Kita lanjutkan besok.)
 See you later, See you tomorrow, and See you soon.
(Sampai jumpa besok.)
 Anyway, Guys I’m going to make a move.
(Ngomong-ngomong, aku harus pergi nih.)
 All right, everyone, it’s time to head off.
(Baiklah semunya, ini waktunya untuk berpisah.)

Saying good bye in hurry

 Excuse me; I need to go right now.
(Permisi, saya harus pergi sekarang.)
 It’s really nice talking and getting to know you, but I need to meet my friend now.
(Sangat menyenangkan berbicara dan mengenal Anda, tetapi saya harus pergi menemui teman
saya sekarang.)

Other ways to saying good bye

 See you again.  Good Night
(sampai jumpa lagi) (Selamat malam/tidur)
 See you later.  Take care
(Sampai jumpa lagi) (Hati-Hati)
 Have a nice/good day  So long
(Semoga harimu menyenangkan) (Sampai Nanti)

Think the most suitable reaction to the following phrase.

1. How are you? ________________________________________.

2. How do you do? ________________________________________.
3. Please to meet you. ________________________________________.
4. I hope to see you again. ________________________________________.
5. Have a nice day. ________________________________________.
6. Good to see you again. ________________________________________.
7. How’s life ________________________________________.
8. Glad to see you ________________________________________.

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