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A sudden sound effect and cut to.

Shot from below into the restaurant from the outside showing only
the restaurant and nothing else to give a confined feeling to the
audience while it is raining heavily outside.

Cut to.

An inside shot from the kitchen slowly zooming into the kitchen door
while a build-up music plays and a slow verbal spat sound
intensifies as the camera moves towards the door.

Cut to.

2 people fighting inside the restaurant while a blurred off focus

person from the back has gotten up

Cut to.

The kitchen door shot again with the build up music as we get closer
to the door.

Cut to.

Third person’s POV which is blurred and muffled and as shaky as

possible but looks steady gets up and moves towards the fight.

Cut to.

Again back to the kitchen as the moving towards the kitchen door
continues with bg intense build up music plays and a gunshot is
heard which suddenly stops all the music and the scene ends.


Scene – 02

Cut to quick back to back fast cuts of:

1. Cutting veggies and other stuf

2. Boiling pasta
3. Preparing dish
4. Presenting the dish with garnishing.

Close shot of dish kept on the counter then Neel’s hand picks up the
dish and we slowly pan out to a mid shot of neel aman verma carrying
the dishes to the customers sitting on middle sofa table. (Can cut
to ots also and track him in single shot to the customer)

(Mid shot of him keeping one dish at one girl’s table from side
angle and when he keeps the other dish down on the table we cut to
shot from inside the table keeping neel and the 2 girls in a frame
using rule of thirds. While doing all this he says the dialogue.)

Neel: Here you go ladies, cheese pasta for you and chicken etoufe
for you. I’ll be around if you need anything, something to drink

Then he turns around from the table and the camera cuts back to a
close shot of him walking back to the counter with a lively smile.

Cut to the static shot of Neil walking towards the reception facing
the camera. Another customer is waiting to make the payment at the
reception. Close up shot of the two having a convo with new
customers walking and sitting at the first table.

Voice over sound of customer calling Neel. Close shot of neel’s

attention shifting towards the voice. He walks out of frame and we
show the pig kept on the counter.

Cut to him talking to the new customers. Combination of various

shots to cover this scene. But the part where Neel explains about
the pork dish we keep a close shot to show expression changes.

After taking the order he walks towards the kitchen and we take a
back shot. Then Voice over of subordinate calling him. We wait for
him to turn around then we cut to long shot sideways of The
policeman, subordinate and neel in one frame. We slowly zoom in
towards them when they shake hands. Then various shots cover the
conversation. (Basically we have to end the scene at the counter, so
let neel says sir please come towards the counter my customers are
getting tense so the walk and talk till they reach counter) Then
conversation ends. Everyone moves out of the frame and we close in
towards the pig toy. Slowly fade out and FADE IN TO…

Shot of the corridor with flickering lights establishing its empty.

Sounds of hurried footsteps and panting. Cut to Abeer shown jogging
wearing drenched clothes(police uniform) kind of happy and nervous
to see his newborn. Voices of his mother and friends are heard while
he is running towards the operation theatre. He barges in and we see
the nurse with a smile on her face pointing towards the baby. He
goes towards the cot and we take a low angle shot of his expression
he looks happy.Then he picks up the baby cut to

Close shot of him holding the baby when his hands are filled with
the blood of his stillborn child. His expression changes to trauma
and we slowly close in on his face and then cut to him waking up
from this nightmare and he is shown sleeping by the side of his bed
on the floor. He is shown frantically searching for his pills. He
crawls towards the bedside table and takes 1 pill out and swallows
it. We show through middle shot of him relaxing and slowly panning
out showing his bedroom.

USING JUMP CUTS: We show him pulling out a chair sitting down
opening the box of cigarettes taking one out and lighting it and
then relaxing back on the chair.

Then grabs his wallet places it on his thigh pulls out the picture
of his wife and stares at it. Lo fi synth tones playing in the
background (sad romance vibes)

The phone on the table rings. He slowly picks it up without changing

his posture. We do not cut until he says hello. then there is no
reply so he cuts the phone the and then keeps it on table.


Phone rings again no answer. We slowly progress from mid-long shots

to close shot but no panning direct cuts closer to his face. By the
time the actual call with his own audio comes we should be in close
shot range.

After the call cuts the policeman freaks out while the camera now
slowly pans out and stops at certain distance that covers his upper

He is shown frantic not looking at the phone then when the

subordinate calls without looking at the phone he picks it up and
shouts kaun hai bc? Then the subordinate says its me and the mood
again changes to normal with the help of music.

As he is speaking to the subordinate on the phone he gets up from

the chair and stands near his window gazing outside the window
(close shot sideways showing street light and moon light reflecting
on his face gently) zoning out from the phone call thinking about
the conversation he had with his doctor about the anti-anxiety
pills. Then he comes back to reality and finishes the convo with

SCENE 04 –

Tracking shot of car on street from top. Very scarcely lit road.
Basically the time when the city has gone to sleep and its only
Abeer’s car. Cut to abeer driving car. Close shots similar to
‘Drive-kavinsky’. Slowly pulls towards parking we take shot of
driver view he switches off car. Cut to waiter cleaning his
restaurant and closing lights.

Mid shot of waiter facing away from the entrance. Policeman enters
and says ‘band ho gaya kya?’

Waiter turns and is shocked. By this time policeman hurriedly sits

on a chair and then it’s a typical waiter customer interaction
shoot. Fade out

Fade in: When the waiter sits down with him and police is eating, we
take normal cuts. This scene depends on the dialogues and the
context behind each dialogue. So we switch between mid shot,close
shot and ots. While conversing with the owner, Abeer is constantly
looking around the restaurant analysing it. He notices a calendar
hanging near the reception which has a red circle on a date two days
from that day.

After the conversation finishes show the police officer getting up

and moving out of the restaurant keeping the focus on neel.

Cut to: policeman in his car, shot from side seat and from
windshield of him speaking on phone with salve.


Morning scene owner seen leaving his restaurant, sits on his bike
and starts driving towards market. One shot from opposite side of
road tracking neel panning from right to left, as we pan salve comes
into frame (wearing his helmet) and we stop there while neel passes
by. Now the camera is only on salve while he follows neel. Close
shot of salve whenever he speaks sometimes cutting to his view while
driving (preferably pov)
Shots of salve tailing the owner in bike. The owner goes to the
market. High angle shot of the market. Cut to the owner buying
groceries Cut to Salve reporting the market scenario to Abeer.

Quick cut to both of them returning back to the restaurant. Salve is

at a hidden corner around the restaurant from where he is watching
neel enter the restaurant while he is on the phone speaking to
abeer. After some time. Neel is seen exiting the restaurant with a
package in his hand towards salve. Salve understands he is caught
but acts cool. Glancing at neel while talking on the phone with
abeer. Then neel comes up to him and delivers the burgers..


Classic mid shot of salve watching the cctv footage while the shop
owner plays the footage and reacting to it. Cut to SALVE walking
towards the camera at a fixed point and then stops at a close range
to call Abeer and inform him about the new lead.{single shot}

Cut to the interrogation room where the owner is seen waiting

nervously. Cut to a scene where abeer and salve are discussing about
how to drill the owner. Camera follows abeer as he enters the
interrogation room. Cut to him throwing the file on the desk in
front of the owner. Focus on the file which has screenshots of the
CCTV found in the shop of some third person, grabs a chair and sits
down infront and lights a cigarette (smoke isn’t like by the owner)
Abeer shifts the file towards the owner and nods in a way to
indicate the owner that he needs to read it, while the owner opens
it and takes a glance at it, abeer has gotten up and from behind the
owner has taken a round and is now sitting very close on the table
just besides him and gives him a very cold look.

Mixture of shots (ots, mid shots, close ups) of the interrogation

between Abeer and Neel.

Shot from one corner of neel’s side of the table of abeer getting up
and walking towards neel. Cut to mid shot of owner’s face and mid
portion of abeer’s body is shown standing beside neel he slowly
keeps his fist on the table to scare neel while neel is saying is
saying “sir, kuch samajh nahi aaya”

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