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A Detailed Lesson Plan in English 10

November 8, 2018


I. Objectives/Learning Competencies
A. EN10RC-IIIa-2.2.1: Overall artistic value of the structure and elements of
the selection (structuralist/formalist)
B. EN10V-IIIa-13.9: Give expanded definitions of words.
C. EN10LT-IIIa-2.2: Explain how the elements specific to a genre contribute to
the theme of a particular literary selection.

II. Content/Subject Matter

Topic: A Day in the Country by Anton Chekhov
References: English 10 Learner’s Material, pages 279-285
Materials: Daylight projector, English 10 Learner’s Material, paper and pen, Manila

III. Procedure
A. Routine Activities
Checking of attendance, arranging of chairs, cleaning of the room, etc.

B. Motivation/Pre-Reading
1. Answer the following questions
a. What are God’s wondrous creation? Cite some living and non-living
things that God created.
b. Based from the activity, tell me what do you know, what do you want,
and what do you want to learn about the topic today.
2. Vocabulary Building
Form five groups. Go over the text “A Day in the Country” and look for at
least two unfamiliar words. After that do the following.
a. Group I - Vocabulary Rock and Roll
Define the word Draw it
Something that means the same Act it out!
Something that means the Something that reminds you
b. Group II – A Tricky Word
The word __________________________________
Page no./Paragraph no. _____________________
I think it means ___________________________________
Clues ____________________________________
Its meaning is _____________________________________.

c. Group III – Magical Word

Word _______________________
It reminds me of _____________________ .
It actually means _________________________.
d. Group IV and V – Trash Can Thesaurus
Throw away overused words and replace them with better expressions.
Word/s to “Throw Away”

Synonyms to be used instead

e. Expandable
-Two volunteers from each group will go to the front and get their
-They will look for their mother to form another word.
-A student who cannot find his/her mother will choose one word for
him/her to define.

C. Reading Proper
Each group is given certain page to read. After that, one representative from
each group will summarize the page given to his/her group. While reading,
they have to write questions which start with what, when, where, why, and

D. Discussion
Each group should think of questions that start with what, when, where, why,
and how. These questions should be answered by other groups. If the
questions couldn’t be answered by a certain group, the point will be given to
the group who raised the question.

E. Post Reading
- Students will cross out the item which they think is the answer to the given
-They have to follow these patterns (diagonal, horizontal, and vertical) to win
the game.
-The first group who can create any of the patterns will be given ten points.
Eight points is given for the second place and six points for the third place.

Fyokla Orphans Village Reflection Cobbler
Of nature’s

Silanty Silich Terenty Danilka sparrow Wisdom

Country folk

10 years old Between BONUS POINT Fyokla’s sacristan

8:00 & 9:00 hand was
a.m. stuck into a
hole of the
Between nightingale rich Eight years Twelve years
9:00 & 10:00 old old

Six years old Seven years Gnilya Nine years Danilka’s

old Zaimishtcha old hand was
stuck into a
hole of the

F. Generalization
What do you think is the theme of the story you have read?
G. Valuing
If you were Terenty, would you help Danilka and Fyokla? Why/Why not?

IV. Evaluation
With your groupmates, use the chart below to analyze the short story “ A Day in
the Country”. Use the questions provided as your guide.

Element Description
1. Character/s: Who are the
characters in the story?

2. Setting: Where and When does

the story take place?

3. Conflict: What is the main

problem in the story?
4. Plot: What is happening in the
story? What is the story about?
5. Tone/Mood: What is the
author’s attitude toward the
subject? What kind of emotion
or feeling do you get after
reading the story?
6. Point of View: Who is telling or
narrating the story? Is one
character acting as a narrator
(first person), or someone telling
what is going on (third person)?

V. Assignment/Agreement:
A. What are the Cases of Pronouns?
B. Read the given excerpt from the story “A Day in the Country” on page 288. Fill
out the table with correct cases of the pronouns taken from the excerpt.

Prepared by:

Subject Teacher

Checked by:

Head Teacher III – English Department


Secondary School Principal II

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