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Marvelous College of Technology, Inc.

M.H. Del Pilar St., Brgy. Zone IV,City of Koronadal,South Cotabato

Tel. # +63(083) 228-8756/ Email:



This Project Proposal entitled

Essensxia Computer Center

Point of Sales and Inventory System


Cabrido, Bryan
Agsaluna, Kate
Panes, Aljon

And submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology degree has been examined and is
recommended for acceptance and approval

Mr. Ryndel Gabac,LPT

Project Adviser
Marvelous College of Technology, Inc.
M.H. Del Pilar St., Brgy. Zone IV,City of Koronadal,South Cotabato
Tel. # +63(083) 228-8756/ Email:



This Project Proposal entitled

Essensxia Computer Center Point of Sales and Inventory System

Developed By:

Cabrido, Bryan
Panes, Aljon
Agsaluna, Kate

After having been presented

Is hereby approved by

Mr. Ryndel Gabac, LPT

Project Teacher
Marvelous College of Technology, Inc.
M.H. Del Pilar St., Brgy. Zone IV,City of Koronadal,South Cotabato
Tel. # +63(083) 228-8756/ Email:

Marvelous College of Technology, Inc.
M.H. Del Pilar St., Brgy. Zone IV,City of Koronadal,South Cotabato
Tel. # +63(083) 228-8756/ Email:
Marvelous College of Technology, Inc.
M.H. Del Pilar St., Brgy. Zone IV,City of Koronadal,South Cotabato
Tel. # +63(083) 228-8756/ Email:
Marvelous College of Technology, Inc.
M.H. Del Pilar St., Brgy. Zone IV,City of Koronadal,South Cotabato
Tel. # +63(083) 228-8756/ Email:

This study focuses only on sales and inventory monitoring system of Essenxia

Computer Center. Along the process, the sales incurred by the said

establishment will be computed and updated automatically and dynamically

during every transaction this transaction refer to the process and recording of

products will be made accurate, fast and reliable due to the reduction of human

errors accuracy of data provided by the system. The system will also provide

automated and dynamic searching of products to respond to product inquiries it

will generate accurate records on the inventory, sales and transactions and lastly,

it will provide system security to protect the business data stored in the database

obliging user to log in and open their specific account, which in turn, are granted

by the system administrator, manager or owner.

This study doesn"t cover the following features the uses of barcode technology

for advance product-searching capability, payroll for employees and biometric

scanner for system security. It doesn"t also support online transactions, accepts

payments through checks, credit cards or debit cards and calculates cash flow,

including the total expenditure, and the flow of cost and benefits.
Marvelous College of Technology, Inc.
M.H. Del Pilar St., Brgy. Zone IV,City of Koronadal,South Cotabato
Tel. # +63(083) 228-8756/ Email:


Sales and inventory System is one of the basic problems in almost every company.

Before computer age and integration, paper tables and paper works solution were being

used as inventory management tool. These we being far from being a solution, took so

much time, even needed employees just for this section of organization. Every process

was based on paperwork, human fault rate was high, the process and the tracing the

inventory losses were not possible,and there was no logging systems. After the

computer age, every processed is started to be integrated into electronic environment.

Now we have qualified technology to implement new solutions to these problem.

Software based systems bring the advantages of having the most efficient controls

with less effort and employees. These developments provide new solutions for also

inventory systems in these context.

Marvelous College of Technology, Inc.
M.H. Del Pilar St., Brgy. Zone IV,City of Koronadal,South Cotabato
Tel. # +63(083) 228-8756/ Email:
Marvelous College of Technology, Inc.
M.H. Del Pilar St., Brgy. Zone IV,City of Koronadal,South Cotabato
Tel. # +63(083) 228-8756/ Email:

Table of Content

Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Background of the Study

1.2 Statement of the Problem

1.3 Current State of Technology

1.4 Review of Related Literature

1.5 Objectives

1.5.1 General Objectives

1.5.2 Specific Objectives

1.6 Significance of the Study

1.7 Definition of Terms

1.8 Scope and Limitation



Chapter 2: The Existing System

2.1 Company Background

2.2 Description of the System

Marvelous College of Technology, Inc.
M.H. Del Pilar St., Brgy. Zone IV,City of Koronadal,South Cotabato
Tel. # +63(083) 228-8756/ Email:



1.1 Background of the Study

Essenxia Computer Center started in 2008 as an IT products retailer. They

mainly sell computer sets, accessories and components. It then grew from a being an IT

products retailer with a lone store in general santos and Koronadal to a chain of

computer. From 2008s to 2016, Essenxia became the local reselling partner to various

global technological brands such as Acer, Hewett-Packard, Logitech, and Seagate. With

high sales from Essenxia within that year, the company was given citations such as the

Acer's Excellent Major Account Development Award in 2013 and Cisco's Retail Store of

the Year in 2015. Upon their development to attain nationwide reach, Essenxia opened

their subsidiary store, Micro Valley Computer Center, Micro Valley are focused more on

computer parts and accessories, and also offers extended computer repair service.

Meanwhile, from IT products expanded their sales to computer accessories, gadgets,

android phones and tablets, and digital printers. In 2012, they became the country's

retailer of Korean manufacturer of computer components. Despite the aggressiveness

of their competitors, Essenxia Computer Center became the predominant in the

computer retail versus its closest rival Silicon Valley Computer Group Philippines with

51 branches and Gaisano Interface Computer Systems with 20 branches.

The point of sale inventory management system allows a business owner to

have more than one business location and adequately keep track of inventory at each

without being present. No more worries about employee theft or pricing inconsistency
Marvelous College of Technology, Inc.
M.H. Del Pilar St., Brgy. Zone IV,City of Koronadal,South Cotabato
Tel. # +63(083) 228-8756/ Email:

between one location and another. The boss can be away and not worry about

employee theft. Employee efficiency can be maintained. Point of sale systems take care

of those problems that result when management isn't present. Pointed out that manual

sales systems are time consuming, it is very tedious, lots of paper work, slow data

processing, it is not user-friendly environment and it is difficult to found records due file

management system. In an early age when the most of the company are still using the

manual system in the sales and inventory most of the company encountered so many

problems and this is because of the process of the existing system is too slow and too

long. Manual inventory management system can help sales and production managers

control costs by identifying lost sales due to inventory shortages; inventory overrides on

products that are not selling; losses due to employee’s theft or damage. Implementing

an inventory management system can take a large amount of time depending on the

size and diversity of inventory. ERRORS! Beyond it being time consuming, inventory

counts and incorrect sales figures can be detrimental to your business.

To overcome the deficiencies of manual system, many companies have automated their

inventory system. This system is used to track or monitor the merchandise and

goods of a retail store. With an automated Sales and Inventory System, business rely

on computers to do tasks that were once performed manually, such as inventory check

and product sales. Automated Sales and Inventory System these process can be

handled in a timely manner and also be more accurate and reliable than ever before. It

provides greater accuracy and more flexibility in the types of information and reports

that can be generated by the system. Point-of-sale systems have replaced traditional

cash registers, largely for functionality reasons. POS systems, as they are sometimes

called, are relatively easy to use and help provide valuable data for important decision

makers. In order to keep up with the record-keeping needs of small and mid-sized

businesses, a good point-of-sale system is a must. Web-based point-of-sale systems

Marvelous College of Technology, Inc.
M.H. Del Pilar St., Brgy. Zone IV,City of Koronadal,South Cotabato
Tel. # +63(083) 228-8756/ Email:

are preferred over software based pos systems because they are easily upgradeable,

and feature access from multiple computers. The best thing about having a

computerized POS System in your retail business is: as new stocks arrives and as it is

sold, it keeps the stock levels current and updated, hence making it is easier to identify

which items are selling and which items are not. A POS System is also good in

checking for any obsolete or out of date stock that needs to be disposed. If you are still

counting your inventory manually on the shelves or in the warehouse, you should think

twice about your method, for there are many advantages in using a POS System. One

advantage of a POS System is its ability to help your business achieve detailed real-

time stock level information. In addition, a POS System can also give you information

such as weather forecasts, public holidays and major

sporting events, which can be of great help in determining the stock level of seasonal


You can now efficiently and effectively handle your stock management accurately. One

of the biggest, and probably one of the most important, advantages of an automated

sales and inventory system is that it helps businesses focus on their biggest goal, to

improve the customers experience at the store. With this system, companies can have a

better understanding of customer demand through the analysis of their sales and

inventory. The retail business owners can do online selling, electronic payment

processing, integrated accounting, marketing, video surveillance and much more in an

easy way with no stress. The inventory system enables to get a complete control over

the business and it helps to perform each and every task in a quick manner and this

system makes your business to obtain a competitive edge over your competitors. The

ultimate aim of this system is to increase your profit and sales. The complete inventory

system will be very useful in making your business perform well in the market and you

can make accurate report with the help of this system. Business professionals consider
Marvelous College of Technology, Inc.
M.H. Del Pilar St., Brgy. Zone IV,City of Koronadal,South Cotabato
Tel. # +63(083) 228-8756/ Email:

sales and inventory system as the key to better management of business. It is the heart

of most businesses and is design to aid in good and manageable operation of

transaction processing activities. Most entrepreneurs this day find that computerized

sales and inventory give a far wider range of information with for far less effort. Sales

and Inventory System software are numerous in this day and age, which is a testament

to its importance in everyday business. Operating a product-based sales model without

sales and inventory system is a business suicide, and most small businesses start with

very simple sales and inventory system. This study is concerned in converting the

manual sale of the company into a computerize sale system to ease out problems. Thus

by enhancing the processes to be more efficient, fast, and accurate and also through

the aid of computer, the store may certainly increase its productivity and can compete

with other store.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

This part tackles the problem that leads to the development of the Sales and

Inventory System of Essenxia Computer Center.

Specific problems are:

1. Up-to-date reports for sales are hard to generate on a daily basis.

2. The system do not produce a real-time inventory data.

3. The system consumes a lot of time in conducting an inventory and it is laborious

for the employee assigned.

4. Time consuming in looking for existing item in the warehouse.

5. Unexpected losses of important records.

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M.H. Del Pilar St., Brgy. Zone IV,City of Koronadal,South Cotabato
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1.2 Current State of Technology

In their transactions with the customers, they are using Microsoft excel for keeping

tract all the transactions for all the records.

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M.H. Del Pilar St., Brgy. Zone IV,City of Koronadal,South Cotabato
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1.4 Review of Related Literature

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1.5 Objectives

1.5.1 General Objective

The study aims to provide Essenxia Computer Center Point of Sales and

Inventory System with an easier and more modern alternative in doing their sales.

Specifically, it aims to:

1. Provide real-time sales data.

2. Develop a system that easily generates reports to user queries.

3. Create a database that would organize necessary details pertaining to sales.

1.5.2 Specific Objectives

The following are the objectives of this study:

1. Provide a system that would create an inquiry for the products for the benefits of the

seller and buyer.

2. To provide a system that will secure important record.

3. To provide a system that will fasten the generation of inventory report and updating

records, all the data needed in producing those report will be supplied by the system.

4. Recording of new Essensxia Computer Center equipments.

Marvelous College of Technology, Inc.
M.H. Del Pilar St., Brgy. Zone IV,City of Koronadal,South Cotabato
Tel. # +63(083) 228-8756/ Email:

1.6 Siginificance of the Study

This system is important because it will provide the following:

Admin: Manages the adding stocks, updating the inventory, and determining the users

of the system.

Customer: Have the benefits of the printed receipts right after purchasing an items

Researcher: Student, teacher, programmer and web-developer can benefit in this

system through a detailed document.

Future Researchers: Would see the possibilities of upgrading the system through a

detailed document.
Marvelous College of Technology, Inc.
M.H. Del Pilar St., Brgy. Zone IV,City of Koronadal,South Cotabato
Tel. # +63(083) 228-8756/ Email:
Marvelous College of Technology, Inc.
M.H. Del Pilar St., Brgy. Zone IV,City of Koronadal,South Cotabato
Tel. # +63(083) 228-8756/ Email:

1.7 Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined according to their use in the study

SQL is an Oracle-backed open source relational database management system

(RDBMS) based on Structured Query Language (SQL).

Visual Basic is a third-generation event-driven programming language

and integrated development environment (IDE) from Microsoft for its Component

Object Model (COM) programming model, first released in 1991 and

declared legal during 2008.

Fixed Asset is an asset that is purchased for long-term use and is not likely to

be converted quickly into cash, such as land, buildings, and equipment.

Database is a structured set of data held in a computer, especially one that is

accessible in various ways.

Application is the action of putting something into operation.

Marvelous College of Technology, Inc.
M.H. Del Pilar St., Brgy. Zone IV,City of Koronadal,South Cotabato
Tel. # +63(083) 228-8756/ Email:
Marvelous College of Technology, Inc.
M.H. Del Pilar St., Brgy. Zone IV,City of Koronadal,South Cotabato
Tel. # +63(083) 228-8756/ Email:

1.7 Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined according to their use in the study

SQL is an Oracle-backed open source relational database management system

(RDBMS) based on Structured Query Language (SQL).

Visual Basic is a third-generation event-driven programming language

and integrated development environment (IDE) from Microsoft for its Component

Object Model (COM) programming model, first released in 1991 and

declared legal during 2008.

Fixed Asset is an asset that is purchased for long-term use and is not likely to

be converted quickly into cash, such as land, buildings, and equipment.

Database is a structured set of data held in a computer, especially one that is

accessible in various ways.

Application is the action of putting something into operation.

Marvelous College of Technology, Inc.
M.H. Del Pilar St., Brgy. Zone IV,City of Koronadal,South Cotabato
Tel. # +63(083) 228-8756/ Email:

1.5.1 General Objective

The study aims to provide Essenxia Computer Center with an easier and more modern

alternative in doing their sales. Specifically, it aims to:

1. Provide real-time sales data.

2. Develop a system that easily generates reports to user queries.

3. Create a database that would organize necessary details pertaining to sales.

1.5.2 Specific Objectives

1. Provide a system that would create an inquiry for the products for the benefits of the

seller and buyer.

2. To provide a system that will secure important record.

3. To provide a system that will fasten the generation of inventory report and updating

records, all the data needed in producing those report will be supplied by the system.

4. Recording of new Essensxia Computer Center equipments.

Scope and Limitation


The proposed study is limited to keeping track of sales of Essenxia Computer Center. It

is concerned with reports relevant for the management to make timely decisions and

justifiable assessment of the business. Reports which present labor auditing are not

anymore within the scope of the study.


The limitations of the study include not involving the probability that customers would

carry out credit card transactions. Also, credit is not viable to customers who directly

place orders in the center.

Marvelous College of Technology, Inc.
M.H. Del Pilar St., Brgy. Zone IV,City of Koronadal,South Cotabato
Tel. # +63(083) 228-8756/ Email:


2.1 The Existing System

Essenxia Computer Center current system employs a manual way in conducting sale

transactions. The steps indicated below comprise a summary of business activities

undertaken to process the sales:

1. The clerk lists in an official receipt the customer’s orders, indicating the quantity and

the amount of each product.

2. The customer pays the total amount indicated in the official receipt.

3. The clerk gives a copy of the official receipt to the customer, while another copy is left

to files.

4. All official receipts collected by the clerk from the day are handed for recording and

preparing the daily sales report.

5. When payment is made by the outlet, the record is updated by the clerk and a copy of

cash invoice is prepared to be sent to the outlet.

2.2 Company Background

Essenxia Computer Center started in 2008 as an IT products retailer. They mainly sell

computer sets, accessories and components. It then grew from a being an IT products

retailer with a lone store in general santos and Koronadal to a chain of computer. From

2008s to 2016, Essenxia became the local reselling partner to various global

technological brands such as Acer, Hewett-Packard, Logitech, and Seagate. With high

sales from Essenxia within that year, the company was given citations such as the

Acer's Excellent Major Account Development Award in 2013 and Cisco's Retail Store of
Marvelous College of Technology, Inc.
M.H. Del Pilar St., Brgy. Zone IV,City of Koronadal,South Cotabato
Tel. # +63(083) 228-8756/ Email:

the Year in 2015. Upon their development to attain nationwide reach, Essenxia opened

their subsidiary store, Micro Valley Computer Center, Micro Valley are focused more on

computer parts and accessories, and also offers extended computer repair service.

Meanwhile, from IT products expanded their sales to computer accessories, gadgets,

android phones and tablets, and digital printers. In 2012, they became the country's

retailer of Korean manufacturer of computer components. Despite the aggressiveness

of their competitors, Essenxia Computer Center became the predominant in the

computer retail versus its closest rival Silicon Valley Computer Group Philippines with

51 branches and Gaisano Interface Computer Systems with 20 branches.

2.3 Description of the System

The description of the system employs an electronic way of recording sale

transactions where the clerk will only enter into the system the order placed by the

customer. Below are the steps involved with the proposed system.

1 .Before the clerk conducts the sale transactions toward his customers. He or she

confirms the authority to do so by logging in his username and password to the


2. The clerk enters the customer information, the purchase and the payment details

of the customer.

3. The clerk saves the total accounts receivable of that outlet for future reference.

4. When payment is made, the accounts receivable record of the outlet is updated.
Marvelous College of Technology, Inc.
M.H. Del Pilar St., Brgy. Zone IV,City of Koronadal,South Cotabato
Tel. # +63(083) 228-8756/ Email:

5. When the customer buy the items, the system will automatically subtract the

remaining items left from the store.

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