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Cabugao Institute

Bonifacio, Cabugao, Ilocos Sur

First Periodical Test
Name: _________________________ Grade and Section: __________ Score: _____
I. Directions: Read each statement or question below carefully and fill in the blank(s) with the correct answer.
Answers may be more than one word. But before you start answering your test papers, please maintain
proper posture while sitting.  MUSIC OF INDONESIA
1. __________ refers to the combination of tones played together with the melody.
2. __________ refers to the number of parts in a musical piece and how they work together.
3. __________ is the tune of the music that you most often remember, after listening to the music.
4. __________ is the speed of the music.
5. __________ is the recurring pulse or beat in music.
6. __________ determines the characteristic qualities of the sound of every instrument or voice, creating
variety and contrast in the music composition.
7. __________ is the degree of loudness or softness that provides variety and expressive meaning in a music
8. __________- the sound of the instrument is produced by a string of the instrument.
9. __________- the sound of the instrument produced by the skin cover of the instrument.
10. _________- the sound of the instrument is produced by the body of the instrument.
11. __________ was formed out of 13, 677 islands.
12-14. The world’s largest lizard the __________, the largest flower __________, the world’s best talking bird
__________ are all found in Indonesia.
15. The most distinctive, unique and important music ensemble in Indonesia is the __________.
II. Directions: List down or enumerate what is asked for each of the following:
16-20. Instruments that play melodic elaboration in Gamelan Orchestra.
21-23. Rhythm instruments of Gamelan Orchestra.
24-27. Punctuating or colotomic instruments in Gamelan Orchestra.
28-30. Instruments that play the central/main melody in Gamelan Orchestra.
I. Directions: Read each statement or question below carefully and fill in the blank(s) with the correct answer.
Answers may be more than one word.
1. Indonesia is known for __________ paintings which convey natural themes and scenes from traditional
2-5. Indonesia’s culture has been strongly influenced by a great number of religions such as __________,
__________, __________ and __________.
6. __________ paint designs can still be found decorated on the walls of Kenyah Dayak longhouses.
7-9. The native tribes of Indonesia have their own sculpture styles that are distinct; the sculptures usually
depict __________, __________ and __________.
10-13. The most remarkable sculptures are the __________ and sculpture, the __________ of Papua, the
_________ of Batak and Nias tribe, and the __________ of Toraja.
14-16. Some Indonesian islands are known for their __________, __________ and _________ cloth.
17. __________ is a cloth traditionally made using a manual technique to from patterns.
18. In Indonesia, the __________ became the national headdress.
19. __________ is a musical genre that uses guitars and ukulele as the main instruments.
20. __________, the first president of Indonesia popularized peci as the national cap of Indonesian men.
I. Directions: Read each statement or question below carefully and fill in the blank(s) with the correct answer.
Answers may be more than one word. FITNESS COMPONENTS, BENEFITS AND TESTING
1. __________ is the ability to respond quickly to what you hear, see or feel.
2. __________ is the ability to exert maximum force.
3. __________ is the ability to move your body or parts of your body swiftly.
4. __________ is the ability to use the senses together with body parts during movement.
5. __________ is the ability to control or stabilize the body when a person is standing still or moving.
6. __________ is the ability to change and control the direction and position of the body while maintaining
constant, rapid motion.
7. __________ is the ability of a muscle or a muscle group to exert a single force against a resistance.
8. __________ is the ability of a muscle or muscle group to exert force repeatedly over a period of time
without undue fatigue.
9. __________ is the maximum range of motion possible at a joint.
10. __________ is the ability of the circulatory and respiratory systems to supply oxygen to the working
muscles during sustained physical activity.
11. __________ is a test of the upper arm and shoulder girdle flexibility intended to parallel the strength
endurance of the region.
12. __________ is a test to measure heart rate.
13. __________ is the test to measure the strength and endurance of the abdominal muscle.
14. __________ is the body’s relative amount of fat to fat-free mass.
15. __________ is a test to measure the strength and endurance of the arms and upper body muscles.
II. Directions: List down or enumerate what is asked for each of the following:
16-20. Body Mass Index classifications.
20-25. Warm-up Exercises before a engaging in a physical activity.
III. Directions: Explain the following:
26-100. How can you improve your physical fitness level?
I. Directions: Write Havey if the statement is correct and Waley if it is wrong in the space provided before
each number. FAMILY HEALTH
__________1. Not all relationships are considered to be romantic.
__________2. Without testosterone, you will be all women.
__________3. Mature males and females differ in both primary and secondary sexual characteristics.
__________4. Everyone normally produces both estrogens and androgens.
__________5. At your age, it is not ideal yet to get to serious things like getting into a relationship.
II. Directions: List down or enumerate what is asked for each of the following:
6-12. Characteristics of a masculine person.
13-20. Characteristics of a feminine person.
III. Directions: Explain the following:
21-100. Why at your age, it is not suitable for you to enter into a serious romantic relationship.

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